OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Capsule Backs Up Everything Except ITunes Or IMovie?
Jun 25, 2012
Since July 27th 2011 my time capsule (connecte via ethernet cable) did not back up any iMovie, Final Cut Pro nor iTunes files.But it did back up any other files. I did not exclude any of the mentioned files from backing up.
Maybe I installed around July 2011 an update of Mac OS, I am not sure. I have not been able to find any answer to this problem in any forum.I used disk utility to verify and repair the time capsule but it shows no problems.When I enter time machine everything greys out when I go inside the finder window to the iMovie or iTunes filkes.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 8GB 1333 Mhz DDR3
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Aug 21, 2014
All I can say is Apple hasn't made this one as easy as drag and drop. Have tried many configuration options on my TC, keep getting a message that the iMovie can not be moved required by the OS?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iPod 30G, iMACs old (10.4.10) & New, MacBook Pro & PowerBook G4
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Oct 8, 2009
I loaded windows on a separate drive yesterday and ever since my time machine has been backing up around 1.2 GB every time. I had to leave my computer on while I was on campus today and 5 or 6 backups in a row were for ~1.2 GB. I noticed just now that it started at about 36 MB which made sense but then shot up to 1.2 GB. What could be going on here? Has anyone had a similar experience?
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May 11, 2009
I was just wondering if there's a way to reduce the frequency of time machine backups.
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Jan 12, 2009
upgraded to Leopard a couple of weeks ago, tried to get Time Machine working with my external hard drive, and was happy initially with the results.
But on further inspection, time machine is backing up my entire computer every hour. How can i stop this to only back up what has changed.
Also, i want to make my external Hard Drive the main disc where everything goes, not just use it as a back up. How can i do this? I tried to do this with my iTunes library but now if i download a new track it immediately saves onto my computer hard drive.
Also, the songs i already had on my laptop are backed up onto my time machine, but they aren't in the same folder as the other stuff which i uploaded after moving the iTunes folder onto my Hard drive, they are still with the backed up stuff.
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Mar 25, 2012
My MacBook Pro has run out of space. Now I want to "Move" all of my iMovie files to my newly purchased Time Capsule. (Guy in store said wouldn't be a problem) I already have proceeded with the standaard Time mashine backedup (Which took ages even through cable) and now I want to move stuff. So I have iMovie 09; Mac OS X 10.6.8; and a new 2T Time Capsule (and why is Time Capsule showing up as "Data" with yellow triangle in iMovie under Hard Disks)
iMovie 09, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Using Time Capsule
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May 26, 2010
I've let it completely finish multiple times and in the morning it was backup only a few megs but I'll suspend go to work and when I get back home it starts up again backing up 76GB. What's going on, obviously somethings wrong, what should I do?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have a iMac G5 (PPC chip) running OS 10.5.8 (256 GB HD). Hooked up to the computer is a Time Machine wireless router/backup drive (500GB). The computer HD is currently using 112 GB and the Time Machine has backed up 310 GB.
The problem is that every hour the Time Machine starts backing up and doesn't finish for anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes, then starts again the next hour. This is getting to the point where system performance is getting very slow. Even if there has been very little activity, the backup happens and the computer slows to a crawl Is this normal? I would hope that minor changes created during an hour would result in a very quick backup, but evidently this is not the case.
iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
Time Machine no longer backs up. I keep getting this message (This backup is too large for the backup volume) though I have excluded and deleted a huge number of documents, photos, etc
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 14, 2009
I want to know because when I restore the Time Machine backup to a new Mac, I want the Safari Favorites/History of my old mac restored.
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Apr 30, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro and a Macbook with Snowleopard 10.6.8 installed on both. I back up both laptops on a single Western Digital External Hardrive configured for two partitions so that each laptop has their own Time Machine back up volume. This external drive is connected directly to my Macbook Pro via Firewire 800 where the first partition is reserved for its time machine back up. Therefore, my regular Macbook connects to the second partition over the local area network since I turned on file sharing for this drive. When I click and view the Macbook Pro's partition, it shows a folder called Backups.backupdb which obviously has the time machine backup contents for this laptop.
When I click on and view the second partition for my regular Macbook which connects to it via the local area network, it shows some kind of dmg file called "John's Macbook.sparsebundle". When I click on the file, it mounts and shows the folder Backup.backupdb which has this laptop's time machine backup contents. Why is the Macbook pro partition showing a folder where the Macbook partition shows some kind of dmg file?
I also noticed that I can't see the time machine backup for the Macbook if I try restoring from a fresh install of Snowleopard (going through the initial setup of using the OS where it asks if you want to restore from a time machine backup). It only shows the Macbook Pro as an availble restore option. The only way I can see the time machine back up as a restore option for the Macbook, I have to boot from the snowleopard DVD, click on Utilities from the top menu, and click on Restore System from backup.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.0ghz, 4GB Ram
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May 13, 2012
Every time I back up to my external drive Time Machine automatically backs up the whole hard drive which is very time consuming. This happens every time I back up. It's supposed to only add new files, not do the whole thing. Haven't changed user name or any of the things mentioned in other discussions that will cause this. Does some setting need to be changed?
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
Time Machine has been working flawlessly for over a year. But now something strange is happening. TM reflects changes on my 256G SSD internal drive but not my internal 1TB ATA drive. I have an iMac i7 2011. I have an external 2TB WD drive that I backup to and it's nowhere near at capacity. My 1TB ATA, under TM, shows me a state that's a few weeks old and no changes I make are backed up, even when I perform a manual backup.
I've checked the console log. There's nothing out of the ordinary: 28/05/12 8:29:18 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Starting standard backup28/05/12 8:29:18 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Backing up to: /Volumes/My Book/Backups.backupdb28/05/12 8:29:19 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]No pre-backup thinning needed: 835.7 MB requested (including padding), 1.62 TB available28/05/12 8:29:23 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Copied 383 files (75 KB) from volume iMac-HD-SSD-256GB.28/05/12 8:29:24 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Copied 388 files (75 KB) from volume iMac-HD-ATA-1TB.28/05/12 8:29:25 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Starting post-backup thinning28/05/12 8:29:25 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist28/05/12 8:29:25 PMcom.apple.backupd[2535]Backup completed successfully.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?
Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2014
MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5
One Time Capsule at home
One Time Capsule in vacation home
MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home.
During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home).
It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?
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May 23, 2012
I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?
Info:MacBook Air
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Nov 29, 2010
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
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Jan 26, 2009
Watch out in Time Machine after you install and upgrade your iPhoto '09 library. My Time Machine just did a fresh backup of it....all 40GB of it! Basically it gave me the same Node require deep traversal on just the iPhoto Library....so I'm guessing it had something to do with the upgrade.
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May 20, 2012
I have updated to 10.7.4, and now Time Machine does not work on my Time Capsule. I have erased all backups using the Airport Utility. When I try to run Time Machine, the disk is mounted, files are calculated, backup starts, then stops, and no backup is done. Also, no error messages.
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Jun 27, 2009
I know this is covered quite well both here and over at Apple discussions but I just cannot get this damn thing to work. I've been at it since 9am and it is now nearly 1pm. I spent 10 hours yesterday copying my iTunes Library over to my Time Capsule and planned to finish the job this morning by telling iTunes where to find the new library etc. Everything is in the right place and I've followed instructions from various threads from various locations but when I log out, log back in and attempt to open iTunes it can't find the library. Can some one list the 'correct' steps I need to take to get this thing to work. Even Apple's instructions don't work but they only refer to a HD not a network drive.
So far I transfered the entire iTunes folder to the TC and told iTunes where it is. Then I read I only need to copy the iTunes Music folder (not the entire iTunes folder). Either way I still get the same 'wheres the library?' problem. I also read I need to place an alias in the iTunes Music folder on my mac that points to the actual ITM folder on the TC. Still doesn't work. I keep swapping the extra bits and pieces alongside the ITM folder i.e. all the xml files and artwork folders between the mac and the TC but the problem still remains wherever these reside and each 'swap' takes nearly 15 minutes. I am also attempting to set this up so I can access the library on the TC from 2 accounts on the same Mac. Not sure if that will make a difference to settings just yet?
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Oct 21, 2010
I've been trying vigorously to connect my itunes library with my Time Capsule Media files.So that I can keep the music I acually listen to on my Macbrook Pro's harddrive but have the rest of my music stored onto my time capsule and listen to when I am at home.What I thought to do was put the music i listen to in the itunes library folder on the harddrive and then change the media location to the TC media file folder.Turns out my idea was wrong.. any others care to elaborate on this issue? I'm pretty much confused with this and i haven't been able to find it on the forums anywhere
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Dec 1, 2010
Recently I purchased a 1TB Time Capsule. I have it downstairs, plugged into my modem and it's working as my wireless router as well as external HD, I also have an Airport Express plugged in upstairs, set up in bridge mode to extend my network so I get strong coverage everywhere in the house. Now my collection of around 3500 mp3's are currently stored on my unibody 13" Macbook, but I want to know if it's possible to save all of my music - and any other content I download straight to my TC, and then run iTunes as normal.
Just using the TC as the source rather than a file on the HD in my Macbook? Just trying to free up some space is all. Will I be hearing glitchy playback if it is possible? Is it simply a case of finding my iTunes library, cmd+A, copy all files to TC, delete original files off HD and then resetting the file location under iTunes preferences? I don't want to try this yet until I'm told I can in case I screw up and lose my library.
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Mar 21, 2008
Has anyone put their entire iTunes or iPhoto libraries on Time Capsule to work with their MBAs? When I plug in an iPod to sync, would iTunes automatically find the media folders (both music and photo)? I assume the same could be asked for those who use an external HDD connecting to the AirPort Extreme after the software update.
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Feb 4, 2009
I've got a time capsule setup and I'm trying to keep my iTunes library on the time capsule drive to keep my MacBook hard drive free. I keep pointing the file path in settings to the library file on the time capsule but it will randomly fall back to the default location on my hard drive with no warning. Is there anyway I can make sure it STAYS pointed to the time capsule? It's a pain to have all my songs come up with "!" and have to go and fix the path in settings again and watch it "update" everything and reorder the files and then work fine again.
The time capsule is hosting my internet network so the second I step into my house I connect to that network so I would think iTunes never has to search for it and not find it for some reason. However, I would also like to have iTunes setup to see my library on time capsule when I'm out in the wild and talking to it over the internet. I haven't set up time capsule yet to be seen over the internet but I plan to do that tonight, I'm just wondering if I'll have to change the iTunes path every couple days back to my remote drive instead of it's default path.
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Apr 13, 2009
I was wondering what the performance is like on storing all my itunes library on the TC. Can it be done properly? Does is work as expected? I will have my Mac Mini hooked up to the TC with ethernet, so is this ample?
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Sep 12, 2009
I want to delete all back ups of itunes in my time capsule since i'm doing the new organization method in itunes 9. How do i achieve this?
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Sep 9, 2014
I have an iTunes library of approx. 60GB that is currently stored on an external hd connected via USB to a mac mini. I access this music library via other devices such as ipad, iphone bose soundtouch. Currently the iTunes library is only accessible from the other devices if the mac mini is awake and functioning.
I am therefore considering moving the external hd USB connection from the mac mini to my time capsule which provides the network in my home. I assume that this will provide me with an always on music library rather than one which is dependent on the mac mini. Firstly is this assumption correct or will I still need to have the mac mini awake and iTunes open on it in order to access the iTunes library from an iphone for example?
If my assumption is correct, what steps do I need to go through to relocate the hd from the mac mini to the time capsule and still be able to play music?
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Nov 28, 2010
I have a 500GB time capsule that I sue to host my iTunes music and library. I pointed iTunes to the TC folder where the music is. Then I did control+click on the iTunes icon and pointed iTunes to the library which is also located at the TC. As long as I don't restart the computer it works fine, I can open and close iTunes and it finds the library ok. But every time I restart the computer I have to tell iTunes where the library is. Is there any way to configure iTunes so it does not "forget" the library's location?
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Jul 30, 2008
I recently bought a time capsule to replace my old hard drive. I copied my music from my laptop to time capsule and an iMac just to be safe. I cleared the itunes from my macbook, copied them back and deleted the files (so all the songs would be in my library). Obviously now I get the exclamation points, and I can locate the songs manually, but I'd rather it do it automatically. Is there a setting I need to change on the time capsule to allow me to do this?
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Mar 22, 2010
so I have a relatively new Macbook Pro 15" and an equally-new Time Capsule. I put all of my 4,500 songs onto the Time Capsule because I only listen to music and home and also because I wanted to save space on my hard drive. While this set up has worked up until now, I am beginning to experience some problems. Right now iTunes says that it cannot locate the file for any of my songs unless I manually show it where those files are on my Time Capsule. I am not worries about losing the files because they appear to be unaltered, however I wanted to know if there was a way to have iTunes automatically search through my music folder and fix the problem. I know there is a way to download all the music from my hard drive to my computer and then back to the hard drive to fix the problem, but I would really like to avoid having to dump all those files onto my pristine hard drive.
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