OS X :: Installing App Permissions ?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a question about installing downloaded apps from a normal user account. In particular from disk images.

Lets say I download a new app that is contained in a disk image. The disk image is mounted, and opened. At this point I either drag the app to the application alias provided by the developer, or straight to the application folder. Since I'm in a normal user account, I'm prompted to authenticate with a administrator user name and password. I do this and the app package is transfered to the application folder.Now, if I use "Get info" to view the permissions for the app I just installed, it will show my normal user as the owner with read & write permissions.

I've said all this to ask, if I need to authenticate moving the app to the applications folder, should not the ownership of the app package now belong to the administrator account that authenticated?

It would appear to me the authentication is only to move the app bundle to a location that my normal user has no write permission. If this is correct, why would my normal user still be the owner with write permission on the app bundle? It's like having write permission on a file, that is in a folder where I have no write permissions. Would there be any merit in manually changing the permissions of the app bundle?

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OS X :: Disk Utility Repair Permissions / Permissions Differ On Derby?

Dec 23, 2009

I'm seeing this show up when I do a permissions repair in Snow Leopard 10.6.2

Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x

Repaired "usr/share/derby"

It shows up each time I do this. Anyone else seeing this?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Reset Permissions / Permissions Set To No Access

Oct 31, 2010

i accidentally set permissions in the Mac HD Info window for Everyone to "No Access". of course it locked up. i have an external drive plugged in running Time Machine. i understand i can use that to restore...?

I ran disk utility - it failed because it could not locate the clip art folder in word (?wha?) repair disk permissions ran for 24 hours and couldn't complete. anyway - I know there is an easy solution here - i just want to be sure i'm doing it correctly so i dont make it worse than it already is...would some kind soul please provide me step-by-step instructions to either use Time Machine to repair - or something.

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OS X :: Unable To Repair Permissions / Permissions Were Repaired Earlier

Feb 28, 2009

I repaired permissions earlier and I keep getting these that won't be repaired. Is it anything to worry about? Any idea what the issue is?

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OS X :: Repairing Permissions And ARDAgent/fixing Permissions

Oct 26, 2007

I am getting this when repairing permissions : "Warning: SUID file System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" has been modified and will not be repaired."

Doesn't look like permissions get fixed.

What can I do?

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OS X :: Repair Permissions Isn't Repairing Permissions

Mar 29, 2009

Using OS X 10.5.6

When running Repair Permissions in Disk Utility, it reports that there are errors and that it's fixed them but if I run it again, the same errors keep appearing.

I've noticed that the current permissions on the errors are lrw-rw-rw- which I assume means that they are symbolic links and not the actual files which Disk Utility is expecting. Any idea what's going on?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: After Verifying Disc Permissions Is It Necessary To "repair" Disc Permissions

Jun 2, 2012

after verifying disc permissions is it necessary to "repair" disc permissions?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Why Doesn't Repair Disk Permissions Repair All Disk Permissions

Jun 2, 2012

Disk Utility says there are a bunch of disk permissions that need repairing. I hit repair and disk utility says that it repaired those disk permissions. But when I verify, it says they still need to be repaired.

Mini 2.4Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers Without Installing NVidia Driver?

Jul 28, 2009

I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.

But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.

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OS X :: NAS, Permissions And NFS

Nov 19, 2009

I'm really frustrated at the moment ! I'm running a Mac Pro w/ Snow Leopard at my office and we've recently got a NAS box (Icy Box NAS 4220-B) to hold our media files (Lots of uncompressed SD/HD video)...I copied across all our video in their respective files and at present the NAS is shared via Samba to my Mac. However I'm getting a lot of permissions errors... I can't delete folders or add new files to certain folders. Somebody advised me NFS was a better way to share as I could reset or change these permissions but I'm having a real difficulty mounting the device via NFS. It's enabled on the device and I've mapped it as a share in disk utility but no joy mounting the drive in the finder this way!

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OS X :: Trying To Get Owner Permissions On Used Mac

Dec 5, 2008

I just bought my first Mac a month ago, and have since completely ignored my girlfriend for this new lover. I bought a MBA Rev A, used with a ton of software still loaded on it. The problem is, the guy I bought it from was a Korean exchange student, and set the comp with Korean as the native language. I did a password reset to get the language change, then set myself up as an Admin account. The problem I have here is that the software loaded on this laptop is awesome, but I can't update any of it because I don't have owner permissions.

I understand the only way to get owner permissions is to do an Erase and Install of Leopard, but if I do that, then I lose all the software. This laptop came loaded with Adobe CS3, Parallels, Office for Mac, Toast 9 Titanium, and I think there might be another program. My question here is, is there any way to gain access to these programs, by using a copying software to make disk images of them, or by simplifying copying down all of the Product Keys, and reinstalling the programs from a hard disk.

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OS X :: Unable To Set Permissions

Dec 29, 2008

So on my boot drive, there is no option to uncheck the Ignore ownership on this volume because, well, it's not there. I'm running the latest version of OS X. How do I fix this? I've searched around and found similar threads dating back to the Tiger days but nothing that fixed anything for me.

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OS X :: Cannot Repair Permissions

Jan 12, 2009

What are all these errors, i did a repair permission before software update to 10.5.6, than i restarted and did a repair permission after software update and now for the first time i got all those SUID errors.

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OS X :: Volume Permissions ?

May 9, 2009

I managed to set myself to only read. How do I fix this volume so I can Read & Write. Clicking the + and adding myself does not add myself to the list.

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OS X :: Permissions - How To Repair

Jul 3, 2009

Yesterday i checked my hard-drive for permissions and it found ALOT it had to repair, so i repaired them and all went fine. Then i restart check again LOADS more!!, if i repair and even wait 5mins loads more come back instantly why this could be?

Also could this be a reason for why when i now start my MBA it seems to hang on the grey screen before showing the apple logo and starting to log me in?

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OS X :: Permissions - How To Reinstall Sl

Jul 11, 2010

I was verifying my permissions on my mbp and it had some errors. All of them repaired besides one, that specifically says it 'has been modified and will not be repaired.' Is there anyway to fix this, should I not worry about it, or should I try reinstalling my SL?

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OS X :: Bulk File Permissions For 10.5.5

Nov 29, 2008

I was trying to install the latest xpac for WoW on my mini today, but the first two accounts were installed from a different user account (I am an administrator) Is there a way besides changing the permissions on each file one by one to give my self read & write access to all the files with in the WoW directory?

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OS X :: Can Repairing Permissions Cause Trouble?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a an old G4 running Mac 10.3.5 that I need to update to 10.3.9 to run a program. The machine has a long boot time so I'm worried it might die soon.

Anyways I am wondering if I should click "repair permissions" and/or "verify permissions" before I do the 10.3.9 combo update. Will this increase the chances that the 10.3.9 update will not cause problems? Or can repairing permissions itself cause trouble?

I have never repaired or verified permissions on this machine.

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OS X :: Changed HD Permissions - No Access

Aug 26, 2010

I have 5 partitions on 3 harddisks. While installing Snow Leopard on one of them I Lost access to ALL of them. By using the Installer DVD I managed to fix the Snow Leopard one but the rest are locked. I can't change permissions even as an admin, tried Terminal, nothing works, I'm getting desperate (and tired-It's 2:20 in Sweden now). The symbol of the HD in the info shows a HD with a padlock on it! Is there a Terminal command to unlock it? I have never used Terminal until this happend. If I don't reply at once I'm probably in bed but I hope somebody has helped me when I wake up.

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OS X :: Don't Have Permissions To Access Macintosh HD

Aug 31, 2010

My MacBook has had song big problems, and all I can get it to do is boot up with the Mac OS X install disk, or the DVD I put ubuntu on earlier. Otherwise I get the grey screen with a folder and question mark flashing on the screen. I am unable to reinstall OS X because of the error, so we (I and a guy on this site) have worked out I need to backup my files using ubuntu, format the computer and then reinstall the OS.

I don't have an external hard drive, but I found ubuntu allows me to use my iPhone in the same way. I have backed up most of my files now, but I cannot access the main folders;
Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Library, Movies, Music or Pictures and I get the following message:
"The Folder contents could not be displayed.

You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "_____".

Another problem is to put these files back onto my newly formatted MacBook, I will have to access my iPhone using ubuntu, and I can't put items onto the Macintosh HD because I get the message; "Error while copying to '(name)'.

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OS X :: Changed Permissions For Entire HDD

Sep 20, 2010

I right clicked on my Macintosh HD icon, chose get info, then changed permission to read & write, and applied it to all enclosed items. Then I restarted my MacBook and it wouldn't boot. It would just hang on the Apple logo boot screen with the spinning thing. So I did some research online and saw that I would have to wipe my whole hard drive and start over since I applied read & write to all enclosed items. I put the OSX disk in, and booted to it. Before I went to install a fresh copy of OSX, I tried to repair disk permissions instead. To my delight, it worked. I was able to boot like normal. But now I am having some strange problems.

-When I load Firefox, the bouncing icon will be all jumpy.
-When I log into Skype, the log in sound will only play halfway.
-The most weird and major problem is the no setting will save at all. If I add a new bookmark in either Safari or Firefox, then quit and reopen the program, it will not be there. If I change my home page, the setting won't save after I quit out. If I remove something from my OSX dock, then log out then log back in, it will be back.

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OS X :: Can't Reboot After Changing Permissions

Nov 12, 2010

I changed some permissions on my mac yesterday, including enclosed items and since am unable to reboot the computer. I know there are similar posts on here but was struggling to find the solution applicable to my case. When I try to start up I get a grey screen with apple and spinning gear.

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OS X :: Can Change Permissions On Directory?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a large music library that I have amassed over the years, but when I began ripping CDs there was no artwork on the iPod so it didn't matter, but now it would be nice to have it. I purchased a program called coverscout that finds artwork and automatically attaches it to the songs, but I have a problem. Somehow I have made every song read only. The program can't write the artwork to the tracks unless I change each one to rw. I tried to change just the directory, but that doesn't work.

Is there a terminal command to change all files in a directory to read/write? Just for your information all the songs are organized in a folder called music then subfolder of the artist and then a subfolder to that of the albums. It would be great to just change it all and then when I'm done change it back to read only.

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OS X :: Software To Easily Fix Permissions?

Feb 23, 2009

Just an easy way to do this task?

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OS X :: External HD With Read Only Permissions On PC

Mar 29, 2009

I got a macbook pro and a My Book 1tb. Want to finally put away my old PC (which is running only on UBUNTU) away but I need to get the files off my PC onto the My Book. Well after setting up the time machine and what not I move the HD & connect it to my PC & attempt to drag files onto it. Says it's read only. Tried changing the sharing options to read and write for everyone on my mac. Still the same. Used disk utility to wipe clean the entire HD. Still read only. Posting this on Ubuntu forums but I'm positive the problem is on the Mac.

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OS X :: How To Repair Permissions Via Restore

Apr 13, 2009

I've repaired my permissions via OS restore disc...and Drive Genius...and whenever I repair...I never get a "clean" repair log?

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OS X :: Won't Work With Verify Permissions

Jun 2, 2009

I have a mbp 5,2 running 10.5.7 will all updated software. I ran first aid on the computer, from another computer, and from the startup disk. I keep getting the following output everytime I try to verify permissions. I was wondering about two things:

a) will the following have an adverse affect on my system
b) is there a work around.

Repairing permissions for �NOO7�
Reading permissions database.
Reading the permissions database can take several minutes.

Permissions differ on "System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .
Permissions differ on "System/Library/Components/CoreMediaAuthoringPrivateComponents.component/Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .
Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaAuthoringPrivate.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .
Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServicesPrivate.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .
Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FWAVCPrivate.framework/Versions/A/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .
Permissions differ on "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServicesPrivate.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AVC.plugin/Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-r--r-- , they are lrw-r--r-- .

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OS X :: Permissions On Users / Shared?

Jun 14, 2009

How do I make sure that all users (with seperate accounts) on my MacBook OS X have full rights to all folders and files (new and old) for the folder Users/Shared?

We are two persons sharing our MacBook - and we want to share iTunes library, iPhoto-library + a common folder where we store documents like budget planning etc.

We have no problems creating files in the shared folder - but once I have created a file in the shared folder, the other user can only open this in "read-only"-mode. This also happens when I have used the iTunes library or iPhoto-library. After this the other user only has read-only access to the library. It happens with all types of files, e.g. also files created by [URL] pictures created with PaintBrush etc.

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OS X :: Set Disk Permissions To No Access - What To Do

Jun 17, 2009

I accidentally set a external disk's permissions to No Access. I can see it in disk utility and it says its mounted and working but is no longer on my desktop. I've searched but haven't found anything that works for me. I can't see the disk to change the permissions back.

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OS X :: Little Checkbox Said Ignore Permissions

Aug 4, 2009

I had a folder (called "Other") with read and write access for Joseph (Me), everyone, (unknown), and Joseph (Me, again), but for some reason I couldn't write to the folder - I only had read access even though three forms of me had read and write. I tried changing the permissions of the parent folder to read and write (which they already were for everyone, but I added my account too for the hell of it) and then applying it to the enclosed items, but that just added "wheel" to the Repairing permissions did nothing, I ended up just setting my entire Macintosh HD to read and write for everyone and a few other people, then applying to enclosed items. That worked, but then for some reason it changed my external hard drive's permissions to "Custom" for Me, Me, unknown, and everyone. I can't access my external at all now, and nothing happens when I try to change its permissions. There was a little checkbox that said "Ignore permissions"

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