Applications :: Resume Last Played Album In ITunes?
Jan 2, 2009
I'm new to iTunes and I haven't found a convinient way to resume an album after I closing itunes. Let's say I'm playing an album (no playlist just a double click on the album), so that I see all track titles listed: Now 2 questions: Whats the easiest way to resume to this view, after e.g. browsing the iTunes store, to select another song from the currently playing album? When I close iTunes how can I resume playing the last played album? I can replay the last played song easily by selecting the last played playlist. But then I can't replay the complete album.
I am trying to create a resume in pages '08, but the header on the resume template is way too big for my purposes. I would like to shrink it so I can fit ~ 2 more lines of text onto the first page.
I have tried 1. exporting it to word 2. clicking everywhere in on the page 3. shrinking the line spacing between subheaders and sections, but it was not enough. 4. swearing
Is it possible to make the spacing of the header smaller, or am I just sol?
I noticed it yesterday nite when I was downloading the 2.0 firmware. at about 50% complete, my ethernet showed an error and the whole thing went to 0.0 kb. at that time i thought maybe it happens so with the firmware download but the same thing is happening with podcast downloads. I know for a fact that resume used to work earlier. now, if the download is interrupted, it goes back to zero.
I opened the iTunes equalizer and it wasn't showing on the desktop. I tried using Expose (show all windows) and I see the equalizer "open". But when I exit Expose I see my Equalizer flies up and behind (or possibly over) the toolbar on top. I tried everything I could, but to no prevail. There was no way that I could possibly click behind the toolbar, I tried to bring all the windows up front and that didn't work. Tried clicking on the equalizer from Expose and it flies up again. Is there any other way to bring the little window back?
After a bit of searching I'm getting the idea this isn't possible but I thought I'd double check here. All I want to do is play music files in folders without the damn thing importing it every time. Can this be done? I can see how it can be done for CD's, but not files on HD.
I am downloading some free tutorial videos from the iTunes store each of which is around 700MB. I am on slow internet connection and whenever the download fails, if I start it again it starts from 0 Bytes instead of resuming from the point it stopped. Is there a way by which I can resume the downloads using iTunes or any other application? I am using Mac OS X 10.6.4 and iTunes 10.0.1
In the preferences section of iTunes I have it unchecked to "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library" but not sure why it would add the file. I have all of my music stored in the default location for iTunes and when I play a file outside of iTunes, it will add it to the library database.
With Itunes 9, every song I play gets added to the Itunes library, even if I don't want it there. I have Itunes as my default music player on a Windows 7 (64-bit) computer. For example, if in windows explorer, I click on an MP3 file that is not in the Itunes library, Itunes starts up and plays the song (which is fine), but also it adds the song to the itunes library (which I don't want). I don't see any options to change this behavior.
Being a long time user of itunes, I just now realized that I couldn't view the history of music I played in the past. I already looked to find an itunes widget, in itunes help, but nothing found.
I've run into an odd problem where iTunes (v8.0.2.20 Windows Vista) will not add, play or do anything with audio files (mp3) that it has previously played in the past (same version of iTunes). It played it one day, then the album disappeared and will not allow it to be added again, it does how ever work perfectly in Quicktime player, Winamp, WMP and other players. When I use Add Folder to Library, I get a quick "Processing files" dialogue, then it disappears (Same if I drag the folder into the library itself), and when I try to play the files individually, nothing happens at all. I've tried everything short of reencoding the files, which I want to save as a last resort (So as to not lose audio quality) and Ripping the CD again isn't an option since I no longer have the original after my car was broken into.
I have a new MBP that came with Snow Leopard and I use it mostly for internet and iTunes for videos. I've noticed that watching videos through Front Row does not update the last played and play counts in iTunes. They just show as partially watched with half a blue dot.
I'm wondering how many other people have this happening as well.Did your computer come with Snow Leopard? Did you upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard?
I keep my large music collection on an external drive connected to an Airport Extreme in my home. I've embedded all my album artwork in the music files, and previously all the album artwork was displaying perfectly in iTunes. After upgrading to iTunes 10.5, however, most of my albums are missing the album art in the album list and Cover Flow. I know that the art is still in the file because it shows up in the "Now Playing" box in the lower left corner of the screen. The only way I have found to get the album art to show up again in the album list and Cover Flow is to go through the following steps: Control-click the first track of an album for which the cover art is not displaying correctly. From the context menu that appears, select Get Info.Click on the Artwork tab, then click Cancel.
Now the artwork shows up in iTunes in all views. I called Apple Support and asked if there's a faster way to fix the issue with the database. Manually fixing each album for hundreds of albums is no fun. Telling iTunes to Get Album Artwork doesn't work because most of my music was not purchased from iTunes but was ripped from CDs I already own. It's very frustrating because I already spent hours finding and embedding the hi-res album art in my files. I paid extra for Apple products because I expect them to at least avoid corrupting my databases.
When importing multi disc CD albums they will show up as three separate albums, 1,2 & 3 for example.How do I set it up so they show as one, 3 disc album and play through?
Usually a CD comes with more artwork than just the cover. It has a CD cover w/ lyrics and other artwork. Is it possible to download this via itunes? If not, who?
Info: Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 2.2 ghz intel duo core processor
For some reason, when I download the album artwork from iTunes for "Music from and Inspired by Spider-Man," it instead shows artwork for "Ethnicali: Music Inspired by the Golden State." I don't even have that album. There was another album of mine that iTunes applied the wrong artwork to as well, but I can't remember it off-hand. In any case, does anybody have any suggestions as to what I could do to fix this issue. I already submitted feedback to Apple about the problem as well.
Hardware and Software Info.:Early 2011 MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3iTunes version 10.6.1 (7)
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iTunes 10.6.1 (7)
I have all the latest Mac and iTunes software and can't figure out how to delete incorrect album art work in iTunes. I've downloaded the correct art work but it adds it to the file and doesn't delete the incorrect one. The incorrect one still shows in iTunes and on my ATV's. I'm new to the Mac as well.
I've recently been looking into how I can get high-resolution artwork for some of my albums, and I was wondering if I can use iTunes to get some. I don't buy music from iTunes so I wouldn't know, I thought I'd ask here before buying and being disappointed.
I know that there have been applications online to grab album art from iTunes that don't work anymore, so I was wondering - if I buy 1 track from an album that I want the album art for, can I then get the high-res artwork from the track? By ripping it using tagging software or otherwise?
I've been trying to figure out how to add album cover to .flac and .aiff files for a while. When I try to add it to .flac, it just shows "Album cover not modifiable" and when I try to add it to .aiff files, it does it, but then when I quit iTunes and restart it, it's gone again.
Is this a bug or it just not possible to add album cover to them?
Btw: Audiophile, would prefer .flac or .aiff over .mp3
Im new to Itunes and I have a set of cds say the set is called Open Heavens and it has 4 cds in it. Is there a way I can put all 4 in one album. Im going to sync it over to my ipod so I want it to show me when I click on music the name of the series then I click on it which will be open heavens then inside I will have the choice from my 4 cds.
My iTunes window is set to Cover Flow, and my songs are sorted alphabetically by Album title. Before iTunes 10, I could skip to albums by pressing the letter on the keyboard which corresponded to the first letter of the album's title. So pressing D took me to "Deadwing", for example. Now in iTunes 10, if I press D in the same way, I get to "Best of Bowie" ('cos it's by David Bowie). Now it seems that suddenly the letter keys now correspond to the artist name, not the album name. Does anyone know how to change this back? I've searched and been through the preference settings etc to no avail.
I hope this is in the proper section...I bought an album on iTunes yesterday and today I realized it was the clean version. Does iTunes offer some sort of exchange for mistakes like this?
I did a bunch of googling, and couldn't find an answer to this or how to do this except with windows-based mp3tag apps.
I have a collection of .WAV files with no tags or filenames at all, but they are all nested in folders that are named with the album the files are from. All the actual .WAV file names are just Track01, Track02, etc. Obviously if I imported these as-is it would be a disorganized disaster.
I am trying to import them into my iTunes library as ALAC lossless-compressed files.
All I would like to do is have the imported files tagged with the folder as the album name.
I can't seem to find any tag editor that will do this on a Mac. I don't want to sit here for hours in iTunes manually entering the album tag for each imported song, that would take ages. Are there any options, or do I brew a pot of coffee...?
I know this is a weird thing to ask, but is there a way to force iTunes to use the album art stored in the ID3 tag? If not, is there a way to force iTunes to use different album art for songs on the same album? I have a collection of DDR songs who's album art I want set to their in-game art. When I try to do this, songs with the same artist name end up having the same album art. When I look at the Info for that song, the album art is right. I know I can just "tweak" the album name (ex. add space to the end), but when I transfer said songs to my MP3 player, they will appear under different albums.
This probably isn't an issue to some, but its rather annoying when I'm listen to my songs using Front Row and the album art is wrong on almost every song.
I'm trying to change an album in itunes. I drag the whole album in itunes: no problem. The artist name is spell slightly different than other albums by the same artist so when I transfer to my ipod you get two artists in your list: problem for me. I select every track in the album, right click and get info. Change the artist name and click ok. The artist name for every track changes however it always leaves the first track on its own while the others move to their own (splitting the album): problem When I check the info/tags nothing seems out of place on that one track? Not the first time this has happened but it seems to be on random albums.
The CD has the same album title but the artist are different is itunes is recognizing all the songs as different albums? Is there a way to still group them together.
I've just imported some songs to iTunes and they have all the same ID3 tag for "Album". iTunes can see this Album name but it doesn't group them in the Album view. I see seven times the same album ....
If I edit the the album name via iTunes and set the same album name again, it will group them.
I was exchanging music with a friend who has the Zune software on his computer.And there was one thing that I would really like that his software had, and that was the Find Album Info.
This was able to simply find album artwork, track names and other details for the music.So my question is, is there any additional software for iTunes that does something like this?
So if I sort my files in a list in iTunes and I scroll through the album list, it ALWAYS crashes. It doesn't happen if I click and drag the scroll bar, but if I do the two-finger scroll on my trackpad or if I scroll with my magic mouse, iTunes automatically crashes.