OS X :: Snow Leopard Change Time Machine Interval?
Oct 10, 2010
Has anyone figured out how to change the time machine backup interval in SNOW LEOPARD?
i don't want a third party app or anything, i just want to go in terminal or textedit and set a new interval.
for any of you who are going to tell me to modify the com.apple.backupd-auto.plist file. i cant find one, and i believe this is unique to 10.6. there is a regular backupd.plist file, a -wake.plist, and -attach.plist, but none of them list the "start interval" key that i saw.
how you change these icons as the usual method of just copying and pasting the image in does not work. Would also like to not have to download an app to be able to do this if possible.Â
I searched MRoogle already, I didn't find anything quite like what my problem is.
I know you can change it by editing the plist, com.apple.backupd-auto.plist. However, I am unable to save it even if I do the following:
Code: LaunchDaemons $ sudo chown [my username] com.apple.backupd-auto.plist LaunchDaemons $ sudo chgrp admin com.apple.backupd-auto.plist Of course, I changed it back to root and wheel, respectively. What did I miss?
This article, for instance, does not even mention the fact that root owns the plist!
I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.
I cannot seem to set up Time Machine using Time Capsule on my MacBook Pro. Evidently when I initially set up AirPort Extreme, I failed to select it as the backup disc.
Info:AirPort Extreme 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Whenever I make events in ical, it default creates an hour-long event. I find myself using ical's events more as a specific to-do list, so every day I would prefer these events to be "all-day." I'm getting tired having to tinker around so much whenever I make an event on a date, especially when there's multiple on every day. I've read online that apparently in 10.7(lion) that people are having the opposite problem and would prefer for events to be defaulted as a specific time frame.
I've read suggestions to open terminal and type in: defaults write com.apple.iCal 'Default duration in minutes for new event' 15 Which brings me to my question: is there any way in the terminal to change it to automatically make events checked "all-day."
possible to back up all your data with Time Machine on Leopard and then install Snow Leopard and use Time Machine to restore all of your pictures/movies/music and the like?
I'm going to assume it's a no go since Time Machine is capable of a full system backup -- it may just turn your system back into Leopard?
I am a little new to Time Machine, so I was wondering if anyone could answer this? I am currently using Time Machine to backup my Mac. I am running Leopard and I want to move to Snow Leopard when it comes out. When i get Snow Leopard, I will perform a reformat on my hard drive so its a nice fresh install. My question is what options will I get when I get when I go to install it as I have Time Machine? I'll be honest and say I'll be happy to just copy across my iTunes, iPhoto, contacts and calender over to Snow Leopard and not worry about anything else (stuff like downloading Firefox takes seconds and isn't a problem). Is this an option? Can i just install Snow Leopard totally fresh, then connect the Time Machine drive and copy the iTunes (etc etc) folders/files/docments over to my fresh install?
I just tried and everything seems non-responsive or on a 2 minute delay. I use Time Capsule and Time Machine and things are just not acceptable at this speed.
Also, I don't think the archives are right. I used to have a ton of things on my desktop - most of which I cleaned recently by moving or deleting the files.
However, going back a few months in Time Machine, the only files that show up in my desktop folder/view are the ones that are on my desktop today. All the older, moved or deleted files no longer show up in Time Machine.
I have a Apple Time Capsule which is used as a Time Machine Backup Facility and also a Wireless Hub for File Sharing and Internet Connection. I've been using Leopard for a couple of years without any significant problems. The other day, I installed Snow Leopard and suddenly, I'm facing a number of different problems and errors regarding backups to the Time Machine with the Time Capsule.
First, I was facing problems with a Case Sensitive error and now that I have ejected the Time Capsule, the Disk Utility has come up with a different name altogether and now I have the added problem of disk space on the time capsule. I know I could re-format and start over but that would defeat the whole point of my backups. The Time Machine/Capsule should re-write over the old backups when making space for new ones but its just giving me an error about not enough disk space.
If I open Time Machine app I get the message 'your time machine backup disk can't be found'. When I click on the 'setup time machine' option the window closes and nothing happens.Â
Info: imac 2.4GHZ, 6GB RAM, 500GB HD, Mac OS X (10.6.6), RME FF400
I finally upgraded to Snow Leopard. I have some older software and everything was working fine, so I delayed. I have an Intel 2 x 2.66 Dual Core. Now, I keep getting an error whenever I try to run Time Machine. So far, this is what I have done: Used disk Utility, Disk Warrior, then disk utility again (erased back up drive), then downloaded and reinstalled using the 10.6.8 combo update. Disk Utility again. Tried to backup and got the same error: The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disk. Â
After reading online I downloaded and installed backup buddy (I think) Anyway, this is the error that it gives: Starting standard backup?Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup/Backups.backupdb?Backup content size: 91.4 GB excluded items size: 65.6 MB for volume Knight/Freelance?No pre-backup thinning needed: 109.60 GB requested (including padding), 364.91 GB available
Error: (2) setxattr for key:com.apple.backupd.SnapshotVolumeUUID path:/Volumes/Backup/Backups.backupdb/Cris Chapin’s Mac Pro/2012-04-24-150718.inProgress/79588860-5BD3-4E5D-BFB6-43E7F02A9BCA/Knight/Fr eelance size:37
The only way I can see my backups in Time Machine is by using the "option" key and selecting "browse other time macnine disks. However, there is only one Time Machine disk, only one backup appears in the list, there is only one backup directory on the Drobo where I put the backup and I can't find a backup directory anywhere else. HOw do I reset Time Machine so that it defaults to the "other" backup?Â
I had to have the old hard drive replaced on my macbook pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 operating system. It was replaced at the apple store. I brought it home and yesterday restored it from the last time machine backup of my old hard drive which was Friday. That appears to be the only backup on the external hard drive I've been using with Time machine.
Today, it gets an error message. "Time Machine could not complete the backup. This backup is too large for the backup disk"...etc.
It is almost like it is trying to completely back up the new hard drive even though it was just restored from it. Is it because it thinks it is a different drive or something because it is a new hard drive? I don't want to delete the one good backup that I have but, I want to be able to use time machine to back anything up.
So finally I hooked up an external HD to my iMac 24 to use with Time Machine. My internal drive is partitioned into several sections and the system partition of about 80GB is supposed to be backed up to this eternal drive which is a 500GB, freshly formatted. Setup is easy enough. After Time Machine starts backing up it goes to about 100MB then it stalls. Essentially it keeps running, the turning clock symbol in the menubar is spinning but no data is moved.
At this point I can stop back up and then do click 'Back Up Now' in the menu at which time it will copy a few kb's and then halt displaying '2KB of 60.96GB'. I realize that there must be something on my HD it doesn't like to copy but unlike in my other backup app I don't know how to find that. The Console doesn't tell me much. I have done repeated Repair Permissions but it doesn't help.
I just got a new 1tb sata 2.5in and I want to install it, but I do not have my snow leopard disk. If I use a leapord disk will it reinstall snow leapord from my time machine backup or do I need to find my snowleapord disk?
I like many of you Mac users am very interested in Snow Leopard. I'm wondering however, if I decide to do a clean installation, will I be able to bring back all my files with Time Machine like you could do with Leopard? (I remember when I first connected my Time Machine HDD to my current computer it asked me if I wanted to restore my data) Also, will my Apps also be in restored onto Leopard? Or would it just be my files?
On 10.5 I used to have time machine backing up to a remote smb share using the time machine hacks to create a sparsebundle image on the smb share. No longer working with 10.6 - always get an error. Why apple couldn't make time machine get along with smb shares natively out of the box is simply beyond me.
am thinking about doing a clean install of Snow Leopard, but was wondering about the use of Time Machine in the Migration Assistant after it's re-installed. I have a lot of music, documents,apps etc (probably around 70-80gb) on my Time Machine backup that I would need to re-install. When you choose Time Machine in the migration assistant, does it let you choose what to pull off the Time Machine, or does it just take everything?
I have an external HDD hooked up to my iMac. It's from Freecom, and I believe it contains a Seagate ST310005 disk. I formatted the disk, and set up Time Machine. It seems to go well, TM makes the first back-up without any problems. But, even though TM is turned on and set to back things up, nothing I put on my PC after the initial back-up gets backed up. I put a folder on my desktop, put some files in it, and they are nowhere to be found in the TM back-ups.
If I use Time Machine to back up automatically to an external hard drive, but want to keep large files only on the external hard drive, will I lose the files once deleted off the computer (i.e. will Time Machine synchronize, or just save new files?)
I just upgraded to Lion and want to revert back to Snow Leopard. I don't believe I ever backed anything up with time machine. How can I revert back to Snow Leopard without loosing all my programs and files?
I am running 10.6.8 on my MacPro (early 2008). I have 4 internal hard drives. The main boot drive has 10.6.8 and the secondary drive with a system has Lion. I cannot completely upgrade to Lion on my main drive until all my software is compatible. My main boot drive started acting like it's in slow motion 2 days ago. No matter what I do (DiskWarrior, Disk Utility, zap PRAM, fix permissions) nothing seems to work. Every mouse click or movement gives me the dreaded spinning wheel and it hangs for about 5 min and then does what it's supposed to do.
I have logged into a new account w/ no special 3rd party apps or utilities and it still does the same thing. Hard drive diagnostics say my hard drive is ok. I have tried reinstalling the 10.6.8 combo update but that hangs after a few minutes of starting. I thought about restoring a Time Machine backup from 1 day before this happened, but before I attempt a full disk backup, need to ask what to do so as not lose everything. I assume I must boot up from another disk or hard drive, correct? Can I simply select all the system folders and apps folder or do you think I should do a complete restore?
I am using time machine to back up to a time capsule, two different macs (a laptop & a desktop). The time casule is connected to the network & the desktop backs up fine. The laptop did as well up until a few months ago, now the laptop fails each attempt to back up.Â
The problem may be temporary. Try again later to back up. If the problem persists, use Disk Utility to repair your backup disk. Â
Latest successful backup: 11/16/11 at 10:24 PMÂ
I have tried to repair the laptop backup volume with no change. I do not really want to reformat the entire disk as it is working fine with the desktop.Â
I have been having problems with Time Machine and a Seagate GoFlex external drive. I've partitioned the external drive as a backup startup disk and a backup particition using Time Machine. It will work fine for some time and then not function as planned.Â
For example today, my Software Update indicated there were available updates. One was a System Installer. I chose to update. When the update was complete, my backup was no longer available. Time Machine indicated the drive was now "read only", and that a backup could not be completed.Â
As I said, this external drive and the setup I have works for sometimes a month or better, and then I run into some kind of problem like this, and am forced to erase and partition the drive all over. This sure does defeat the expectations for an external drive backup. Â
I've contacted Seagate several times. They've had me download a utility that keeps the drive from going to sleep.
Running a 10.6.8 OS on a 2.66 intel machine. I have been using a Western Digital 1TB basic desktop external drive as my Time Machine fpr the last year. It is USB2. I have found that every few months (sometimes 2) it would not back up nor could I go back in time, there are references to Node branch or tree failures, so I end up reformating using disc utility (mac OS extended Journaled Guid) and starting a new back up luckily this hasn't happened when I really needed lost files. Interestingly this happened again a couple of days ago. Over the last week I have been doing a lot of imaging files. When it started to do a backup it seemed to take a long time to do the preparing phase (cursor clicking on Time machine icon on top bar). After searching online about the length of time it should take I decided that perhaps it was my fault, that I hadn't allowed previous backups to complete properly and I had added a lot of new files. So wait I did, after 24 hours it was still saying preparing and the count was going up very slowly. I decided to give up and start from scratch again but this time no matter what I with Disk Utility I couldn't repair or reformat it stated things like Bad parent directory hierarchy. I now had a drive I couldn't do anything with. I went to the Western Digital website and downloaded their WD Quick Formatter for Mac. This dosn't give any formatting options and only formats to OS Extended Journaled Guid (lucky for me). It worked very quickly and I started a new backup. It only took a little over 2 hours for 160gb of data which is certainly the fastest it has ever done. So fingers crossed this time, maybe there is an issue with my Disk Utlity and WD drives.
Having issues getting a Time Machine restore done on my iMac running Snow Leopard. I was using a Seagate GoFlex Home network drive for the Time Machine Backups and my main drive failed and had to be replaced. When trying to restore the Time Machine does not recognize that the GoFlex has a backup to restore from. I have tried several different strategies around this. I used the terminal to make hidden files visible and I can then see some hidden files and directories on the GoFlex Home but still no actual time machine files.
I then got the adaptor for the Network Drive to turn it into an external USB 3.0 drive. I could then see and mount a time machine directory that was now visible as .timemachinebackup on the GoFlex Drive. When I reboot with install disk to perform restore the GoFlex Drive is not recognized as having any backups to restore from. Is there another terminal command or some type of special mounting I am missing? BTW - The GoFlex Drive appears as a NTFS drive in the Disk Utility.
Info: iMac 24 inch, Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 DUO 4 GB SDRAM