Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Not Working As Intended?

Dec 25, 2009

So for Christmas I received an Apple wireless keyboard to use with my macbook. All the regular keys are working just fine, but there is something wrong with the function keys. For example, the expos� dashboard and brightness keys just dont work, and when I press the key with the fast forward picture on it, it goes into expos� mode. Not even the sound buttons are working they are used as dashboard and clear desktop.

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Mac Pro :: New Apple Wireless Keyboard Function Key Not Working ON 10.5.8

Mar 6, 2012

Tried updating keyboard os, disconecting reconnecting. Selecting/deselecting option in keyboard options. power off and on Cannot get function key to work

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Is Not Working

Apr 26, 2012

I was having trouble with apple wireless keyboard becasue it was not connecting to my imac (running on mac os x). it says "the pairing attempt attempt was inseccessful. make sure your device is in range of this computer, turned on and "discoverable" when ready click continue to try again.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: F1 And F2 Stopped Working With 10.7.4 On Apple Wireless Keyboard?

May 21, 2012

I have an Apple wireless keyboard and the F1 and F2 keys don't work. I am connecting to a early 2010 Mac mini and running OS X 10.7.4. Seemed like it quit working when I updated to 10.7.4. I've reset my SMC and PRAM twice. Is this a 10.7.4 bug? Any fixes?

Apple Wireless Keyboard, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Function Buttons Not Working

Jan 2, 2011

I have an Apple Wireless Keyboards and have noticed a problem with it. So the wireless keyboard has the EXACT same layout as my MacBook keyboard, so I would assume it should function the same. You know how along the top there are lots of function buttons? Well none of those work like they should. Clicking any of the buttons from esc (very left) to the play/pause button doesn't do anything. From there, the forward button (>>) does what F3 should, the volume off button does something I'm not quite sure what it is the volume down button pushes everything off to the side of the screen (not sure what it's called ) and volume up opens my dashboard. So is this something completely wrong with my keyboard, or is it something weird that they all do that I don't know of?

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OS X :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Stopped Working / Lost Connection With Mac?

Sep 26, 2006

im writin this message usin os x's keyboard viewer so its gonna be short.

i got an 20'' imac with apple bt wireless keyboard [i dont know if its relevant but i got xp installed w/bootcamp],it worked fine untill 2 days ago , it suddenly lost connection with the mac,i tried updatin / replacing batteries / and pairing it,it saying that the connection established with the keyboard but nothing works...

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Randomly Stops Working?

Jan 3, 2009

My Apple Wireless Keyboard is haunted. It will randomly, in the middle of sentences, or sometimes after I haven't used in a few minutes, stop responding.

The really weird part? I open System Prefs, click Bluetooth, and viola! It works again. I don't have to do anything - just open the Bluetooth prefs. As soon as I do, everything I've typed since it went dead (usually just a word or two) is actually output into the search box in Systems Prefs.

There is no rhyme or reason to this weirdness. Sometimes it will literally happen a few times an hour for days (which drives me up the wall); sometimes it'll go months without doing it. When it's doing it a lot, no amount of rebooting/relogging-in fixes it. One thing I have not tried is using a fresh user account (or Guest), because it's so unpredictable... even on my own account it will take a break and work normally for a few hours, then go right back to freaking out.

The fact that it stores everything I type when it's "not working" is the really weird part. It's like the OS is receiving the data but just forgetting to process it until I poke it and remind it, "you have stuff coming in via Bluetooth, wake up and do something with it!"

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Not Working On Windows Vista 64 Bit?

Mar 30, 2009

my Apple wireless keyboard works fine in OS X Leopard but when I load up Windows Vista my Keyboard does not work. The mouse wasn't work for awhile either but I managed to pair it and now it works except for the keyboard. I can't get the keyboard to work under Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I've gone into blue tooth settings and added the keyboard, hit properties, installed the drivers but it still won't work. I'm out of options and ready to just purchase a wired keyboard.

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Stopped Working / Left It For One Week Without Battery

Sep 4, 2009

My Apple Wireless Keyboard Stopped Working, i don't know what problem it is. its just stop, after i leave it one week without battery. this keyboard just 2 months old, any suggestion so i can get it repaired...?, is it possible to bring keyboard to apple retailer, and get it fixed there ?

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Hardware :: Disassembly Wireless Keyboard - How To Disassemble Apple Wireless Keyboard

Apr 1, 2009

How to disassembly apple wireless keyboard ? spill some milk, some of the keys want work,

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Vs. Apple Wireless Pro Keyboard?

Aug 19, 2010

I was just wondering what all of your thoughts were regarding these two keyboards. I know I can't get the Wireless Pro new anymore, however I can get it used for $20 from someone I know.

The new aluminum one however, I can get for about $40 used or just buy a new one for $70. I'm looking to buy a used one so it's pretty much the Wireless Pro for $20 vs the Wireless Aluminum for $40.

This will be going towards a set-up with my MBP which will be on an mstand, with an external monitor. I've already gotten the Magic Mouse so I'm trying to find a nice Bluetooth keyboard to compliment it.

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OS X Technologies :: BootCamp: Apple Wireless Keyboard Keyboard Mapping In Windows?

Feb 13, 2012

i am running awin7 in bootcamp. in this bootcamp i am using outlook 2010. i cannot create an "@" in emails. is there any shortcut to create an @? is there any combination to create the windows "alt gr" on the macbook air keyboard?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Wireless Mouse And Wireless Keyboard Are Not Working

May 22, 2012

My wireless mouse and wireless keyboard are not working... My bluetooth connection must have been lost, yet I can't do anything to fix it because I can't use keyboard or mouse.

Mac Pro

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Hardware :: Wireless Keyboard Not Working / Stopped Working During Sw Upgrade

Mar 7, 2009

during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..

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Aperture :: Secondary Display Command Not Working As Intended

Jul 2, 2014

I'm on a new MacBook Pro and when I ask aperture to mirror on the secondary display it just dumps the mirror display over the main screen and the secondary display is untouched.  is this a software uninstall/instal.

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Intel Mac :: The Wireless Keyboard Is Not Working?

Feb 14, 2012

I changed the batteries but it still didn't work. So I turned the batteries the other way, thinking maybe I put them in wrong, but it still does not work.

iMac, iOS 5.0.1, Can't write in a box like this.

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Intel Mac :: Wireless Keyboard Is Not Working

May 6, 2012

I just bought a new imac and keyboard is not working

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard + PS3

Jan 10, 2008

I tried syncing up my new Al bluetooth keyboard with my PS3 and it worked like a charm. I really didn't expect it to, but it functions perfectly.

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Intel Mac :: Set Up Your Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 2, 2012

i can't get past the screen lock to set see preferences for my keyboard to pair with the computer

Info:iMac, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: 2009 Alu Wireless Keyboard Numbers Not Working

Oct 3, 2010

I have a 2 month old Apple Wireless Keyboard and for some reason the numbers from 1 through to 9 have stopped working (although zero still works).

I've tried everything I can find online, but no luck: verified and repaired permissions, checked Universal Access for mouse keys etc, but can't get them working. There's no real reason for those keys not to be working but everything else to be fine. Nothing has ever been spilled onto it and it has never been mistreated in any way. It's almost as if I've somehow hit a numlock key that has stopped them working, but as far as I know it doesn't have one.

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Intel Mac :: Wireless Keyboard 2 Rows Not Working

Apr 25, 2012

I have had an iMac since 2010 and everything has been great however recently my batteries needed changing in my wirless keyboard, when i chenged them all of a sudden two rows of letters would not work.all of the function buttons work fine as do the numbers and the line of letters with q,w,e,r,t however the row with a,s,d,f and z,x,c,v do not. (except for the capslock button)They keyboard has not been dropped i simply changed the batteries and they stopped working.I have tried hooking the keyboard up to my macbook pro and the same thing happens.as i am reluctant to drive an hour to my nearest apple store, for them just to tell me its broke and i need to pay £57 for a new one.

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Hardware :: How Is Newest Apple Wireless Keyboard

Dec 2, 2010

I was curious how the newest apple wireless keyboard is? In terms of battery life? As well as pros and cons of it.. for anyone who owns it.

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Hardware :: Cleaning Your Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Dec 24, 2008

Mines starting to get dirty, like I never washed my hands.. I guess thats what I get without cleaning my keyboard in a year.

Just so you know I have the extremely thin one.

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OS X :: Use An Apple Wireless Keyboard On A PC Running Windows?

Apr 2, 2009

I would like to bring my my wireless keyboard to the office to use it with a Dell running Windows XP, is this possible?

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Hardware :: Apple Wireless Keyboard - Bootcamp?

Jun 7, 2009

Will the new, slim, wireless Apple keyboard work fine with Bootcamp running Windows Vista? Will Vista recognize the keyboard eveytime you log in, without having to re-program it everytime? I asked a worker at the Apple Store, and he said it should be fine except the "special controls". What are everyone's experience with the Apple keyboard on bootcamp?

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Hardware :: New Wireless Apple Keyboard Function Key

Oct 25, 2009

My brother just got the new iMac but he wanted my wired keyboard with the num keys, so basically we switched. I gave him my extended wired keyboard and I took his wireless to use with my MBP 13in and LED CD. So here's the problem: All the function keys don't work properly. I went into System Preferences>Keyboard and I was able to reassign the brightness keys (F1 and F2), expose and dashboard (F3 and F4). The rest...is beyond me. If it helps, I got the 13 inch MBP the week it came out. I tired running new software updates but nothing seems to help. I also have Snow Leopard installed. edit: I also checked out Keyboard viewer and it keeps showing the extended keyboard layout

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OS X :: Fn Key Doesn't Work For Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Dec 24, 2009

I bought a rocketfish bluetooth adapter(usb) and i have a PowerMacG5, and i just got the newest bluetooth wireless keyboard but the fn key wont work at all. i cant change the volume or the use the previous, pause/play keys, or fastforward because the fn key doesn't work.

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Software :: Apple Wireless Keyboard Won't Pair?

Feb 27, 2009

Several months ago, my white Apple Wireless Keyboard began malfunctioning - for example, typing 'a' would result in 'ahz'tu' or something to that effect. I thought perhaps the keyboard needed a thorough cleaning, so I turned off my computer and keyboard, removed all of the keys and brushed it clean with a stiff-bristled brush.

I replaced all of the keys (with the help of a diagram) and turned on my computer. However, my keyboard would not connect, and remained in 'discoverable' mode (the light on the back was blinking three times in succession). I turned it off, unpaired the computer and keyboard and replaced the batteries. Nothing changed.

Using the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, I tried to make a new pairing. The Setup Assistant recognised the keyboard as a discoverable device, but when it came to typing in the passcode and hitting Return nothing happened, and the connection timed out. I tried several times to enter the passcode; I closed and reopened the Setup Assistant; I restarted the computer and keyboard; and tried more than one fresh batch of batteries.

Since then, I have tried:

- repairing the keyboard everyday

- deleting all Bluetooth pairings (mouse, mobile phones etc).

- installing the latest Bluetooth firmware update

- deleting Bluetooth preferences in Library > Preferences

- running permissions repair on HD

- pairing with a separate D-Link dongle (tried every USB port, too)

- resetting PRAM

My Apple Wireless Mouse still works (connects and pairs). The keyboard wouldn�t pair with another computer (MacBook running OS 10.5).

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MacBook Pro :: Buying Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Mar 13, 2012

I want to buy an apple wireless keyboard but i want it in SPANISH with the letter " ñ" and when i enter in the apple store online, i see that you can select your language and if i set russian or japanesse, the keyboard in the display turns into that language, but when i pick SPANISH the image displaying is exactly the same as the English one, without the letter " ñ" and this is a must have letter of our alphabet so i want to know if i order that keyboard will come with that letter and thats just an error of the apple store or will it came the same as the English one? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: New Wireless Keyboard - Alphanumeric Keys Not Working

Oct 13, 2007

I just bought a new Apple wireless keyboard. Unfortunately, I am posting this with speech recognition software because it will not actually work.

I was able to pair the keyboard with no problems, and I sent a short email just to try out the feel of the keys. But then I installed the software update. After restarting my computer, the alphanumeric keys on the keyboard will not work. The function keys, modifier keys, and the arrows work fine. It is literally just the numbers, letters, and punctuation keys that are not working.

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