Applications :: Tagging Faces In IPhoto (First / Last Names - First Names Only)?
Jan 28, 2009
How are most people tagging? Just first names? First and last names? I'm going to start the process tonight and I was wondering the reasonings behind people's decision.
I've been tagging faces with the new iPhoto '09. When I go to the faces cork board, I've got many faces. Two of which, when I click on them shows nothing. Each of these have the most faces attached (over 20). The others that have 8 or less will show the faces when I click. Is there some kind of upper limit? This seems to be a bug or if not, it's not very good by design.
I'm making a book of my holiday, its going great until I came to the map. The pointer always starts in Sydney, a hassle but I can work with it. My problem is as we went to Seymour in Victoria Australia, I type in Seymour and I'm given a dozen USA possibilities but I'm offered a search for my Seymour option. I take this, starting in Sydney and I drag the pointer to Seymour in Victoria (It says Seymour on the map) but in my book it changes the name to Mitchell. It does this for a number of stops. I could probably cope with one but when you go to 50 towns and you're showing off your clever Mac and all people go is I've never heard of Mitchell wheres that and I'm sure you can guess what my answer is, I don't know I've never been there. Particularly when the photo has Seymour Railway station on the photo.
Every time I try to "share" (move them out) my iPhoto files and move them out of iPhoto to another folder, if the numbers happen to be the same from a previous time, it will tell me they already exist and do I want to replace those photos with the new ones. The problem is they are not the same image, and I don't want to loose the older ones by replacing them with the new ones. How do I avoid this? I've tried to rename them in iPhoto and it still says they are the same number. I'm trying to organize my thousands of images.
Is FACES in iPhoto '09 meant to be able to "learn" to distinguish faces from one another? I've tagged a lot of faces and I thought once iPhoto had a certain number of images of a face it would be able to sort the remaining pictures better. But there are a lot of faces popping up under each thumbnail and they look nothing like the people I'm trying to tag. Was I expecting too much of FACES? Could I be doing something wrong?
I did a bunch of googling, and couldn't find an answer to this or how to do this except with windows-based mp3tag apps.
I have a collection of .WAV files with no tags or filenames at all, but they are all nested in folders that are named with the album the files are from. All the actual .WAV file names are just Track01, Track02, etc. Obviously if I imported these as-is it would be a disorganized disaster.
I am trying to import them into my iTunes library as ALAC lossless-compressed files.
All I would like to do is have the imported files tagged with the folder as the album name.
I can't seem to find any tag editor that will do this on a Mac. I don't want to sit here for hours in iTunes manually entering the album tag for each imported song, that would take ages. Are there any options, or do I brew a pot of coffee...?
I want my desktop to simply be the icons. Reason being, i am using Kobhens theme, and would like to have the name be in the icon, and not repeated below. Any way of making the name transparent or anything else?
For example I've got an artist on there with several and i mean several songs of his that are under travie, and travis mccoy, and also t pain, and t-pain. lil'wayne, lil wayne is there an app that could change all of this easily for me, because i would like the names to be the same in the songs as well so highlighting and clicking get info won't help to much.
Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:
- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:
face_blob.db face.db
- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................
Gonna be moving from my old mac onto a shiny new MacBook and while its easy enough to take over the contents of my iTunes and the iTunes Library file over to the new machine to preserve my play lists & play counts, I want to be able to take over the CD track name and information so if I put in a CD I had personally amended the information to, the information is still there as apposed to just connecting to the great music database in the sky and downloading the information like it does when I put in a fresh music CD for the first time. When I copied over the Library file to my new machine and put in a CD that had already been done it went ahead and connected to the database instead so obviously the CD information is not stored there. Anyone have any idea what file I should be looking at to copy over or is this going to be horribly difficult?
I'm looking for a way to rename a batch of 30,000 photos. I have renamer but I don't think it does what I need it to do. I want to append the file name with the folder path. The photos are organized in folders which give info I want to make part of the filename itself (country, city etc.)
I am sure there is a way but...don't know how. Freeware or native apple way preferred over having to buy a new program.
I have created a document in Pages that consists of 10 certification cards on one page. I want to mail merge names, dates etc. from a Numbers file but have each card on the one page contain a different name, date etc. When I mail merge it adds the same person to each card on the page and then creates a new page for each additional person.
Is there a way to show the company names in "name" column? Address Book (or Contact in iPod Touch) only gives me an option to sort out by the first name or the last name. I prefer sorting out by the company name.
All of my movies on my hard drive have crazy file names. I just rename the info from within itunes. I am wondering if there is a way to apply the info in itunes to change the original file names. So that I don't have to change them all manually on my hard drive if I want them in some sort of order. Something like 'apply itunes info to original filename'. I am pretty sure it isn't possible but thought it might be worth a try.
I just started using an eSata cradle to start doing my backup and archiving (I'm a photographer). Once I fill up the drive I'll be putting them in a safe but I'd like to have a printout bundled with them that lists all the jobs that are on the drive (the jobs are separated and named by folder on the drive)
I could go through and write them all down manually but I'd love to have a program that could automate it for me.
The new iPhoto supports Geo-tagging. Apple page says, "This feature uses data from GPS-enabled cameras or the camera on iPhone to categorize photos by location and convert GPS location tags to common, user-friendly names."
Knowing nothing about how camera Geo-tagging works my question is if I buy a camera with a GPS built in how do I know iPhoto will read the location data. I was looking at the P6000 from Nikon but I have no clue if iPhoto will understand the lat/long data in the file. I called Apple and asked if they had a supported camera list and the two people I spoke to did not know what camera(other then the iPhone) were supported. Is the lat/long data from the iPhone pictures stored in the EXIF data or stored in some other way? Is the Geo-tagging of digital images by cameras a standard format?
The Help file indicates that the LCD can show software instrument note and chord names (Choose Control > �Show Chords in LCD� to show note and chord names as you play on the selected Software Instrument track.), but the option is not in the Control Menu, or in the LCD.
I recently bought a new macbook pro (my first mac) and love it. However, after importing about 4700 photos into iphoto, no faces were detected. I tried going into the iphoto package/folder and deleting the files that included the name face in them, which forced iphoto to rescan all the photos again for faces. However, the second time no faces were detected again. Not sure what the problem is. I have searched around here and on google and no one else seems to be having this problem.
I just noticed a MAJOR problem with iPhoto faces. After spending days working on my tags, all of a sudden I've noticed several of them missing and merged with other tags that they really shouldn't be merged with. For instance, all of the tags of my niece now seem to be merged with my nephew's tag (i.e., all of her faces are tagged with his, and her face isn't anywhere to be seen). What's more, all of the tags that I've assigned to my son now seem to be assigned to me. Now, I don't mind fixing some issues, but I've got nearly 3000 pictures of my son! I didn't notice this until I imported new pictures from a camera today.
So I have a couple of friends who have the exact same first and last names. Is there a way to differentiate the two people in iPhoto while using their exact names? If not, I guess I'll have to resort to Joe Brown and Joe Brown2.
It was working fine under 10.5. Now with a fresh install of 10.6, it doesn't work. I get the spinning icon saying that it's still searching. I've deleted and start a fresh Library and still the same thing. Looking at the Apple support forums, it's a HUGE issue.
I just started using Faces in iPhoto - and I'm really happy about it. But I just tried opening iPhoto Library in the Pictures folder to see it's contents and what I see is, that iPhoto is saving an image of all faces - also those it thinks that is a face but has not been tagged. Is there anyway to get completely rid of this or just to not have it save images of non-faces?
I'm getting iPhoto 09' set up with faces. Is it possible to find faces that have been found but not identified? I have 3000+ photos and want to find faces I haven't identified yet.
I more than likely user error but I've just switched from Windows and I copied all of my photos from a USB hard drive over to the laptop hard drive which I put in a folder called "My Photos" in the "Photos" folder already created by OSX. For some reason I can't find "Faces" to start grouping the photos. It's not even showing up on my laptop in iPhoto.
I have just upgrade to iPhoto 09 (a bit late i know) i manually tag 20 photo of myself (very certain photo quality is fine), but iPhoto keep saying "XYZ may also be in photos below. No matches found" i try tagging another person, same result i have over 10,000 photos loaded in iPhoto, a lot of them displaying clear head shots... anyone know what might be the problem?
I did the transition to iPhoto 11 after the update was issued and the only problem I've noticed so far is with Faces. Before, I had a smart album that showed me all the unnamed faces. I know prior to upgrading, I had tagged and removed all the faces, so that album should have been empty. Well, it detects about 20 photos and I went through them all and they had tagged faces. No problem I said, probably a bad Smart Album data.
I deleted the smart album, made a new one and the same issue. In a photo that has 2 people in it, it days the 2 peoples names and then suddenly 7 untagged faces. Again no problem but I don't see where these faces are so I can uncheck them. I even tried removing the tags from the current people and then trying it again (and sometimes, it piles up faces on top of each other) but no go. Anybody else having issues with faces?
I have iLive 09, recently upgraded from 08. I thought I'd play around with Faces, so I tagged about a dozen or so pics of my son's face.
It has been stuck on "KID may also be on the photos below" with the two spinning arrows for about a day. I see my CPU is running heavy the entire time on Activity Monitor with Iphoto taking most of the clicks.
How long does this usually take? or is this stuck in some bizarre loop and I'd best re-install iPhoto.. Going to let it run for another night (hope it doesn't get TOO hot!!)
I have about 13K photos when I select all and it gives me a count. That may be part of the issue.