I'm fairly new to the OS X seen as i converted from windows around 3 weeks ago, basically i started my MacBook Pro up this morning and logged on, the programs which usually start up ran as normal, however when i clicked to close one of the programs the whole dock disappeared. I then proceeded to log off and log back on again, which gave no result. Next I opened Activity Monitor and closed the process which also hasn't worked. Finally i tried the command 'killall -KILL Dock' in Terminal and that hasn't forced it to reappear either. I also have restarted the MacBook Pro several times.
I then went to Dock preferences to see if it was hidden and it wasn't i also noticed while doing this that the icons on the left hand panel for sections such as 'home' have vanished as well.
Have just logged into my MBP and went to the dock to open iphoto and the icon has disappeared, a blank space is still in the dock and if i hover my mouse over it writing comes up saying IPhoto as normal, the same goes for photobooth as well. I can still open them and they work fine. I Have recently installed Snow Leopard. How do I get the icons back?
My problem began when I was using Skype on my PowerBook G4 Intel, running on Tiger. First my profile photo and mood message disappeared, and I was appearing to my friend as "offline". I quitted out and then logged back in, but the information had already been lost. So I thought I'd Restart my computer.
After logging in, I noticed that all of my installed applications had disappeared from my dock, and it looks as though the dock went back to default settings.
1) Is it simply a matter of creating new icons in the dock? Or is this a symptom of a deeper problem?
2) I don't have my OS X install disk with me, because I left it in Thailand, where I'd purchased my computer, but I do have a friend with a MacBook Pro. Can I run Disk Utility to try and repair the disk from my friend's laptop?
3) Could this problem have been caused by Skype? By the way, Skype was set to NOT automatically open at my User Log-In, but for some reason, after I restarted my computer, it's been launching after I Log-In.
Very suddenly my dock has disappeared, (and occasionally reappears), and is now completely non-useable. Why..? I have created other accounts on my computer previously and the dock on those is fine...I have looked in Activity monitor and it flashes on and then disappears in there.I tried using terminal to 'killall Dock', but this did nothing...Am using Leopard on Alu iMac.
i also can't click on anything on the desktop, the only thing that is there and works are the words on the top, stopping at help. Also after every word i write, a pop up says 'alert cannot contact spell checker,' When i open safari i also cannot get it back to finder, and i can't search anything on the computer because after the second letter the screen flashes.
It started this morning i tried to write something in stickies and the computer went crazy to a blue screen and the loading circle started spinning around so i shut it down, when i loaded it up i had all these problems.
I have iBook g4 from 2005. What should i do, i don't know anything about computers. I tried searching online i tried to use killall Dock in terminal it didn't work, it said no matching processes were found.
First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.
I newly installed leopard on my Mac Pro. The problem is that there are no icons on the menu bar. (top right). No airport, no volume icon and no language selector icon. I tried Preference -> Sound -> Show Volume in Menu Bar, but it didn't work.
I've been using my Macbook Pro for a while and for some reason, almost all of my icons for my applications have disappeared. I've attached a picture to show the problem, which includes Apple applications and other software companies.
My menu bar icons have disappeared after installing Snow Leopard. How to get them back. WiFi, Spaces, Volume, Battery and Spotlight blinks on and off. Black Macbook running Leopard with the standard upgrade to Snow Leopard was done. Have an iMac and seems to have everything working on it and did the same upgrade. Both are having small glitches in Safari, but can deal with. It's the no battery and WiFi that's really bugging me. Turning iStat Menus off solves the problem with missing Bar Menu icons.
This is a weird case that I cant explain. The wifi and bluetooth icons have disappeared from the status bar at the top of the screen. I tried to check them in system preferences but whenever i apply the settings, it goes back to how it was before. Running 10.5.8, Macbook
I turned my mac on today to find that all the desktop items have either disappeared or are taking a very long time to load if they are there. I have tried turning my computer off and on by pressing the power off button due to being unable to turn it off or restart via the button on the desktop. It is also running really slow but it will load safari and itunes just slowly! what can i do to fix it as I have uni work on there and photos of my family that I will not be able to get back if they are lost.
My icons are randomly disappearing! They are missing from Finder windows and the sidebar. On the Dock they are present, except for the Documents and Downloads folders, which are inivisible.
My desktop icons disappeared (on Yosemite). I switched "View/Sort By" to "Kind" away from "Snap to Grid" and they show back up, but then if I move them back to "Snap to Grid" or "None" they disappear again.
Title says it all really! The test remains, however, and you can still go into each folder, as it is still selectable.
This is a new 17 inch Macbook, Time Machine restored from a 15 inch one (including system files).
where I can recover the icon files (I think I can copy and paste the icon files into the preview section on the get info window)? Or if there is another solution?
Three other things, if you happen to know the answer as well:
1. I've just bought this screwdriver: [URL]
Will this be sufficient to replace the hard drive in my uMBP (considering it is all Philips screws)
2. Do you know if the Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid Hard Drive can be restored using a clone, without slowdown consequences?
3. Do you know of any desktop images which, when selected to cycle for e.g. every 5 seconds, will create a cool effect? I'm thinking night and day scenes, identical images with different hues etc.
Today, with no major changes at all (or downloads), The screen on my MBP no longer shows the files, folders, and aliases I had set up. Only the Hardrive and Idisk Icons. Everything else is GONE? I rebooted, I relaunched, reviewed preferences. Nothing. I also repaired permissions and rebooted.
If I use Finder and drill to the desktop, I definitely SEE all the files aliases, etc. But the don't show up on my screen?
my gf has the new mac with the leopard os on it. today just out of nowhere the dock disappeared. i restarted the computer, it showed up for a short while and disappeared again for good. i checked the dock options but there is nothing about permanent hiding or anything like that.
My stacks have disappeared from my dock. I used to automatically get my downloads on the dock and they fanned out when I clicked on it. That is gone now... not sure if I did something to get rid of it, but I want it back.
Turned on Mac today, and there was no dock on the bottom. Went to the preference thing and tried on all the like hide etc, but it still not there. When I went to through the system icon thing, on the left column, where there is supposed to be icons like 'home, pictures, music, documents' etc they were not there, it was just blank white.
I've been happily in love with my iMac since 2006. Never had any problems.
Just got back from working abroad over a month and my business partner (new to Mac) has been using my computer. Apparently the computer was switched on nearly 24/7 and only been restarted a couple of times.
At first everything seemed fine until I ran the software update.
First problem, there was an error when doing the security update so couldn't complete the whole update.
iMac still working fine though..
First, it took ages to startup, then the dock didn't load. Tried restarting at first, didn't respond, shutting down neither....
Then when opening finder, the menus on the left hand side, Hard Drive, Documents, Music, etc... all gone...
Most applications won't open... even some jpegs, pdfs, etc...
Also the DiskImageMounter, Terminal and probably loads of other stuff has disappeared I'm not even aware of...
Tried to open 'About this Mac'... no response...
Tried to open.. 'Mac OSX Software' the following message appeared... Your system settings are being updated. Unable to open your preferred Web browser. Try again in a few minutes.
I've looked at the utilities folder, checked the CoreServices, tried 'killall Dock' (discovered that the terminal utility disappeared), etc, etc.
The dock and toolbar at the top have disappeared from the screen. They re-appear when I click in the area where they should be but disappear once again whenever I click elsewhere. I have also lost the ability to minimize open windows. I can resize them manually, maximize and exit them I just cannot minimize them! (The orange button has gone grey.)
I have checked that I am not in fullscreen mode and I have unchecked all the automatic hide settings in the system preferences. This is only occuring when I'm using Mozilla Firefox.
I have a feeling that I accidentally clicked a button or unwittingly used a keyboard command to enter this setting, but I can't remember what I pressed!
Last night all my desktop icons just disappeared all of a sudden, I restarted my laptop and they came back but when I try to click and drag anything on my desktop or copy something between finder windows, they just disappear again and Finder crashes. I downloaded the newest update and installed it, which didn't fix the problem so I found a similar problem on another forum and tried doing what they recommended (which was to delete the Cache folder and some files from the library and restart the computer) After I restarted, finder started crashing every 2-3 seconds and giving me a message saying that Finder quit unexpectadly while trying to restore it's windows.
I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD, 2GHz dual core processor.
I am a Mac beginner. There are 3 folders on the right hand side of the dock. Applications, Documents and Downloads. My download folder had disappeared, so I dragged one called My downloads from my documents, and it sits there ok, but it is shown as a white folder, instead of blue like the other two folders.
I followed some guide on how to change my dock. It was this one. I got up until this bit. Go to Macintosh HD > /System/Library/Core Services/ Right-Click on "Dock" and select "Show Package Contents" Go to /Contents/Resources/ Backup the files you are about to replace (Incase you did not listen, here they are) Move those same original files to the trash
Then I got stuck. I resetted my Mac and now I have no dock ! How do I get my dock back! I have the back up folder, but where the hell do I put it to get back my dock. On the " Dock " icon I have a little circle with a line init. This is what the contents of my Dock folder looks like .. inside " Contents " I have the " Back Up " folder. As you can see I already put in the contents of the Back Up Folder into the Dock folder but nothing has changed. This is whats in my Dock Back Up Folder.