OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Gives Wrong Size In It

May 22, 2012

The hard drive has a total size of 250 gb but time machine gives wrong size of 750 gb??

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Restored Wrong Data

Mar 25, 2012

OK - the history here is the previous Macbook was replaced because of system problems, including many files with FUTURE dates (eg. 2037). Apple store agreed after repeated issues, they would replace the machine. We did a final time machine/capsule backup before taking it in. 

Got the new Macbook and ran the Migration assistant to restore all data from the time capsule. The data was not correct, and I suspect it was something to do with the future dates. 

I can open the sparse bundle backup file and see the correct backup information, but I have no option when I open Time Machine to pick ANY previous backups. This all started with Macbook problem, and I'm really thinking they should figure this out - but assuming they wont, how to safely get the 'real' information recovered from Time Capsule.   

PS - OS X Lion on both systems - Macbook Pro 15" i7, 750GB

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro Showing Wrong Time After Time Machine Restore?

May 24, 2009

i've got a niggling problem that i'd like to get sorted. I've searched the forums, but can't find anything that relates exactly to my problem.

I restored my pro from a time machine machine backup and now it displays the time incorrectly (-1hr). 'Set date & time automatically' is checked in system prefs which makes the problem even weirder. I'm using the Apple Europe sever too.

I've read somewhere about deleting a hidden file to solve the problem, but there isn't enough information to execute.

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OS X :: Time Machine Selecting Wrong Partition?

May 30, 2010

So I've partitioned my external 1TB hard drive by half. My intention is to use half for time machine and half for some "heavy" storage.

My external drive is connected via Airport Extreme.

What I am having trouble doing is telling Time Machine, which drive to select. I've already went through one super long initial back up, but once it tries to back up on the wrong partition, it wants to back itself up again!

How do I ensure that Time Machine backs up to the same partition?

When I'm in my Time Machine Preferences I can only select the "My Book" drive, not the individual partition.

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OS X Mavericks :: Position Of Input Method Selection Box Is Wrong After Restore System From Time Machine

Jun 27, 2014

I restored my mac from time machine, downgrade from Mac OS X 10.10 to 10.9.3.  After that the position of the input method selection box is not right.  The right place should be: After typing continually, the selection box jump to left edge of the screen: The problem occured in IM, word, web browser, etc. It's all right before I restored from time machine, in both 10.9.3 and 10.10. Some of my firends has the same problem. 

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OS X :: Time Machine Minimum Size - 2x - Workaround?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm in the process of setting up a new backup system at home, and I'm feeling rather annoyed right now. The setup I wanted was thus: 1TB drive connected to my Airport Extreme Base Station with three partitions: One for my desktop boot drive Time Machine backup, one for my laptop boot drive Time Machine backup, and one for a server data backup.

Now, since these backups don't need to be "deep"--it's basically catastrophic failure insurance more than "Uh oh, I deleted that last year" insurance--I figured maybe 10% more than the volume size of each would be plenty, since they're also nowhere near full.......................

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Size As The Source?

Mar 15, 2009

How big is a TM backup - is it the same size as the source?

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MacBook :: Time Machine And Compression Size

Jun 4, 2009

I have a couple or relatively small external HD that I plan on using for TM. My question is how well does it compress the data? Do I need an external that exceedes or matches the size of the HD in the machine, or the amount of data being backed up.

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MacBook Pro :: What Partition Size To Set For HSF+ For Time Machine

Aug 8, 2009

I have a 250GB external HDD, and I need to partition it to some degree for Time machine. However, this is also my drive to move large audio, video and picture files from MAC to PC, so I need part of it to be NTFS. I have the paragon driver. What partition size should I set for HSF+ so that time machine wont have trouble backing up my entire HDD onto it.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Always Same Size And Really Slow?

Oct 26, 2009

I've recently re-jigged my system and upgraded to Snow Leopard. I've manually restored everything I want from a Time Machine back-up and am now back in business on my main drive. However, I now want to re-enable Time Machine but I'm having some problems; every time I back-up the total size is the same! I've excluded all the things I don't want, such as system-files, applications folder, developer folder, virtual machines folder, and a folder I use for large downloads (so they're not backing up at different stages). Every time though the total back-up size is calculated as the total data on my drive, minus the things I've excluded, and it crawls along at only a few kilobytes to a megabyte or so per-second!

For a volume with just under a terabyte of data that's an awful long time. This doesn't seem right though, as it means that my back-up volume is just going to full up after a couple of back-ups are taken, which is unacceptable. Anyone know what can be done about this? Both the internal and external volume are Journaled HFS+, my only though really is that the back-up drive already has Time Machine files on it, indeed the biggest portion of my files (about 850gb) is already on the drive in the exact-same folder structure as I'm using now, so those files shouldn't even need to be backed up!

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup File Size On Ext HD

Jan 3, 2010

I just bought an external hard drive and am using it to back-up my MacBook Pro with Time Machine. Both my MBP hard drive and external hard drive are 500 GB, but I noticed that my MBP HD has 85 GB of files on it while my back-up HD only has about 70 GB. I just want to make sure all of my files are backed up properly.

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MacBook :: Time Machine Backup (Size Keeps Growing)

Nov 30, 2009

I haven't backed up my macbook in a couple days since I've been out of town and did not have access to my external hard drive. A little while ago I plugged in the hard drive and told time machine to do a backup. The backup started at around 24GB, which I thought was weird because I didn't change that much. An hour or so later it is still climbing and is at 77.1GB. By the time I finish typing this it will probably be even larger. The weird thing is it says 77.1 of 77.1 but then both numbers just keep simultaneously growing. I'm using a Seagate Desk and bucking up and aluminum unibody macbook running 10.58.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Underestimating Backup Size?

Apr 25, 2012

Lately it seems that Time Machine has been underestimating the size of each backup. What it originally says to be a 10 MB backup turns out to be several GB. As it's backing up, Time Machine will say "X out of 10MB backed up" or something along those lines, but when X reaches 10MB, X continues to grow and so does the original estimate of 10MB. It might then say "13MB of 13MB backed up" and it will continue on this way until it has backed up so much underestimated data that Time Machine tells me it can't finish the backup because it doesn't have enough space on the backup drive. (Time Machine should've deleted some backups beforehand to make space for the new backup, but it didn't know to because it had underestimated the amount of space necessary for the backup.)  

I have already wiped the backup drive and deleted all the Time Machine preference files, only to still face the same problem. I'm backing up my internal 1TB drive (only 300 GB used) and my 500GB external drive (400GB used) to another 1TB external drive, so having enough space on the backup drive shouldn't be the problem, right? BTW, I'm running Snow Leopard.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: How To Reduce The Size Of My Time Machine's Sparse Disk Image Bundle

Sep 20, 2009

I've deleted 6 backups already and am left with three but the size of the file hasn't changed at all. I don't want to delete the whole thing and start over.

The file size now is 330gb which is ridiculous to me that it hasn't changed one bit since i deleted 6 backups.

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Applications :: Time Machine Taking Much Space / Minimize The Size Of Backups?

Jul 20, 2010

I have my Mac on a TM backup on a 500gb HDD and its been backing up for about a month now. The maximum space is just about 500gb but time machine has brought it to 338gb with each backup taking 10-20gb. Is this normal? On my other Mac (an aluminum imac C2D), the backups take roughly 80gb of space and on my MBP im already up to 159gb worth of backups. Is there a way to minimize the size of backups?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Enter The Time Machine When Press The Time Machine Icon

Mar 9, 2012

I cannot enter the time machine when I press the time machine icon. I press and nothing happens, so I'm not sure even if it is backing up at this point. When i go to my Tme Capsule it has the folder there for back-ups and the most recent, but no access from the icon.

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OS X :: Mounted Sparseimage File Size Wrong

Jan 9, 2010

My external HD crashed, with my complete iTunes library on it . I needed CPR. Then I thought: no problems, I have my trusty backup. So I whipped out my other HD with a 30Go .sparseimage on it. I use CCC to do my incremental backups of my library, un-encrypted (i.e. I do not encrypt it). I mount it... and what do I get? The right files, except 300Mb instead of 30Gb! I tried to restore via Disk Utility, with the same result: a 300 Mb file...

Here's some info/weirdness that might help:
- I'm on OS X 10.4 Tiger
- I verified the disk image with Disk Utility - all OK
- I copied the image (the whole 30Gb of it) on a fresh HD, and mounted it. The root folder on the mounted image resides in /private/temp/ccc_dmg_mount.e7h4Mt. Is that normal?
- If I look at the image info (via apple-I or Disk Utility) it gives me a total capacity of 268 GB, which is the size of the HD it resides on! Is that normal?

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OS X :: Disk Utility, Finder, Or Terminal Is Reporting Wrong Volume Size?

Aug 26, 2009

I partitioned my disk using Terminal's diskutil. I decided i didnt need the partition anymore, so i deleted it (using Disk Utility.app) and added the free space to my mac partition. Basically, Finder and Terminal dont show the free space added back, and Disk Utility shows the space added back to the disk. I tried restarting, repairing disk (which coincidentally had an unrelated problem), repairing permissions, but the problem is still happening

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine; Transferring An Intel Lion TM Onto A Leopard Machine?

Feb 27, 2012

I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Time Machine Folder For One Machine?

May 27, 2012

Yesterday I used Migration Assistant to recover the contents of a failed MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard) from a Time Machine backup to a new MacBook Air (10.7.4). Using the same external disk for backups, I now have a folder for both the old and new machines in 


The instructions here 


explain how to reconnect time machine to the old machine's backups. Once I've done this and checked that I can access the old backups, can I simply delete the new machine folder to save space? 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Resume Time Machine Backups - Incorrect Date And Time Set In Mac

Sep 4, 2014

I just switched from hdd to ssd and i want to resume my Timechine backups, but it says that I have incorrect date and time set in my mac.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Capsule, Time Machine Is Asking To Make A Full Backup?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Can't Complete Backup To Time Capsule

Jun 19, 2014

MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5

One Time Capsule at home

One Time Capsule in vacation home 

MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home. 

During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home). 

It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Backups Taking Extremely Long Time Running Lion 10.7.4

Jul 2, 2012

I have an iMac running the latest version of Lion (10.7.4) and which I have upgraded to a one terabyte hard drive and full memory capability. I back up to a My Book 2 terabyte external hard drive using Time Machine. My iMac is often very sticky, though I've done most of the diagnostics I know of and preferences etc. are seemingly all OK and fcuk -fs gives a positive result! The Mac is often hard to wake from sleep and in particular seems to spend a lot of time backing up very-very slowly, with the result that it frustratingly seems to be backing up most of the time with the consequent effects on using other programs. Also the whole thing seems to grind to a halt after a hard days work with quite a few applications open. I'm wondering what can be causing this and what I can do to overcome this very frustrating and debilitating problem?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Transfer Time Machine Backups From 1 Time Capsule To A Different One?

May 23, 2012

I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?

Info:MacBook Air

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Does Not Work On Time Capsule?

May 20, 2012

I have updated to 10.7.4, and now Time Machine does not work on my Time Capsule.  I have erased all backups using the Airport Utility.  When I try to run Time Machine, the disk is mounted, files are calculated, backup starts, then stops, and no backup is done.  Also, no error messages. 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time-machine - Complete Backup Every-time?

Jun 25, 2012

have a MacBook Pro 15" 10.7.4 which isn't working with TimeMachine any more When starting a backup, Time Machine tells me to backup 112kB (for example) .... an running and running, and after a short time "2kB from 112kB" ... and runnig and running and then "5kb from 112kB" and so on. The progress status is updating very slowly. 

The weired thing is: the ".inProgress" file on the external hard drive (tried FireWire and USB connection) is growing to 85GB (the total used space on the hard drive) while Time machine status tells me it has saved some kB. And every backup is running in that way. Instead of backing up only the difference, all files where backuped - although the status is displaying a few 100kB - which should be the right size to backup. 

- Repaired permissions > Same error

- Tried installing combo update > Same error

- Tried another external hard drive > Same error

- Tried cloning system to different hd > Same error

- excluded the Users home folder > Same error

- Interal hard drive speed > Over 70MB/s > OK

- External hard drive speed > Over 70 MB/s > OK 

So had to be something with the System itself.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Server Time Machine Vs Client Time Machine?

Jun 8, 2012

I have been running Time Machine on my iMac since I got it.  I installed server and now I notice that the server app has Time Machine as well but its turned off.  My oringinal Time Machine in system preferences seems to be running like it always has.  What is the difference between the two? 

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Intel Mac :: Restore Lion OS From Lion Server Time Machine Backup?

May 3, 2012

I am running a Intel Imac 2008 clean install SL then Lion upgrade, followed by Lion Server install.I have multiple home macs, and intnded the server as a way to monitor and restrict kids internet use.In short, it has changes/screwed up multiple programs, and complicated home sharing issues considerably. Mail on the server machine has permission problems (cannot send mail, unable to sign), Spotlight in mail is non-functioning, finder spotlight searches are inconsistent, etc.I want to revert to plain old Lion.

I have done disk utility/verify disk and verified/repaired permissions, and have 'fiddled' (i'm not an expert) in the keychain/certificates areas, but I think the best solution is a clean install of Lion. When I backup to TIme Machine, is there a way to pull a 'Lion' version of my disk image back, and just not upgrade to Server? I understand I can disable Server and turn off applications in Server, but it doesn't fix my buggy machine. My options are to back up my 250GB of music, 100GB of photos, 100GB of movies, etc on to external drives, and clean install and then reimport everything, but even that will probably mean I cant reinstall my single user licesnse of MS office, VMware fusion, etc that I didn't buy on the App store.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Disk Utility Reports Wrong Disk Size

Jan 13, 2011

I'm new to mac, have been using mine for only three months now, but couldn't help noticing a strange thing. When I go to Disk Utility or cmd+i on a selected partition, the size reported by OSX is incorrect. E.g. I have a 250GB disk, so I'm used to seeing 232GB as usable disk space, which is a totally normal thing. However, OSX tells me that my disk is actually 250GB. More advanced partition utilities (currently I'm using iPartition but suggestions are welcome) report the disk size correctly. So I began to doubt whether folder sizes are reported correctly or "scaled up" to match the size of the disk?

E.g. if I was an ignorant consumer and tried to put 250GB worth of data on the disk, it wouldn't fit as there is not enough physical capacity to accommodate it, is that right?

Is it the normal behaviour or I screwed something up in the system?

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