Software :: Boot Camp /Unable To Find A Partition

Feb 21, 2009

I have a MacBook of 120 GB. I utilised Boot Camp utility to parition into 2 equal partitions to install Windows XP. I screwed up somewhere during the XP installation and it partitioned again while installation. The result: I lost my OS X. I re-installed OS X. In the finder I could see only the 60 GB partition. The rest 60 GB is missing.

I tried rebooting hoping it would prompt me to choose the partition but no uch thing happened. Now, I have and can see only 60 GB.

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Applications :: Boot Camp Can't Find A Disk Partition For Windows Vista...?

Dec 11, 2010

I tried to install Windows Vista (64bit) using Boot Camp. I get to the window where you select the disk partition you want to install Windows on, and there aren't any options. How can I get the newly created partition (the one I made with Boot Camp Setup Assistant before restarting) to show up on that list? Or, where do I find the "driver" that it requests instead?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Unable To Partition?

Apr 20, 2009

I've been trying to run boot camp on my black Macbok and have been halted with a Boot camp error message: "The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved." It then tells me to back up my disk and boot up from my Leopard DVD, and restore to a "journaled" volume. Now, I've checked, and my HDD is already journaled. I've run "verify disk" and everything seems to be working okay. I've read that sometimes having things related to Parallels on the computer can create this error, and so I've deleted all things Parallells and am still getting the same error. I do, however, have Fusion (though I've deleted that Windows partition.)

I'm hesitant to follow the directions further, for I have nothing to back my disk up to and my Leopard DVD has gone MIA.

Can anybody give me a hand?

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Applications :: Unable To Use Win 7 Boot Camp 3.0 And 10.6 Partition

Nov 2, 2009

I have a MBP with 10.6.1 and I'm trying to set up Win 7 Home using Boot Camp 3.0

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Unable To Make Partition?

Apr 11, 2010

i'm having trouble creating a partition for Windows using Boot Camp...

Steps I Have Taken:
1) Repaired Disk Permissions
2) Repaired Disk
3) Deleted huge files or moved them to an external drive (huge as in >6gb)

Is there anything for me to do? I've searched these forums and some other ones but really haven't found anything.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Move Programs From Parallels Into Boot Camp Partition

Jun 29, 2009

I'm a total Windows newbie and I'm having trouble moving programs that I've installed onto Parallels 4.0 into my boot camp partition. Is this even possible?

If so what is the best way to go about quickly accessing programs from the Parallels virtual machine?

Could I burn them to a disk?

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Windows 7 Home / Unable To Find Boot Camp Update 3.1

Jul 26, 2010

hi! i'm planning to install windows 7 64-bit in my mbp, problem is i looked at the requirements needed and it stated that i needed boot camp update 3.1. i checked my boot camp version and it stated that i had 3.0.1, tried using software update, but states that i had no updates available. what should i do? and what else do i have to keep in mind while installing windows using boot camp. thanks in advance!

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Windows On Mac :: How Much Partition For Boot Camp

Jan 17, 2009

how much should i partition for boot camp. I'm going to install widows xp and i have 52.42 gb left on my hard drive. how much should i partition?

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Windows On Mac :: How Do I Expand My Boot Camp Partition

Oct 28, 2010

So, my Boot Camp partition is 150GB and I'd like to easily expand it to 300GB; I've got plenty of space, but I'm wondering if this is possible?

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Windows On Mac :: Expand Boot Camp Partition?

Dec 26, 2010

I plan to copy my entire Windows partition from my Mac, delete old partition, make a new Windows partition (~500GB), copy it over onto that partition, and go!Do I have that right? All I need to know is what I should use to do the copying? Or cloning I should say.

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Partition Failed?

Jul 25, 2008

About a month ago I partitioned my HDD, installed XP and then found no need for it and then erased the partition using boot camp.

I decided to install XP again, so I opened Boot Camp, and partitioned the HDD 69GB for MAC and 70GB for Windows. I clicked partition and then it was partitioning and then I got a message saying to restart my MAC. I held the button down restarted the mac, and then went to boot camp again to join up the partitions, but there is no option for that, I can only partition the HDD again. The thing is that the partition is created I had like 140 free and now I have 60...which means the 70GB is partitioned but nothing is on it.

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OS X :: Boot Camp Deleted Partition - Any Way To Get It Back?

Apr 19, 2009

I partitioned my hard drive to install windows. I rebooted, loaded up the windows disc. And then realized my disc only had one partition. I quit the windows installer without installing windows, went into boot mode and I can only see my bootcamp partition. Is there any way to get my osx partition back?

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OS X :: Weird Boot Camp Partition Problem?

May 15, 2009

I just tried using the boot camp assistant to partition my drive to allow 10GB for Windows. When I clicked the button to start partitioning, it got stuck there for a long time. Eventually I read in forums that this happens sometimes, and the best thing to do is to quit Boot Camp and try it again.

Well, now I have a problem. The 10GB I tried to partition is now completely missing, and the numbers in Disk Utility simply don't add up. Here's what it says:

Capacity: 232.6 GB
Available: 16.1 GB
Used 205.8 GB

This doesn't make sense to me at all. I tried verifying and repairing the disk, and it says everything appears to be okay. I open up boot camp assistant and it acts like I'm starting from scratch, just with 10GB less to work with. Where did these 10GB go that I tried to partition?? It's driving me nuts...

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Partition For Boot Camp

Jun 8, 2009

How many gigs is enough for the boot camp partition installing WIN XP?

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp Partition Not Recognized?

Aug 14, 2009

After letting Windows 7 install (with empty, unpartitioned space) it created a 100MB recovery partition (WinRE) which seemed okay. But I can't mount the NTFS partition in OS X now. It fails to recognize it. It sees the unrecognizable WinRE partition and seems to not look any further (that's my guess, at least).

Picture attached from Disk Utility of the space that SHOULD contain TWO separate partitions. One for WinRE, the other an NTFS partition for Windows 7.

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Windows On Mac :: Cannot Make Partition In Boot Camp 3.0?

Sep 1, 2009

This is after I removed my previous windows installation so that I can install a newer version of windows with boot camp 3.0.

This is the error that it gives me while atempting to make a partition from my hard drive: [URL]

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OS X :: How To Delete The Windows Partition In Boot Camp

Oct 3, 2009

I used Boot Camp to setup a partition for installing Windows. I no longer need the partition nor Windows. How can I delete that partition and make it useful for my laptop?

I'd like to have it as just one big hard drive rather than it showing up as 2 separate hard drives. I believe it's called extend the hard drive if I'm correct.

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OS X :: 160GB SSD - 7 Installed On Boot Camp Partition From The SSD

Oct 27, 2009

I'm about to install Windows 7 into Boot Camp on my Intel X25-M G2 160GB SSD, so I have about 30GB for Windows 7.

Is it possible Windows 7 can erase data on my partition with OSX on it, say for example if Windows 7 supports TRIM and OSX doesn't could that cause a problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 X64 Partition On Boot Camp?

Oct 30, 2009

I used Boot Camp to install Win 7 x64 on a partition, and I got the OS and the drivers to work just fine. (I also have it installed on a Parallels Virutal machine, but I needed the dedicated partition for work.)

My only problem is that when I boot into Win 7, I get a screen that has a cursor flashing for about 2 and a half minutes. After that time, the Windows logo appears and it boots just fine. Is this common, or am I missing something here? It behooves me that it takes around 3 to 3 and a half minutes for Win 7 to boot up after hitting the power button.

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Windows On Mac :: Recreating A Boot Camp Partition?

Dec 1, 2009

I need to use some software for my course at university and typically it's windows only so I created a boot camp partition and after what's weeks and weeks of trouble getting it to work properly, which I decided was down to Windows 7 I deleted the partition and now I want to create another for XP but I get the error:

"The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved"

I've been searching Google for a while and had a suggestion that I defrag my HD so I have done but it hasn't helped. I really don't want to wipe my Hard Drive to get this to work.

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OS X :: Boot Camp - Cannot Mount Windows 7 Partition

Jan 18, 2010

Summary: Can't mount Win7 partition in OSX. NTFS-3G installed.

So I finally got around to installing Win 7 on my iMac through boot camp. During the install I deleted the partition BC created and reformatted. (I've now learned this is a bad way to do things and I should have just hit 'format' - as I understand that would have left me with the Boot Camp configuration all OK on the Mac end of things). I did the whole delete-the-ati-drivers nonsense and it's installed & running well on Win7. What I can't do now is mount my windows 7 partition in Disk Util so I can write some files to the partition in Snow Leopard (or mount the disk for VM/Parallels). NTFS-3G is installed. Is there a way to get this fixed so that I can accomplish without reinstalling Win7 (again)?

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Windows On Mac :: Is It Possible To Have Both Parallels And Boot Camp On The Same Partition

Mar 17, 2010

Is it possible to use both Parallels Desktop 5 and Bootcamp on a 32GB partition? In other words, do I need a separate partition for each program or can I have Parallels use the same partition that I allocated for Bootcamp.

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OS X :: Reformatting After Failed Boot Camp Partition?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a 320GB internal drive on my Intel Mac Mini. I tried to make a windows partition using Boot Camp. After I dragged the slider to select the partition size (100GB) and hit 'next' it didn't work. A message came up and basically said it failed. I don't remember what the message was exactly, something like "Verification failed. Some files could not be moved." But now, my Mini thinks it only has a 220GB drive. I open Disk Utility and I tried to reformat but it will only go to 220GB. It seems I lost the other 100GB.

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Windows On Mac :: Move A Boot Camp Partition?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a new MPB 15" i5 High-Res. I have VMWare fusion running a vm that I use for work. However, I would like to create a boot camp partition for just gaming.

I am looking to upgrade my hard drive to 500GB. The question is: If I create my boot camp partition now, can I just clone it to the new hard drive, or will I have to start over?

Is it as simple as just copying everything over, or should I just wait a few months until I get a new hard drive?

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Software :: Transferring From OSX To Windows XP Partition On Boot Camp?

Jan 10, 2008

Is it possible to transfer one PC program I have on my Mac, to the Windows XP Partition I made with BOOTCAMp without having to use an external hard drive or burning a DVD?

Otherwisely written, from XP on my mac, can I browse and import a file that is located on my OS X partition?

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OS X :: Remove Boot Camp Partition From Install DVD ISO Options?

Sep 10, 2010

I have made an ISO image from my Snow Leopard Install DVD. Here is what shows up in terminal with it mounted (diskutil list)

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Fusion And XP - Do I Need A Partition Like Boot Camp

Nov 5, 2010

I know with Boot Camp, you need to create a partition and install Windows on it. Is the same true with Fusion? Or during the install process, Fusion will create the space needed?

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Windows On Mac :: Reducing The Size Of A Boot Camp Partition?

Jan 2, 2011

I've checked out this link and I'm downloading GParted Live in the hope that it will allow me to reduce the size of my current 32GB Boot Camp partition that has Windows 7 installed on it.

I'm shrinking the partition because I never use Windows, I just have it installed in case I need it at some point. And I got a free copy from my University, so why not?

I just have a few questions before I dive in to this;

Will GParted be able to shrink my partition to a size of about 8GB or 16GB?

Will it corrupt any of the Windows 7 OS in the process?

Will it corrupt any of the OS X, or my data stored on my OS X drive?

Will I be able to run GParted from a USB drive?

What is the (or your personal) recommended minimum size of a partition drive?

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IMac :: Installing New HDD - What Is The Best Way To Copy A Boot Camp Partition To Hdd

Jan 9, 2011

I want to replace the hard drive in my iMac (2009 i5 model) but I'm not sure how I can copy my Boot Camp partition over. I had a difficult time trying to installing Windows 7 on my computer the first time I did it, I had to slip in extra drivers and remove ram sticks and stuff like that but once I got it running it has ran fine without any problems. I skimmed through the SSD upgrade thread looking for info but I didn't see anything that jumped out at me. When I google'd the issue, almost all of the info I found was from 2009 and older. So, what is the best way to copy a Boot Camp partition to a new hard disk?

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Mac Pro :: Multi-partition Setup For Boot Camp And Fusion

Mar 19, 2008

Just purchased a Mac Pro (my first Mac after being a long time PC user) and need some advice for carving up the disk partitions to run some other operating systems on an additional 500GB Seagate HDD.

I want to run Windows XP on a 100GB partition of the Seagate drive and use the addition space, about 380GB, to run Solaris and Linux for work specific simulation programs via VMware Fusion. I know I could run some Linux programs on OSX, but I�m trying to keep work and personal data completely separate.

I installed XP using Boot Camp with no problem on the 100GB partition and left the rest of the disk as Free Space.

My problem is getting the Free Space partitioned so I can use it to host the other OS�s running VMware Fusion. When I use the disk utility to partition the rest of the disk, it goes into �Modifying Partition Map� and hangs. I left it on all night and it didn�t finish.

Is there an easy way to make the 380GB left on the Seagate drive usable for the OSX or do I need to do something different? I�d like to avoid re-doing the Boot CampWindows layout since everything is working great on that side.

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