OS X :: How To Export All Stickies Notes

Jan 20, 2010

I'm using Snow Leopard (10.6.2) and need to export all my Stickies notes. The only tip I have found is to go to File -> Print All Notes as PDF.

But there is no Print All Notes subMenu!

I also found in MacOSXHints an AppleScript. It didn't work.

Does anybody know of a way to export them?

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OS X :: How To Transfer The Stickies Notes From My Old Ipod To New Ipod

Aug 14, 2009

i just got a new mac and didnt want to migrate everything so that i could keep this new mac "clean" of my old stuff however im having a hell of a time transfering ical and address book over! Most importantly i got a new ipodtouch also and im wondering if anyone know how to transfer the stickie notes from my old ipod to new ipod?

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Software :: How To Import Stickies Into Other Stickies

Sep 13, 2009

I know i can cut-paste files, like images or pdfs, onto a sticky note.

Is there a way I can import another sticky note into one ?

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Software :: Create Marginal Notes And Anchored Notes?

Sep 14, 2007

can anyone suggest an mac os x app (or mac os x-supported software like OpenOffice et cet.) that will allow me to create marginal or anchored notes in a text document?

i am not interested in MS WORD, not out of any ideological dislike of gates or ms word, et cet. (although i do not like word), but i am tired of paying steep prices for it and upgrades and wish a simpler program for someone who writes, period. i do not need 90% of word's features (although it, and openoffice alternative, does have the "insert note" on reviewing toolbar i like - see below)

if anyone is familiar with what is called "critical apparatus", it would allow me to add what are essentially footnotes in a visible (Jer's Novel Writer) or invisible (WORD and OpenOffice) notes to the text. (btw: here is what i mean: [URL] and click on screenshot at bottom right of screen)

such a feature would be immensely helpful for some translation projects i am doing as well "to check" reminders within creative projects, from essays to novels.

i may be wrong but i don't think bookmarks are what i want and i prefer to avoid footnotes or endnotes (yes - i am selfish. i want it all) although a footnote is not so terrible a work-around.

i have looked at following options in respective apps:

postit/stickies type note - openoffice has a WORD type feature (like the critical apparatus popup window in url above) which is accessible but i would love to have a smaller simpler program to do this

marginal notes - i love Jer's Novel Writer for this but if you write a long note or lots of notes anchored to the same small stretch of text, these marginal notes become cumbersome and piled on top of each other in the margin, unless there is a way to do this i am doing wrong. (am open to suggestions how to use JNW better. i have not written to Jer - maybe i'll do this)

flags: supernotecard has flags but limits them to one per card where a card is funtionally synonomous with a paragraph. thus one can not annotate multiple words in same paragraph with individual markers

links: i am using DEVONthink more and more as a word processor with its multiple windows, database/search/concordance capabilities and extremely rewarding flexibility. i could use their links to separate windows but don't like this as much.similarly voodoopad does this well but same objection

separate windows: many programs facilitate a new window that could hold my notes. they are not anchored or easily tied to the text in question without altering the text, e.g., DEVONthink, Smultron, et cet.

i think i have looked at almost everything, i think, e.g., supernotecard, notemind, nova mind, tinderbox, notetaker (which i love), ulysses, avenir, z-writer, scrivener, smultron, textwrangler, subethaedit, mi, copywrite, bean, textmate (a great "project format" for composite documents like journal or book with chapters), mellel, mariner, JNW (which i also love), nisus, tex-edit plus, all the omnigroup apps, journler, storyist, writeroom, abiword, but may have missed something. programs like curio (which i like, along with omnigrapple pro) and mindburn are not really what i need either.

i guess if i knew enough i could write an applescript within some of these programs. but i am not very facile with scripting and do not want to take the time to become so. i do not think TeX et al. are the way to go and the same comment about time versus learning curve applies.

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Applications :: Edit In IMovie/Export 2 GarageBand - Export To IMovie Upload To YouTube?

Jan 16, 2010

So i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.

As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.

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OS X :: Can The Stickies Float On Your Desktop

Mar 12, 2008

Now I've had my mac for quite some time but I have never been able to figure out the purpose of the stickies app. What I wanted to know is, if it is possible to have multiple stickies on your desktop at one time? If so, how do I apply this? Can the stickies float on your desktop, or do I use dashboard to get multiple stickies? I am quite confused with this one.

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OS X :: Stickies App In Snow Leopard?

Sep 3, 2009

Just upgraded to Snow leopard. Noticed that if I position a Stickies note on my secondary screen and restart stickies it always revert back to the primary screen. If I position it on the primary screen the position is fixed.

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OS X :: Keyboard Shortcut For Stickies?

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a keyboard shortcut for Stickies? (the "post-it note" application in Mac OS x). I can swear I remember using one a couple years ago, but cannot for the life of me recall one or find one using google.

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Applications :: Stickies App Not Working?

Apr 22, 2010

I accidentally deleted the stickies application a while back. I tried to reinstall it but now whenever I try to open it a message comes up saying "You can't use this version of the application Stickies with this version of Mac*OS*X." How do I fix this?

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Software :: Stickies Are Invisible On 10.4.10?

Nov 13, 2007

I am a switcher trying to learn the ropes and have a Macbook laptop 10.4.10 OSX.

The first time I opened stickies, I created a new sticky and all was going well. Then I saved it. It got saved as a text file, and the sticky disappeared.

Now when I open a new sticky, it is invisible. I know it is there because in View it shows an untitled sticky. If I choose a particular color of sticky, I can see that in the View as well, but no actual sticky on screen.

What am I doing wrong?

My apologies if I have opened the thread in the wrong category. This is my first post on the forum and this seemed like the best way to start it.

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Software :: Can Someone Email Stickies 6.0?

Jun 13, 2008

My stickies won't work anymore. The notes are invisible, and when I try to create a new one, nothing happens. I press F10 and it just shows me all the windows of the previous application I was working on. I think I need to reinstall it, but I can't find it anywhere for download.

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Software :: Stickies Have Disappeared?

Aug 15, 2008

I use a Mac Book Pro -Intel - running 10.4.11. Was using Word and Excel and had some large items on the clipboard when the computer froze. Could not get the frozen applications to force quit, nor would the computer restart or shutdown from the menu, so I pushed the "on" button, waited 20 seconds or so, then started up. Stickies had disappeared! I had a lot (not the max, but a lot). So far I've searched for stickies using spotlight, verified disk permissions, deleted the stickies preferences & database, checked permissions on "get info", looked for recovered files, to no avail. All I get is the welcome: how to use stickies. I know now that I should have backed them up - but I didn't. So - are they forever lost?

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Delete Stickies App

Sep 2, 2014

My Stickies app has many out-of-date sticky notes. How do I delete them?  

I tried searching Stickies

I tried deleting the app. No joy! Was informed that app "was required by OS X".  

Surely there must be a way to get rid of unwanted sticky notes!  

iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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IMac :: Why Is The Information On My Stickies Disappearing

Sep 15, 2010

I have about 10 stickies in the Dashboard with info on them. Initially all of the info disappeared (the stickies remained, but blank). I added all the info back in and this morning 7 of them are blank while 3 of them still show the info I typed in.

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OS X :: Where Are The Contents Of Dashboard Stickies Stored

Jan 7, 2008

My drive went down a while ago, but thankfully I was able to recover my entire home folder. Only problem is, I can't seem to restore the contents of my stickies in Dashboard. I have my library backed up.

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OS X :: Get Back Up To Date With The Right Version Of Stickies?

Sep 12, 2009

I think I copied over my old Stickies version from a clone drive, and now trying to open Stickies in SL is giving me an error that I "can't use this version," "You have Stickies 6.0"

How do I get back up to date with the right version of Stickies?

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OS X :: How To Restore Dashboard Stickies From Timemachine

Oct 1, 2009

I have a new mbp and after a few months of confirming i didnt need anything from my old mbp i formatted only to find out today (just my luck) thats the sticky notes i had in dashboard contained info i need! is there anyway to restore this?

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Applications :: Stickies Open In Mac Startup?

Jan 25, 2010

I wrote some notes in stickies and want them to be permanent on my desktop. How can I make stickies run automatically when the system starts up?

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Recover Old Stickies On New Computer

Dec 2, 2014

I saved everything via time machine back up on my external from my old mac book pro (2009)and bought a new mac book pro today and am trying to recover my stickies but I can't seem to do it. I've looked online at all the suggestions on going back into time machine and still can't seem to locate the stickies data folder under any library or preference application/folder to access my old stickies and its urgent that I get them back!

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MacBook :: Stickies Disappeared Yosemite 10.10.1?

Nov 30, 2014

I recently upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.1

All of my Stickies have disappeared. I had about 20 of them with very important info.

All the files that support Stickies in the Library seem to be overwritten and yield nothing.

OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), A household of Apple gadgetry

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Applications :: Finding Alternative To The Stock Stickies Mac App?

Sep 13, 2010

I use stickies all the time, but there has to be something better out there! more features or better? Does anyone know a good alternative to the stock Stickies Mac app?

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Applications :: Finding Stickies Application Version 5.2

Jan 14, 2010

I'm still using a Mac os x version 10.4.8 and my stickies application recently decided not to open anymore even though I was using it fine the other day. It jumps up once and then nothing happens, the problem with this is I wrote home work on it. However I'm past the point of thinking it will recover any information so where can I download stickies version 5.2 ?

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MacBook Air :: Why cannot Get Stickies To Open Or Work

Mar 6, 2012

1. Iwould like to get Stickies to open AND work!

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I cannot get any info on STICKIES!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Delete Stickies That Are No Longer Needed?

Apr 7, 2012

How do you delete stickies that are no longer needed?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Reset Stickies On It In Snow Leopard?

Apr 24, 2012

how do i reset my stickies on my macbook in snow leopard

magic mouse, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Does Not Seem To Backup Stickies

Sep 1, 2014

I deleted an important stickie. I tried and failed to  restore stickies from Time Machine.  Called Apple and even when the call got bumped up to a higher level person, we could not locate stickie back ups in Time Machine. 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Recover Stickies-database From Time Machine?

Mar 18, 2012

I lost my old Stickies, maybe in upgrading to Lion. I know the database is in my Library, but I cannot find a way to get into my Library in Time Machine.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: Photo Booth And Stickies Not Working With Snow Leopard

Sep 1, 2009

Both Photo Booth and Stickies no longer work! Here's what my Mac is telling me:
"You can't use this version of the application Photo Booth with this version of Mac OS X. You have Photo Booth 2.0.3."
"You can't use this version of the application Stickies with this version of Mac OS X. You have Stickies 6.0."

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Applications :: Restore Stickies Database Back To Previous Date?

Dec 2, 2009

At the beginning of November I opened my stickies and a song I had been working on was gone. I have had data recovery attempt to find the lost stickie, but 1) it was not saved as a text file, 2) it is no longer in the stickies database, and 3) I do not currently have time machine. Basically, everyone told me I was screwed except the top of the line place in California who wants to charge me $1500 to just attempt to get it back, with no gurantee. Is there anyway I can recover a deleted stickie? Or is there anyway to restore the stickies database/my computer back to a date when I know the stickie there?

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OS X :: Best Way To Take Notes On A PDF?

Feb 7, 2007

I'd like to find an easy way to take good notes in the margins, highlight text, etc.Preview has circling and text tools, but they are very limited. the text font size is huge, and the circles have thick borders and are completely opaque.What do I need to be able to adjust font sizes, highlight text, adjust translucency, all that stuff?

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