Software :: Finder Icon Missing From Dock / Replaced The .icns Files
Aug 18, 2010
I recently changed my Finder icon by replacing the .icns files in my CoreServices folder. The icon appears as it should in dialog boxes, but doesn't show up at all in the Dock. Instead there's just a blank space where it's supposed to be. It's still perfectly functional, but annoying. :-S
I've tried logging out/restarting, reseting the dock, deleting the dock plist, and creating a new user account (it's still missing on the new account). I'm running out of things to try, does anyone have a suggestion?
Today I tried to change the finder icon in the dock. Because I'm cheap, I dont have candybar, so I tried to use liteicon. While this changed the finder icon in messages like "do you want to empty trash," it did not change it on the dock, even after logging out and relaunching the dock.
So I went into a bunch of core services and replaced all the finder .icns and .pngs with the one I wanted to use.When I relaunched the dock, the finder was invisible, but it still had the little blue "open" dot below where it was.I downloaded the candybar trial to try to fix it, but even candybar didn't get the icon back.
I'm using 10.5.8. Where are all the places the finder icon should be to show up?
I just got my computer reformatted, and lost all icon customization. I went to change them and did all successfully (most in Candybar), but the Finder has been a problem. I initially forgot how to do it, so some research said I could do it if I simply replaced the file in the System/Library/CoreServices/ (Finder.png) path with my own of the same name. I did, but it didn't take - still blue. So then I did it through Candybar and it just disappeared from the dock. I've tried reverting the Finder.png file and nothing, as well as restoring the original icon through Candybar.
I saw one answer about booting a clone, so I researched how to do that, and can't do it on my internal for some reason. I tried an external, but it said it'd have to wipe all files first, which I won't.I should add that an archive and install isn't an option - I JUST got this fixed by Apple yesterday since I had lost my install disks, so I certainly can't do it myself.
Yesterday I upgraded my mid-2010 MacBook Pro to 10.6.6 using the combo update. I have never had any problems with this Mac, until now.The problems were apparent right from the first post-update login; several icons in my dock were replaced with a '?' icon.
Being fairly knowledgeable about simple problems like this, I instantly dragged the '?' off the dock and re-added the application icons to the dock. That worked fine. So I turned my Mac off and walked off.However, when I turned it on, the problem reared its ugly head again. The dock went back to exactly how it was prior to me rearranging it.Brushing it off as something minor, I opened up iTunes to sync my iPad. This went fine until it got stuck syncing my contacts. I have tried to sync it multiple times with no luck. It simply won't let me sync it. I reinstalled iTunes, thinking that it may fix the problem. Still nothing.
Frustrated with my situation, I opened up Safari, and began to type something into the search bar. Safari froze up and crashed. Now, whenever I stay in Safari for more than a few seconds, it crashes. Again, I reinstalled it, to no avail.I figured that perhaps something had gone wrong in the update progress, so I decided to apply the update again. Still nothing.If anyone else is experiencing similar problems, or has any possible fixes for my problems, I'd love to hear about it.I don't like to jump to conclusions, but it seems as though this update was pushed out as quickly as possible in order to launch the Mac App Store, without much bug-testing being done.
Over the last few days I've noticed a problem with missing icons. It seems to mainly effect icons in the Trash but I have one or two missing icons for videos and apps within the Finder and on the Desktop. The icon is completely gone - I have to click on the filename to select it. Quicklook works OK (for video).
I can't think of anything I've installed that would have done it except Onyx, but I haven't run that in weeks. I did repair permissions a few days ago but I doubt that could break this. It persists after a reboot. I can't get it to happen on command, it just randomly occurs. Creating a New Folder always works OK.
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
I'm new to the whole mac thing and got my first mac (an iMac) just 2 days ago. A whole new learning experience.
I've downloaded and am running uTorrent. uTorrent is showing in the dock, with the text and the small "light" underneath it to show the app is running. However there is no icon, just space. Also in the applications folder, there seems to be a standard icon ("There's no icon, so we'll use this standard icon for the application").
I've attached a screenshot of how it looks in the dock.
I know the uTorrent app has an icon, it was showed right when I downloaded the app and I haven't changed anything, but now it's gone. How do I get it back?
I turned on my computer the other day and the icon for Safari was missing from my dock. I looked in the applications folder and it is no longer there. how I can get safari if I have no internet search engine?
since the 10.7.4 update, I have the url shortcuts icon missing in my dock: When draging a new URL from safari to the dock, it's the same problem. The icon is invisible but there is a gap between the other icons and the name of the url's page is displayed when passing the cursor. This problem is only with URL shortcuts and no with jpg or pdf or mp3 or folder sortcuts etc.. I have already reboot the dock and make a disk permissions check and repair. Restarting my computer doesn't solve the problem. Safari Version 5.1.7 (7534.57.2)
I noticed the apple web page icon to be missing from the dock. You can still use the mouse and click on it with positive results. However, it is disconcerting to have the icon go missing with an OS update.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), iphone, ipod, seagate backup
I bet it's dead simple. So I'm going to before I even read the replies. I have changed icons before by pressing Apple + i on an App and the same on another icon then copying the icon's preview onto the other App.
I have a macbook pro. I was recently overseas when I closed my lid the mac went into hibernation and everything was fine. So I came back home and when I opened my mac my outlook icon on my dock was missing. So was my mails went missing. When I opened the application. It started over again. All my mail has gone. So I used timeline and had backed up every thing. However still don't explain has to why the my outlook had disappeared.
I've been an Apple faithful for four years now, and I just got a brand new Mac Pro for a graduation present. I've been tinkering with icons, so I can get them just the way I want them, and some form of glitch occurred, and my dock, though having a light and open space to show that Finder is running, shows no icon. It's really confusing me, and I've tried opening up Candybar to see if I can restore it to normal there, and it doesn't even show up in the menu where it used to! I need some help...I've already tried the usual log out/in, unplug...I just need to get this resolved.
When I started my Mac today the icon from the Finder in the Dock was away.
What have I done yet? Repaired the disk persmissions.Deleted the .plist file from the Dock and restarted it. What can I else do? All users on the computer have the same problem.
Tried a search but not be lucky so hoping someone out there has solved this one before.....
Been trying to change some of the default icons Apple provide with third party .icns files by opening the folder info window in finder by using the 'get info' command, then clicking the icon in the top left hand corner (so it is has the tiny blue halo) and then edit-paste in the new icon. Sometimes it works (have changed some successfully) but now when I try, instead of the pasted icon displaying the icon image, I get the generic or default icon image for an icns icon displayed, see the screen grab attachment for what I mean
Can anyone advise me as to whats not working correctly?
The current behavior of the Finder icon in the dock first brings Finder windows currently open into focus. I often wish I could click the Finder icon, and have a new window open. However if each time it was clicked, it brought current windows to focus, but then also created a new window, this would be annoying. So how about this:
If the Finder isn't in focus, one click will bring it into focus. The next click, assuming now that the Finder is focused, creates a new Finder window. Also, it could even be conceived that a double click of the Finder icon, when out of focus, would both bring current windows to focus, and then create a new window directly.
I don't really know how to describe this or even search for it. (I tried the best I know how) The only thing I can do is show a picture. I don't have any idea how this happened or how to fix it. The real Finder icon in the left of the dock does not have the light underneath indiciating that it is running, but there is a generic app icon that is actually the finder and has the normal Finder context menu when I right click it. This icon behaves just like any regular app and I can even right click and quit it. Anyone have any ideas what caused this and how to fix it short of reinstalling Mac OS X? BTW I'm using a 13" Alu MacBook running 10.5.7.
At the Moment if you press finder it opens a Window, Great. but if you press it again it will jump to the Same window, which is great 90% of the time. Is there a way to set the dock Icon to automatically open a New Finder Window?
I am playing with my Dock icons and downloaded some nice 3D's. When I tried to change the Finder icon, (used copy paste of the new icon to the Finder in system/library/core services/finder) it worked for the icon (in the folder) but will not change in the dock. I have relaunched the Finder, restarted, logged in and out. The new icon appears changed both in the core services and also in Finder contents folder, (Finder icns.) but the Dock icon remains the same.