UltraEdit now available for the Mac, I've been a long time user of this text editor on windows for years and I've been lucky enough to do some beta testing with the product. I'm not connected with the author in any way but if someone needs/wants a new text editor, I highly recommend it.
Can anyone recommend a good, free code/text editor for OSX? I am used to using either EditPlus or notepad++ on Windows, but i'm aware that neither of these programs have OSX equivalents.
I have been using the Textmate demo for a few days and I like it's code folding and macros, but I wish it had an auto- autocomplete and tabs. I tried Komodo edit too and loved it's features; however it has the clunkiest Interface of any editor. I have never been a Dreamweaver fan, but if it has macros I will shut up and use it. I think I am, going to email the developer of Textmate later, because it really is a very nice editor, but it is lacking some needed features.
I just switched to a MacBook Pro from windows. I used notepad++ for editing for a custom file format - I could enter all my keywords, operators, comment styling and it would give me the choice on how to colorize every part of it and give autocompletion for all of it too - its called a User Defined Language. I have tried every mac editor that I could find, but I couldn't find this in any of the programs. did i just miss it?
I couldn't even get textmate or bbedit to give me a list of sql keywords for autocompletion. and i understand that these are the best editors available? Could really use a powerful native editor for development - one that can at least give me simple autocompletion for the main languages (if it will give me function calls - that would be just perfect.
I am looking for a html text editor that color codes html tags. I am used to using cuteHTML on Windows which works EXCELLENT! I would assume there is something like this on OSx? I dont want anything to "build" webpages for me like Dreamweaver. For doing html by hand (and copy/paste) the colors really help your eyes work on a complex page easier than just using textedit for example.
I'm looking for a good and stable text editor to write a book in!? I don't like Pages that much because it's only a mediocre layout app, but in my opinion a bad text editor. Word on the other hand is better with text, but its interface is cluttered with superfluous menus and items that distract me.
The spaces between "AUS", "1", "GK", and "Andrew" are all Tabs. I need to get this document into this exact format:
AUS1 Andrew Redmayne AUS2 Daniel Mullen
i.e. I need to delete the extra information, remove some of the tabs, and convert words in ALLCAPS to first letter in uppercase, rest of word lowercase. Does anyone know a text editor that can do this? With Apple's Text Edit I can't even seem to get rid of the tabs - is there even a way to search/replace a tab character?
I'm looking for an app that's like a text editor that lets me handle text and edit it and add images and then at the end export it to a .png file. Also the text or image editor should let me to change the dimensions of the file (the "physical" size). Or any image editor that lets me re-edit the text entered.
I have been using TextEdit up until now, but have recently realised a few of it's limitations. E.g., I had a file from an app I use that needed to be edited and a small bit of code C+P'd into it. TextEdit opened the file but showed it as a blank file? I downloaded and installed TextWrangler and it worked perfectly. However, I don't really like TextWrangler all that much, and was wondering whether you had any alternatives that you use that are better than TextEdit?
I have used a free program called mi 2.1.6 which does a nice job of highlighting tags, but has been unsupported for a few years now. I was wondering if there was anything better out there - free, donationware, or paid - that anyone feels is a great program worth trying ?
I have done a bit of research already, and came up with this article http://mac360.com/index.php/mac360/comments/faceoff_which_is_the_best_text_editor_ever/
I'm looking for a text editing environment similar to that of KDevelop from Ubuntu or KWrite or anything of the like. I just switched to Mac from my old Dell laptop running Ubuntu.
I am new to the mac & was trying to do up a text document. I went to text editor thinking that would work. I did it up all nice & can not print it. I just goes all funny. I know it is not my printer; can print other things fine.
Does anybody have a good free text editor to recommend for OS X?
Basically, I want something that's developer friendly, with as many of these features as possible:
1) Colour syntax code highlighting (ex Java, C, Perl, HTML, etc) 2) Column select mode 3) Line numbers 4) Character numbers in line 5) Regular expression search and replace (grep) 6) Line wrapping on/off 7) Tabs or equivalent 8) Diff between files
I have MacVim and it does most of this, but the interface could be improved a bit.
If no free editor does this, I'm willing to consider TextMate or BBEdit.
I don't really need an "elaborate" text editor such as Word (on current pc) but I do need something if I purchase a Mac- is there a free text editor on iMac such as wordpad on pc?
I want to view pages and text editor simultaneously, but every time I open one the other one closes (verses minimizes). I assume it is a setting issue.
I'm using Text Edit in plain text format as a html editor. I get an error when I try and edit using Transmit, when I try to save, Transmit says: The documents "doc-name.php" could not be saved. Text encoding Western (ISO Latin 1) isn't applicable. If possible, select a different text encoding. I cut/paste from text edit into the Transmit file and it doesn't work.
My Macbook Pro loses print options after a while when I work with Photoshop. I can not type in email or in text editor. Only thing that helps is to restart the computer. The error occurs both when I am working in Photoshop (CS3) and (CS5). The error did not exist before. Has 8 GB of Ram and 425 GB of free hard disk. What to do?
I despise TextEdit. I've used VI since I've been using computers so naturally I took very well to MacVim. Though I want to set it as my default editor for editing blank files (plain UTF-8 text files without an extension). So I threw the .app inside of a folder named "oldTextEdit" and created a symlink to MacVim and named it TextEdit.app and placed it in /Applications, but it doesn't work. When I go to the command line and type "open -e" it still opens with TextEdit.app - The only thing I can think of is that it ignores symlinks (or as mac calls them, an "alias."). I moved TextEdit.app to another drive and my alias worked fine on double clicking a blank file, it opened up MacVim. BUT - if I go to terminal and type "open -e" it opened up TextEdit (not sure how).
Now when I click that same UTF-8 blank text file (created using "touch") it opens in TextEdit (again, I have no clue how, TextEdit.app is on a different drive). Update: I zipped up TextEdit.app and now when I open blank text files it opens in MacVim like it should. This time when I type "open -e" it throws the following error: LSGetApplicationForInfo() failed with error -10814 while trying to determine the application with bundle identifier com.apple.TextEdit. Which I guess is fine, as long as in the GUI is opening with MacVim instead of TextEdit. I realize it involves the LaunchServices.framework database, but I can't figure out how to use that for hell. I realize to some this is a weird request, so I ask if you don't have any good input you just ignore it.
I apologise in advance for opening a new thread, but I really don't know how to express this problem in proper language. I'll try to use a picture instead, hope it' s going to make it clear for you:
The lines are for some reason "pressed" together, looks like the line size is half of what it should be. I' ve spent pretty much time trying to fix this.
I've heard SWiSH Max2 is the best but looking into it, the program appears to only have a Windows version. Am I stuck with the (from what I've heard) inferior, and far more expensive Adobe Flash editor?Any other recommendations? I don't mind paying, but Adobe's own software is pretty steep and I heard it isn't the best. But if it's the best on OS X
Does anybody have any knowledge as to what would be the best free photo editor? I am looking to start such a hobby, but would like to get a feel for it before my purchase of Aperture, as I don't want to regret my purchase.
I just got a Mac about a week ago, I absolutely love it! I've been looking around on Google and no luck so I thought the best place to ask would be here. I'm in need of a syntax highlighting text editor (something like VIm, I use it for my college webserver but my website server doesn't have it). I'd prefer something free (not trials either). I have Dreamweaver, but it's on my PC. I just want something simple to work on my site when I'm not home.