Safari :: Cannot Remove The Auto-fill Name And Password
Mar 9, 2012I cannot remove the auto-fill name and password when reseting safari 5.1.3
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I cannot remove the auto-fill name and password when reseting safari 5.1.3
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The new version won't remove auto-fill user id and password for any entry. And it's caused problems logging into some Websites by entering a bogus one the Website can't recognize. It's a, "Huh?" for this update.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI selected the auto fill password function in Safari, which works maybe 50% of the time. I believe that I am pressing "update" when I choose a new password.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)
I don't know if this is properly autofill or autocomplete - the two overlap too much anyway so I'm not wasting brain cells trying to come up with a distinction that makes sense to non-engineers. ANYWAY. Here's the point.
I'm on my bank website. My login is xtnjohnson -- just like here. Only I mistyped it once, so in autofill/autocomplete (whichever it is), I get a little drop-down showing two options: xtnjohnson or xtnjohson.
I want to delete only the second option. I recall at sometime finding a very simple way that involved highlighting the offending entry and hitting either control-delete, shift-delete, command-delete, or function-delete, only I can't seem to get any of those combinations to work. And of course I can't find the thread anymore.
The solution did *not* involve dealing with the autofill preferences in *any* way -- I've seen that option and it doesn't help (a) because there's no quick way to find the website where the problem is occurring (my list is long), (b) even when I go through my list, I don't see my bank's url, (c) the place for entering my login appears to be in something like JavaScript, so I'm not sure it'd be tracked in one of those lists, and (d) I don't know that this is properly an "autofill" problem anyway.
Safari 5, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have close to 30 sites in my keychain, but one will not remember login info. When I had first joined the site, it worked fine. Unfortunately it had not synched my login info using the cloud to my iPod touch. I had of course forgotten the recommended suggested password (letters, numbers & symbols), and so had a password request sent to my phone. Again unfortunately the cloud did not resend the password to my computer, so I just ended up creating my own easy to remember password. It was recalling the strange passwords, but wouldn't put my password into my mac. It also began to stop asking to save passwords from that site altogether. I ran keychain first aid, & I trashed the Keychain Access.plist. I didn't reset my Default Key Chain button, because I don't to loose all of my saved info.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe autofill of my safari is not working! It does not let me remove any remembered username or password, neither will it remember any new ones I typed in. It keeps poping up the dialog asking me if I want to remember the username and password or not, but it won't remember them even though I clicked yes.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I regularly export and save my Safari bookmarks in case I'm ever stuck having to use a different computer.
Now I've just thought - I have several forums where I never have to remember username and password as Safari remembers them for me. It would be very useful to export and back those up too. But, where are they held? My guess is ~/Library/Safari/Form Values. However, when I tried to confirm this by opening in TextEdit, it was in the form of unreadable symbols. Nevertheless, is that the file I need to backup?
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4, 1.67GHz, 1GB RAM, 250GB HD
I have a site that won't auto-fill. I've deleted cookies, cache, and any reference to the site. I've taken out my keychain entry which I had to enter manually. I sign in manually, click the checkbox that sets the cookie with my login email, and login. It won't ask me to save to the keychain. So I enter a new keychain entry manually, and it won't work.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2),
I've formatted my Mac synced with and now it remembers just my usernames and not passwords, when I do type in the password it asks me do I want to store it, but it never does. Plus when I go into prefs of safari and try and delete them it wont let me do that either. Is there anyway I can delete all my usernames and passwords and start again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have always used Firefox, but I am finally getting used to Safari. There are a lot if cool features that Firefox doesn't have. In Firefox, I could start typing my usernames and it would automatically fill it in. How do I get Safari to do this? I don't want Safari to remember my passwords, just the usernames so I don't have to type them each time I log in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just noticed that when I start to type a URL in the URL field in Safari 5, it behaves differently than before. For example, before, if I typed "app" in the URL field and hit enter, it would automatically fill in "[URL:..] and load the site. That's because Apple's site was the only site in my bookmark list that started with "app". Now when I type "app", it fills in [URL:..] instead, because that site's DESCRIPTIVE TEXT begins "Apple, Macintosh...". So now, it assumes the letters I type in the URL bar are to help me find a site based on the "descriptive" text, instead of the actual URL text. I really hate this new behavior. I looked for an option or preference to change, but found nothing. Any of you know how to revert this behavior, or if it is even possible to do so?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm struggling to get Autofill and Keychain Access configured to operate in a rational way. Perhaps I don't understand something, but judging from all the discussion in various places, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion on the subject. What I want to do seems pretty logical and straightforward (at least to me) :
When I visit a secure site (say for online banking), I would like to have Safari use Autofill to get the password for his site from my keychain (where it is kept securely encrypted when not in use), and fill in the username and password fields for me. What I do not want is for Safari and Keychain Access to retain that userid and password info indefinitely. For example, I logged in to pay a bill at the airport lounge, and then someone swipes my MacBook, logs in, and transfers all my funds to their bank.
It seems that this was what was happening when I first set up Autofill... each time I went to the secure login page, Safari/Autofill/Keychain Access automatically filled in the userid and pw with no prompts, or request for authentication. This behavior might be OK for a website such as the New York Times, but it's not OK for my online banking account!
After some reading, much of which was conflicting due to various OS and Safari versions involved, and some trial and error and testing, I came up with the following settings:
1. In Safari, I set up Autofill to automatically supply userid's and pw's: At this point, there are no websites listed in the "Edit..." window.
2. Next, I entered the required info (userid, pw, URL) in Keychain Access, and set its Access Control as follows: This, I hoped would require that *each* use of the userid and pw be authenticated.
3. Now for the test: I go to the website, and get a request for authentication: So far, this is what I had hoped for, but immediately after I supply the keychain password, I am prompted for it again as follows (I've blanked the actual name of the website):
I want this to be secure, but entering the same keychain password twice is just annoying. I've tried various combinations and tweaks to configure this to work rationally (i.e. one and only one keychain password entry), but have not been successful. It seems that it will work with *no* authentication required, or with *double* authentication required.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been trying to delete the passwords saved in my auto fill and havr followed the instructions outlined in the Help section but it still won't delete anything. Does anyone have a solution to this? I have even tried resetting Safari.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSafari autofill only works for a few websites on my new iMac. Apple Care tried to change some settings which did not help. Autofill is checked in preference and we worked on Keychain access.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I looked on the before and still ahven't found anything on it, so I guess I'll just ask.
I've been wanting to use Safari 5 as my familys default browser for sometime but the one thing that seems to bug my mother and others is how Safari handles autofill <--- don't know if that's right.
You see they like how in Chrome you just click on an empty text filed and anything that has been typed there before will just pop up on a drop down list under the text filed box it's self with they're options.
I just wanted to know if there might be an extention that gives Safari this feature?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How Can I change my form auto-fill details. I want to change the phone form auto-fill detailsI have only the one I want checked in my address book but it still uses a different one. Using Lion OS if that matters.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This has been bugging me for months, so I'm hoping someone out there can answer this query. Our county changed our house number several months ago. I use auto-fill on Web page forms very frequently. Of course, every time I auto-fill my address info, my original house number comes up, and I have to edit it to the new number. I've searched around, but I have not been able to locate where the data for filling in the forms are kept, or any procedure available for changing what data Safari uses to auto-fill. Does anyone know how to accomplish this feat?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm a new safari user. in firefox, for example when I've searched "bacon" on one site, if I search it again on other website, bacon would show in the dropdown when I type "b." but in safari that's not the case. "bacon" only shows up on the website that I've searched it on. the same with forms. I have to type my e-mail on every website. it's tiring.
Is there a maximum number AutoFill entris that Safari will keep a record of? I use the AutoFill feature to input my email login/password. I ave Safari 6.1.7 and am using Snow Leopard
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I auto-fill forms in safari it uses my wrong email address. How I can specify which email address to use?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I get Safari to present auto-fill options in text fields like Firefox can.
Seems like a cookies thing but I think not because it presents me with all previous names I've used on other website's text fields before.
For example in Firefox if I go to sites I haven't visited before and I'm asked to type in my new username, as soon as I type the first letter, Firefox gives me options from previous text fields I've filled in before all over the net and unrelated to the site I'm on.
In a previous contact software program I have used for years, the first letter of names, streets, and cities, were automatically capitalized as I typed them in. Unfortunately, that software does not work under Lion and the developer is out of business. Because of that, I am trying to convert to Address Book. I can't find the ability to have that same thing happen in Address Book. Is there something I can turn on in Preferences or some other obscure window? My old contact software also automatically filled in cities, names, or states that I previously entered. Great time saver but doesn't seem to exist in Address Book.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
How do I edit auto-fill?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
Typically in Itunes when "music" is clicked at the bottom of the songs window there is an autofill option. I no longer see that option. Where did it go? I want to change what playlist my Itouch syncs with and I can't without having access to the autofill feature.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
Had to change my email address due to a hacking incident. How do I correct the AutoFill feature?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do you change the info in auto fill
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem with autofill not completing passwords. Usernames / IDs are being completed on websites but associated passwordsa are not being autofilled. I have tried to delete them from Safari/Preferences/Autofill/Usernames and Passords but I cannot delete a single entry or even the entire list! I have even tried deleting the site info: UserID and password from Keychain Access and then re-entering them manually but this does not seem to rectify the problem. Every time I open a website with a log in required, the username / ID is autofilled, but the password is now not. (It all worked previously) When I input the password, a dropdown window asks if I wish to have it remembered and I say yes, but it is not.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How can I change my autofill adress from to
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this. When I fill something in on the internet when I start putting my name in the fields it put's my address and all my other info in the blanks. How do I change the info that should go there. That is my old address and I want to update it for my new one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI remember before my reformat, that my auto-fill in worked, the ones where if you are ordering online and when you enter your first name, then all the other fields such as last name, phone number, email, address will get filled in, I was wondering how can I restore that function?
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