MacBook Pro :: The Battery Turn Off While In Sleep Mode?
Jan 7, 2011
I'm going to purchase a macbook pro at some point, probably when the new announcement happens, but my question is: while the laptop is in sleep mode, does the battery turn off? Like, does it still consume energy while in sleep mode?
Probably a dumb question, but I know nothing about laptops.Never had a laptop before (currently using a imac g5 from 2006).
I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!
For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!
I have a MacbookPro mid 2009 and have some problems with my battery. This morning I noticed that the battery was empty through it was supposed to be in sleep mode during the night. My battery has 97 cycles and has 99% of its original capacity. What could be the cause of this problem ?
Sometimes when I open the MBP after it's been in sleep mode, the screen won't turn back on. I hear the disc drive power up, but nothing on the monitor. I have to turn the computer off and restart it.
So my Macbook Pro has been working wonderfully, until recently when it runs out of battery it goes into sleep mode but when I plug in the power cord it does not do the restoring from how it was before (i don't know what its called, but its when the screen goes grey and the white bars go across until i can get back in) it does not show me anything so I have to press the power button and even then it does not show me that screen it just reboots (i don't hold it in but just press it normally like when booting it up) Then when it is booted the date and time are reset and the Wi-fi does not work. I have to reset the clock and it then works fine.
The past few days whenever I select sleep mode on my MAC the next morning my battery is dead. The frist time this happened my battery was at 100% - last night it was at about 75% when I selected sleep mode. This morning the battery was completely dead?
I use first-gen unibody 15 inch Macbook Pro. I rarely shutdown and leave it sleep. However, sleeping somehow drains battery quite much. For example, after one day of sleep, my battery goes from 100% to about 60%. My previous Santa Rosa macbook pro never did this. My current setting is sleep and hibernate. I checked it in SmartSleep.
I own a late 2009 MBP that I use with an external monitor as my work computer each day. At the end of the work day I generally unplug the network cable, Apple Cinema Display, and then just put it to sleep by closing the lid. Some days I use it later after I get home, others I don't. If I leave it in Sleep mode I generally lose about 5-8% of the battery by the next morning.
I'm just wondering if I'd be better off shutting it down completely each night. Any pros/cons? Battery considerations?
I recently had my screen replaced because of a crack. Now I find when I open the laptop to use, after being on sleep mode. It momentarily turns blue, sort of flashes/glitches then works normally. Should I be concerned?
I would like to my macbook pro to be turned off at 5% Battery power, as it doesn't turn of correctly at 0%. I'm having this issue for some years now, and want to get rid of it. Which plist needs to be changed for this? Or is there a Terminal-Command that's providing this? I don't want to buy a new battery yet, cause the one I have is quite fine still. I already reset the SMC and the Parameters. Is the battery status relevant, when resetting the SMC? Here's what has been going on so far: [URL]
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2,5GHz 8GB Ram
When I run my macbook pros Battery down, there comes the low battery warning. After a while the system just goes down without suspending anything to my harddisk. When I restart my computer it does a normal start and after logging in I'm experiencing a lot messages due to the reset time. I correct my system-time and restart my mac and the system is back to normal.
Usually I'd say: Replace your CMOS-Battery (I know I have an EFI-Firmware), but where is it?. Or in other words: Is there a "System"-Battery, that would prevent my mac from forgetting the time?
Since I'm not running down my battery to 0 very often I only experience this issue from time to time and never took time to do anything about it.
So, back in the day, when my MacBook Pro's battery would die while asleep or on and you plug it back in, the laptop would essentially revive itself from your last used state. Its like waking from sleep, but takes longer because the computer has backup the memory state to the hard drive.
Its seems my MacBook Pro no longer does this. When the battery dies and I turn it on, it reboots. I am not sure if it is related, but I have modified my MacBook Pro by removing the optical drive and replacing it with an 80GB Intel SSD to compliment the 500GB 7200rpm Seagate. The SSD is the boot disk and is in the DVD Drive's old spot.
I was wondering if i need to turn off / close the switch on the bottom of the wireless mighty mouse when my MBP is in sleep seems that when i don't the mouse still connects and the screen kicks back on for a few seconds.....not sure if this is the case, but the logo on the outside of the case lights back up.
I'm having a problem with my PowerBook G4 where is goes into sleep mode at random times. Mostly when I am streaming video..or at times the fan comes on, it sounds super high then boom. sleep mode again. After hitting the space bar, it comes back on, but it'll happen again shortly after. I've played with the sleep settings
As of last night, my MBP started acting very strangely. After entering my username and password, it would enter the desktop for a short period of time and then kick back into sleep mode; the screen would turn back to black. Sometimes it will let me stay on the desktop for a long time and other times it will hardly let me stay on the desktop. I called apple support and they had me start the computer in safe mode; even then it occasionally kicks me out.
The tech guy said that it was a "strange software issue" and not a hardware issue. I thought it was a hard drive issue; my hard drive makes an odd sound when it unlocks (a grinding sound), but it has been doing that for quite some time with no issues. I tried to reset the SMC and it didn't do anything.
How should I remedy this problem? Is this a hard drive issue? Hard drive failure? Has the grinding sound finally caught up with me? I am running OS X; not leopard or snow leopard. I know I need to upgrade, but this shouldn't be happening.
I have an early 2008 non-unibody MacBook Pro. For about a year now, the status of the battery has been "replace soon." I was still getting a pretty good amount of time off of one charge so I wasn't too worried. This past Saturday morning, I woke up, checked the battery indicator lights on my computer (it had been sleeping since the day before) and it said it had about 60% percent so I opened it. I was on the Internet for about 10 minutes before it shut off without warning.
It wouldn't turn back on when I pressed the power button, so I plugged it in and it turned back on. When I checked, the battery status was "replace now." After using it, I turned it back off and left for NYC for the weekend and didn't bring it with me. When I got home last night, I plugged it in and tried turning it on with no luck. The battery indicator light was flashing one light, so I just assumed it would need to charge for a bit before it would turn back on. After about two hours, when I went to bed, it still was flashing just one light. I kept it plugged in over night, and this morning when I checked it, the battery indicator lights showed that it was fully charged, but it still wouldn't turn on. I still kept it plugged in throughout the day just in case, but it still won't turn on even though all the lights are lit. Is the battery just showing me false information, or should I be worried about more than just the battery?
I am running Mac Mini as a home server (turns out to be not a great idea, btw), and even though I set the preference to never sleep or shut down, it does go to sleep when there is no activity for long time. Since I am using it as home server, it should stay awake all the time or at least wake up from sleep when there is incoming ping from other computer, but it just goes to sleep.
i'm typing this with a look of scared-********ness on my face...Ok, so i had my MBP (i think it's the 4,1 model, 2.6 core2duo with 4gb ram BTO) connected to my tv and a couple of external hard drives, set it to sleep last night with the lid open, hit the spacebar this morning to wake it and nothing happened I disconnected frok everything and tried the following to no avail:-Holding the power button turns it off but hitting it again brings it back to the same state, sounds like it's working but keys don't respond and monitor's off.-I tried resetting PRAM but keys don't respond-Took off battery, held power button down for 20 seconds-Took out the two RAM chips and swapped them around-Tried reconnecting the TV to see if it would re-detect monitors-Closed the lid to see if it'll re-sleep and wake up properly but what it does is that the light on the front lights up but doesn't start blinkingAt this point i can't think of anything else to do so please help me out!I'm taking out both battery and RAM chips and leaving it on the bed in hopes it will lose all charge and memory of this ****-up.Btw, there's no warranty and no applecare on it, if push comes to shove i will take it to an applestore but one: i can't really afford that right now and two: i don't really trust them here in greece
My early 2011 17inch macbook pro wont turn on after going to sleep. So i switched it off and then turned it back on again. the laptop wont boot. No chime, a blank screen and the sleep light stays on. I tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. No luck. So i left it switched off for a couple of hours. Then i tried switching it back on, It BOOTED!
I got my screen replaced last year Under APPLE care. Ever Since that i have been having problems with my laptop. My speakers started jarring and got it replaced, My battery had to be replaced. i did a hardware test and it said i dont have any problem.
I sometimes forgotten to unplug the device before closing the lid. Such as when I'm in a hurry and close the lid of the MBP, only then realize that my iPhone is still attached.
I don't want to put unnecessary stress on the harddrive by it going to sleep, waking up, then sleep again just because that unplugging an USB device woke it up. I notice that this does not happend on my Windows laptop.
Whenever I close the lid to my MacBook it'll go to sleep by turning off the harddisk and the light is blinking. But when I go to pick it up or even move it the Superdrive makes a noise as if its searching for a disk and the apple on the lid/monitor blinks on and off. Basically the computer never really stays in sleep mode.
This is the second time this has happened. I shut my macbook expecting it to go to sleep. I then put it in its booq sleeve and put it in my back pack. About 40 minutes late I pull it out of the case and it is WAY hot and the fan is going like crazy. I open it up and I cant do anything, I think because it is over heated. What is the deal?
my macbook pro just started ti wake up from sleep on its own, about 1 minute after i put it to sleep it will wake up and shut down, why is that? it never happened before.