PowerPC :: Replace Logic Board Or Part Out PowerBook G4?
Feb 15, 2009
I came across a powerbook g4 (dvi, 15 inches, 800mhz, 512mbs, airport card, dvd-rom + cd-rw, after market battery never used and after market ac adapter)) sold "as is" on craig's list. I picked it up for $50. It had everything but the hdd. The first time i plugged it (without hdd) I got the flashing ?. I swapped in another hdd and all I would would get the apple chime followed three soft beeps (nothing on the screen). And then eventually, I would power it on and the only sign of life I would get is the caps lock light on, and the num lock light only if I hit F5 (again nothing on the screen). If i let the powerbook sit without the battery for a while, then I would get the apple chime again but then the power cut out right away. This happens with the adaptor or the battery only which leads me to believe it's not the dc-in board. I have tried different ram, disconnected the airport card, disconnected the cd player. I have tried resetting the PMU and every key combination to reset the PRAM (it never seemed to make a difference).
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Jan 7, 2008
Is it possible to replace the logic board in a 12in 700mhz g3 ibook with a g4 12in logic board? I was just wondering because I came across a g4 logic board.
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm still working on this deal to buy a used 12" PB. The seller says that she just replaced the logic board, hard drive, and battery. Now, I see this as a negative. Obviously the computer was having problems, she spent a bunch of money fixing it, and is now selling it anyway. What do you think? Is it a negative that it had problems and needed to be fixed? Or is it a positive that it has a brand new logic board that will theoretically last longer than an original one?
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Jul 6, 2008
I bought my first Mac (iBook) last December. However, it is now dead from logic board failure. I was looking at Macbooks but they are very expensive, which is why I bought the iBook in the first place. So now I'm looking at 15" PowerBook G4. My question is: If having a G4 proves too difficult in the next few years (PowerPC compatibility and speed), could I put a logic board from a 15" MBP in the PB?
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Jul 30, 2008
I am thinking about purchasing this PowerBook and getting it fixed or reselling it. What do you think?
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Dec 24, 2006
I had a fault where my powerbook would not start up. Apple replaced the logic board and now the screen is a very strange colour and flickers.In the video I use the hot corner and the dog changes to the right colour but the windows do not. its very strange.I will have to take it back to apple in the new year but is there anything I can do to improve the image. Its so hard to look at like this.
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Jun 8, 2007
I'm having my pb repaired from my casing warping. I brought it and the and they agreed to fix it. He ordered the parts and said when they arrive they would call me to bring it in. I guess they could do it at the store ( )i'm surprized it wasn't sent out. ne woot on the order sheet it says "Board, Logic, 1.5 GHz 64MB VAM". Now my question is I did a BTO and upgraded the VRAM to 128. Did he order the wrong part? Will it still work?
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Nov 18, 2007
My girlfriend has a 12" G4 Powerbook that she claimed was getting really hot. I noticed it was as well, so I installed iStat Pro and saw that the fan was spinning at 0 RPM. So obviously something is wrong. I read a few posts on people having problems with the logic board, which would also cause the fan not to work. However, the computer runs fine, the fan just doesn't turn on when it gets hot. I haven't (and don't plan to) let it get so hot that it would shut itself off or burst in to flame or whatever happens. I understand it's out of Applecare, but I would prefer to fix it myself on the cheap. I'm perfectly capable and willing to replace the fan, but before I crack it open I would like to know if there is a simple way to see if my problem is simply a dead $30 fan, or a $500 logic board.
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Jan 29, 2008
I recently took my 15in 1.5ghz powerbook to an AASP and was told that my logic board needed to be repleaced. He quoted me $369 and told me the turn around was going to be 4-5 days. I asked him just to be sure: This would include a logic board replacement and would only cost $369? He confirmed that it shouldn't cost more than that. Being the creature of habit I am I decided to take it to a Genius Bar for a 2nd opinion. My appt is tomorrow and I decided to research it further before I went. I have read other reports claiming that Apple charges upward of 500-800 to replace the logic board. Does anyone know if the replacement for the logic board is supposed to cost that much? I don't expect someone to know exactly but I was wondering if anyone has any reports or experience with this.
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Apr 10, 2008
the two logic board (motherboard) of the MackBook Pro and PowerBook G4 looks very similar, but i do not have two side by side in person. this idea was tossing around in my head, so what do you guys think ? has anyone done this swap ?
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May 3, 2008
Hoping that some of you here still own or have owned Powerbooks recently... I have a PB G4 1.67ghz that I bought in July 2005. Since then, it's seen the back of the Apple Store several times to replace three logic boards, a screen, and a SuperDrive, with the most recent instance being the third logic board replacement. This has left the future of my laptop in uncertainty, as the warranty expires this July. In the past, I've owned several Macs for 5 years or more, including my beloved G4 Cube, so I'm no stranger to sticking with my Mac until it's absolutely necessary to upgrade... and financially, I was planning for this computer to last me another 2 years before I had to upgrade.
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May 29, 2008
I have a powerbook g4 15" 1.5Ghz. My VRAM is shot and my computer keeps on going into panic mode or gets hot and just stalls and I have too reboot manually. I just purchased another logic board off of ebay, yes I'm a very brave guy, I installed the new/used logic board and I now see that the ribbon cable recepticles for the keyboard and finger pad are not on the new logic board. Obviously I bought the wrong board. Is it possible to still use it somehow like buy a new top plate or buy an external keybord? The top plate I have now has the fat ribbon cable and also the small one. Can I just get the proper cables? If so which ones are they?
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Aug 11, 2008
I've searched high and low for any and all alternatives to working with my, shall we say, "experienced" Powerbook Titanium, despite it's age(it's not old, it's chronologically advanced!). After looking things up and being able to think of nothing, I figured I'd finally register here and hope for some good advice from people who possibly know more about Mac hardware than I do.I received my laptop in June of 2002(it was likely bought either that month or April) from my father. As far as I was aware, it was a brand new Powerbook bought from Comp USA...with the latest specs and peripherals at the time. After 7 years of using and loving my laptop(despite the fact the battery is completely dead, both hinges are broken and removed to keep the wires from accidentally being cut until I can afford new ones, and the CD drive no longer working), it's come to a point where I'm needing to try to breath even a little new-found life into my true love...or be stuck using "The Rex", my overbearing Desktop PC with its snooty Windows XP and massive noise-creating fans.
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Sep 21, 2006
will a 12" powerbook logic board work in a 12" ibook? i mean they aer the same size but is there something that wont work?
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May 8, 2008
I'm looking to get this titanium powerbook but it has a broken screen, possibly bad backlight? I can get it for a good price and I would love to have it to replace my ibook. I don't know the specs for sure but I am positive I think it's the DVI version since it has the keyboard that looks like the ibooks(same placement for the keyboard release latches).The guy said it worked fine on an external monitor but just recently he said it won't boot now and it now makes a high-pitched whining sound. Anyone know what that is? I'd like to use it as a headless mac until I locate a new screen for it.
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Oct 5, 2008
Love my 12" PB 1.5ghz. Running Leopard on it. But the memory cap of 1.25gb with 256gb soldered on to the board (and only one memory slot) bugs me. Especially since this is the same logic board that goes into the 12" iBooks last revision that have 512mb soldered on to their boards. (Their memory cap is 1.5gbs and it does make a difference, especially on the 1.42ghz iBooks).I just asked Gary Dailey of Daystar if they could solder a 1 gig chip on the board.. seems like a better "upgrade" than overclocking with Leopard's memory demands Will let MR know if this can be done. If so, i'm in.
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Jan 26, 2008
I have a 17" PB, 1.33 ghz with 1.76gb ram. In September it gave signs of the hard drive failing. It would crash right after booting and then not boot at all.If I booted into target disk mode i could still access the files. I backed everything up and did many versions of trying to reformat / reinstall my OS to no avail. When Leopard came out I went through the process again to see if that might help but it didn't. Today I replaced the HD and now it still won't boot at all. It goes to the grey apple screen with the rotating loading icon and stalls. I've let it sit there for 10 minutes or more.
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Mar 23, 2009
I was using my trusty powerbook 500 mhz and when i closed the screen while the machine was on, after @ 1/2 hour i opened the screen up and NOTHING!. i restarted and nothing again, the caps lock key will light up, so i am assuming the power supply is ok. No chime and black screen, any suggestions on what it might be...im thinking logic board, if so what ones will fit that model
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Aug 25, 2007
I have a PowerBook G4 15" 1.33GHz that up until now ran flawlessly. Today I was watching a movie on it with some friends when it randomly shutdown. Since then, it no longer turns on. The battery is fully charged and there is no problem with my AC adapter. With just the battery, nothing happens when I press the power button. When the AC adapter is plugged in and I press the power button, the optical drive spins at full speed for a few minutes and then the PowerBook shuts itself down again. I have attempted reseting pram and pmu with no success. I think it could be a dead logic board but I'm not sure. Would it be worth the money to buy a new logic board or should I just part it out?
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Apr 17, 2009
I'm somewhat new to the forums, and found a really good deal for a brand new macbook air (rev.1). I'd like to know if it is possible to replace the logic board in my macbook air with a newer, nvidia-gfx based logic board. As in, will it fit, does the same power supply run it, same peripherals (airport, keyboard, etc) work/interface with it, etc?
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Aug 12, 2008
My computer recently, today, got a problem where the monitor no longer works, and an external monitor doesn't work. Thought it was maybe this can't get out of sleep problem, but it's not.
A shut down and restart, battery removal, connect a another monitor does not do anything. It seems to work fine otherwise.
Took it in and they said the entire logic board had to be replaced, and would be $1,300. owwww.
Is this reasonable? Anyone have a cheaper way to go about this? This is a 2.4 MacBook Pro. Another option, I would hate to do without my computer for a length of time, but $1,300 is money I really don't have now.
I see in the Buyer's Guide another incarnation of the MacBook Pro is coming. Does that mean the price of my logic board would drop soon?
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Mar 10, 2012
My IMac would turn on I would hear the fans spin/whirl but know "ping" noise to tell me it was powering up. Screen was dark.So I replaced the power board. This did not work. So now I've been told that the logic boad needs to be replaced.
Info:iMac G5 (17-inch)
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a first gen Mac Pro - late 2006 I think - and one of the processors died, making it one hell of a paper weight. The authorized Mac tech has told me he has to order the entire logic board with processors b/c you can't just replace the processors. Googling tells me otherwise.
Basically it's $700 for the parts - is this the route I have to go? Is that a good price? Can I upgrade processors at this point?
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Jul 6, 2009
If I got a first Gen 17" MBP, could I replace the logic board with the last gen (non unibody) logic board?Was the casing of the "classic" MBP unchanged from the first gen to the last generation?
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Sep 20, 2010
My Mac Pro 1,1 has been diagnosed to replace the main logic board at a cost of just over $600. Is there a reliable place to send the logic board for repair? Or should I spend the $600 on a refurbed board or sell it and replace it?
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Apr 30, 2010
Taking my mbp to apple store to get my gts8600 vid card fixed or somehing and they gotta replace the logic board. i heard on here it takes a few hours but the guy said 3-4 days?
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Jul 20, 2010
I bought a refurbished first gen MBA about a year and a half ago. (It's under applecare for another 1.5 years). I have had terrible problems with video playback and trying to do the even most mild editing in Aperture and iMovie. Also, the screen is sometimes scrambled: Black chunks will appear like holes in the desktop image; The menubar will get scrambled; or safari will have weird misalignments around the toolbar/url.
Apple replaced the logic board about 6 months ago. I've continued to have these problems. I took it to the genius bar again today and the rep told me it was a problem with the graphics card and that they would replace the card. Then he said the logic board would be replaced since the logic board is fused to the video card.
That confused me. If the card is fused to the logic board, then it must have already been replaced the last time. He agreed, but at the same time assured me that this time it would somehow be different. I wasn't going to argue with him, but I have low expectations for any real results in improving performance.
Can anyone clarify for me what he was talking about? Am I wrong to believe that a second logic board replacement (and thereby a second graphics card) will solve the issues I am having?
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May 27, 2012
My fan(s) started running at high speed and display was erratic. I diagnosed a thermal issue with the logic board, tried some home troubleshooting, then took it in to the genius bar. Fans checked out fine but logic board (and maybe video card) did not. Repair will be north of $600. Problem is, I love the 24" iMac and don't want the 27" and wouldn't want to go back to the 21". Would it be dumb to fix a 3 year old iMac.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2009 iMac
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Sep 5, 2008
I was given a free G3 Pismo Powerbook. DOA and traced to dead internal battery. Successfully replaced and the unit is now alive except I have determined the video chip is toast. Everything works except display to all output types is shot - bad colour, vertical lines, huge cursor etc.
Lots of logic boards available on ebay for about $30. This would make a decent starter computer for my young boys.
I'm looking for good instructions to replace the board.
Pismo Bronze Keyboard
G3, 400 Mhz
512 MB ram
10 GB drive
DVD ROM optical drive
2 USB + 2 firewire 400 + S video + RGB
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May 13, 2008
so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.
i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.
i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.
the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.
i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.
and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]
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