Hardware :: Long Delay Between Pages Printing On Canon MP830
Dec 13, 2009
I have a Canon MP830 all-in-one unit. When connected to a Windows 2000 PC or when connected to a MacOS X 10.4 machine, it worked fine. Under 10.5 Leopard and now 10.6 Snow Leopard, there is a long delay between pages when printing even simple text documents. The delay can be anywhere from 20 seconds to more than a minute. Scanning works just fine, the problem is only with printing. Unit is connected via USB, and I've tried it in different ports just in case of a bad port. I have tried both Canon's own printer drivers and the Apple drivers from 10.6 Snow Leopard. I have a 2006 Mac Pro 4x2.66 GHz with 5GB of RAM. It's the same machine which ran 10.4 Tiger without this issue, and I'm currently on 10.6.2.
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Apr 18, 2012
My boss inherited an iMac. It connects to his wireless network and will print a test page, but will not print anything else. He is running Snow Leopard.
Info:IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Mar 6, 2010
About three days ago I started having a strange latency problem with my internet connection. When I click on a link, it takes a long time to load and sometimes doesn't load at all. If I click on the "stop" button and then "reload", it loads very quickly. This doesn't happen every time I click a link, or with every link I click, but it's happening often enough that it's seriously slowing down my browsing. I'm on a Mac Pro connected via ethernet to a Comcast high speed cable connection. The cable modem is also connected to a D-Link router with a wireless network, which we use for the three other computers in the house. Here's the strange thing: the other three computers aren't having the same latency problem. It's just my Mac Pro connected directly to the network that's having the problem.
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Apr 18, 2012
Everytime I go to print an e-mail in Mail 5.2 or Safari 5.1.5 on Mac OS 10.7.3 on my Mac Book Pro 15 inch 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7, the beach ball comes up and spins for approximately 1 minute and 25 seconds.  After this time, the print dialgoue box comes up. It prints immediately after I press print in the print dialogue box. This issue happens only with these two programs, regardless of any printer I use to print. I have reset the printer system, I have rebuild the mail. I have called Apple, which led to a developer support, submitting the info, etc, but have not heard back from them. Printing is fine from all other applications, including Parallels running Windows and Quickbooks running on Windows.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 9, 2006
I have a Canon mp450 multifunction printer attched to my windows machine. I have shared the printer to my wireless network and my other windows machines can print to it with no problem at all but... Both of my macs will not print to it. I have tried to go through the printer setup wizard but it doesnt find my printer under default browser. So I searched for it under my network and found it and added it but the printer still doesnt print. I am brand new to mac but I am loving it other then this one issue.
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Apr 29, 2002
Q1: how can I delay printing? This was possible in OS9.
I have a thermal printer wich permits me to change the ribbon (Black, CMY, CMYK). If I have a mixed type of files to print, I'd put on hold (in the "print" window) the files that requires the unloaded ribbon while waiting for the other to print.
Of course, I can print all the CMYK, wait until it's done then print the B/W ones but I don't find it practical. Or I can also rush to the print center and hope to have the time to suspend manualy the ones that need it.
Q2: Once a printer is created, how can I change the associated ppd? This also was possible with OS9.
Q3: It is possible to change the printer name once it is created?
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Nov 24, 2010
Today, I purchased a Canon Pixma MX350 printer, which is capable of automatic duplex printing. However, when I go to Print in Word, the 'Two-Sided Option' in the 'Layout' menu is greyed-out. Having spent a lot of time Googling and found several similar posts (but not for this exact printer), I understand that this is normal for a Canon printer, but that I should instead have a menu that says 'Duplex Printing & Margin', under which I can select duplex printing. However, I can't find any such menu and can't think of any other way to get duplex printing. The Canon driver I originally had (which comes from the CD provided) was I found a newer one,, on the Canon website and installed it, but it didn't fix the problem. I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.8.
Since my main reason for buying this printer was because I need auto duplex printing.
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Jan 11, 2010
I recently bought a Macbook (the new one with the white unibody) running Snow Leopard. I also bought an airport extreme base station to run my external harddrive and to print wirelessly. My problem is that I can't seem to add the wireless printer to the printers list. Each time I try, the computer recognizes the printer on the network but I can't select drivers for it in the 'Print Using' menu. I already have the printer drivers on the computer (I got a link from Canon customer service and downloaded the CAPT driver installer)
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Sep 23, 2007
I'm using an sr mbp and I'm typing up a lot of notes for a class with mac office. In order to save paper I want to do duplex prints but I can't seem to find the option in page setup. How do I get to this feature?
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Nov 5, 2008
I've converted from Vista to the new Macbook and have run in to a problem with my printer (Canon MP610). One of the functions I used often in Vista was the double sided printing function. After installing the latest Mac drivers from Canon's American homepage I get a lot of printing options on my mac, but under layout the double sided printing option is marked grey and I'm unable choose this option.
Have anybody noticed something similar using a canon printer? Any ideas concerning how to fix this?
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Jul 9, 2009
I got a this printer from the free printer with new mac special and bought a class 1 bluetooth dongle from ebay.I connected it to the printer and opened the bluetooth set-up assistant and it recognized it by its name and model number. I set it up and everything appeared to be working normally but when i try to print i get the 306 error. does anyone know what to do?
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Sep 19, 2009
I'm currently running 10.6.1 and trying to double print using my Canon ip3000 printer, but that option is greyed out.
I've never used this function before and really would like to use it.
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Mar 31, 2012
My printer (Canon Pixma 9500 Mark II) overides margins set in Aperture panel when printing 13x19.
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Jun 6, 2012
I am new to Mac. Recently I bought a Macbook Air with OS X v10.7. I have a ADSL router with the Canon printer with fixed IP I have a wireless router connected to the ADSL router. This wirless rouer is in another subnet Windows 7 notebook I am able to print wirelessly to the Canon using a manual configuration (IP printing). As for the Mac, I have installed the latest Canon CUPS drivers and the Canon IJ Network Tool. I use the Canon IJ Network tool, I am not able to scan for the printer. I configure manually with the IP address such as IPP:// but it still cannot print. The status of printer goes from idle to busy.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 29, 2012
I've been having a pretty annoying problem with my Canon i560: When printing black text, instead of using the black ink, the printer mixes black from the color inks. This has been a problem for a little while but recently, the colors got a little offset so it became really obvious. Also, I just received an update for the Canon printer drivers and according to the Apple page, the Canon i560 is supported and the drivers are actually updated I'm pretty sure that it's a driver problem because I can print from a Windows virtual machine to the exactly same printer all other variables remaining the same - and guess what: When printing from Windows, black is black, colors are colors, as one would expect with this kind of printer.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 13, 2007
Brand new iMac (my first one), sitting next to my Sony XP computer. I have a wireless network and have been able to share files between the two computers. I have all of my work information on my PC and am wanting to print to my new Canon Pixma printer which is connected to the MAC. I can "see" the printer when I go to printing preferences on my PC but when I hit print, I get an error message that says the printer if offline. I have all sharing enabled on both computers and when I go into the print queue, there is a document that is in there that it won't allow me to delete because it was "sent" by the owner "Valerie"....not sure if that is part of it or not. I guess my first question is, can I print over my wireless network through my MAC to the Canon and if I can, any idea what could be impeding me from printing?
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Dec 10, 2014
I'm currently running OSX 10.9.5 on a mid-2013 MacBook Air and have hooked it up to a Canon Pixma MP230 3-in-1 printer. This printer has a built-in manual two-sided printing function, where the user flips the pages for the printer to print on both sides. This feature was working great right about until a few months ago, and suddenly the option is no longer showing up when I attempt to print out of Google Chrome, nor is it available when I try to print using the personalised printer dialog. Â
My current printer driver is, which came out in Sept 2014. I don't know how to downgrade to an older driver (I have tried several times!).Â
The option for two-sided printing is simply greyed out on the printer dialog, and there is no option to turn it on in the printer setting (no driver tab). Â
See what I mean with the images below:Â
I've searched far and wide on the internet on how to remedy this, but as I stated above, I don't have a driver tab on my printer setting, so this cannot be simply "turned on" somewhere in the settings, because I did nothing to "turn it off" in the first place. Note: other printers display a two-sided printing option on my laptop, so it's this particular printer and driver that are the issue. Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Nov 29, 2010
How do I go about print specific pages from a file/PDF? Say I want to print random pages like page 5, 9, 14 that do not go in order so the print X to X pages doesn't work for me. Any way to do that without having to send the pages for printing individually?
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Aug 3, 2010
I download label template 8160 from Avery and try to save the word template Avery downloads in Pages. I have not been able to do this.
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Jul 3, 2012
Not well versed with wirless printing, I have attempted to print a document with my iPhone 4 to my Brother Printer. The printer is confirgured for wireless printing with my iMac, and prints documents just fine with my iMac. I am not sure if I need an app to print with the iPhone 4, or my iPad 2, for that fact.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 2, 2014
In Yosemite, using Preview, I can't print anymore two pages of a PDF document on one paper, for example pages 1 AND 2 on the same page. It prints the same page (1) twice!
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Jan 15, 2010
I own a MacBook Pro (bought new in June-July 2009) and are having problems with my WiFi. I mostly use FireFox on both my mac and windows computer. I use a linksys router and have AT&T DSL. A lot of times web pages take really long times to load or do't even load at all. Web pages on my windows computer load almost fine.
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Nov 9, 2009
I'd like to capture the screen of web sites that exceed the view port of my monitor (similiar to what this Windows product does [URL]
I've purchased Jing but it won't do it. Are there any other applications available for Snow Leopard? Now I am using Jing to capture each piece of the page and then stitching them together in photoshop. There has to be a better way.
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Jan 1, 2005
When I'm in printing and want to print a specific page after viewing in Preview, is there a way to select from within Preview that certain page, or range of pages to print?
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Jul 19, 2009
I'm trying to print a PDF in landscape format with 2 pages per sheet. Which I can do no problem in the print settings of Preview. The problem is controlling which order the sheets print in. As far as I can see, none of the print options actually change anything. I can change the order, select reverse layout, etc etc, and it always prints out the same, incorrect way. What am I doing wrong?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a MacBook Pro, operating system Maverick 10.9.3 and cannot print a Pages template form in color on my HP 8600 printer. The border of the document is in color, but prints grey. Is there a glitch between Pages and Maverick, Pages and the printer or what?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Pages won't print in color
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Oct 24, 2010
I bought a Canon MX870 printer. It works great via wireless, however after say, 5 or 6 pages or print jobs, it "pauses" and stops printing. I go into the print menu on System preferences to resume printing, but this does nothing. Rebooting the router usually does the trick, and printing will resume shortly after doing that. I emailed Canon and they said to assign a static IP for the printer. I have a Belkin router, and I cannot figure out how to do this.
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Mar 27, 2012
Just updated to lion and have found that I can no longer select or unselect the collate option when printing from preview. The collate select button is available when printing from adobe reader or word, but it is nowhere to be found under any of the preview print options since the update. Has it been moved to some super secret location? Â
I included the screen shots of adobe reader and preview print windows. The collate selection button in preview used to be located to the right of the # of copies window. Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 16, 2010
I recently bought a 27'' iMac (3.2 GHz Intel Core i3, OSX10.6.4) and all was fine and dandy until yesterday when my internet connection suddenly got very slow. It takes forever to load pages, if they load at all. The rest of the iMac is fine as before, which leads me to conclude this is an internet issue. I cleared the cache and browsing history in Google Chrome and no improvement. I tried using Safari and Firefox and they were slow too.
I also have a MacBookPro (2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OSX10.6.4), so I checked the internet speed on that and it was normal. Both MBP and iMac are connected via an Airport Express. I searched various forums and threads for a solution, but I know very little when it come to these things so I quickly got stuck in technical jargon. I've tried to change the DNS server settings (first to and, then to and but this has not helped.
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May 26, 2009
Last week I downloaded the latest MAC OS and the latest Safari (beta) version as my Safari is extremely slow. Unfortunately this didn't solve the problem and it takes quite a long time to load pages from all sites that normally don't give any problems.
On my other computer (old Windows machine) this is working fine. This Windows computer as well as my MAC are connected via the same router to the internet, so that should not be the problem (I guess).
How can I find and solve the problem with the slow Safari?
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