Applications :: ITunes Start Skipping Songs?
May 11, 2009
I was playing music on iTunes and one of the songs I was listening to just skipped through - iTunes started skipping, 30 seconds or so at a time, through to the next song. It started to happen around halfway through the song, although exactly where is unclear. Repeatedly pushing the cursor back to where the song was before the skipping starts seems to help, in that the songs only starts skipping again a bit later. The one thing that's changed recently is that I turned on Genius.
In fact, when I turned Genius off, the issue seemed to be fixed, until it happened again. I managed to make it through most of the song, though, but the next few songs all started skipping through right from the beginning. It's now happening with every single song I try playing. I hope Genius didn't actually damage the MP3s; I have no idea what it does. All I know is that my iTunes is officially unusable. Quitting the program and restarting did nothing.
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Jul 8, 2009
iTunes skips songs when I try to listen to a shared library from my Mac Pro, on my MacBook Pro.
This always happens when trying to "fast-forward" through a song (it'll skip to the next song).
I'm assuming that this is some kind of networking issue, because if I let the song play long enough, for what I perceive as enough time to transfer the song entirely from one computer to the other, it won't skip to the next song when fast-forwarding.
The two computers are in adjacent rooms, connected wirelessly via an AEBS on 802.11N (g compatibility mode).
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Mar 20, 2012
I just purchased two songs on iTunes (v.10.6), and when I play them they play normally, then about halfway through they skip to the next song all of the sudden.
iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 22, 2014
Songs in my iTunes playlist skip..... I can't figure out why and there is no pattern. Some play a few minutes or seconds and either stop or skip. All my devices now skip as well iPhone and iPod.
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Aug 30, 2014
using MacBook Pro os x mavericks / I have had this issue a few times now, I have purchased new CDs and came home to import them to my iTunes library straight away. They import perfectly fine but as soon as they're finished importing to library, I go play the album and a few of the songs skip or jump (like when you play a scratched cd in a CD player) though the cds are not scratched.
I am using the external USB super drive to import as the MacBook has no cd slot built in, I thought maybe I was bumping or moving the super drive while the disk was importing and this may be effecting songs being imported properly so I deleted the albums and imported again making sure the external super drive was not moved but there is still 1 or 2 songs playing up.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1
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Dec 4, 2010
I've found since updating to iTunes 10.1 that my playlists occasionally skip to the next track during playback. This has never happened before. I haven't tried to replicate it elsewhere, but did try a local reinstall. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
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Aug 6, 2010
I purchased a deluxe album on the iTunes Store that contains two music videos. I want iTunes to skip said videos when I won't be watching them. Is there an easy way to accomplish this?
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Aug 26, 2010
How come this feature has never been released? How many times have you been listening to music with friends through a stereo, or simply enjoying a good shuffle list, and all of a sudden you're struck with an urging to hear a different song. Problem is, you don't want to leave the one you're on, you only want to listen to it next. And even after you finish listening to it, you want to be able to resume your previous shuffle list. Seems common enough right?
Then why has Apple never released this feature? I understand the ability to make customizable playlists, but we're not talking about lots of songs. Just one single song. And it could be designed to only allow one song to be qued. Not too challenging I would think.
And it would be so easy to implement. Add a button next to the genius button on the bottom of iTunes with a big Q on it. Highlight the song you want, press that button, and BAM. Done. On an iPod touch/iPhone, just swipe over the song you want to que up (like in email), and a red button will pop up saying "que" and done. And on an iPod with a click wheel, maybe hold down the center button and the fast-foward button when you're highlighted over the song you want to que and done.
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Oct 2, 2010
i made my first purchase in itunes store. I purchased the Following song: Shakira Waka Waka Single. Then i copied it to my bootcam partition and it can play on windows media player and ituens without having to authorize the computer. Shouldn't it be blocked? im confused.
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Oct 5, 2008
This has happened to me many times now. Certain .mp3 songs will not open in iTunes at all. I will double-click on them and iTunes will pop up, but the song will not appear in the Library. I have also tried dragging it into the library manually, but it still doesn't show up.
I have read about this problem before, so it is not an isolated issue, however no one seems to have an answer that actually works. Some suggested changing the file to .mp4, but this doesn't work either.
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Dec 27, 2010
I have 2 macs with two completely independent iTunes databases. They are used for differnt purposes and contain different music. I really do not want to merge these two databases.
From time to time I need to selectively transfer some few songs from the one computer to the other one. Is there a clever way I can achieve this? I would like to transfer the files including the metadata.
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Feb 10, 2012
My Macbook Pro Keeps deleting Songs from my folder or Itunes constantly loses track of my songs and can't locate them, How Can I stop this?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.0.1, Lose of songs
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Apr 16, 2012
I am trying to copy some songs from my playlist to a CD but it changes the order of the songs during the conversion. I want the songs in alphabetical by name but iTunes arranges them alphabetically by artist.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 2, 2010
I've a ipod shuffle 2gb and just wondering if converting songs to AAC could help me pour in more songs in this tiny things..
Most of my songs are either 192 or 256 kbps MP3 format with some even at 320kbps..While syncing we get an option to convert selection to 128kbps AAC.I never tried that option because I was scared as this might effect my original file.Does it convert the actual file and then syncs it to ur ipod or does it retains the original file and sends converted file directly to ipod without effecting my original file...
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Nov 9, 2010
A few versions back you could export songs from the file menu. Now you can't. I know there is a "library -->burn to disc" menu item, but isn't there a simple way to get one song exported out in either MP3 or AAC format?
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Nov 11, 2005
I am pretty new here, only posted a few times here and there. I am also a brand spanken new Apple user with the new iMac 2.1GHz machines. When I got my iMac, I wanted to port everything my Dell, to my iMac. This was great and all, and mostly worked, though I ended up duplicating about 400 songs, about 4 times each. Is there some type of feature or something I can do with automator that would get rid of my duplicate songs?
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Jan 4, 2009
iTunes keeps deleting my songs! I had this problem with iTunes 7, and the problem went away with the update to 8.0.1. But with the 8.0.2, the problem came back. It deleted one album so far, and I have no way to retrieve this file. My iTunes folder is in my external HD, and I don't back that up regularly.
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Feb 13, 2009
So for one of my classes, I am going to be using a bunch of audio files, that I will eventually want to put on my iPhone to listen to. However, once they are on my iPhone, I would like to be able to still have them, just not in my library. Is there a way to make a playlist of these audio files, that do not show up in my main library?
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Apr 21, 2009
I have some songs that have specific intros that are seperate tracks, but when I play in shuffle mode, it may play the song or the intro all by its self but not to merge 2 songs to always play together?
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Jun 1, 2009
A couple of months ago, my iTunes inexplicably started popping up a small window with track info whenever the song changed.
I've searched the web and these forums and have been unable to find a way to disable this, or even see any record that it exists outside of my machine.
P.S. It's the thing in the middle of the picture.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have about 5 songs that are vinyl rips and they are in apple lossless. But for some reason when I go to sync them to my iPod i get an error and it says that they can't be sync'd. I attatched a screenshot of the songs info. I'm not really sure why it doesn't want to sync since itunes plays it fine and it's in the right format.
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Sep 14, 2009
I decided to reorganize my iTunes library and delete all my songs to only re-add the stuff i listen to. Well all were deleted but two songs that refuse to go away. I select them both and hit delete or right click and then select delete from the menu but nothing, they are still there.
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Oct 11, 2009
I have spent a whole week importing songs from my external hdd to Itunes (ordering, adding album art, deleting double songs etc.) Almost 230 GB on music! Since I have a 500 GB hdd, I decided to deselect 'copy files to Itunes media folder' under preferences. I have a backup on my external hdd and I didn't know for sure if I would get the songs double (one in Itunes library and one in Itunes music folder, so taking up more space. I assumed that I could do this, since I read in 'Itunes help' that I could also deselect this option if you have your files stored on an external hdd.
While I was doing that my external hdd was connected to my laptop all the time. Today I finally finish the job, deconnected the hdd and found out that Itunes can't find any of my songs back! Only when I connect the external hdd to my laptop I can play the music. Is there a way to solve this problem or do I need to do it all over again while making a copy from my files to Itunes media folder? Since Itunes couldn't find any of my songs, I assume that for examply a 100 mb album will take up 100 mb on my hdd on my laptop and not 200MB?
Then there's a second problem: I deleted one of the albums in Itunes and imported the album again, but this time I selected the checkbox 'copy to itunes mediafolder when adding to library'. But now my songs are showing up double! One has the extension mp3 and the other one 1.mp3 When I go to Itunes mediafolder they show up there twice, so they don't show up in two separate folders. If I need to import all the songs again and delete the doubles manually it will take me ages
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Jan 5, 2010
How can I exclude songs from itunes? In other words how can I hide songs or sound (from the operating system ) in itunes?
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Jan 5, 2010
I try to play songs in iTunes (ver. 9.0.2) on my MacBook Pro (OS X.5.8) and some (note all) won't play and a box pops up and says:
"This computer is not authorized to play "(song title here)". Would you like to authorized it?"
I type in my password and then is says: "You cannot authorized more than 5 computers.
Makes sense, except to my knowledge, this is the only computer that I have authorized and the only computer I use.
I tried to repair the permissions and some iTunes things did come up but I've restarted iTunes and am still having the same problem.
Also, the songs that won't play are ones I purchased, but there are some songs that I bought that I can play.
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May 7, 2010
Can someone give me a smart playlist way of finding songs that are not in a playlist?
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May 18, 2010
I was wondering if I burned dvd's of the songs in itunes would the songs still have the tags and artwork when played in a windows computer with itunes.
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Jul 18, 2010
How do I queue songs in iTunes? I know there's a Party Shuffle available, but it doesn't do what I would like it to do. I want to be able to add songs to a queue (which I can do with the DJ party shuffle), but I would also like to queue them differently. For example, if I have 6 songs in the queue, I would want to be able to go 1,3,5,4 sometimes or queue 1,5,6,2 without having to physically change the order of the queue each time. I would rather just be able to right click each song and click "queue" or something to that effect, sort of like the Amarok music player.
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Jul 31, 2010
I'm using iTunes 9.2.1 and I hadn't noticed any issues but then today for no reason at all when I connected my ipod touch to my computer to charge it, iTunes opened (as normal) and all my music was missing along with all my playlists. Why did this happen & does anyone know a fix for this?? I checked my HDD#2 (where all my music is located) and it's all there...
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Feb 25, 2010
i have an '05 powermac g5, dual 2.0ghz with 3 gigs of ram and this problem just started today.
any song i listen to in itunes skips horribly! also, the audio from any movie file i play in either quicktime or VLC has the same problem.
i have updated all three programs to the current version.
i tried disabling my login items as recommended by some advice i found by googling, but this didn't work either.
i also made a new admin account to see if the problem would still occur on a fresh account and it did.
i don't know what else to do. what could be causing this problem?
might it be hardware related? i don't know how to check for that.
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