ICloud :: Syncing Multiple Of Same Calendar With IMac
Mar 26, 2012
iCal on my iMac is set to sync with iCloud. It syncs fine, but keeps adding syncs for the same calendar. I go in and delete them (it will be 30+ in one day) and then it does it all over again. How do I fix this?
I have a new iPhone 4S. Calendar items raised on the iPhone are not syncing to the iMac, iCalendar. The iPhone is running version 5.1.1 The iMac is running Lion 10.7.4.
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, imac is running Lion 10.7.4
After years of bad behavior from .Mac and then MobileMe, now iCloud is ALSO not syncing my calenddar events between my computers and my iPhone.
The only way I can make my computers sync with each other and my phone is by going to Calendar/Refresh All on the menu bar in Calendar. I thought this was supposed to happen automatically.
It sure seems that syncing in iCloud is just as annoying and broken as it was with .Mac and MobileMe.
I recently downloaded a local college baseball schedule to iCal on my Macbook. It shows up in my iCal calendar on my Mac. It has not shown up on my iPhone via iCloud. When I sync my iPhone I do not use any syncing buttons because everything is supposed to be synced via iCloud. This new calendar shows up in my Mac iCal but nowhere else (iCloud calendar or iphone calendar). What am I forgetting to do? I've ebven tried syncing with my cable, no difference.
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
icloud calendars is checked in system preferences, however my ical appears empty on my macbook pro. Why is my iphone calendar not synching with ical in macbook pro even though icloud preferences are properly set up?
In the past, I could put an appointment on one computer and it would sync immediately with my 2 laptops, iPhone, and iPad. This is the reason I loved Mobile Me and paid for it for years. iCloud work fine for awhile, but now some of my appointments are not syncing. I have checked all of the settings and they are correct. I put an important appointment on my main laptop last night and it is not on any of the other devices; I then put it on my iPhone and it is not on my iMac at work. All of my software is up to date and current. I really depend on this feature.
Re syncing calendar from Mac Mini to iPhone 5: If I enter an event on my Mac Mini Calendar it does not transfer to my iPhone. It works fine from my iPhone to my Mac Mini. My i phone is using iOS 7.1.2. My Mini's op sys is 10.9.4. I have tried changing the settings on my phone, in my iCloud account and on my Mini.
I have about 30 calendars, one for each bill (and misc). Each bill is set to repeat monthly.In the past, I'd just paste in the confimation into this month's event, tell it to only update that particular one, then it would replicate to all my devices. Since Yosemite, this does not happen. I've lost a lot of information before I caught it.
This is happening on a Mac mini (home Mac) and a Mac I use at work and JUST set up with a fresh install of Yosemite. I have un-synced calendars to my Macs, re-synced, but any updates to repeating events never hit iCloud.com - if I make a non-repeating one-off event, it goes through.
I have made entirely new calendars in case it was the calendar itself, but a brand new one I just made (that repeats on the 1st of every month) wouldn't replicate to iCloud. It will show the data in the event until I close Calendar and re-launch it. Then it's gone, like it never was there.
I've also noticed that on my iPhone 6+ (8.1.1), even though everything is set to Push, I have to manually pull down on Calendars (in the Calendars option) to have it refresh and pull down new calendars and changes. Same thing on the iPhone in regard to repeating events, too. I have great cellular and Wi-Fi connections, so that is not the issue. I feel I'm back in MobileMe days when I constantly had this issue and thought iCloud was a god-send.
Whenever I try to use iCloud, many of my calendar entries, especially older ones, are replicated, and may be replicated multiple times. For instance, one repeated calendar entry is replicated about 20-25 times on each and every every day. Interestingly, this particular calendar event doesn't show up when I search for it.
I tried exporting my calendars as iCal files, then importing them back into iCal hoping this would correct any problems with the entries. No luck. When I activate iCloud for my calendars, I create multiple entries for many events.
My wife and I both have a .mac/.me account. She runs iphone 4s & ipad 2 whilst I run iphone 3gs, macbook and imac. All now run IOS5/Lion and I transferred last week from mobile me to icloud. However, with mobileme we used to share contacts and calendars. I've worked out how we can continue to see a 'joint' calendar' [by adding my account to her iphone for calendar only] but cannot seem to do the same in respect of shared contacts.
We both have our own contacts which must stay on our own devices but I had assumed that the sharing of mutual data that was submitted by either of us via any our devices would be easier via icloud. Instead it seems harder since icloud has to attach to one or other of our identities, unlike mobile me. Obviously I can go through Clare's contacts in icloud and manually delete each individual of my contacts, but how do I add my contacts that she wants also on an ongoing basis?
IMac late 2009, Os X 10.8.3. 8GB RAM. IPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad mini. iCloud calendar only. Nothing defined On my Mac.
I sync between the mobile devices and iCloud without problems (Mostly Calendar & Notes). Over the last year I have had occasions when my Mac Calendar failed to update with the message "The server is currently not reachable or the connection was blocked). Sometimes the problem went away and Calendar resumed normal syncing. It has been off-line now for 2 weeks.
I have deleted and recreated the icloud calendar in Calendar >Preferences>Accounts. I have unchecked Calendar in System Preferences>Mail, Contacts&Calendars>iCloud and rechecked it. I have created a Google calendar as a test and it is being imported and displayed by Calendar on my mac.
Apparently I allowed iCloud to delete all of my calendar and reminder information from my Mac.Can I restore it from iCloud, if not can I restore it from Time Machine?
I think I have set it up as directed, but I get this message on the ical on my Mac. The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
The Notes function will not communicate to or from my iMac to my iPad or iTouch in the Cloud.The iPad and iTouch communicate ok with each other.The other functions in the Cloud are working perfectly between all 3 devices.
I've activated icloud and its caused problems with my calenders. if i stop it will i loose all my calender events. Its duplicated and removed some for my mobile devices.
Notes is not syncing to my iCloud account, but to an old MobileMe account which I cannot remove. The MobileMe account does not show up anywhere else except in Notes. In Settings I confirmed my iCloud account is logged in. I feel like this is more of a bug than anything else. Can I reset Notes or reinstall Notes? The computer is an older Mac Pro and has gone through many software updates...
How would I go setting this up, so all my appointments from my phone could be synced into iCal? I'm afraid if I just set up calendar syncing, it will import the blank calender from iCal and erase all my appointments I already have on my iPhone.
I dont know whether I am being stupid or whether it is simply not possible, but I am havign issues syncing new calendars to mobileme.
On iCal I have two headings, 'On my Mac', and 'MobileMe'. Any calendar that is created under 'On my Mac', will not sync with mobileme, and is not in the cloud. I find this odd and I can't seem to figure out the problem. Any idea why this might be?
Anyone try it yet? It's integrated now, but I'm not sure if it's just simplifying setup or actually syncing with a new mechanism. Hopefully the latter, the way they suggested setting it up previously didn't work very well.
After hours of research, I'm finally making a thread about this. It's very simpleI know you can sync Google Calendars(GC) with iCal, so anything you change on your GC will sync to iCal, but I need a way to do the opposite. iCal››Google Calendar.
I know there is a $60 service that does this, but there must be a free way! I've had no luck searching Google for answers... Why I want to sync with GC is because I want my family to be able to see my calendars, but I don't like using GC, I much rather enjoy using iCal. Much nicer user interface; unlike Google which is very bland. (As is Google's way) Anyone able to help me out?