Applications :: Text Spacing Inconsistent - Unreadable

May 28, 2010

I have been having an odd issue with iWeb and just recently Pages where letter spacing is horribly inconsistent making reading (and typing) quite difficult to do. The effect is quite random, but what happens is that all of a sudden, both of these programs will not space letters properly. For example, in the phrase: "hello world" the phrase might display correctly in program, the spacing between random characters in one word (such as e and l in the first phrase) may be scrunched close together or spread out a bit (usually the former). The only programs that I have seen exhibit this is Pages and iWeb. The odd thing is that the text shows up correctly in other extensions (like when I upload my iWeb page to mobile me), but if I convert my pages document to PDF, the character spacing problems retain.

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Applications :: Word 2008 Double Spacing -- Not Paragraph Spacing?

Mar 2, 2010

My Word seems to be confused about what each type of spacing is. Today I had a double spaced paper written and started messing around with those view buttons on the bottom left corner. When I got it back to print layout view my spacing was much larger than before, but still said double spaced.

I realize that it is now correct and was too small before. I don't know why it changed, but when I open other documents it still has them as the small, incorrect double spacing and I can't figure out how to make them right. I've got the paragraph thing set to 0 and don't add space--that's none of the problem.

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Software :: Safari And Unreadable Text On Few Websites

Jun 29, 2009

There are a few websites that come up with unreadable text. I changed something the other day but it is now back to garble. Can you tell me what to do again, and how to keep it ungarbled?

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Hardware :: HP Printer Not Printing Right / Text Blurry And Unreadable

Oct 31, 2010

I had the above printer connected to my old and newer computer. I got another printer and decided to sell my 7350. Nothing was wrong with it and I just got cartridges for it. I sold it for $20 and later that day the woman who bought it from me told me that for some reason she could not get the printer to print right and sent me a picture where the text was blurry and unreadable. Her laptop recognizes the printer and I told her to clean the cartridges, print a test page, etc. and still the printer is not printing well.

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Applications :: Line Spacing In

Apr 24, 2008

If I create a new message in and start typing, the text is single spaced.

If I paste in text from a word processor, or quote someone else's message, I sometimes find that my text is 1-1/2 spaced or double-spaced. Can line spacing or leading be set or controlled from within a mail message?

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Applications :: IWork 09 - Gray Toolbar Buttons Inconsistent

Sep 23, 2009

I recently started using iWork 09 & love the apps, but not the look. The grey toolbar buttons are inconsistent with other OS X UI elements & too bland IMO. Here you can compare Pages, TextEdit & OpenOffice. My vote goes for the Aqua buttons in TextEdit, OpenOffice and most other OS X apps.

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Applications :: Word 2008 Line Spacing Problem?

Jan 23, 2009

I'm having a problem with line spacing and images in Word 2008.
I've taken a few screenshots to illustrate the problem.

As you can see, the line spacing is awkward. There's no enter between these lines, but for some reason there's a lot of space between them.

Now this is what happens when I nudge the caption of the image on the left upwards.

The spacing is fixed! But now my caption is in front of my picture, which, obviously, isn't what I want..

Anyone have a clue as to how to fix this?

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Applications :: IWork - Change Spacing (single - Double) Between Lines In Paragraphs?

Sep 12, 2010

I need to know how to change the spacing (single, double, etc.)between lines in paragraphs. I just bought a mac and am new to this stuff

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Applications :: Unreadable Characters On Some Websites - Fonts Messed Up

Apr 4, 2009

I go to some websites, (such as wikipedia amongst other glitchy thing like someones reply on gmails) and the fonts on the site comes out illegible! It comes out like fraction and words all on top of each other. I tried changing the Character Encodings under View but nothing is working. Its a drag not being able to read some sites. When I copy and paste it onto excel, the actual paragraph clearly appears but once back on the browser, its still messed up. I use Firefox 3.0.8 and Safari 3.1.2.

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OS X :: Inconsistent UI In Mac OS

Jun 27, 2010

I always thought that Apple prided itself on consistency and aesthetics. So why is there inconsistency in the look and feel of between the windows of different apps and within one app itself? I'm looking at you iMovie. Scrolling bars can also slightly vary in width between apps. Personally I like the brushed metal. I understand that some people think that it looks "dated", but what does that mean anyway? The pyramids look dated too, but they're still cool. I don't like the grey & grey-blue look (iTunes). To my eye it comes off as cheap (Windows-like) looking. I also don't like the semi-transparent charcoal look, because I don't like light text on dark backgrounds...just a preference.

Also with that look there is a different feel. The red, yellow, green buttons are dark until mouse over. This decreases a quick visual understanding, and if you prefer cmd keys, mouse over is irrelevant. Shouldn't the OS enforce consistency between apps? Couldn't the OS allow the user to choose the look and feel of the windows across all apps? Not that Apple would likely allow that choice. Anyway, whatever the future holds for the UI, I hope it's consistent and aesthetically functional. I'll also hold out against hope that Apple offers 2 or 3 choices.

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Hardware :: Airport Express Is Being Inconsistent?

Sep 24, 2010

Just today I received a (refurbished) airport express in the mail. I had trouble setting it up at first, but finally was able to create a network. Since then I've been having numerous problems. I've tried searching the internet and this forum for a situation similar to mine.

I have a cable modem running to the airport express via ethernet. I also have a printer plugged into it. All of my software is up-to-date (including the airport express), the light on the device is green, and I've restarted the modem, airport express, and computer. I am running 10.6.4 on a MacBook Pro (2.26 GHz).

Here are some of the problems I am having:

1. When I try to connect to my network in System Preferences, it will ask for my password. Once I type in the password and click okay, the dialog box asking for a password pops up again after having already entered it.

2. When I try to connect to my network using the Airport tab in the menu bar, it will either:

A) Tell me my password is incorrect (even though it's the correct one, which is stupid because it's a password remembered in keychain).

B) Tell me that the "Connection timed out"

3. Once I finally get connected to my network, I have to ***** with "Network Diagnostics" and "System Preferences" to get the thing to actually connect to the internet. Usually this means renewing my DHCP lease, etc.

4. Once everything is in working order (I'm on the internet, printer can print wirelessly, etc) the internet will drop out after about 5-10 minutes.

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Hardware :: Airport Inconsistent - Signal Comes And Goes?

Feb 11, 2009

I'm all of the sudden having problems with the airport connection in my MacBook Pro laptop at home. In areas where it used to work---a week ago--the signal comes and goes from 4-5 bars to all of the sudden none and I am disconnected from my wireless internet. Nothing else has changed (cable modem, wireless router).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: What Is The Grid Spacing On Desktop

May 3, 2012

Ok so I understand how to change the grid spacing as shown above, but what have I set it to? What is the default. and what is the actual pixel spacing? I need to know this as I use an applescript that places the icon/folders on the desktop in a spaced format. If they loose there position the clean up function messes them up.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Screen Recording Performance Choppy And Inconsistent?

Aug 27, 2010

I have been trying out all the normal programs for Mac screen recording (iShow U HD, Snapz Pro X, Screenium, Screenflow, even Adobe Captivate!) but not of them run smoothly at ~30 FPS on my 2009 MacBook Pro, they are very choppy and inconsistent. Is this just an issue of lack of hardware, and if I get a beefier machine, it will run better?
The MBP specs are: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4GB RAM
Also, on a slightly different note, when I go to upload some of the more simple, less choppy videos to Youtube, they lose a LOT of quality. Any tips on uploading? I use .FLV or .MOV typically, but they never look very good at all xD once they upload.

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Hardware :: MBP: Dual DVI Monitors/DisplayLink Inconsistent?

Aug 11, 2010

All, I'm a complete Mac newbie, just made the switch from Windows, so I apologize if similar topics have been discussed a million times, but I've been unable to find an answer to my specific issue.

I recently purchased a 13" MBP (OS X 10.6.4), and have dual 22" Acer monitors that I prefer to use when at my desk (I close the MBP and use an external keyboard/mouse). I have the Apple mini DP to DVI connector, which works fine for driving the first monitor, then I have a generic (bought on ebay) DVI to USB connector that was working for about 2 weeks, now it no longer does. It runs off of the DisplayLink 1.6.2 beta driver (1.5 wouldn't work). The first time I simply installed the driver, had the MBP open, then plugged in the USB connection and it was detected. I then closed the MBP, and would then put the MBP to sleep, return and it would still recognize it. This time I shut down the MBP, returned and it doesn't recognize the monitor.

I've tried everything I can think of, from uninstalling/reinstalling the driver, to keeping the MBP open in hopes of it recognizing the second monitor, but no luck.

I'm trying to avoid shelling out for a Matrox device, but even then I'm not convinced that it will work. I'm assuming it's a driver issue, so I'm trying to also avoid anything that requires using a driver, but of course everything seems to use the same DisplayLink driver.

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder - Inconsistent Date Formatting

Aug 21, 2014

I am looking at files with the Finder in "column" format. When I select a file in the list, I see a preview of its content as well as details, like the kind of file, its size and the creation, modification and last access timestamps. The strange thing is that the dates are formatted differently for different files. I have seen the following variants: 

Friday, August 15, 2008 at 24:47
Aug 7, 2012, 22:30
14/09/13, 06:23 

I can't see any reason why the formatting would be different. Obviously ls and stat show no difference: they consistently show the same formatting. For example, for a file that the finder shows as "14/09/13, 06:23", here is what ls and stat show: 

$ ls -l /Volumes/DATA/Photos/2013/57998_1789225293766_1545314_n.jpg
-rw-rw-rw-@ 1 albert  staff  82025 Sep 14  2013 /Volumes/DATA/Photos/2013/57998_1789225293766_1545314_n.jpg
Alberts-MacBook-Pro:~ albert$ stat /Volumes/DATA/Photos/2013/57998_1789225293766_1545314_n.jpg
16777222 38276 -rw-rw-rw- 1 albert staff 0 82025 "Aug 21 18:01:35 2014" "Sep 14 06:23:52 2013" "Aug 21 17:43:27 2014" "Aug 21 17:43:27 2014" 4096 168 0 /Volumes/DATA/Photos/2013/57998_1789225293766_1545314_n.jpg 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 10.9.3 actually

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MacBook Pro :: Fixing Inconsistent/blotchy Keyboard Lighting?

Dec 21, 2009

So I spilled orange juice on my 2.26ghz mid 2009 Macbook pro keyboard. I turned it off right away unplugged it and turned it upside down. I took the back off and cleaned and dried it all out. after letting it dry for a while I turned it on and everything seems to be working normally apart from a few sticky keys which I'm slowly taking off and cleaning and the facet that the keyboard lighting is no longer consistent. So my question is How does the keyboard lighting work exactly and how might I go about fixing it? here are some photos so you can see what exactly is going on.

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Windows On Mac :: MS Word Notebook - Unable To Put The Line Spacing

Sep 28, 2009

When I go from MS Word Notebook view to print layout view, the lines always look double spaced. the computer tells me it's single spaced. It's clearly not, but it won't let me put the line spacing any closer together.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Format Line Spacing In Mail Compositions?

Feb 5, 2012

I've tried copying and pasting to and from TextEdit which does have a line spacing control but Mail disregards the changes. Despite that Mail sometimes does respect the line spacing of pasted text from some other sources, eg from internet browsers. 

Being HTML email, there's no guarrenty the recipient will see the same formatting but from Mail —> Mail should be fine yes?

Dual 1.8GHz G5, Mac OS X (10.5.6), Wacom 6x11"

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Safari :: Does Not Obey Negative CSS Letter-spacing Style?

Jun 22, 2012

When using CSS 'letter-spacing' style with negative a EM value, Safari (5.1.7) incorrectly renders the text spacing.  For example, the following code shows correct spacing on Firefox and IE, but not Safari: 


Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Parental Controls: Control Well, But Admin Inconsistent (app List & Logs)?

Apr 26, 2012

Parental controls:  

1. Some apps don't show up all the in control list. 

2. Logs are very inconsistent, app log many times is blank.  

Very new factory install of 10.7.3. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Unreadable Gray Desktop

Feb 10, 2010

my 1.25 GHz / 2 Gig ram mirrored door dual processor machine with 10.5.8 boots to a grey bit-mapped, ugly, unreadable desktop - things work (if I can read them). However, if I boot up while holding down the "c" key it goes straight to a beautiful, fully functional desktop. I'm perplexed, anyone have any idea why this is happening?

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OS X :: Chinese Characters On A PC Unreadable On A Mac?

Dec 8, 2010

My co-workers use Chinese Windows on their PC and when they send me a document, my Mac interprets some Chinese characters as garbled. If I copy that garbled text and place it in Chinese Windows, it can be read fine.

Is there some kind of setting I can change or software I can install on my Mac so I can read all Chinese characters perfectly?

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IMac :: Disc Is Unreadable By This Computer?

Apr 7, 2009

I am trying to read a disc with photos created on xp or vista on my Imac, V.10.4.11, but i get this error, this disc is unreadable by this computer, are there any programs i can get to make it readable?

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MacBook Pro :: Unreadable Disc Won't Eject?

May 12, 2012

Really annoyed with the fact that this disc is proving difficult to eject. The laptop is not reading the dvd, therefore the usuall methods of ejecting a disc hasn't worked, e.g. pressing the eject button and moving the disc icon to the trash. I have tried the disk utilty application as well, still, the laptop does not recognise that there is a disc inserted! 

I have tried other methods that I have read including reebooting and holding the trackpad, repeating that process with a credit card and also that didn't work. The laptop does make an effort to eject the dvd, as the ussual nioses are made, although the sound made don't sound too good. I also tried the terminal programme which resulted in the same noises but the dvd still remains stuck. 

One thing I havent tried is to take it to a store or specialist but I would like to try remove it myself first as going to a store is a hassle!!! is there any other way that i havent tried 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Spacing And Mounting Of Logic Board / Superdrive - Placement Of Airport And Blutooth Card

Feb 15, 2010

I have an extra macbook (weird, right?) and an old xbox. The mac is a 13" Macbook 4,1. I want to put it in my xbox. I think I can do it but this is my first hardware mod and, to be honest, I'm scared. Does anyone see any immediate problems I'm overlooking? I chose the xbox because it can dissipate heat well and i need a tower pc, so i thought an xbox one would be cool. the challenges i can think of as of right now are:

1. proper spacing and mounting of logic board (so that nothing that shouldn't touch doesn't)
2. proper placement of airport & bluetooth cards (the xbox is sorrounded by metal, which will seriously damper any wireless connections)
3. properly mounting the Superdrive (the actual xbox DVD-ROM drive as the black xbox plastic part glued to the front. obviously, that's not an option with the drive built into the mac)
4. Finally, taking apart the mac without destroying any of the parts. Then putting the whole thing together without causing any static discharge etc.

Look, I'm a senior in high school, not a laptop repairman, but I really want to do this before I leave for college.

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OS X :: CD/DVD Burning Giving Message The Media Is Unreadable

Nov 26, 2009

Ok...I'm on an IMac (2007 White, 24"). Since SL was installed (unsure if that when it started) I cannot burn cd or dvd. Gives me errors, saying the media is unreadable. Ok, I says to myself, drive is toast. Tonight I boot into Windoze and decide to give it a shot. Works flawlessly! Went back to OSX and still doesn't work.
In summary: burns under XP, not OSX.

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ICloud On Mac :: Pages Documents In Safari Are Unreadable

Dec 9, 2014

My documents in iCloud using Safari are completely distorted and unreadable. 

I have tried everything to fix this and can't figure it out. If I use Chrome and go into iCloud, the documents are just fine.

MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), iPhone 5S, iPad 4, iPad Mini, iPod

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IMac :: Won't Boot Up - Unreadable Cd Stuck In Drive And Eject

Jul 16, 2009

My Intel based imac (purchased in Sept 07) won't boot up because there's an unreadable movie dvd in the disc drive that won't eject... when I turn on the computer, all that happens is it plays the opening chime and displays a white screen... I'm wondering if someone can help or suggest what's going on: Basically I put a movie dvd in my imac that my regualar dvd player wouldn't play so I thought I'd try it in my imac. Once inserted, the disc drive tried to read it but it wouldn't mount, it just made an odd spinning/grinding sound. It wouldn't eject using the keyboard eject button so I shut down my computer so that I could call a friend to ask for advice.

My friend gave me several options to try - holding the left mouse button at start up, hold C down on keyboard, command option O F to open firmware, reboot pram but non of them work. Basically when I start my imac it immediately tries to read the unreadable dvd and doesn't get to the normal start up procedure, it just shows a white screen and chokes on the dvd. Is there a way to manually eject the cd or does the machine have to be opened up and the cd physically removed? Is it likely that my imac will start up normally once the unreadable dvd is removed? I hope my hard drive hasn't gone bad because I haven't backed it up in a long time... Is there a strong possibility that my hard drive is toast?

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Software :: Safari Email Defaults To Factions And Becomes Unreadable

Jun 10, 2005

Every now and then some of my email body copy and sometimes header information defaults to Helvetica Fractions and becomes unreadable. Even when I go into mail preferences and play with the fonts going from the default set to others it doesn't alter from the helv. frac. font. The only way I can force a font change is to go into the font utility in the OS Dock and disable the helvetica fraction font, and then it works but I lose the use of that font. Its not so much that I mind losing helvetica fractions, but I would sure like to just fix it.

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