OS X :: Hear A Custom Sound Clip After I Hear The APPLE Firmware Chime?
Feb 17, 2009
It's my understanding that the start up chime you get when you start up on any Mac,c an NOT be changed because that sound is in the firmware. Cool.
That being said, is there anyway to add/hear your own custom sound clip AFTER that?
Does any one know how to do it?
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Jan 23, 2009
I have Final Cut Express 4 running on an iMac with Leopard 10.3.5. The problem I have is I cannot hear a music track & the sound track on the film clip at the same time when I run the clip. I only hear the clip sound track until it finishes then the music track plays. If I drag the scrubber bar along the time line I can hear both the music & the Clip sound track together. This only happens when I logon to the Mac as an Administrator. (I have never managed to hear both sound tracks together whilst logged on as Administrator.)
In desperation I created a user account on my iMac. If I logon as a user Final Cut Express 4 works ok ? I hear both sound tracks together when I play the clip. Any ideas how I can make the Administrator account work as the User account does? As the iMac is only used by myself I don?t need any user accounts.
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Dec 5, 2014
I have a macbook pro retina display mid 2012 model. When i boot up i hear a chime but screen is black. I wait a few min to allow it to finish booting up with a black screen. I close the mac book for a few minutes to let it fall asleep. When i open it , screen works and im on login screen.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.1
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Nov 28, 2010
My early 2008 2.8GHz 8-core Mac Pro died last week. I tried all the usual stuff and ended up taking it to the local Apple store genius bar. They ran their diagnostics tool on it and did not find any problems so I had to leave it for a more thorough test. The Apple Store called a few days later and said it was either the main logic board and/or one or both CPU's. They -say- they replaced the main logic board and that did not fix it. They told me it would be ~$2800 USD plus labor to replace the the main logic board and both CPU's. So I took the machine over to another authorized Apple Service center for a second opinion. This other service center seemed confident they could determine which component(s) are defective. I am expecting a call from them on Tuesday of this week and hope to find out more then.
The symptoms are: When powering the machine I hear the startup sound and the display shows the apple logo. The machine boots for a little while (disk activity is heard) then the machine freezes for about 30 seconds then reboots or just freezes indefinitely. This happens with my 10.6.5 boot system, a second 10.6.x boot system on another internal drive as well as from the 10.6 SL DVD installer disc. Apple could not boot it off their network based systems either. Same symptoms on all startup disks tried so far...
So, I'd like to know where to go if I need to obtain parts and do the repair myself. I've built a number of PC's in the past and have no concerns about the undertaking. I just need to determine which parts I need. I'm not looking to "upgrade" the machine however if faster CPU's are available for a similar price I'd probably opt for the upgrade. At this point I'd be completely satisfied replacing the defective components with the same stuff that's in the machine now. Any pointers/links/tips/etc. would be most appreciated.
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Jun 15, 2012
additional information: 27" Intel based 64 bit 8GB ram dual boot with windows 7 I tried resetting my pram
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 4.3.1
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Jun 18, 2012
I downloaded Lion 10.7.2 and now a can't hear any sound.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 22, 2012
I am using MacBook pro 13 inch, suddenly I am unable to hear any sound from my MacBook.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 2, 2012
I had a problem with my mac osx. I can't here sound from the computer. I don't have headphones In, and even with headphones still nothing. The oddest thing about this problem is that it's only under my account. It works when my roomates sighed In. I did dowload somthing but It was a while before this happend, and I dont know how long it takes viruses to kick in. Any help is apprieated. And I did chck the settings and everything was ok.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 17, 2014
When i plg my headphones into my mackbook pro the sound is almost impossible to hear through them. The sound is normally really loud! i have tried with several pairs of headphones and the volume remains the same!
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Feb 22, 2009
i just got my macbook a couple of days ago and i was so excited about using ichat with my sister....but the problem is that i can barely hear her when we use ichat....i also use skype to talk to her and she was supersonic loud compared to the whisper she was in ichat. i was just wondering if i could modify how loud the sound comes in other than turning her up which doesnt help at all in ichat?
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Feb 24, 2009
I purchased a Mac Pro last Thursday after running a G4 350 MHZ machine for far too many years. But it had been such a good machine I focused on it and took my eyes off of technological progress. I thought the PCI buses in the Mac pro were just faster versions of the kind of PCI in the G4. The G4 was outfitted with a Revolution 7.1 sound card from M Audio and that fed into a Creative 6.1 speaker system (with internal amp). The sound was amazing. It was my hope that I'd be able to transfer this card to the Mac Pro and discover even higher quality sound. But before I even tried plugging it in I did some checking and found that PCI Express is an entirely different technology than PCI.
M-Audio has stopped making the Revolution even though they still have drivers for OS X 10.5 (for folks who put this OS onto machines with the original PCI slots, I suppose). So now that this dream has shattered I am wondering what are my options for being able to hear great sound from my new computer. The internal speaker is OK for the beeps and buzzes produced by an OS that wants to get your attention but it sounds horrible when you're trying to watch a surround sound DVD. I'd like to hear from any Mac Pro owners who have found a way to make their computers deliver high quality sound. I know the Mac Pro has optical in and out but have no idea how I could make use of this other than to plug into a rather high priced surround amp.
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May 18, 2010
I have a youtube video that is a tribute/interview of my grandmother, who unfortunately just passed away. YouTube has stripped the audio because on some parts of the video there is background music. I would really like to be able to watch/download this video with the audio - does anyone know a way to get around this?
fwiw: I don't have the original file, and downloading the video via pwnYouTube results in a silent mp4 file.
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm doing my best not to panic here but I'm sure you can feel my pain. I got up this morning, made my coffee and opened up my MBP to start my day.
I can hear that start up sound but the screen is completely black. Nothing. It was fine yesterday and I didn't do anything different when I closed it to put it in sleep mode. But now it won't wake up. I pulled the battery, let it cool (seemed a little warm since I just started it)....still black screen.
Can anyone provide any advice on how to fix?
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Jun 23, 2012
When I play movies using QuickTime player, I see the picture but hear no sound. The sound will appear for about two seconds and then cut off completely. I don't understand what is causing this problem and I have tried to update it with no avail.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 25, 2010
I am running the latest skype on my macbook pro, everything is working except I can't hear the person talking, they can hear me fine, any ideas? I have been through the sound preferences on skype and the sound in system preferences trying things with no luck.
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Jun 28, 2012
after installing an update I am no longer able to hear sound out of my speakers. A red light comes on where the headphone jack is. I have already attempted to trip to switch with a wooden toothpick in the headphone jack but have not had luck.
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Sep 17, 2009
I got a 13" Unibody MBP, lower-end model, in July. Since then I've noticed various issues.
First of all, I have the common beachball problem. There's no click/beep sound associated with it like some have, and I've noticed clearing out my cache and occasional restarts have helped that. But in general things seem to be much slower than when I first got it... But of course I have many more programs installed, but very few are actually running.
I remember it being nearly completely silent when I first got it. Now I can hear noises when it loads web pages, applications, etc. that reminds me of the noise you'd head from an old desktop. Was I just imagining that it was silent before? The fans seem to run more often, as well.
Also, my audio jack is more and more often not detecting when something is plugged in to it. Usually putting it in to sleep and waking it back up helps.
Anyway, all of these together make me wonder if I should be paying a visit to the Apple store, and if so, what should I ask?
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Jan 21, 2009
have been making movies with imovie for the past few years. Today I imported from my camera, could see the clips moving in imovie when being transported, but when I tried to edit the clips, all I could get was a screen frozen with a picture, no movement, but could hear the sound. Then when I tried to open an already saved imovie (that had already been burned to iDVD successfully), the same thing happened.
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Oct 6, 2009
I can't get any audio whether I'm in Itunes, online, or my own videos. No matter what application I'm in I can not hear anything. I've checked my settings and my volume is on and it is NOT muted.
It was functioning properly til the last couple days.
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Mar 20, 2010
Getting my first mac next week. I have been reading about spaces and it sounds great. One question I have, can it be set up so that you can hear sounds from the other desktops while using another? If i have a chat room set up in another desktop will i be able to hear the ping from someone posting when im editing photos on another desktop?
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Feb 15, 2012
I was using the line-in port of my computer for recording audio, at the same time i was hearing what i was recording through my headphones, when suddenly i wasn't able to hear anything from both headphones and my internal speakers.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 26, 2012
i can hear music thru my macboook bro but everytime i plugged in a head phone or other external devices i cant hear anything i have tried few more headphones so still not working its definitely not the headphones?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 28, 2012
Why can't I hear anything on Skype, even though the volume is turned up?
iMac, iOS 5
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May 10, 2012
the speaker in my iMac doesn't work anymore. I tried to adjust the volume but it doesn't "click" everytime I go up or down a level. Can't hear anything from iTunes, browser, and few other programs. Not sure what happened but hopefully it's not a hardware issue. I bought my iMac back in 2007 or 2008. It is an Intel Mac.
Info:iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 12, 2012
I can't hear some music cds
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 24, 2012
First, When I connect the headphone some times I can not hear anything ,However , If I hear the sound I can not understand .It spoils everything.
Second,the brightness of my screen could not be fixed sometimes are too light and sometimes are too dark with out I change it just automatically change.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 21, 2009
Not sure why this is happening, but I hear a distortion on the highs and certain instruments when I download certain CD's onto my iTunes library and then listen to them on either my Bose, headphones, or car stereo. I verified my setting on my iPod, and even leveled the Sound Check option, but nothing works. Does this mean that it's better to purchased the songs directly from iTunes so it can sound better or is there another option I haven't figured out. Also, are all the songs on iTunes remastered and sound levels automatically adjusted already?
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Jul 8, 2010
i have had my imac little under a week i been looking for any faults so can change soon as. I have 1 dead pixel, not yellow tinting, no buzz or hum noise but not sure about the hard drive it could be just me.
So how quiet should a imac be? i hear the hard drive working wen sometimes going through sites or doing program stuff nothing extremely loud though just quietish sounds that last few sec which different from the standard leave alone computer noise, which i think is normal with any computer but since i found at thread on hard drive noises i not sure now.
so question is really how quiet should a iMac be? i guess you should be able to hear it running but wen you are doing stuff should you hear the hard drive at all? just bit paranoid at moment since first mac.
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May 17, 2008
I am running 10.5.2 on a late 2006 core 2 duo iMac. 2 GHz 17" w 3 GB installed. I recently purchased Hear which is an audio enhancing program. It does run but not quite correctly. Once you set up the audio settings as you like you are suppose to be able tp quit its GUI and the settings remain as they are through reboots etc.Under my normal admin acct it doesn't quite do that. It forgets if I close it.However, when I log into root it works just fine. I also run FStream to listen to internet radio but for some reason Hear only sees FStream under the root acct. I tried turning off or uninstalling every third party app I was using to see if something was conflicting, so far I have had no luck.
I guess my question is, What would cause something to not quite work correctly under an administrator acct but fine under root? I am at a loss where to look at this point.
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Mar 7, 2012
I am not able to open a dvd. I hear it loading, but never see anything?
MacBook Pro, Other OS
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