Applications :: ITunes / Media Sharing In College Dorm
Oct 10, 2010
My college blocks iTunes sharing over their network. What solutions can you think of that would enable me and my dorm-mates to have a networked iTunes library that everyone can use (upload, download, browse) from any computer. I'm thinking of networking a mac mini and using it just for iTunes sharing. If iTunes won't work, can you think of any media sharing alternatives? Not file sharing.
Any idea how iTunes 9 Home Sharing would handle media on a Network Attached Storage Drive? Suppose I change the location of my media to the NAS in iTunes settings and then set up Home Sharing. Then I add a song to one machine the song gets added to the library file the .mp3 gets copied to the NAS. If Home Sharing is on and they all refer to the same location for the media files, how would iTunes on the other machines handle that? Would it just add it to the library files on the other machines and see that .mp3 file is already in the proper location on the NAS drive?
I recently changed the iTunes Media Folder default location to a different area on my drive. I waited a couple minutes and the files did not move. I was unaware you had to go into your settings and also select to consolodate files. Since the files didn't move I reselected my default location and kept trying to go back and forth a couple times. After letting it sit for a couple more minutes I noticed over 200 GB's of files were missing. I looked in each folder I tried to change the default Media Folder location to but they were not in either of them. I have also ran multiple system file recover programs and been unable to find them.
I'm trying to find the best software to use to take notes in college. I've searched google but I couldn't neccesarily find one that allows me to download PDF lecture slides and to be able to edit them and write notes on them. Anyone have any suggestions on what application can accomplish this? I've heard that Evernote, Devonthink, Omnioutliner etc are good but I'm not sure if they allow you to edit PDF lectures slide files as if a word document lecture file would allow. example--I currently use word to take notes in class but my professor puts up PDF files of lectures slides (the ones that have 3 slides on a page along with lines next to the slides) so I was looking for a way to just write on those lines next to the slides(on the pdf file) instead of opening up word to write whats on the slide plus my extra clarification/ notes.
I am trying to find some good software for a college student. I have searched Google, but it seems most of the stuff on there is outdated. Anyone have any good suggestions?
I have shared out a folder on my IMAC called "TV Shows" with several folders underneath this. I did this under System Preferences > Sharing > File Sharing. I am trying to access this from my Windows 7 Media PC. Everyone just has read access because its just to watch TV Episodes. I have also enabled SMB Sharing for Windows. On my Windows 7 PC it connects however doesn't ask for a Username or Password? I thought the whole point of SMB was so that it would ask you for those details? For some reason when I connect I can go into some folders but not others? Is there any reason why I can only access some folders under "TV Shows" and not all the folders?
I just noticed that instead of the normal iTunes folder structure in my home dir of Music/iTunes/iTunes Music now the iTunes Music folder as well as the Mobile Applications folder have been copied into a new folder called iTunes Media. Is this something to do with iTunes 9 or Snow Leopard. Also what folders are safe for me to delete? Because everything has been duplicated I am wasting about 30gb of my hard drive and I'd like the space back.
I have a WD my book network drive that i have connected to my router via ethernet.
i am trying to run my itunes library off /volumes/public/shared/music/itunes but when i restart my computer itunes resets the media library back to default ??
So those campuses running Cisco Clean Access Agent for their wi-fi access and having many freshman coming to class with OS 10.6. What are you doing to let these Macs on the network? The College I am at, Clean Access Agent runs fine on OS 10.6, I just get an error when I try to login and it says "Clean Access Agent is having a problem contacting the server, the operating system is not supported."
Funny 10.5.8 fixed all the airport issues with Cisco networks. Now 10.6 is just not a supported OS, the application works in 10.6. So is it just an update that needs applied to the network or can they just allow 10.6 to connect and deem it an acceptable OS? What are some college campuses doing with this wi-fi application and Snow Leopard?
When I have an Iphone or Ipod attached to the computer and showing up in Itunes, I was just wondering how to drag and drop movies or music directly to the media device, without first dragging it into the Itunes media library or into a playlist. I used to be able to do this. Since then, I must have updated Itunes or reinstalled it or something. But now I can't drag and drop anything directly onto the media player. I can't create new playlists directly on the media player either (I have to open them under "Playlists" and then checkmark them to be synched. I'm assuming there must be some sort of simple setting in the options that I've changed.
I am studying for a year in South Africa and using internet behind a college proxy. Beyond the annoyances of only having 300 MB/month of internet, I am especially frustrated because I can't use skype, ichat, or google talk to stay in touch with people back home. I've tried everything; With skype, i downloaded authoxy, which corrects for the fact that skype takes its proxy settings from the network settings (I'm not a computer expert so I may have that wrong, but regardless, I followed the directions and tinkered with it some more and it failed). Then I downloaded the beta version of the latest skype, per customer support directions, and still no luck--i can't even sign on.
The same goes for iChat. Even google talk, which operates within the browser, will only allow text chat. When I try voice or video, it fails. None of this happens to students with a pc.
I moved my entire 1.4TB iTunes folder to my Drobo. Then I went into preferences and changed the iTunes Media Folder Location, and I also have Keep iTunes music folder organized. That worked fine all of the music, movies and TV shows opened up fine. Than after adding a new HDD to my drobo I opened my iTunes and all of a sudden it gives me the ! next to all my files and wants me to locate them, and the folder is still the same in the folder location. Is there anyway to fix this, or to automatically reconnect all my media instead of doing it 1 by 1.
what are some good apps for those of us who are going into college and need things to organize homework and what not as well as writing research papers?
Here's what we have: I have a MBP with 250GB drive and an iPhone, my partner has the same. We have about 800CDs in a case and 300 DVDs. We have no room for an iMac.Currently we stream our personal music to our hifi in the lounge using an Airport Express. I want to be able to burn all the CDs and DVDs to a so we need never use physical discs.
I have always had problems with iTunes sharing. I have iTunes installed on my Windows PC, have sharing on for both the my MBP and the PC. I can always see the Mac library on my windows PC, but not always the other way around. Sometimes the PC library will show up on my laptop, sometimes it wont. Why is it so inconsistent?
I have a Windows 7 computer and a Mac running Show Leopard on the same network. On my mac I can see the Windows machine and be able to see and play music off of that computer. The Windows machine does not show the mac at all.
I've reinstalled iTunes on Windows multiple times, turned on and off my firewall and antivirus programs and nothing seems to work.
Any ideas from the crowd? I have an Airport Extreme router too. Any settings on the router that I should be looking at?
He has a Mac and a PC on his network and would like to share his library between these machines. Now sharing the music is easy through the home sharing feature of iTunes, but he would like to take it a step further and also use and edit his playlists on both of the machines and keep them synchronized. Is there anyone who can give me some pointers on how we can set up his system so he can do this?
I had this working a while back... but (I can only think it's since I upgraded to iTunes 8) this has now stopped working...
1. I have moved my iTunes Music folder to /users/shared...
2. I go into iTunes preferences and change the location of the Music Library...
3. Restart iTunes...
4. Then I go into iTunes and it works - it's reading songs and movies from the shared location fine...
When I login as a different user (any admin user), repeat steps 2 and 3 and nothing - the library is empty when it's restarted
I also tried this hack from another site around 18 months ago...
The instructions are pretty much the same, although this involves creating aliases of the iTunes music library.xml file - but didn't seem to make any difference to the outcome
I have a Macbook Pro, Power Mac G4, and my girlfriend's Dell. I want to put my iTunes Library on my TimeCapsule so when I'm at home I have access from all the computers. But i also have a copy of my library on my LaCie Rugged to save space on my MBP, not to mention the copy of the library on my iPod. Is there an easy way to sync my iTunes Library on my iPod, my portable HD, and TimeCapsule?
Has anybody else tried to use this feature? Here is the info: My notebook runs XP Pro 32bit and my desktop runs 7 Pro RTM 64bit. After I enter my iTunes account information for Home Sharing, the icon for it goes away. I have tried this: and it still didn't work. I know, but I wanted to unload all my iTunes music to my desktop.
I think this feature is really cool with sharing between family computers in the house. My question however is can I share it between my computer in one state and my home computer in a different state so that while I am at hotels or on the road I can access them through the internet.
Is this possible via the automatic update? I have been looking around and I am beginning to think it is not possible. IE I upload a new ripped cd to my server and then since the home sharing is turned on the newly ripped files I was hoping would then be shared across to the other iTunes setups. But since it says newly purchased
I keep all my iTunes files (podcasts, audio, video, etc.) on my main Windows 7 desktop. I just got a Macbook Pro and so far I've been using the sharing feature in iTunes to listen to my music on the MacBook. I've just set up file sharing on my windows 7 pc and now I'm able to see all the actual files on my MB. I was wondering if there was any way that I could just point my MacBook to the same directory that my windows 7 pc uses for iTunes and have the SAME library file on each computer. when I make changes, add songs, etc, to either computer, the library files would sync (update) the new information and I'd basically have an exact replica on either computer. Of course I realize that this would mean that my Windows 7 desktop would basically be the host for all these files and would have to remain online which is no problem. And I realize that I'd only be able to have one iTunes open at a time, which again is no problem. So basically I'm just wondering if there are any programs that could allow me to do this? I've seen programs that copy all the files from each computer and have them in sync that way, but like I mentioned, I don't want the actual files on my macbook. The windows 7 will be the host. I just want to sync my library files so I can make changes on either computer.
1)On my G4 mini, I have iTunes 9.0.3 which houses my current music library (not music files)
2)On an external drive, I have all my music files, organized by iTunes.
3)My new iMac - has exactly the same iTunes 9.03 installed. I have no music on my new iMac and in fact have not even opened iTunes as yet.
Can I:
a)Copy the entire iTunes Folder (located inside the Music folder) on the mini, and paste it into the iMac Music folder, replacing the iMac iTunes Folder.
b)Disconnect from the mini the external drive on which I have all my music files organized by iTunes, and hook it up to the new iMac.
Will my new iMac now play the music through iTunes just like the mini did? And after that, can I simply switch the external music hard drive between the iMac and mini as I please as long as I don't add/modify music in one and not the other library?
I had ipod touch, i sold it and i will only use ipad + nokia phone + computer.
Most ipod apps are small, they are HD versions very soon. If I keep my itune account and buy ipad apps, most of my ipod apps will be wasted.
I have no music, video...only apps, and they are worth like over 450$. I think if I try to sell that, i may have 50$ at least, I only picked useful, famous apps and games. It's not a big deal, but not a waste. Someone can still use my account and save hundreds of $ buying on their own. Change info and add a card, then the account will work again.
I just replaced my old MBP with a new i7, everything is working save for this (so far). I de-authorized the old machine, authorized the new one, selected home sharing, mounted machines in both directions, opened iTunes on both machines. On both machines I get this message (see attached). Problem is I can't see where to achieve this. I went to security and turned off the OS Firewall on both boxes, and have no 3rd party FW app. Is there a place to "allow communication on port 3689"?
Is there anyway to limit what is and is not shared on home sharing (in iTunes)? My roommates keep swiping my ringtones, and it psyches me out when I hear my custom tone and it's not my phone doing it. I don't mind sharing music and videos, but I'd like to keep my ringtones to myself.