Hardware :: Formatting Options With New External Drive?
Mar 20, 2008
I just purchased a new 750GB Seagate FreeAgent drive. I hooked it up via FireWire 400, opened Disk Utility and tried to format it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). It gave me an error message saying it was the wrong format (or something like that - I can't remember exactly). I tried every Mac OS option and it gave me the same error message.
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Apr 21, 2008
I have an external external 500gb Seagate hard drive, that works fine as a USB external but I wanted to put it inside my MacPro, is this possible without any need to format, just plug and play?
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Dec 26, 2009
if i can partition my Windows NFTS External Hard Drive. I do not want to format it because i have some important files and programs on my External Hard drive, But I also want to use it for Time Machine Backup. I was wondering if it was possible to Not format my Hard drive, Partition it, And then format the 2nd partition to Mac, and use it for time machine. I am using Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8
The Capacity of the EHD is 55.9GB
Available: 37.1GB
Used: 18.8GB
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Jan 24, 2010
I just bout this Western Digital External Hard drive, Passport SE. Anyways, I formatted it to MS-DOS (FAT) so I can use on mac and/or windows. One of the other main reasons I bought it was so I could use it to watch videos on my Xbox 360.
Now I've seen tutorials online with windows how to re-format it to FAT32 so it works properly on xbox 360 but cannot figure it out on mac? On some of the tutorials they use certain programs to do it, is there something like that for mac I can download? Is fat32 and fat the same? I know there has to be a way for me to be able to format it to FAT32 using mac.
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Mar 18, 2012
I have an external hard drive which I first used with my pc. It is formatted for NTFS. Now with my new MBP, I want to back up data, and I am having no luck. The external hard drive is a Verbatim brand, 500GB. On their website FAT32 download dosnt work! I have tried disk utility with no luck. What am I missing?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 1, 2012
how to properly format and partition an ext drive using Disk Utility. I will be making a clone using CCC.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 14, 2012
I am, I hope, at the end of a 36+ hour formatting process with this WD Elements 3TB external drive. I decided to zero out the drive and when I went to bed last night at around 12am, there were about 6 hours left in the process. This morning at aroud 9am I went to check on the drive, expecting it to be ready to go, but I found it writing a temporary file. The progress bar is about 90% done. Is this part of the normal zeroing out process? If so, how long should this take? If this ISN'T part of the normal process, what should I do?
Mac Mini 2 GHz intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 512 MB DDR SDRAM
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Jun 5, 2012
what are the disadvantages of formatting an external drive as FAT32?
MacBook Pro
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Dec 27, 2010
I bought a WD My Book Essential to do Time Machine backups. It is formatted for a PC but I was told I need to format for my IMac before I can use it. How do I do that? Is it a complicated process? I have only been using a Mac for about a year now and am still learning about them.
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May 16, 2012
Ive recently purchased a new external hard drive. I plan to use it on both Apple and Windows OS.
I was told that if I do, then i could corrupt the files/data that I will be accessing on both computers.
Is there a "universal" format for an external drive which would prevent/avoid this kind of thing happening ? How should i format it or which format should i use so that i can use the drive both OS ?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 26, 2009
Can I use time machine to back up my data without formatting the external hard drive .. If not please let me know if there is a way to back up to hard drive without using time machine.. Thank you
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Nov 27, 2009
I have an external hard drive that I use to watch movies on a Nintendo Wii and some of the movie files are over 7GB, which means when I format the drive to FAT32 I cannot copy the larger files. What are my options for getting around this problem? I have VMware fusion but I cannot easily see my external drive in XP. Is it possible to format the drive in XP and then transfer everything via VMware on XP?
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Apr 8, 2010
got a real basic question to ask and you're gonna think im an idiot for asking...I just bought a 320gb western digital elements hard drive and want to reformat it so that its compatible for both mac and pc's. i intend to format it as NTFS-3G as it would allow me to use it on the 2 platforms without having the 4GB file size restriction that fat32 has, anyway.....
when I go to reformat my external hard drive in disk utility, I see my external hard drive to the left, and there's a "sub" hard drive as a child of the external hd listed uppermost. just wandering which one of the two do i select before going to Erase>Windows NT filesystem (NTFS-3G)>erase? Do I select the uppermost drive and erase that or the lower one? or both
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Jul 27, 2010
I just got my new Seagate 640gb external hard drive and am in the process of formatting it on my MBP. However, I am not sure which format to do? My main use for the hard drive is for transferring media files back and forth between my MBP and PC using just one partition on the drive. I already know I'm not supposed to pick 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' because I believe that is to use it as a boot drive. So should I pick 'Mac OS Extended' or maybe 'Free Space'?
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Jan 19, 2008
I have an external hard drive that I was previously using on PC, having attempted to use it on a Mac, it will not write to it. I've found that I have to format to FAT32, which I think i can just about manage (yes, im a girl) but my concern is, if i format through the MAC, will i then lose what's on the hard disk as the tab says 'erase'? I have a lot of images on the hard disk so am a little petrified! Any advice for this really basic question would be appreciated!
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Apr 27, 2009
I have a MacBook with Mac OS X and Windows Vista Pro installed. Having both of these OS installed as well as Xcode, this occupies a LOT of memory and there is very little else available. So, I have a 100 GB USB external drive. I am fairly new to the Mac and so need a little help. The USB port must be extremely sensitive. If anything barely touches the USB cord to the external drive, then Mac OS X cannot "see" the drive anymore and there is an error about properly ejecting a drive. The only way that I can get it to see the drive again is to boot into Windows Vista, restart and open Mac OS X again.
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May 25, 2008
I am trying to connect to my girlfriend's father's Macbook, and you can't connect to his computer, but I can connect to her computer on the same network. I looked at the firewall settings and it has checked "Allow all connections," but I dont know what else it could be. Also, in iChat wen I click his name and go to ask to share his screen, that too is greyed out. Edit: I told them to go to the iChat menu video and click screen sharing, but that is greyed out as well. I can screenshare with her, but not him. The connection doctor has Screen sharing and Multiperson video chat Xed out due to a slow connection. So I guess I shouldn't be able to connect to either of the, but I can connect to hers, so I should be able to connect to his.
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Oct 25, 2009
My iMac G5 logic board has died. I am going to get a new iMac 27" core i5 when they become available and want to take my internal hard drive from my G5 and convert it to an external for use as a secondary back up device. I found the ultra ULTA40273 model at tigerdirect.com. Is this a good enclosure?
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Jul 21, 2009
I have an emac (currently running 10.3.9) with only a cd drive, but I would like to install 10.4 or 10.5. Is that possible with an external dvd drive? (i did try in the past without any luck... i'm just hoping that during restart, to start the installation, you can hold down a key so that it knows to read the external drive)
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Aug 24, 2010
After debating the need vs. want of the iMac and Mac Pro, I'm going to follow my brain and go with the iMac (27" i7) since I use it for work, though my work is in the business side of the music industry dealing more with email, spreadsheets and some minor music/photo/video editing (which is easily done for me via Apple`s iLife).
My real question is with the 3 external hard drives I want to buy - G Tech 1TB G Drives. I read about daisy chaining the drives, which sounds like a good idea. But am curious about it. Obviously if I have 3 external HDD's and want to use FW800 on all three of them, with only one FW800 on my computer, daisy chaining solves the problem. But in this set-up, what is the potential downside to this? Is there an upside or other reason(s) people daisy chain their drives, too?
I`ll use the iMac's HDD, of course. But I also need one HDD for work (important files, contracts, etc). One for personal (music, photo, video). And lastly, one as a back-up for the other HDD's.
What would my BEST and also cost effective option be? Buy 3 externals and daisy chain them? Use eSata (what would that entail)? Increased speed would be the only major plus I'm looking for with setting these HDD's up. Just not sure all my options...
But keep in mind I don`t need them to mirror each other. HDD 1 (iMac) has my minor importance stuff. HDD 2 has my work files and business stuff. HDD 3 is personal photos, videos and massive iTunes collection (300gb). And HDD 4 is a back-up of all the others. Raid seems to be not exactly what I need - perhaps overkill on cost, too. What do you think? Also, I know everyone has their taste in externals. I actually had great reliability in Western Digitals MyBook Studios, and My Passbooks. But some people I know had good time with the G Tech`s - aside from them looking cool.
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Oct 17, 2010
I have an external hard drive that was used on a PC. I want to use it on a Mac. I went into disk utility and did an erase. (Extended Journaled and in security options changed it to zero out data). I can now use it on the Mac how ever it is telling me that there is 54.1 MB of used space. I want to have access to this. How do I do it?
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Nov 6, 2010
I have a 2010 macbook pro with snowleopard on it & have a 7 port ac powered usb hub hooked up to it. If I plug in 1 or more external hard drives into the hub & have them working together/transferring files, will there be a big slowdown?right now my hard drives are in just usb 2.0 enclosures. Would it be worth upgrading their enclosures to firew wire - esata? would I feel a performance difference?
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Dec 1, 2008
I have an external drive that's not showing me all sizes when selected in the list view options.
Anyone know why this is happening?
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Feb 8, 2009
I have a White Macbook which is great and working just fine but i store all my music on my external 'iomega' hard drive. I do this as i move my Macbook about and i don't want to damage the hard drive and loose my music, i know i maybe slightly over careful here but i have a lifetimes worth of music and i want to protect it.
The problem comes when i try and get the music back from the Mac to my Ipod or Iphone as it tells me it can't locate 'some' of my tracks but i plug in the Hard drive and it still say the same.I thought that all my music was stored on my iomega and then when i wanted to update my ipod and iphone i just plug it in but now it's telling me that some tracks can't be located.
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Jan 8, 2011
I have a Mac OS X install on a hard drive which I've removed from my system due to installing a new SSD with a brand new install of OS X. I'd like to use the old 500GB drive as a storage/backup drive, but the file system/all my data is still intact on the drive. This could be useful as I want to keep all my data and would save me having to copy across to another drive, format the entire disk and then copy it all back.
I'm just a bit worried about what to do with the system files that were on there... can I just move all the files I want to keep out of the usual Mac home folders and then just delete all the system folders as if they were never there? Or do I have to re-format/re-partition to get the most out of the 'new' media drive?
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Feb 12, 2008
My external has been acting weird lately like crashing and just today it started not letting me trash anything off it. So I investigated more into and fiquired out that when I bought it second hand I forgot to format it for Mac. It's formatted with MS-DOS File Systems (FAT32) all this time. Now I don't if that's the reason for the weirdness lately but I think it should be formatted?
Question-although be it a lazy one, is there anyway to format an external HD with moving everything off of it? it has over 67GB of things on it. I can't move it to the internal, cause my poor little G4 is only 19GB. If there isn't anyway to do it, I will have to start burning DVD's I guess. Just wanted to check though.
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Mar 17, 2012
I bought a 2 TB Western Digital external HD for my iMac and instructions say it's set for PC and needs to be formatted for OSX. It sounds simple enough, but I'm new to Apple and want to make sure all I do is to reformat the HD thru Disk Utility.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.5 GHz 2GB Ram 500GB external
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Aug 19, 2008
When I try to format my Western Digital "MyBook" external drive, I get an error. It says "could not unmount the disk." What does this mean, and how do I fix it? Also, what's the difference between Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and not journaled?
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Mar 11, 2012
Still new to iMAC (1TB). I have an external HDD 1.5TB and initiated TimeMachine (seems easy and fit for purpose) to keep a backup of everything on the iMAC. The iMAC did not come with an installation disc - apparently I would need to download the OS again should it fail or corrupt - unfortunately I have a VERY slow net connection - is there any way of backing it up to the external HDD to avoid having to download?
I believe I can purchase a copy of Lion in a flash drive - but I have already paid for Lion when I bought the machine? Would cloning sort this issue? If so - should I put the clone (Using something like CCC) in a separate partition? Have come across Recovery Agent - does it need to go in a separate partition? Finally - for now (!!) if I have to create any new partitions on the external HDD will it erase existing files, meaning I have to restart Time Machine?
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Apr 2, 2012
I recently bought an external 1TB Samsung usb disk for my Imac.I cant get the disk to partition or format correctly.Disk utility just keeps hanging waiting for the disk to reappear!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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