OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - How To Reset Or Delete Keychain Access Password
Nov 30, 2014How do I reset my Apple Keychain? I just want to start over.
iPad Mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
How do I reset my Apple Keychain? I just want to start over.
iPad Mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have forgotten my keychain Access Password and need to reset it.
MacBook Air
Safari keeps giving me popup windows saying a keychain can't be found. It's only just started doing this but it's really annoying. Could it have anything to do with the fact I installed a new flash player? That's the only difference I can think of.Also on another computer it keeps asking for a password to access the keychain. It only does this on one user account though. Any assistance is gladly accepted!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble remembering th initial password I set up for my mac when I first bought it. I am having difficulty downloading programs because I cannot remember my key chain password (login password).ow to reset it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedHow do I reset my "login" keychain password? I can't remember it. If it needs deleting, I don't have many passwords stored in that since I use Firefox most of the time and it doesn't store passwords in the keychain.
But when I use Safari it keeps asking for my login keychain password repeatedly.
I updated my OS and now my MacBook Air is asking for a keychain password...a zillion times. It's unbearable. Does anyone know how to reset or setup the keychain password. It's obviously something different than my Apple Id.
MacBook Air
i forgot the keychain password, how do I reset it?
I use leopard 10.5.3
How to reset forgotten keychain password in lion on a Mac mini
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7)
I recently created a Sparse Disk Image that I've password protected. When I try to open the Disk Image I get a popup window that has the words "Keychain Access" as the window title and the following text below that: "To perform this action you must unlock the keychain. Please enter the keychain password." Now, this is pretty straight forward (obviously). My question is, how do I (once I've unlocked the keychain and opened the Disk Image) immediately lock the keychain again so that if I step away from my computer my keychain isn't still open?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm selling my trusty G4 Powerbook and have a quick question about keychains. I erased my entire drive & reloaded all software. I had to log into my airport express to finish the installation and make sure all my software was as current as could be for the new owner. Somehow my keychain got populated with my password for the airport express and would like to know if I delete it from the keychain access page - is this securly deleted or could the new owner retrive it if he wantd to?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to this forum. I am writting on behalf of my neighbor who has forgotten her original keychain access password.
Because of that, we cant get into keychain to retrieve passwords.
I have been looking online for a way to solve this problem.
The only solution I am coming up with is to delete the keychain folder and reinstall it.
I know only enough about computers to get into trouble.
She has a 10.4.7
Any clues? Ive already messed her computer up a bit by deleting a few things I shouldnt have.
I don't remember ever having this problem since Keychain first appeared. About a week ago I changed my login password and now when I attempt to look at any of my Keychain passwords my computer prompts me to enter my Keychain password (which is my OLD login password) rather than allowing me to enter my new administrative login password. I don't want to have to remember two passwords when only a week ago I only ever had to enter my one current administrative password to authorize Keychain Access to allow me to look at any of my numerous passwords in its window pane. How can I get it to only require me to enter my one new/current adminstrative password? I tried "Keychain First Aid" and error messages to appeared stating: Verification Terminated Unexpectedly or Repair Terminated Unexpectedly A reviewer at MacUpdate had the same experience with Keychain First Aid that I did
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had this Macbook pro given to me a year ago and have only recently started to use it. I've had to reset the login password as my friend could not remember the password she had put a year ago. Now I am being asked for the keychain password and it keeps saying wrong password. When I tried to go on to keychain access it wont even open!
MacBook Pro
I forgot my keychain password, what should I do?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
The ClamXav scan found 4 virus/trojan problems and quarantined them. Before I did thid, my keychain keeps popping up asking me if I want to save my password everytime I visit the same web site(s).
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Online browser plugin failures
Every time I try to delete my wifi certificate in Keychain Access, it continually crashes. Tried it in safe mode, still crashes. I cannot get my Airport extreme 5th gen to pass along an IP address to my Mac even though mac is connected to AE (seen via Network Utility). Thought that deleting keychain password would work. OSX 10.10.1 retina Macbook Pro 13
View 1 Replies View RelatedI keep getting a message "wants access to your keychain" but the process asking is not identified. I think it is a process called usbmuxd which I understand is fine but even when i say allays allow it keeps popping up.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
In Keychain Access I have a number of passwords for WiFi networks I am never going to use again. (Hotels etc) So decided to delete them.
I can delete the entries with an iCloud designation (have to type in an admin password etc) but when I try to do the same thing to the same entry but with a System designation - as soon as press "delete" the application quits. Happens every time - no matter what the item is. For some reason the Application just doesn't like me trying to delete System designated passwords!
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10), Using external Cinema Display
is it possible for an application to gain access to the WHOLE keychain?
For example, if a application asks if it can acess the keychain, could it read every item in the keychain?
I got this Mac pro with osx. It's a old business computer, so I don't have the login password for the user or administrator. I had this installation CD, and it worked fine when I tried holding "c" down while restarting the computer. But I couldn't fix the problem at the moment so I turned it of again. Now it won't start up as usual with the "Choose language menu" so I can't get access to the computer. I really don't know why it does it, and I'm so lost right now. How do I get access to the computer now, and reset the computer and password?
View 3 Replies View Relatedit is asking me for a password. i tried everything that i could think it would be and it is not working.
how do i find my password?
I forgot my admin password on my iMac recently and so i used the reboot with OS X snow leopard install disc to reset the keychain, but now on my login screen, it used to be just my account name, there is one called "Other" so i went into accounts in system preferences and tried to delete it but it isnt there?is really annoying me p.s. the "other account" isnt actually an account it says "Other" and when you click on it asks for your username and password...so i type in the admin accounts name and password (admin account is the only one on this computer), and it just opens up my admin account.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI reset my password for my iMac and have now forgotten it! Does anyone know how I can access my desktop?
My login.keychain password is not recognized anymore, i am very sure about the actual pwd string and I tried to restart apps and machine already, I believe the file got corrupted somehow, hence various applications such as FTP clients cannot autoconnect to external resources
I am bound to recover from a Timemachine backup, but all discussions are just dealing with recovering items in the keychain file once it is restored, what about the keychain master password? is it contained in the login.keychain file so that restoring that file to the HD will allow me to regain access to the saved items?
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I'm sure this is a very basic question, but having just made the Mac switch a week ago...I am lost. when I did a forum search, I found out how to access keychains, but I'm not sure if I found something particular to my question- please forgive me if I overlooked something.
I was downloading microsoft software last night and all of a sudden I began getting these little pop-ups that say "A keychain cannot be found for safari" with the option to cancel or reset to default.
how can I fix this so it doesn't happen?
I've never used OSX before about a week ago, but I am picking up on it well (I've used GNU/Linux for almost ten years so I know my way around an operating system). But I don't really think keychain access is working as it should...It's hard to explain. I mean, the way I understand it, shouldn't it be saving the passwords I type into Safari and auto-filling them? Because it only auto-fills some passwords. Paypal autofills, but my bank's website doesn't, and even this forum doesn't autofill. I have to type in my password every time I visit.
Is this working as intended? Is there a way I can get Safari or Keychain to fill in all passwords for me automatically? This is leopard on an iMac G5 iSight model. I did a fresh install like a week ago. Sorry if my question is vague but that's the best I can do with the amount I understand.
I'm able to look at all my keychains, except Private Encrypted Data. Any ideas why? I've used my Mac password on every keychain, but this one I just can't open.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to reset an iCloud password but Apple persistently emails authorization with the wrong account. How do I fix this?
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
Forget administrator name and password. How do I reset/ retrieve my administrator name and password?
My macBook Pro asks me for my master password but forgetWhat can i do
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)