I'm trying to dual boot my Macbook Pro (2010) with Windows 7 to run some software that is not Mac compatible. I have encountered one problem after the next, but most recently, my disc drive has stopped reading discs. I had originally gone from Mountain Lion to Mavericks as an upgrade, and my disc drive worked fine - but due to an issue with the Windows 7 installation, I had to completely wipe my computer and start fresh - booting Mavericks from the Cloud directly. This appears to have knocked out my disc drive and try as I might, my computer will not only refuse to read external optical drives, but it will accept discs, not read them, and repeatedly spit them out a few seconds later.
I was looking for a solution - and I'm not sure exactly which route to take. I could downgrade to Mountain Lion and hopefully restore the functionality of my disc drive to install Windows 7 and upgrade my OS after the fact OR I could find a way to repair my disc drive. The issue is most definitely software and not hardware.
Ideally, I'll walk away from this with a partitioned MacBook Pro with both Windows 7 and Mavericks installed. I don't even necessarily need my disc drive to work once Windows 7 is installed.
I upgraded from OS X 10.5 to the WWDC '09 Developer Build of 10.6, but find it too buggy for my everyday use. I wanted to know what is the best way to go back to 10.5. I want to essentially "downgrade" as I do not have time to go a full installation of 10.5. Do I just boot from my 10.5 disc and install it as if I was doing it as an upgrade?
I need to downgrade from 10.5.7 to 10.5.5 as I have had wireless problems ever since upgrading so it would be easier to downgrade. Can someone please tell me step by step how to downgrade from 10.5.7 to 10.5.5 as trying to install the 10.5.5 combo update obviously does not work. Please help as this is very frustrating!
I am done fighting the wireless problem in SL....My new to me MBP has SL on it. I did not get the disks with it.I have the hard drive from my now deceased PB that has Leopard on it. It worked flawlessly until the logic board fried.I want to put Leopard from the PB onto the MBP. What is the best way to do that? Swapping drives won't work, different types.
Background on the wifi for those that are curious...I have been fighting wifi drops constantly since I got the MBP. I searched and tried every solution suggested. All failed. I suspected it was how SL manages the Airport card. To test my theory, I booted the MBP off the hard drive from my PB (via USB drive case) running Leopard. The problem disappeared... I went MANY hours with a SOLID connection. Never dropped.
I think Airport in SL constantly tries to connect to 802.11(n) networks whenever it sees them as they would be the fastest. I do not have an 802.11(n) capable home wifi network. Each time a nearby network, one in particular I identified, was seen by the MBP, it would try to connect to it and drop my home wifi.
I am considering the move from the GTX 285 to the ATI 5770. The reasoning behind this is that I'm wanting to change from a Dell 30" to the new 27" Cinema display. And obviously the 285 won't connect to this monitor. My biggest concern is the potential drop in performance. Having said that the Most intensive graphics application I have is Call of Duty 4: MW. This is at the moment at least. If better game come out that are more graphics hungry things may change, but I can still upgrade down the track. I'm really struggling to find any comparison between these two cards.
I have a iBook G3 300 Mhz, and it has Mac os X Jaguar on it, and I was wondering if I could downgrade Mac OS X Jaguar to OS 9 or OS 8, because it is pretty slow and because I just want to use it as a classic machine for classic applications and games, without having to use classic mode in OSX.
the software launch2net which enables internet connetion via a usb modom is not yet compaplible with snow leopard. so its more pratical for me to use internet... just now i did an archive and install, my question is that, all my aplication and things downloaded will remain in my mac right?
I'm sick of all the Safari crashes. The only thing I do on my MacBook is use the internet. I enjoy the new features, but I'm tired of the hanging and crashing. Can I just pop in the Leopard disk and downgrade, keeping all of my files? Or will I have to backup everything and put the files back on?
I have been using Windows 7 for about two weeks now. While it definitely is faster than Vista and in some ways XP, I find all the eye candy even with Aero off to give me headaches and it has certain graphical problems with certain programs made for the Windows 9x line, even with compatibility mode. I don't have an optical drive though, but I do have another spare computer and a 4 GB Flash Drive so I can load the disc files onto the USB drive if possible. Overall I want to just wait for SP1 to come out before being completely dedicated to Windows 7.Is there a way to downgrade from Windows 7 to Windows XP via Flash Drive?
I recently buy an iBook G3 Clamshell, but the old users of it installed Mac OS X 10.2 and as it's so much slow and I buyed it only to have an old version of Mac I want to know how I can do the downgrade to version 9? Remember that the Mac OS 9 CD that I have is from my friend and it isn't the iBook original.
Can anybody tell me if i can downgrade from SL to Leopard as i think SL is causing my computer to run really slow.I have a 2007 Macbook 1GB and only 80GB hard drive, i'm going to give it to my daughter as I'm getting a HP 2120TX lap top and a 27" iMac when they refresh them. Thing is the MB is really sluggish even doing the simplest task.Could it be that SL is the problem cos the low amount of RAM, should i just re-install Leopard, and if i can how do i do it.
I need to run the Classic environment, and have an old iMac G5 which I'm trying to use. The trouble is that it has 10.5 installed on it. I have all the install disks for 10.4, but the Mac won't boot from them. It acknowledges the disk, then after a few minutes I get the 'No Entry' sign. (I've set up a separate partition to try to install 10.4 onto, but without success.) This should work, shouldn't it? What's going on?
i am using os x 10.8. and i want to downgrade it to os x 10.7 because i want to download adobe softwares. but it said this version is not supported. how to downgrade without using time machine?
I did a clean install of Lion (10.7.4) from the App store using a FW SuperDuper clone of my 10.6.8 internal HD. I figured once I did that, I'd be able to run the 10.7.3 combo updater and overwrite 10.7.4.
Info: Mac Pro early 2009 2.26 dual quad , Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a 21.5 inch iMac that I want to re-install so I can sell it in a clean state. Unfortunately, I lost my original install discs so I called Apple Care (who don't care AT ALL) and they told me that they no longer are able to ship out replacement discs and my only option is to purchase a SL disc on the online store. I ordered a SL install DVD and once it arrived found that my iMac won't boot from this disc.So, I called Apple tech support again and was now told that I can't do what they had suggested I do as described above because apparetnly OS X Lion makes changes to the iMac.
I am left *really* frustrated with Apple's arrogance and unwillingness to help. The agent's only response was to point me to the legal agreement for OS X Lion and he also stated "it's in there somewhere" but couldn't be more specific.
iTunes 10.6.3 is sandboxed and no longer communicates with calibre. One way round this would be to downgrade to 10.6.1 which does not have this limitation.
I just got a Quad 2.5Ghz G5 and it has Leopard installed.I have certain software that I need to pay for an upgrade to make it work in LeopardI can't afford that at the moment and would like to downgrade to Tigerwhich all of the software will work just fine.The problem is that every time I try to do a clean install for Tiger (Retail DVD)it gives me a kernel panic every time.could anyone tell me the right way on how to downgrade to Tiger?
Being a not very smart guy, I updated to 10 and realized I dislike it.Is there a simple way for me to downgrade? I have a time machine backup, but I've done enough since then that I don't want to completely restore from a backup, if I can just the iTunes application.Can I reinstall the older version without removing my play counts/playlists/stuff like that?
Is it possible for me to downgrade Safari 4 to version 3 somehow? I need this because I am trying to install Adobe CS4 and I get a blank dialog box - which needs Safari 3 to display correctly. Can anyone point me in the right direction?