OS X V10.7 Lion :: Terminal Showing Up On Desktop With Other Icons
Apr 29, 2012What "Terminal" is and why it's now showing up on my desktop with other icons?
View 3 RepliesWhat "Terminal" is and why it's now showing up on my desktop with other icons?
View 3 RepliesOn my desktop the little disk image icons are coming up when i open certain applications. I wanna make them disappear, but still be able to see ipods, cds, and external drives.
Also(somewhat irrelevant), occasionally when i open firefox, it asks me to drag it in the applications folder, but it's already there. please help. its so annooying
The icons just started showing up this way today, any ideas as to why would be great and any fixes w
View 1 Replies View RelatedYesterday I accidentally opened Terminal and didn't realize it until after I typed into it and hit a few returns. I thought nothing of it until today. When I started up all of the desktop icons were ghosted or transparent. The Dock apps look fine, and everything seems to work OK. There are odd .DS_Store files everywhere and other files that start with a dot that I've heard are supposed to be invisible.
I've looked around and found out that it's a Finder problem that can be corrected by typing something into Terminal. That's how I realized I must have messed it up yesterday when I accidentally typed into the Terminal. What code I need to enter into Terminal to restore it to the default settings. I have a Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5 with OS 10.4.11, and other than this problem it works great.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Recently I've been having a problem with the way my icons are arranged. It's like the screen its moved a little bit up. There's an image to show you how it looks like when it happens (because it happens sometimes, I dunno what I causes). Also, when my mac enter sleeping mode, the login screen its moved a little bit up too.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason a whole bunch of new icons showed up in my Launchpad all of a sudden. I haven't installed anything new that I know of, but I'm wondering if this happened after an Apple update. Here is a screencap: [URL]. What these little script icons are for? They do not exist on my other Macs.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I don't know when started to happen, but when I open a window of Finder, and click in the left sidebar to see what is in Desktop, it didn't show in the right panel, it open a Terminal window. If I click Applications, or Music, it works good, but not with Desktop. I already installed Lion again 3 times, but when restoring from Time Machine, it starts to doing that.
View 11 Replies View Relatedgot a new 27 inch mac and icons will not appear on destop for example icon of a flash drive i put in, its on the left of the finder window but not on desktop as all my past mac have. Also downloaded drop box and that icon is not showing up as it should there to drag into applications folder. Im sure its a simple setting but I just cant find it!Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Not able to move the desktop file icons or copy/move files in between folders ... I've tried right clicking, then "show view options" but nothing seems to be working.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a hot corner set up to show the desktop.. in Snow Leopard when I exposed the desktop and then clicked on the finder in the dock *just* the finder would show.Â
Now, with Lion, when I click on the finder it comes into view but all the other open applications come sweeping back in hiding the desktop.Â
Can I change this back to the way it was before? Or is there another sneaky quick way to show only the desktop and the finder? Set up an entirely different "desktop" in mission control dedicated only to having nothing open in it?Â
In short: I need a fast way to drag icons from the desktop into folders in the finder. Also, this is driving me nuts.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Today, with no major changes at all (or downloads), The screen on my MBP no longer shows the files, folders, and aliases I had set up. Only the Hardrive and Idisk Icons. Everything else is GONE? I rebooted, I relaunched, reviewed preferences. Nothing. I also repaired permissions and rebooted.
If I use Finder and drill to the desktop, I definitely SEE all the files aliases, etc. But the don't show up on my screen?
I upgraded to Lion a few weeks ago and now the FINDER will not open and all of my desk top icons are gone. I've been reading different posts, but everyone says something different. Snow Leopard was working great.
View 4 Replies View Relatedfollowing the proper directions with get info etc. icons from websites will not change on imac desktop with downloaded icons with either png or jpg extensions
iMac 2011, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
Is there a way in Lion to make desktop icons larger than 128 x 128?? I have a very large display and could you bigger destop icons
Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Why can't I pinch to zoom in/out icons on desktop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Just upgraded to Lion recently.
Just downloaded Lion 10.7.3, and the icons kept on desktop are lost in upper right hand corner. Nothing with desktop pref helps. What else should I try?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
All of the icons and screens have been blown up which extends beyond the boundary of the monitor. It acts as though the display has been magnified and the Dock and other frames disappear off the screen. How to reset this to normal display?
iMac 27", Mac OS X (10.6.2)
i cant reduce or enlarge the icons on the desktop of a macbook pro 10.7.3 lion
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Some of my desktop icons "disappear" intermittently ( not always the same icon(s)). still appears but the icon is blank. I can still click on the blank spot and the app will launch.
Oh and my personal "Avatar" photo also reverts to an earlier choice ( intermittently ) as well. Can change it to the one I want to use but it reverts back to the old picture also from time to time ...
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 27"
Every minute or so, the icons on my desktop dissapear and reappear in less than a second. It is almost as if something is crashing and restarting in the background. It would be that big of a problem, except that if I am working on a full screened app it slides me back to "Desktop 1" everytime that it happens.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm new to 10.7. Finder/desktop do not have icons for my hard drives. How do I find them and navigate the structure to find things and troubleshoot?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo im trying to move the desktop icons around and for some reason the computer wont let me do it. Ive also tried doing it on a flash drive and it wont work either, the only thing I can think of is that maybe its a setting of some kind but ive checked several difrent settings and its not what I need ( displays, desktop, general).
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
Last night all my desktop icons just disappeared all of a sudden, I restarted my laptop and they came back but when I try to click and drag anything on my desktop or copy something between finder windows, they just disappear again and Finder crashes. I downloaded the newest update and installed it, which didn't fix the problem so I found a similar problem on another forum and tried doing what they recommended (which was to delete the Cache folder and some files from the library and restart the computer) After I restarted, finder started crashing every 2-3 seconds and giving me a message saying that Finder quit unexpectadly while trying to restore it's windows.Â
I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, 4GB RAM, 1TB HD, 2GHz dual core processor.
Alum MacBook (2008), iPod nano 8gb, iPhone2G/3G/3Gs, iPod touch,500GB TC
My Mac started doing this a few weeks ago, where after login it all kind of collapses. Sometimes the desktop icons won't show up, or Hear (which runs on startup) will get stuck loading for a long time. Sometimes everything seems fine but no programs will launch, or the dock won't respond. So far I've done an Onyx cleanup run, a Disk Verify and Repair. Permissions Verify and Repair and even did the good old Command+R on startup and reinstalled Lion. It worked the first time and then it went back to its old antics. I'm afraid if its a corrupted file and even if I get a new Mac then when I restore from Time Machine it'll carry over.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Magic Mouse
i am a tad stumped by this issue i'm having right now with my new imac. i noticed one day that none of my desktop aliases show any longer. in fact if i go to the desktop folder through finder my files and such show in there however none of my aliases nor those files show on the actual desktop. another thing i've noticed is that whenever i now try to drag and drop anything to the desktop whether it be a URL from safari or an alias i made in finder the dragged item simply just drags itself back to where i pulled it from.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSometimes when I'm dragging audio files from one application to the desktop all icons disappears and coming back few seconds later.Is it normal?
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7//8 GB
Powered up my Imac today..goes through the usual gyrations get to a blue background but no icons present..not locked just no icons and cannot pull down any menus..
ran disk utility off off OSX cd..it fixed some block count on a .pub file but still get same thing after restart..
Okay, I'm having some problems with my Powerbook. Yesterday, I upgraded Firefox. When re-opening after the upgrade, I had a kernel panic. I restarted my computer and figured I would be good to go. Well, after logging back in, I found that Finder was acting up and I no longer had any desktop icons. Now, clicking the Finder icon in the dock will open a new Finder window just fine. If I go to the Desktop from there, all my icons are still there. So, I decided to restart my computer and see if that made a difference.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThey're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Anyone come across a problem where all the desktop icons disappear? I also cannot right click on my desktop to bring up a contextual menu, my machine appears to be running faultlessly apart from that. I have run Onyx to reset permissions and have checked the disk but cannot seem to find anything wrong.
Running OSX 10.10 on a quad core 2.66 Mac Pro.