MacBook Pro :: Use The Faster GPU ?

Dec 19, 2009

I do NOT play games on my MBP. I only run OSX. Mostly normal tasks, but I do a lot of video encoding with D-Vision, I-Squint and MPEG (Perian) Encoder and I-Movie. Should I ever switch over the the faster GPU? I never have since I bought this (early 2009 MBP)

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Software :: Parallels 6 To Run 40% Faster/launch Windows 2x Faster Than Fusion

Sep 8, 2010

Parallels is expected to announce as early as Thursday the sixth major upgrade to its Windows virtualization software for Mac OS X, delivering a significant performance boost over its predecessor, as well as 80 other new features.

The new Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac has been shown on average to run 40 percent faster than last year's edition, according to people familiar with the matter. Those same people said that the upgrade -- expected to retail for the same $79.99 price as its predecessor -- will also feature Windows boot times that are roughly two times faster than version 3.1 of its primary competitor: VMWare Fusion.

VMware and Parallels have gone head to head in the virtualization market since 2008, when the Fusion product was first introduced. Parallels has existed since 2006, and both products retail for an identical prices. In a recent study, Parallels 5 was already found to be 30 percent faster on average than VMware Fusion 3.

Parallels 6 is also expected to showcase tighter integration with its users' natural environment, adopting support for the Mac OS X's keyboard shortcuts, Spotlight search engine, and Expose windows management features. Similarly, the upgrade will offer the option to automatically apply a Mac's parental controls to their corresponding Windows applications, according to those familiar with the product.

Another major focus for Parallels is said to be gaming. Version 6.0 will reportedly deliver up to two-fold performance improvements while adding support for Dolby 5.1 surround sound and better handling of 3G environments.

Parallels 6 will sport compatibility with an enhanced Parallels Mobile application that will offer users the option of remotely accessing their virtual machines on an iPad, as well as an iPhone or iPod touch.

Parallels Transporter, previously a standalone application that allowed users to migrate a virtual PC image to the Mac, will come built into the new release as well.

Earlier this week, Parallels Desktop 6 was spotted on the shelves of a Fry's Electronics store in California. The product has not yet been formally announced.[ View this article at ]

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Hardware :: Unable To See Video Or Anything / Fans Spinning Faster And Faster

Aug 7, 2009

My father owns one of the original G5s, so its power pc not intel. Today while browsing an excel spreadsheet he says part of the screen turned black, then the monitor shut off, then the monitor came back on but not video. Mean while the fans started spinning out of control. Now when he tries to turn it on, he gets power, but all that happens is the fans spinning faster and faster and faster until he turns it off. No video or anything. Just speeding fans. He fears the CPUs died since they control the fans. Any suggestions? He also says the fans were spinning unusually fast these last few days.

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MacBook Air :: CPU Faster Than Old One?

Dec 3, 2008

I think it will be overall faster (bus speed, ram speed, better video) but my question is this: Is the CPU faster than the old one? I know that they are using a Penryn 45nm version now. Will the new 1.6 be comparable to the older 1.8. Again I am just referring to CPU. The reason I ask this is that Penryn saw a 5-10% boost over Merom for the exact same clock speed I believe.

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MacBook Pro :: How Much Faster Is I5/i7 Than C2D

Feb 11, 2010

apple will upgrade the uMBP line soon so i can get some new technology. My question is much faster are the new laptops compared to my 1.33Ghz G4? and is it worth waiting for the i5/i7's to come out due to the increase in performance?

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MacBook Pro :: C2D Faster Then I7?

Aug 12, 2010

After watching this video im shocked and in aww. C2D Faster then i7

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MacBook Pro :: Is The OCZ Vertex 2 Faster Than The SSD?

Nov 24, 2010

Just curious. I want to know if my base MPB will be faster than a maxed out MBA with this SSD

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MacBook Pro :: New WD, Runs Faster, Also Noisier?

Dec 6, 2010

So I bought a new WD, did a 1:1 backup with a Carbon Copy Cloner, put it in my 2010 MBP13.

It runs faster, but is also noisier. With this I mean the operating noise, not clicks or anything like that. I'm 100% sure I fastened every screw tightly. And before anyone asks: Yes, I also moved the torx screws from the original drive to the WD.

I thought it shouldn't be louder?

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MacBook Pro :: Make A Mbp Faster Like Cleaning It Up?

Dec 10, 2010

How do you make a mbp faster like cleaning it up?

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MacBook :: Unrarring - Faster HD - RAM Upgrade ?

May 18, 2009

I have a stock Macbook alu 2.4GHz with 250GB (5400rpm) HD and 2GB RAM. I have absolutely no problem with the machine whatsoever, except for when the machine is busy unpacking large/many (say 1GB or more) files with UnrarX. While UnrarX is performing its job, if I try to use any other applications they usually run quite slow which annoys me slightly.

My knowledge of computers in general is quite limited, so my question to macrumors forums is: is there any way to fix this? Adding more RAM, putting in a faster HD, allocating less resources to UnrarX, or something else?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Make Startup Faster

Jun 6, 2009

I have the Unibody 17" MacBook Pro with 4GB Ram and a 500GB 7200RPM Seagate Hard Drive. Although the computer is fast, it is not as fast as the Aluminum iMac I used to have. I have zeroed the hard drive and installed everything from scratch but I still get the beach ball from time to time. It does not freeze but it is not as snappy as I would like.What could I do to make my computer faster?

Programs I have installed: Adium, Adobe CS4 Master Collection, Aperture, Audacity, Cyberduck, Final Cut Pro 2, Firefox, Google Earth, Handbrake, iLife '09, iWork '09, Microsoft Office 2008, Parallels, Periscope, Rosetta Stone, Sling Player, Toast Titanium 10 and VLC.

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MacBook :: LCD Screen Responses Faster

Jun 18, 2009

I wonder if anyone has a good insight about the type of the LCD screen used for the MacBook White 2.13 that Apple quietly released before the WWDC. I decided to compare the speed for the screen to light up (whether from power-on or sleep) and I am pretty amazed that it is as fast as the LED used in the MacBook CE or 15" Unibody MacBook Pro. In my opinion, it is close enough to have that instant-on feature usually associated with the LED screen.

The last time I purchased a MacBook was in mid 2006 (the very first MacBook that has that random shutdown syndrome) and I am pretty surprised with the advancement that the current MacBook has: the screen responses faster, the hard disk is pretty quiet and the fan barely spins when watching HD videos. Need thorough detail about the MacBook screen.

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MacBook Pro :: 7200 Rpm So Much Faster Than 5400 Rpm Pro?

Sep 23, 2009

Is a 7200 rpm HD in the macbook pro so much faster than the 5400 rpm?

And is it a lot nosier and more consuming? And what about the heating? Runs hotter or stays the same?

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MacBook Pro :: Would Upgrading To 8gb Of RAM Will It Make Faster?

Oct 6, 2009

Just wanted to ask the guys that have 8GB of RAM in their mbp if it was worth it? Running my 17" mbp with 4GB of RAM via 24" LED ACD in dual monitor mode running 6 spaces and especially running VMware fusion just to run light programs such as access 2007 and excel seems to tax my 17" in the memory department.

The 17" still runs pretty good but I do notice that under activity monitor the memory seems to have a huge amount of page outs and the color wheel shows up once in a while. Would upgrading to 8gb of RAM be the remedy? Will it make the whole os that much faster? I would think so but I'd like some opinions, thanks.

I would just use my Mac Pro thats on my sig but I have it connected to my hdtv most of the time and use it through there. I'd like to use dual monitor with my notebook for my courses. I hate transferring school work data from the 17" to the mac pro on a daily basis.

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MacBook Pro :: Where Are The Larger Faster WD Drives

Feb 11, 2010

Where are the larger faster WD drives? The 1TB 5200rpm drive has been out for several months, in the garbage MyPassport configuration. What is the holdup to releasing these as bare drives? Also, isn't there supposed to be a WD 640gb 7200rpm drive? It seem like 2.5" drive tech and/or distribution is really lagging.

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MacBook :: Making Work Faster?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a Macbook and its about 6 years old. It was givin to me and I would like to get it back to running faster. What do I need to do? I was not giving any start up discs so I just can't reboot it. Plus it has quickbooks, which I need on it. So what should I do?

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MacBook Air :: Clean It Up So It Runs Faster?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a 2010 Macbook Air with 17GB out of 60GB free on the HD. Lately it has been a little slow (especially in Numbers, sometimes in Safari). I'm looking for ways I can clean up any unnecessary files and just do routine maintenance. I have recently run Disc Inventory X and deleted big unnecessary files.

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: How To Maintain MacBook So It Can Run Faster

Mar 10, 2012

What method should I do when maintaining my macbook?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Make The Startup Run Faster?

May 31, 2012

how to make macbook pro startup run faster?how to make it coldl down the machines , when getting hot

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X(10.6.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Best Storage Option - Finding Faster Ay

Sep 10, 2010

I have a 2010 13" Macbook Pro(intel core 2 duo) I am recently loading and backing up a lot of RAW images to my mac and it is taking up a lot of space. I need an external hard drive but don't want to use FW800 or USB 2.0 because of how slow they are...

... is there any faster way?

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MacBook Pro :: CPU Heatsink Difference (Loosing Faster)

Dec 24, 2010

I've been noticing quite a difference in the temperatures of the two so just now I tried something. Running 4 threads of yes > /dev/null for 10 minutes now, I have a CPU temp of 202F and a CPU Heatsink temp of 128F. Thats a difference of 74F now either the heatsink is losing 74F faster than it can build it or something is wrong with the transfer between the two.

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MacBook Air :: Pro - Faster - Spacer - Expandable - Cheaper?

Mar 18, 2008

(I don't post to this section really, but thought I would share this...) For $1449 you can get a Certified Apple Refurb 2.2GHz MacBook Pro [URL]

- 15.4" LED Screen 1440x900
- 2GB RAM (expandable to 4GB)
- 120GB HD (upgradable)
- DVD-R/W CDR Superdrive
- nVidia GeForce 8600M GT (can drive dual-link 30" displays)

Ports: Power, Audio-in, Audio-Out, dual USB-2.0, ExpressCard32, Dual-Link DVI, Gigabit Ethernet, FireWire 400, FireWire 800 (umm...about 10 ports) so, compare that to the base $1799 MacBook Air. With the MacBook Pro, you are getting ALOT more for your money, a much more powerful, more expandable, more spacious machine that can easily network, download, move files, it's $350 cheaper! I just don't understand the hype about the $1799 MacBook Air, I seems overpriced for what you are getting...TWO PORTS? NO ETHERNET? what? No disk drive? No Firewire? I guess it's the same hype that the Duo created, then the 2400c, then the 12" PowerBook...people just want TINY Tiny tiny. And they will shell out anything for it. Tinyddiction I guess it is. Anyways, I just can't equate that for myself. The MacBook Pro is just a no-brainer vs. the MacBook Air. It doesn't even come close for me.

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MacBook :: White 2.4Ghz - 4GB Ram Faster Than New Aluminum 2.4

Feb 1, 2009

I would like your opinions about Macbooks. I have a White Macbook 2.4GHZ, 4GB Ram and i would like to know if the new aluminium macbook is faster than mine. My friend just got the new aluminium macbook but it seems like there's no big difference in performance apart from the screen.

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MacBook Air :: Rev A - 64gb SSD Faster Than Rev B 1.6ghz With 120gb HDD

Apr 18, 2009

just wanted to know if the rev:A with 64gb SSD is a better and faster as the base model of the rev:B?

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MacBook :: White Support 32 Bit Or 64 Bit - Sl Make It Faster?

Dec 7, 2009

i have a 2008 white macbook 4,1- 2.4Ghz Core 2 Duo, 4GB Ram, 320GB HD.

I'd like to know if it supports 64 bit. I want to upgrade to Snow leopard but i'm not sure if it would benefit my laptop. Would Snow leopard make it faster?

And is snow leopard stable now? I read when it first came out that a lot of people were having issues.

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MacBook Pro :: What Differences With The Faster Graphics Card Of The MBP?

Mar 23, 2010

Under average useage (browsing the web, typing a letter, writing an email, editing photos in iPhoto, using Photoshop Elements etc.) what difference would the user see by switching to the 9600M GT card over the 9400M?

I ask cos, in the nine months I've owned this MBP, I had never bothered switching to my 9600. I've now done it and notice no difference whatsoever.

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MacBook Pro :: Black MB Faster Than Custom 2009 MBP??

May 4, 2010

Some of you might remember some of the posts I was making before. Well, I finally got the balls to order a Hitachi travelstar 500GB and 2 x 2GB ddr3 crucial ram. I first cloned over the hard drive from my black macbook to the Hitachi 500gb and installed it, along with the RAM what seemed to be flawlessly. Then booted from the newly cloned HD and everything seemed to perfect.

Everything is still fine but I can't help notice a difference. Someone please explain to me: how the hell could my new 13" MBP with 2GB MORE RAM, along with a 7200rpm HD have more "beachball" time than my black macbook?

It is very fast, it's just that there is a lot more freezing than with the black macbook and render times in FCP, PS etc don't seem noticeable.

Is there anything I can do via software updates, tweaks etc? Seems like I spent money for no reason. If the Unibody mBP was not sleeker, nicer to type with, LED screen and only cost me $700 mint, I would of definitely stuck with the black MB.

I didn't get ripped did I? $700 for the MBP 13" 2009 barely used snow leopard, then put $200 worth of upgrades into it?

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MacBook Pro :: Wifi Faster On IPhone Than On Laptop

Jul 21, 2010

The internet on my computer is getting progressively slower. I have no idea why.

DL .38 Mb/s
UL 1.04 Mb/s
Ping 84ms

DL 1.5Mb/s
UL 3.85Mb/s
Ping 360ms

I'm not downloading on either one. How do I fix this?

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Intel Mac :: Its Clock Is 3 Minutes Faster Than My MacBook Pro

Apr 8, 2012

I have 3 Macs and yet my iMac clock is 3 minutes faster than my MacBook Pro and my MacBook Air. They all are connected to the internet when they are turned on and all are Intel processors.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Update RAM/memory On Computer To Run Faster?

May 1, 2012

I'm using a Macbook Pro 15 inch with 2.53GHZ and 4GB of RAM and I use music software on it (Logic, Pro Tools) and  I recently just got Omnisphere and it is just slowing my computer down like no other. Is there any way I can make my computer go faster? And if so how and where can I do this?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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