I'm trying to free up space on my Macbook Pro Laptop, but I can't find out what is taking so much space as I've deleted tons of files with little gain. Can anyone tell me how I can gain some of my space back as I'm terribly low and need more space.
I am giving my son my old macbook air, and wanted to free up as much hard drive space as possible. I deleted my user account, and I expected there to be about 225 GB of free space. There is not, however. When I check the storage, it says there is nearly 78 GB of "Backups." My question is whether that backup is from my old account, and ultimately, where can I find this to delete it to free up the space.
I also have another macbook air that I plan to sell. What is the best way to erase the contents of the computer without deleting the OS. I plan to sell it, and obviously don't want the next purchaser to have access to my old data.
I want to remove all the software I won't use. I only have one printer, I don't beleive I'll ever use Garageband or iMovie and maybe other apps as well could be eliminated. Which is the best way to pare my OSX down to as small as possible?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15"; 2.0 i7, 16GB; iPone 3gs
I have a macbook pro with a 150g HD and only 30g remaining. I'd like to know how you find where all this mass is located? From my own findings it would seem that I have at least 43g of iTunes content found C Stride - Music - iTunes I don't fully understand why i have this and indeed if i can delete it as I thought i had all my iTunes content on an external so not to tie up my lap top HD (500g with 230g of iTunes content). But, when I look in preferences on iTunes the media location folder is no longer displaying anything?? It used to. 1. Can I get rid of the 43g of content on my HD? 2. Why is no media location displaying in iTunes? 3. How else can I see what is using 120g on my HD?
I keep getting messages to free space on my startup disk and would like to know the best way to this? I have a emac hard disk running Mac OS X 10.4 10.
My mac is full! I've been trying to delete files but no space is freeing up. I also tried transfering files to my external but still no free space. Checking my drive says I have 114.7 gb in a sparse disk file? what is it and how may I open up some room?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just got an external hard drive because I have thousands of songs that my macbook cannot hold.
I am using Time Machine to put everything on my external but I was wondering....if I delete the music on my computer so that I just have it on my external - will Time machine delete it off my external when it automatically updates since it is no longer on my computer?
I want to download more music but am scared of losing any old music.
I'm an application developer thinking of writing a small utility to help you clean up your disk when it gets full. The idea is to present the largest files and folders in your home directory along with the last time they were opened.
I only have like 8 gb left on my macbook's hard drive. Are there any programs I can run that will defrag/free up space? How much does Apple Store typically charge to upgrade a hard drive? How easy is it to do myself?
This is what im trying to do. I have a macbook with 120gb hard drive. thats not enough space from my music collection. So i was wondering how to make itunes run off a external hard drive. I looked around and found was for a PC.
I have been running out of hard drive space and have deleted a whole bunch of files... even deleted all the languages i didn't need from all my applications... about a week ago i freed up around 2GB.... but without saving and downloading anything my free space is now 70MB!! All I have been doing is watching streamed videos and I notice this reduces the drive space as I'm watching it!! Even opening firefox and some websites drops my memory by 0.1MB. I can't find anywhere where temporary files might be so i can delete them.
I never used to have this problem but I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I now use wireless internet through a phone provider and a USB modem rather than my previous WiFi via cable broadband. Can anybody shed some light on what is stealing my memory when browsing?
Last time I checked I had at least 6gb free space left, and over night, it went down to 0kb. I even deleted some things and it was up to 2gb. After awhile, it went back down to 0kb. I really don't want to get a new HD, because for some reason my Tiger disk won't read, so that's a little pricey there for both a new HD and Tiger.
Trying to turn on FileVault I get a message saying: There isn't enough space on your hard disk to turn on FileVault. Turning on FileVault requires an additional 132.2 GB of free space on the volume "Macintosh HD". Try emptying the Trash or deleting files you don't need.
Finder says that hard drive "Macintosh HD" has a capacity of 499.76 GB and that 180.42 GB are available. Am I to understand that to run FileVault I would need 312.62 GB (132.2 + 180.42 GB) empty on a 499.76 GB hard drive?! Seems crazy! Might this be related to Parallels 6 or something?
When you bought your MBP how much space did you have available out of the box. My 80 gig hardrive has a capacity of 74.21 and I never checked how much was used when I bought it. Reason I am asking is, I have 42.4 gigs left and I cant figure out where all that space went. I can account for 9 gigs worth of itunes music and videos, and maybe another 4 or so gigs of other stuff. What about the rest? How do I check if I have a HUGE plist file or something?
I used Boot Camp to make a Windows partition. Since then, I have run out of space on my OSX partition. How can I resize the thing without having to reinstall Windows or lose any of its data?
When I bought leopard and installed it I was left with about 3 gigs on my hard drive so I deleted final cut studio 2 and Adobe Photoshop, however when I did this I checked my free space on my hard drive and it didn't free up anything and I know that it should have given me over 60 gigs of free space.
I have a Mac Book Pro with 148 GB of Hard Drive space (about 24 BG available). I have about 30 GB used up from Apps and random files, but I cant figure out what is using up the other 100 GB. I know the OS takes up space, but not that much.
How do I get more hard drive space? I've already taken heaps of stuff off but I can't delete Apps in the Application folder like chess which I never use.
I have 120 giga in my hard drive and as you can see "Other" takes most of the disk space.
And these are my files and their size with take 49.22 giga of space, I don't see where is the rest of the disk space. I believe it is in the "Other" but how can I access it to free the not needed items.
I have a new Macbook Pro that I just got in May and my hard drive is pretty full (only about 20gb left), but I have NO idea what is taking up so much space. Is there an app that lets me see in a list what exactly is hogging so much space on my computer?
It seems like I'm always fluctuating between 2 and 9 gb of free space on my hard drive. Every time I need lots of space it seems to disappear, then it reappears in a week. Is this normal? If I'm low is there something I can run to bring this space back?
Running Snow Leopard on a Late 2007 MacBook, and I booted it up today to see that I had 15 GB left (normal). 4 hours later, I get an alert that I'm running low on Hard Disk space, so I open a new Finder window to see how much space I have. It tells me 10 MB. After 5 minutes, this dropped down to 0 KB, and all of my applications opened "paused", and I had to force quit them. I don't have 0 KB left, I have 15 GB, but Finder isn't telling me that.
I have a 500GB external hard drive that is partitioned into 3 sections - [1] Mac OS extended for dedicated time machine backups (200GB), [2] Mac OS extended for general file storage (100GB) and [3] FAT32 for backing up my husband's windows PC (the rest). I've been doing some video editing and moving clips between the external HD and my macbook. But now I've finished I noticed that something weird has happened. The Mac partition of the external HD currently has only 3 files, around 1.2GB. But Finder is showing 77GB is used and therefore not letting me copy my DV footage (around 40GB) that I want to transfer to a friend's computer.
I've put a screenshot here - and have hidden files/folders displayed. So what is taking up the 76GB that finder says is used?
Well my last couple of Time Machine back ups have been huge like 60GBs and my initial was approx. 100gbs, I thought time machine made smaller backups after the initial one not huge ones. Also, it seems like something is eating up my hdd space; last week I had 100gbs free and now I have only 50 and no major changes have been made to my mac so I am quite confused. Also, in my Music Folder I see a list of all of my artists and a folder called iTunes with all my apps but it also has a folder in that called iTunes Music which is 32 gb. That folder has a list of all my artists but I don't see a couple in the other folder that are in my iTunes Music folder. I used Disk Inventory X which gave me 10gbs.
I have an Apple Macbook from late 2006 that is running Leopard. My hard drive space has been disappearing for no apparent reason. I noticed the biggest jump this morning. Last night I had 9GB left on my Hard Drive. Now I have 3.7GB left. Can anyone explain why this is going on and/or how i could fix it?
I restarted my computer and i now have 6GB left. But i want to know where that other 3GB went.
Does anyone know how to get back the disk0s3 hard drive space? (The one I used for Windows XP to dual-boot.) I want back the extra hard drive space. And does anyone know how to get back more hard drive space? I seem to have only 25.91 GB.
I'm running an intel Imac 2.16ghz c2d with 3 gigs memory and 250 gig hard drive. Here's how it started. I was surfing on the Flock browser one day, and then all of a sudden, my hard drive space was full! I wasn't downloading anything. I checked my log folder in the library and lo and behold, there was almost 2 gigs stored in the console folder! What? Anyway, I cleaned it out and my Mac is now under routine maintenance via OnyX. I also use virus barrier x5 and nothing is wrong with my Mac. I also run disk inventory x and run activity monitor. Now, I got my hard drive space back at 200.37 gigs. But sometimes when I reboot, my hard drive shows it at 200.48, then as time goes by while I surf, it slowly decreases to 200.27 gigs, then it will slowly go back up to 200.37 gigs, and so forth. I'm not downloading anything, just surfing. Has this happened to you guys before? Is the virtual memory causing this? Are there any cure for this besides formatting the hd again? What's going on?