Hardware :: Data Recovery On External Hard Drives / No Longer Recognizable By HD

Dec 22, 2010

I am writing about my friends computer. He has a Macbook Pro and the other day had an Iomega 500GB plugged into the 800 firewire port. He for some reason accidentally pressed down hard on the drive, heard a grinding sound and it was no longer recognizable by the MAC HD. So, he then consequently plugged in his other backup drive to begin to make a clone, which is a LaCie External, and that drive then got corrupted when he plugged it in. So now, no backup what so ever.

Tonight, he went to an appt. with an Apple Genius Bar worker and they told him it was a coincidence and that once his Iomega was corrupted and he tried to boot the LaCie off of that, it corrupted the other drives too. He told my friend he has B-tree errors and needs data recovery on the external hard drives and that could be done.

My question is can he do this himself with an $100 program or does it pay to bring it into someone? He doesn't have a lot of $$$ to spend unfortunately so that's the issue. If anyone has dealt with this problem and has had a satisfactory outcome, please do not hesitate to advise!

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MacBook Pro :: Deleted Startup And Recovery Drives - How To Get Back All Info From External Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2014

I deleted my startup and recovery drives.  I still have every thing on external hard drive but cannot get my drives back on internal drive.  Is there anyway to get those drives back and get all my info from my external drive back on my computer?

MacBook Pro

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Intel Mac :: Why Do External Hard Drives No Longer Show Up On Desktop

Jun 22, 2012

I have three external harddrives all of which are connected through different ports, all show up in finder, all show up in disk utility, but none of them will show up on my desktop. I looked at a few other posts similar to mine but the answers given to other problems have not worked. There is no way all three of my cords are causing a connection problem and I have repaired and verifyd all the drives and still nothing.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Keeping Track Of Data On Multiple External Hard Drives?

Jul 12, 2009

how to conveniently summarize (in one central location) the names of folders and files stored on multiple external hard drives?

Some of the hard drives will not always be mounted, but I will still want to see the contents the last time they were mounted

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OS X :: Hard Disk Drive Data Recovery

Jul 18, 2009

first off, long time MacRumors reader, finally joined the forum now in search of some aid.There are some other threads on a similar topic I know, but I was hoping for some So, the Hard drive in question is a Western Digital 5400rpm 320gig purchased from Amazon about 8 months ago, now the Hard drive has decided to die. I saw some early signs, but did not realise that the drive was in that bad of a condition at the time. Now, when attempting to boot into Mac OS X I get stuck at the Apple logo, with the little wheel spinning infinitely. I had a boot camp partition which worked, but could not help me and is no longer an option either. I tried using the Leopard boot disk, but Disk utility didnt do anything for me in terms of recovery or repair, I attempted to use the terminal to make an Image of the drive on an external, but it fails about 10% through, I'm assuming from corrupted data.

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OS X :: External HD Failure / Unable To Complete Data Recovery

Aug 31, 2009

So i have been searching the Internet and forums to find someone with the same issue as myself. there are many that are close to it. though nothing that has helped me in this situation. so here i go posting a thread. My USB self powered HD was plugged in with data being accessed (Movie) when the cord got knocked out and unplugged the HD. This has happened before, though not when i was accessing the HD... usually this is fine.

Any way, i herd the HD struggle three time as if the needle jumped from the physical disk, it kinda sounded like it died. though when i plug it in now it sounds fine, the disk spins and receives power.
although the disk no longer mounts. though when i look it up under the Disk Utility it sees the drive and the fancy name i gave it (though it cant mount the drive) when I run verify and repair it gives me this message which is probably pretty standard:

Verrify and Repair "NCC-1701 D"
**Phase 1 - Read FAT
Unable to read FAT (input/output error)
Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit

1 Non HFS volume checked
1 Volume could not be repaired because of an error.

boom nerdy music producer get stumped. got any tips? i have been trying to download some recovery software, though it more challenging to find them with out paying big dollar bills.

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Hardware :: Unable To Mount Hard Drive In OSX / Data Recovery Software?

Aug 5, 2010

Recently, I was hired by a client to recover the data on a new macbook pro. They said one day the computer just wouldn't start, so they brought it to the Apple store, where they switched out the hard drive. They got to keep the old drive, which I attempted to recover using VirtualLab and R-Studio data recovery programs and a USB hard drive case. Both programs did the same thing: they scanned, and kept finding errors and never even got through 1% of the disk! R-Studio even scanned for almost 24 hours and nothing came up from the partition we needed to recover! Disk utility was the first thing I tried, and it appeared to have scanned the entire drive (this was about 3 weeks prior to trying the other programs)and found a lot of errors, but was not able to recover or repair the drive.

Also, the hard drive kept making a pulsating, repeating sound while it was being scanned that sounded like it was trying to read the disk, almost a scraping sound but not quite. The drive did spin up and was recognized by the recovery programs, but it did not mount in OS X.

I was just wondering if anyone here has had a similar problem, or knows of a better program and/or a good, trustworthy advanced data recovery service she can hire to recover her important data.

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Applications :: Data Recovery From NTFS Hard Drive / Unable To Mount The Volume

Mar 30, 2010

I'm looking for a FREE data recovery app for os x to recover data from a NTFS hard drive. The hard has lost it's volume and will not mount and I've tried some other programs and I can see the files but I can't get them off because every program I've tried isn't free and won't let me copy them off. I've tried looking for one but I can't seem to find a good one. I just want to copy off the files and then I'll wipe the drive and fix the parition.

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OS X :: Data Loss On External Drives?

Sep 8, 2009

I have two USB hard drives connected to my iMac. Since installing SL, I have experienced data loss on both. Example: I open a folder in the Finder. I then CMD-UP to move to the next level up, only to find that the folder I was just viewing is no longer in the list.

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Mac Pro :: Data Transfer From External Drives?

May 29, 2012

can data from and external storage device from a windows system be used with a mac?


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MacBook :: Keep Data And Switch Out Hard Drives?

Sep 5, 2009

Is there any way for me to keep my data without using an external hard drive when switching to a bigger hard drive, I just got a macbook and I wanted to upgrade from the 120gb.

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MacBook Pro :: Managing A MBP With SSD And External Drives For Data?

May 9, 2010

Managing a MBP with SSD and external drives for data?

Its come to the point of upgrading my 2007 MBP 2.4 to a new i7 that I'm thinking of ordering it with a SSD drive. Its the biggest 'hit' to increase performance it seems. Problem is the size of the SSD drives for cost. I can justify the 256GB model but not $1300 for 500GB which would be ideal, and even if I wait 6 months or so to get a 500GB I don't see the price coming down all that much. So...

Let say I order an APPLE SSD in my MBP and use it for a boot drive and some files. How do I configure/set-up the external drive to read its files for Aperture, iTunes, documents.... Thinking now is that I would use a WD 2TB external drive in RAID so I have the files on one 1TB and auto back-up on the other 1TB in one inclosure, and another 1TB drive for Time Machine.

This kind of limits my portability, so I'm also thinking I'd also have a portable larger HD to take with me when I need it. How do I sync the files I'm working on and adding to on one external drive with the other (as easy as possible)?

I may be thinking this all wrong, so any suggestions besides just the 'how to?'

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Hard Drive Data - New SSD Drives

Sep 8, 2010

I have a stock Macbook Pro 17in i5 laptop. I just got a new hard drive. I just did a time machine backup (to an external hard drive) of everything on my computer before i switch out the old drive to a new SSD OWC...Is this enough of a back up to where once i get the new SSD drive in i simply go to the time machine and it will put everything back the way i had it on the old hard drive correct? Or is there another step i need to take to make sure i transfer all of my data safely. I cant find my parallels product key nor my Microsoft word product key so i was wondering is this going to be an issue on the new hard drive? will the computer ask for the keys or since i backed everything up in time machine will it come back like normal.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Crashed / Recover Data From Corrupted Drives?

Jun 2, 2008

My friends iBook hard drive has crashed and I'm in the process of replacing it. However, he had a lot of important data on that hard drive that he needs recovered. Is there any software that you can recommend (for Windows or OS X) that will recover data from corrupt/bad hard drives? I have software for NTFS/FAT32 but don't know of any good ones for HFS.

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OS X :: How To Recovery External Hard Drive?

Apr 21, 2009

My 500GB WD External Hard drive was dropped form a five foot fall.

i need to know how to recover the information on it, like my movies and what not.

When i Plug it in , it still powers up and runs, and I do hear spinning.

And I do see it on my desktop, but when I click on it nothing happens.

so what do I do?

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Hardware :: Unable To Mount Hard Drives / Cannot Recover Lost Data

Jan 6, 2010

I have a dead La Cie Big disk terabyte external drive. It won't mount and it isn't recoverable the way it is. So I looked inside, it's 2 x 500 gig Seagate drives. So, I took the 2 drives out and installed one of them in a Mac Pro to see if it would mount on it's own. I figured probably not, since there were two drives mounted in this La Cie external case, they must have been RAID-ed together. I don't really know much about RAID, obviously.

Disk utility saw the disk, but it wouldn't mount and gave the unreadable message. Tried to disk utility it, and it gave file system errors, not surprised. It looks like you can't separate them, the RAID must split the files onto the two disks.

Is there any point to trying the utility Data Recovery on it? Or should I just tell my boss the only way to get the data back is to send it out to a data recovery place? I don't want to try and reformat them if there is still any possible way to get the data off them. I think the drives are fine and would work as a terabyte drive in the Fantom case if reformatted, but then we lose all these important projects.We seem to have the worst luck with external hard drives.

The odd thing is that I have another dead terabyte drive, a Fantom drive in which one of the 500 gig drives started clicking. I took both 500 gig WD drives out of the Fantom case and installed the two Seagate 500s from the dead La Cie case. It shows up in Disk Utility as an unformatted 1T drive. I was hoping it might just reconstitute itself in another case, but no go. If worse comes to worse, I will reformat it and it will probably be useable.

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MacBook Pro :: External Drives - USB Vs FW800 5400 Vs 7200 Rpm - Benchmark Data

Apr 28, 2010

I recently picked up a couple of external drives, and decided to benchmark them to determine whether the interface and/or drive type made much of a difference. For those that don't want to read the details, here's the bottom line: If you're going to splurge on a FW800 interface, it's well worth fitting this with a 7200 rpm drive to maximize performance. Uncached sequential writes over FW800 were twice as fast on the 7200 rpm drive compared to the 5400 rpm. FW800 is a marked improvement over USB 2.0 as well. Full results are below. For background, when shopping for drives, I was interested in using the FW800 interface on the MBPs, for the simple reason it's rated almost twice as fast as USB 2.0. Some of the drives I was shopping for included 7200 rpm drives. My first thought was this was silly, since the interface limited the throughput to far-below the limits a 5400 rpm drive could produce, so why bother upgrading to 7200 rpm? Well, it turns out it does make a difference. I've got both a FW800 enclosure (G Drive Mini) and a USB 2.0 interface (Nexstar TX) as well as a 320GB 7200 rpm drive (Hitachi) and a 640GB 5400 rpm drive (Western Digital). So, I benchmarked both drives using both interfaces. Some interesting results! Turns out, the 7200 rpm drive does in fact dramatically improve performance in the FW800 interface. For sequential operations, Firewire has a dramatic improvement over USB 2.0; for random read/writes, drive speed seems to be a more important factor. And for large files, the combination of Firewire and 7200 rpm gives a pretty impressive throughput of almost 75MB/s. Full results are below. Note that the drive and interface are noted in the title bar for each drive.

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MacBook Pro :: Recovery Of Reformatted External Hard Drive?

Mar 3, 2012

My kid accidentally plugged my external hard drive (which I use to back up my Think Pad laptop) to my new MacBook Pro and let Time Machine reformatted it to become my mac's backup disk. Now all data that I stored before in that external hard drive is lost. How can I restore it?

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Applications :: Unable To Recover Data From Erased Drive - EMac Data Recovery

Sep 6, 2006

I have a EMac with Mac OS X vs 10.3.9 Prior user erased hard drive. Took to ADR data recovery and they scanned the hard drive and were unable to recover any data. Looking for input on other techniques to recover data from hard drive or other companies that specialize in Mac data recovery.

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Utility Recovery Of Files After Deleting From External Hard Drive?

Jun 10, 2012

I had downloaded some files to add to an external hard drive, the hard drive was assigned to a pc before adding these files so it wouldn't let me add files from my MacBook.. 

Had a look around online and made some changes (well thats what I thought) and I was able to transfer files form my MacBook onto the external hard drive. 

What I then figured out was that there was nothing left on the hard drive except for the two file sI just transferred.. 

It turns out I deleted everyting without noticing.

The stpes I followed was to go to disk utility then select the hard drive and click erase (not knowing this would erase evrything). 

So now I have two files on my hard drive and no idea how to recover the 'delted' files. 

I tried using Disk Drill, which found the files but then it said I need to buy the full version to recover them. 

I am wondering if there is any free methods to recover these files at all

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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OS X :: Unable To Recover Lost Data / Data Recovery Stucks At 33%

Sep 26, 2010

So, I'm trying to recover some lost files. I put it on Data recovery 3. Everything went fine until the power in my house went out, stopping the entire process. NOW when I try to run the process, it just stalls at 33,3%, with no indication of how much time left...

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OS X :: Best External Hard Drives For Macs?

Jan 11, 2011

i am very interested in buying a Mac. But I need an external hard drive for my stuff. What are the best 1TB or higher external hard drives for a Mac Book Pro?

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Mac Pro :: RAID 1 For External Hard Drives?

Feb 2, 2009

I currently have a 2TB WD mirror edition that is setup in RAID 1 so it will mirror all my data. Now I also have a bunch of other drives laying around which I also feel the need to back up and currently I am doing this by doing a whole bunch of dragging and dropping and copying and pasting etc etc etc and this is making me very tired. I know that a setup is possible in disk utility but I am not at all sure about how to configure it so I wont lose any of my data.

Some details about my setup:
Mac OS X 10.5.6
PowerPc G5
Harddrives: two 1TB WD MyBooks, and two 500gig WD Mybooks --> these pairs need to mirror each other and make my life less of a hassle.

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OS X :: New External Hard Drives Crashing

Feb 25, 2009

I often use external hard drives to back up my work. Recently I purchased a 1TB Lacie drive. I took a week to build a lovely new file structure for my work. At the end of this week, I began deleting the old files on other hard drives so as to transfer my new neatly structured work back on. In the midst of this, the brand new hard drive crashed, illiciting only the clicking sound of death.

That hard drive, some of my work (a very small amount but still) and a week's worth of sweat and blood was gone in an instant. The person I took it to to look at it mentioned a power surge as being a possible cause for the crash. Anyway, I returned the lacie and bought a 1T Western Digital Mybook (silver). I then began dumping the old back ups onto this.

A week in and this one is crashed too. No clicking sound of death. It calmly sits on my desk with it's unceasing unblinking blue light and refuses to show up in utilities no matter what I do. So I assume it's a goner also. I'll return it also of course. Is something causing these drives to fail...that exists in my walls? Are there power surges causing my drives to die...? OR is it simply a case of bad luck with my choices of new drives?

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OS X :: External Hard Drives Not Seen By IMac?

Apr 19, 2010

I was done doing various tasks on the iMac and when I decided to plug in the external hard drive for a Time Machine backup, the drive spun, but was never shown on the desktop.I also tried another external drive and had the same thing happen.

After rebooting (hey, this sounds like Windows!), the drive again showed up on the desktop and Time Machine worked fine.Is an external hard drive not showing up on the desktop a somewhat common issue?

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OS X :: Cloning - Hard Drives (mac Hd And External Hd) Don't Match

Apr 20, 2010

i'm cloning my mac hd (mac book pro, snow leopard) and though i've made successful clones, the sum of the hard drives (mac hd and external hd) don't match. for instance, my mac hd reads at: 233.71 GB, however the cloned external hd reads at: 216.54 GB. can anyone explain this discrepancy? are there certain things that don't go into the clone that are on the mac hd?

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OS X :: Surely All External Hard Drives Work?

Oct 26, 2010

Having chosen a useful large external hard drive I find it says 'Windows only'. Surely, though the software will not work, all I need to do is format the HD and it will work. The machine is: Seagate FreeAgent 500GB External Hard Drive USB2.0 16MB.

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OS X :: Sharing External Hard Drives Between 2 Macs

Oct 29, 2006

I am relatively new to Macs, have been using it for 5-6 months. I already know how to do everything but share folders and drives using my network connection. I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro. I have a 120GB Hard Drive hooked up to the iMac via Firewire. How can I share that Firewire External Hard Drive with my Macbook Pro? What are the steps I have to follow to connect both macs? Is there a way that I could also share my iMac's desktop files with my Macbook Pro? I already have a wi-fi connection between both computers, I just don't know how to share that hard drive between both simultaneously..

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Hardware :: External Hard Drives And USB Vs FW800

Dec 11, 2008

I have been using a MBP for a few months now and I am making a total conversion from PC user to Mac user in January when I buy a nice new 24" iMac but to go with it, I want to buy a couple of new external hard drives. I have currently got a Seagate FreeAgent 500GB USB Drive which is Windows Formatted and I will be keeping that to use with my work laptop (a Dell), and I have been really pleased with its reliability. Anyway, I have been looking around and there are some fab drives on the market but I have a couple of questions. If I get an iMac with a 500GB Internal Hard Drive, how big an External hard drive will I need to use Time Machine without having to delete backups all the time?

Also, I have been primarily looking at the new Seagate FreeAgent drives and the do a PC version (USB) and a Mac version (USB/FW400/FW800), but the 640GB USB version costs �76 whereas the 500GB FW version costs �100. Would you go for the bigger size or the added benefits of FW800? Will I notice much speed difference between USB and FW800?

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MacBook :: Looking For Compatible External Hard Drives?

Feb 26, 2009

What is the best external hard drive with 1TB for the new Macbooks? I heard a rumor the new Macbooks don't have firewire... is that true?

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