PowerPC :: Put 500gb Hard Drive In G4 1.5ghz?

Nov 7, 2008

I've been looking to upgrade the RAM and the hard drive in my powerbook g4 so I can prolong this little baby's life. I don't see the point in throwing something out that is still working. However, after a little scouting around online, I can only find 250gb drives advertised for Powerbook G4. Is this the case? Are there no 500gb drives that I could install too? Is there a specific type of drive I need?

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Intel Mac :: Upgrade 21.5 2.5ghz Hard Drive?

Jun 27, 2012

I would like to know if i am able to upgrade a iMac 21.5 2.5ghz from 500GB to 1TB or 2 TB

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Won't Show Up G-Tech G-Drive (500GB) External Hard Drive

Jan 16, 2008

when I went into the "get info" window for the G-Drive and switched the ownership/permissions dropdown from "read/write" to "no access". When I tried to switch it back to read/write, it would say read/write in the dropdown, but then I'd try to access the g-drive and I'd only get to the first set of folders--when I'd click on a folder, there would appear to be nothing in it. (Not sure if this is really related to my current problem.)
I then tried ejecting and remounting the drive, but it didn't show up on my desktop. Stupidly, I assumed my computer didn't recognize it at all and unplugged the firewire without ejecting thru disk utility. When I did this I got the device removal error.
I then plugged the firewire back in and tried repairing the disk in disk utility, but it said it didn't need repair. When I click on the G-Drive in disk utility the info at the bottom says:

Mount Point :/Volumes/G-DRIVECapacity :465.6 GB (499,973,603,328 Bytes)
Format :Mac OS ExtendedAvailable :
Owners Enabled :NoUsed :
Number of Folders :0Number of Files :0

0 Files! I'm worried about losing all my stuff! I then tried DiskWarrior (v4.0). When I first opened it I think the info at the bottom said "This disk is a Mac OS Extended disk. This disk does NOT appear on the desktop." I'm not quite sure about that "not" b/c after rebuilding the directory of the G-DRIVE I know it now says "This disk does appear on the desktop." Anyway, it's definitely not appearing on my desktop. After building the directory it said "All file and folder data was easily located. Comparison of the original and replacement directories indicate that there will be changes to the number, the contents and/or the attributes of the files and folders." And later: "19 files (and 2 folders) had a directory entry w/ an incorrect text encoding value that was repaired." And:

Disk Info:
Files: 51,646
Folders: 18, 493
Free Space: 65.42GB

I then clicked "Replace" whereupon it said it was successfully replace. But still it did not appear on the desktop even after ejecting, remounting, rebooting computer, etc.

If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it. I'm pretty desperate here! Thanks!

(FYI I already tried going into the Finder permissions and unclicking and reclicking the box for showing disks on the desktop. Also, I plan on getting DataRescueII in case that's necessary, but i hope it isn't)

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MacBook :: 500GB Toshiba Drive - SATA 3.0Gb/s Notebook Hard Drive

Jun 19, 2009

TOSHIBA MK5055GSX 500GB 5400 RPM 8MB Cache 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Notebook Hard Drive

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MacBook Pro :: 500GB Hard Drive - 7200 PRM Seagate Drive ?

Jun 24, 2009

Has anyone tried the 500GB - 7200 PRM Seagate Drive for the Macbook Pro 15" Unibody ?I am considering getting one, but remembered they have 2 versions Which one should i get ?

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MacBook Pro :: Have 500GB Hard Drive - What New Drive Should I Get To Increse Capacity

Mar 4, 2010

Seagate Momentus - [URL]/exec/obidos/tg...X0DER&v=glance Western Digital Scorpio Blue Western-Digita...7754430&sr=1-1What is the difference with this Scorpio Blue as well? [URL]/Western-Digita...7754430&sr=1-3This is for a 13'' 2.26 Macbook. I want something that is cool, fast, and quiet....and something that won't break in 8 months (although it seems there's at least 2 reviews for each product with someone saying that the hard drive broke within a year). I have read hundreds of reviews of each product -- they all seem like great products, but I am having trouble deciding

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MacBook :: Upgrade My Hard Drive From 500GB To 7200rpm Drive?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a MacBook (Mid 2009) and want to upgrade my hard drive to a 500GB (or maybe higher) 7200rpm drive. I have already upgraded the hard drive once, from the standard 160GB to a 320GB 5400rpm, so I already know how to do it.I just need more storage, rather than using external drives. Also, after I upgraded to the 320GB drive, the startup was much slower than when using the stock drive, so that is the reason for having a 7200rpm drive.

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Mac :: 500gb Hard Drive In MacBook Air?

Aug 23, 2009

Emailed the seller. Said I wanted to pick up in person, they balked. Asked about hard drive, said they'd get back to me.

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OS X :: Replacing Hard Drive From 160 To 500GB On MacBook

Feb 15, 2009

I do a lot of traveling and have a lot of video files that I like to take on the road with me. I saw a 500gb Western Digital 2.5 hard drive on Amazon.com and want to replace my 160gb hard drive with it. I have an external hard drive with time machine. Is there anyway to do this so that I do no have to re-install everything?

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Laptops :: Best 500GB Hard Drive For My Macbook?

Oct 18, 2009

I have a Early 2008 White Macbook with a 160GB 5400RPM Fujitsu drive that is driving me mad. it is far too small and i have nowhere to store my RSS feeds and podcasts from iTunes anymore. also, it boots really slowly because of all the applications and HD podcasts on the drive. I am considering getting the Seagate Momentus ST9500420AS ( the one without G-Force Protection ) because it is a 7400RPM drive with a 500GB capacity. Has anybody had any problems with this drive in their macbooks or in general? Would the vibration/noise be an issue? I'm also considering the Scorpio Blue and Toshiba MK5055GSX because they're very power efficient, but at 5400RPM, they are slower. I'd love to see boot times in particular improve. There is already 2GB of RAM in the machine, so that isn't the problem.

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MacBook Pro :: 500GB Hard Drive - 2.8 GHz Intel C2D - 4GB RAM

Nov 12, 2010

I purchased my mac just after the release of the MacBookPro June 2009 with 500GB hard drive, 2.8GHZ Intel C2D and 4GB Ram. Looking at version histories to see what the processor model was I saw that it should be a MacBookPro 5,3 or 5,5 based on the date. However in my system information it says MacBookPro 5,2. Has anybody else that purchased their rig after the release noticed this?

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MacBook :: Best Choice For 500gb Hard Drive?

Jan 27, 2009

Is there a best choice for a 500gb hard drive?the main options seem to be a seagate momentus or wd scorpio.my concern is noise.i want something more quiet than performance.

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MacBook Pro :: Fastest 500GB Hard Drive For MBP?

Jun 22, 2009

I know this comes up a lot but I couldn't find any recent ones that fitted my criteria. Basically I was just wondering what the fastest 500GB hard drive is for a 15inch MBP?? I've heard that the WD scorpio blue is pretty fast but I didn't know if it was THE fastest.

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MacBook Pro :: Most Silent 500GB Hard Drive

Jul 18, 2009

I have recently installed a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 500GB drive in my 13" MacBook Pro and it makes a constant noise. The noise sounds like the fans are running louder than usual, but the noise clearly comes from the HDD and not the fans. So, I take it this is not normal, so what drive should I get? This is the second WD SB drive I've had and the first one was faulty as it vibrated a lot and you could feel it when resting your hand on the MacBook Pro. The current drive does not have that problem, but this noise is really annoying. What I want is a large capacity drive that is really quiet. The advantage of the WD is that it doesn't make the 'clunk' noies the stock HDD does when you move the MacBook Pro.

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MacBook Pro :: Second Bad 500gb - Hard Drive Upgrades In MBA

Nov 11, 2009

I just ordered a third new internal hard drive for my 17" Unibody MBP. The first 500gb drive I tried, Seagate Momentus 7200.4, died after just over one month of service so I replaced it with the slower Hitachi version and it started sounding like an old coffee grinder after less than two months. I don't recall hard drives having this many problems in the past and it is frustrating to say the least.The folks at Newegg do not support the products they sell after 30-days so I am going to have to duke it out with the manufacturers of both drives. Meanwhile, I am curious what kinds of luck other people are having with hard drive upgrades in their MBP's.

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OS X V10.3 :: Installing On 500gb Hard Drive In A PowerMac G5

Feb 21, 2012

I have no way of finding out the password to get through. I am doing a clean install of Mac OS X v10.3.2, using a pc keyboard at the moment.C-key isn't responding, so I held down alt. I am dead end with this firmware password protection.

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)

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MacBook Pro :: Which Fast 500GB Hard Drive From Unibody (1st Gen)?

Sep 11, 2010

I use my macbook pro mostly for pro audio work so I think I'll probably need 7,200 speed (which I currently have)

I want quiet, extremely reliable and fast. I've seen the following:

Seagate Momentus - I've heard it's noisy and viberates and maybe not so reliable?

WD Scorpio Blue - I think only available in 5,400 speed

Hitachi spinpoint - again only in 5,400 speed

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MacBook :: Can't Install New Hitachi 500gb Hard Drive

Apr 25, 2012

I just installed a new Hitachi 500gb that replaced my old Hitachi 120gb. My hard drive was replaced about 1 1/2 years ago at the apple store. Now that it has died i was told to order a new hard drive less than 1 terribite (i know it's misspelled). I replaced it and pressed alt at boot and the disc appeared and I clicked it...selected ENGLISH and then went next...was ask to select where do i want this to info installed but it had nothing for me to select. it's obvious it's not recognizing my new hard drive. I can't go any further. Then when I select installer from the menu and select start up disc it shows an X on my MAC OX S installation disc 1??Could this be because when they gave me a new hard drive they used their discs...I don't know... I really don't wanna go BACK to the MAC store..

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.9)

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MacBook Pro :: Will 4GB RAM Create Performance On 500GB Hard Drive Speed?

Aug 22, 2009

I just switched out my 160GB hard drive on my 13" MBP for a 500GB. I do notice that things are a little slower now as far as opening up apps and such. Would upgrading to the 4GB of RAM instead of the 2 I have make a difference or is that the trade i get for running a 5200 500GB HD.

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MacBook Pro :: WD Scorpio Blue 500GB (wd5000bevt) - Hard Drive?

Jan 17, 2010

I am looking for advice on the wd5000bevt (500GB 5400rpm) Planning to get this as it supposedly has almost the same speed as a 320GB 7200rpm drive and doesnt come with the usual 7200rpm negetives (heat, vibrations and noise). Anyone with firsthand experience with this drive? It is quite popular so I am hoping I will find someone Also, I heard something about clashing motion sensor because the macbook already have one so you should avoid some drives. Does this drive have one? Is it compatible?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Lacie 500GB External Hard Drive Not Mounting

Apr 11, 2012

I have had a Lacie 500gb external hardrive formatted and used with time machine on my macbook pro for about two years now. I haven't had any problems until recently. When I plugged it in, it wouldn't mount. I opened disk utility and it was visible but showed as unmounted and I wasn't able to mount them manually from there.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: 500GB WD External Hard Drive - Backup Files Individually?

Jun 3, 2009

I've got a WD 500 GB external hard drive that has worked perfectly for about a year. I don't use time machine or any other backup software. I prefer to organize it myself and backup files individually.

Suddenly, today, it's freaking out at me. I've got several folders in it that I copy things too. One of them being Music. I was copying a few gigs of new music into that folder, but when it finished copying I couldn't access any of the other files.

It's like I'm stuck in the sub menu where I can just see the music I have on the drive and nothing else. The rest of the files are there somewhere because I only have about 50gbs of music and it says that 300gbs of space are being used, but I can't see them and i've tried a bunch of different things to get them to show up.

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MacBook Pro :: Draining Battery Due To WD5000BEKT 500GB Scorpio Black 7200 RPM Hard Drive?

Nov 26, 2010

I installed the hard drive with no problem and have experienced greater performance, no clicking nor vibration, and no freezeup or rainbow wheel. I also did a clean install of Snow Leopard. I did a PRAM reset at the beginning and calibrated my battery. However, now I noticed my battery is draining FAST, only lasting 2 hours. I looked a little online and discovered I may still need to reset the SMC (shift-control-option + power key), which I will do shortly. The battery lasted 6-7 hours before with my old hdd and is at 96% capacity.

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MacBook Pro :: After Creating A New Login (bought Computer Used) And Deleting The Old One The 500gb Hard Drive Only Shows Up As 320gb?

Feb 11, 2012

So I've just purchased a mid 2011 Macbook Pro 13" used via eBay. Was advertised as having 500gb hard drive and 6gb ram. I checked the ram and it was all legit, checked the hd capacity and it was all correct as well. So I made a new login for myself and deleted the previous owner's. Now my hard drive shows up as 320gb. Even in disk utility and terminal.

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PowerPC :: Put More Than 2GB RAM Into G4 17/1.5GHz?

Nov 5, 2008

Just wondering if its possible.. looking on one of the memory merchant sites it looks like only 1GB PC2700 DDR RAM modules are available.

I have 2x1GB sticks in it already. Is it possible to upgrade to 2x2GB's or is this not possible

Would appreciate any clarification on this.

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PowerPC :: G4 1.5Ghz Won't Boot Up

Oct 20, 2010

My PowerBook G4 1.5Ghz won't boot up. It happened about a year ago when I first got my new MBP so I just let it sit. But I'd like to give it to a friend if I can get it to work. I've tried resetting the PMU by holding shift+control+option+power... waiting 5 seconds and powering on, but nothing happens. The battery appears to be functioning correctly. When the cable is in it lights up like normal and the battery indicators light up and are in full charge. I've taken the ram out and put it back in. Any other clues what I could try before bringing it in to Apple?

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PowerPC :: 17inch G4 1.5ghz - Brightness Stuck

Jan 3, 2008

For as long as I've owned my powerbook G4 1.5ghz 17-inch, the brightness has been stuck at a single setting. Both keyboard and menu changes function, and show that I've changed the brightness, but the brightness doesn't actually change. It even remembers what level I place it on, but obviously it doesn't matter since the brightness of the LCD doesn't actually change. I've done all the software updates and repaired my disk and permissions, and I've even tried resetting the PMU and PRAM(?) in the past, but to no avail. Now I'm wanting to sell the machine and have to replace the battery (since the display being bright has killed the battery over the years) and wanted to get this sorted as well.

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PowerPC :: Mac-Mini 2.0ghz Vs. Powermac G5 2.5ghz X2

Jun 15, 2008

Our old powermac died recently (G5 2.5ghz x2), the cost to repair was quoted at 850$, which is roughly the same price as a new Mac-Mini 2.0ghz. Just wondering how the performance of new mini compares to the 4 year old powermac? A new powermac is out of the question right now.

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Working / Logic Board Unable To Communicate With Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2009

My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.

The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Making Weird Noises / Failing Hard Drive Or Something Else?

Nov 22, 2006

My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?

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