Hardware :: Cannot Mount Ext Drive After Snow Leopard Install
Aug 31, 2009I jacked in my external drive and I get a alias message error. Not sure what to do. Does you have this problem with your external drive?
View 24 RepliesI jacked in my external drive and I get a alias message error. Not sure what to do. Does you have this problem with your external drive?
View 24 RepliesI have a Western Digital 2 TB MyBook Studio II external drive that has been working fine. Now, it will not show on my desktop when it mounts. It does show in the sidebar and I can access the drive and files there, but I want the icon to show on the desktop. I connect it to my machine via an onboard Firewire 800 port, and the drive is the only device using that port. I have another Western Digital MyBook drive that mounts just fine (it is my Time Machine backup) via USB. I have 2 La Cie Firewire drives, and 2 OWC Firewire 400 drives, all 4 of which mount using a Firewire 400 hub that connects to a Firewire 400 port on my MacBook Pro.Â
I have repaired the disk (reports nothing is wrong), but I feel I have some setting for the drive in the wrong position. I just can't figure out what to do.Â
MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz., Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 Gb of RAM
The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.
Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).
So I have a MBP Early 2008, and the dvd drive has died (still under warranty, just don't want to get it fixed at the moment)
Also have a Mac mini WITH a working dvd drive. Anyway I tried the dvd drive sharing. I can see it on my MBP, even open the disc, but when i double click the install mac OSX icon, NOTHING happens.
So I used toast to make a DMG, and transferred it using my USB drive.
Managed to open it on my MBP , but when I click the icon again, this time it says not supported or some error message.
Any ideas what is going on, or if there is an alternative method I can install ?
The disc works fine on the mac mini, and the installer starts fine (but I am not upgrading that one at the moment)
I have a MacPro which I've bought a new drive for, and need to install snow leopard. My question is, can i just insert the disk and install or do I need Leopard installed first?.. if that's the case, where do i buy Leopard from as no where sells it anymore.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo my optical drive in my MBP will read single layer DVDs but not dual layers. I am currently running 10.5 and my end goal is to have 10.6 (snow leopard) on my MBP with a clean install. Problem is, my purchased copy of 10.6 can't be read by my MBP. Here is my thought process: 1st Option: Use the Remote Install OSX application to use another drive on my network. So I boot up the program on other macs in my house, restart my MBP while holding down the option key. Yet, my airport network never shows up on the white apple loading screen (just Macintosh HD). So I can't get the remote drive stuff to work.
2nd Option: Use an external HDD. Problem is is that I didn't know you have to have a blank partition for this. I have a 1TB WD External HDD with 18gigs free, but in order to make a partition, I would have to erase the drive first (am I correct on this?) I can't lose this data, and I don't have another external HDD. So is my only other HDD option to buy like a USB 16gig thumb drive (or really really cheap external), partition it with snow leopard dmg on it, and install with that?
I've been a long time lurker on these forums and you've helped me out numerous times when my computers decided to stop working.
I got my Snow Leopard disk in the post today but unfortunately my disk drive in my Macbook Pro seems to finally be well and truly knackered.
I should be able to borrow a usb/firewire disk drive from a friend, so would I be able to install ok from this external drive, and is there anything I would need to mess around with to make it work?
My 3 year old MacBook's ComboDrive doesn't work and I was wondering if I could Install Snow Leopard via a shared SuperDrive from a MacBook Pr over Wi-Fi. Is it possible to copy the installer locally and then install Snow Leopard or would I have to get an External SuperDrive?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy macbook's optical drive doesn't work so I was hoping to find a way to remotely install Snow Leopard. I've got the most recent Leopard update. I could really use that extra six gigs!
View 1 Replies View Related"In addition, it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead."
I'm a newbie here but wonder if the above AppleInsider statement is true. I installed Snow Leopard over my existing Leopard w/out a hitch. Earlier OS X retail DVD versions clearly distinguished between "Install" and "Upgrade" - correct?. I'm confused where I read Snow Leopard required an existing OS (Leopard or Tiger) to install. It appears Snow Leopard is a "full install" DVD?
I've been searching but I can't find anywhere where my specific problem is answered. Short version: Does Remote Disc work in Tiger (10.4.11)? Long version: I have the following:
Macbook running 10.4.11; busted DVD drive
PC running Win7 w/ Firewire port
Snow Leopard install disc
I'd like to get Remote Disc running on my laptop and install over the network (using my Win7 PC). I've done the terminal hack which is supposed to enable Remote Disc on MacBooks. However, Remote disc doesn't show up in my finder (not sure that 10.4.11 has a place for it to show). Does Remote disc work with Tiger-Macbooks? Or do you need Leopard? If Remote Disc won't work, can a Win7 PC install Snow Leopard via firewire to a Mac? If possible, I'd like to avoid buying an external DVD drive, as it appears Remote Disc will work in Snow Leopard. Don't have a firewire cable on me but I could buy one -- just want to be sure it will work before I waste the money.
My Macbook pro has just had a new 500gb hard drive in it and osx snow leopard had not been put on it because i never got a disk when i bought it. It still comes up with the grey screen with the flashing folder which i think would be normal because there is nothing on the hard drive. How do i install OSX Snow Leopard back on it the cheapest way possible?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
My Macbook pro has just had a new 500gb hard drive in it and osx snow leopard had not been put on it because i never got a disk when i bought it. It still comes up with the grey screen with the flashing folder which i think would be normal because there is nothing on the hard drive. How do i install OSX Snow Leopard back on it the cheapest way possible? and easiest.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
How can I install snow leopard without an optical drive? Could I take it to an apple store to get it installed or can I copy the cd over to a usb pen drive?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I want to install Snow Leopard on my MacBook using the optical drive of my Mac Pro. How do I set up the computers to do this?
Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
Is anyone running into problems mounting DVDs?
It's not consistent. Leopard is able to mount it, but Snow Leopard is not able to mount certain DVDs.
My startup HD always appeared in desktop.But since I formatted it and installed Leopard again it doesn't mount automatically in desktop.How do I do to mount it in desktop?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB RAM
I am most certain that this is the case: foolishly, I didnt leave much free space and now the disk doesnt want to mount. I tried the single user mode, I also booted from DVD, they appear but the disk utility shows the disk but I cannot repair the disk, because it is unmounted. I tried the basic commands in single user mode, no effect either. I still cant get over the blue screen with the apple logo and a circle running. I need to free up some spasce. Unforetunately, important files were not backedup, so I really cant delete the whole disk. I need to delete specific files.  I dont know where are my big files located - so, how do I orientate myself among the folders? Lets say I would delete my itunes libary, which I would later on renew thanks to the back/up, how would I delete them?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My macbook pro appeared to be crashed with harddisk problem at start time.. unable to boot to normal login screen. When I run in single user mode, I dont seem to see my thumbdrive, or external device.
I connected them via the USB ports on my Macbook pro (17")(Snow Leopard)Â I checked /dev/disk* and saw only disk0 (disk0, disk0s1, disk0s2, disk0s3). I never get to see disk1 no matter what I tried. (I've various MSDOs format, or NTFS format disks).
I followed the advise here: [URL] Am I supposed to be able to see the drive the moment I connect it to the port?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I have a Snow Leopard Install Disk for the 13-inch Macbook Pro model.I also have a 21-inch iMac. I have OS X Lion installed on both. I have Snow Leopard installed as a partition on my Macbook Pro, which I installed via the install disk. I want to do the same thing for my iMac but I am unable due to (seemingly) my install disk is for a Macbook Pro and not for an iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Today I performed a clean install of Snow Leopard on my late 2009 Mac Mini. After completing the installation, I began running software update to bring everything up-to-date.While software update did find and install a number of updates (10.6.8v1.1 Combo update, Security Update 2012-002, Apple Software Installer Update, iLife Support 9.0.4, Remote Desktop Client Update 3.5.3, Airport Utility, Java, Safari) it did not find an update for iTunes (which starts at version 9.x, I believe, in a SL clean install).I assumed that this was some sort of random glitch and manually downloaded and installed iTunes 10.6.3.After that, I re-installed iLife '11 (from a retail DVD, not the App Store).When I ran Software Update again, it found updates for Garage Band, iDVD, and iWeb, but it did not show the updates for iPhoto and iMovie.I found this to be unnerving, as I performed a clean install when I first obtained this Mini a few months ago and didn't experience any of these problems - all of my Apple software updated automatically through Software Update without a hitch.
I began researching this problem online and found that other people have been experiencing this same problem (or some variation of it), and it seems like it began appearing around the time Apple updated some of its security certificates in March.In particular, I've found several references to the missing iPhoto update.This one is especially noticeable because an iPhoto library created in iPhoto 9.2.3 will not open in iPhoto 9.0, and this generates an error upon opening the program (i.e., a user backs up their iPhoto library created in 9.2.3, performs a SL clean install, reinstalls iLife, goes through the Software Update process until it shows that no more updates are available, and are shocked to find that they are unable to open their backed up iPhoto library because they have an out of date version of iPhoto).The most common (and admittedly logical) solution proposed in the threads I've read is to download any necessary updates directly from the Apple website. However, I am curious as to why this previously functional feature now appears to be broken.Has anyone else been struggling with this? Does it indeed have something to do with the new security certificates? Is Apple aware of the problem?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
This is the first time i reinstalled(clean install) my snow leopard on my MBP. All went fine but then i inserted the disc for bundled application (which contains the ilife apps) but it keeps failing.Â
It says that "the installation failed. the installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. contact the software manufacturer for assistance".Â
I've also done my research on this matter. I've gone thru a few steps i tried as below without success:Â
1)normal install - fail
2)repair permission - fail
3)install in safe mode - fail
4) install using another admin acc - fail
5) made an image out of the disc and install - fail
6) used a similar disc(my dad's since we have identical version) - fai
7)updated my system and install - fail
8) reinstall the mac - failÂ
i cant think of any other solution as im a bit noob when it comes to mac. is there any other things i could try before taking it Apple?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm currently using a MBP 13 inch and am running Leopard on it.
I just bought a copy of snow leopard today but i don't know if I should do a direct upgrade from leopard to snow leopard, or wipe my MBP and do a fresh install so i have snow leopard on a clean slate.
Have any of you tried the second option before? Or do any of you have advice on which path I should take?
I jsut did a fresh install. wanted to use my SL DVD but the MBP i5 refused to star with it so I used the original DVD (10.5) and upgraded with the SL DVD to 10.6. However after the initial SL Installation, it tried from the SL DVD and this failed. I did a manual restart, starting from the HD and everything ran fine. however today I note there is a locked file on the HD named Mac OS X Install Data. It contains 181 .pkg files.Now I suppose this should have been moved or deleted as part of the install process. Can I move them to a file where they belong?Â
MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
Did a search through here but couldn't find anything concrete. What are the differences between a fresh Snow Leopard install and a factory Snow Leopard install? I ask because I bought an Intel SSD and don't know if I should bother cloning the hard drive that will come with my new 15" MBP or I should just install a fresh copy from a Snow Leopard install disc. I'm aware macs come with next to no junk pre-installed, but are there some factory settings that are worth preserving if they aren't documented well?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI tried to install Snow Leopard on my MacBookPro but it cannot install and cannot be ejected. I need to eject.Â
The reason for this is a long story. My logic board was replaced and my Mac was wiped clean. I am not trying to recover from back up but could not figure out the next step after the recovery finished. So I tried to install OSX from the disk that came with my Mac. Probably not the right corrective action. Â
I need to remove the Snow Leopard DVD and finish my recovery.
I'm using a iMac PowerPC G5 that I've received from my brother. He gave it to me with a fresh install of Leopard on it, but he unfortunately no longer has the disc that came with the computer that he also used to format it before handing it to me. With that said, I ordered a new internal hard drive. Naturally, I'll need to re-install Leopard, but I don't have an install disc anywhere. How is this going to be possible? Or will it not be? Do I have to buy a new Leopard install disc? If so where and how much?
View 6 Replies View RelatediMac with 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, plenty of space available and currently operating 10.5.8. Now I want to upgrade to Snow Leopard and since my Mac Mini came with it, I attempted to use the OSX install disc from the Mini in the iMac. I don't see a reason why this shouldn't work. There's no DRM or anything as far as I know. I'm just trying to bridge the gap so I can download Lion. I've looked into some of the advice others have given on this subject but my computer doesn't have those issues. I've tried booting from disc but I get the same message.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPhone 4
is it possible to install mac snow leopard on apple power pc g5
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
Clearly there must be a way to do this, right? Can I install off an external hard drive? Off a USB drive? Share my macbook pro's DVD drive somehow? If the hard drive on the mac mini is completely reformatted and I plug it into the USB port on the external hard drive which I partition and install the Leopard DMG would it be able to boot off of it?
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