MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Power Adapter - Low Voltage Cord
Nov 2, 2008
I have found the magnetic end on ebay to repair my power cord ( one of the pins doesnt spring out anymore) Does anyone know how to get the power brick apart without wrecking it?
so i freaked out when i tried to plug my magbook in and the magsafe adapter sparked! ya it was wierd. like when it touched the power port it sparked and i pulled it back immediatly.
I have a Macbook that is nearly three years old, and I'm on my second power cord. The first time I had trouble, the casing had melted off right next to the MagSafe part that plugs into the computer. I got another, and now it seems it won't charge at all. There is no apparent physical damage. At first, I could do a little jiggery pokery and if I got it in just the right place, it would charge. It seems that now even that is gone. I'm wondering if: 1. There is some obvious fix that I am missing, or 2. Where I can get an affordable replacement. I realised this makes it sound as if my current cord is brand new, that is not the case. It is about a year old.
I just bought MacBook Air, because my MacBook Pro died... I need two magsafe power adapters (for work and home) and I was wondering whether I could use my old ones from my MacBook Pro? The watt is way off, though (85 W versus 45W).
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I was very surprised and scared at the same time when I see my magsafe power cable frayed badly at one of the connections to the magsafe unit. I was very lucky to notice before sleeping, or else I would have ended up in a fire at my home. I was planning keep MBP for charging and go to sleep when I noticed this. But luckily I smelled burning and noticed that the frayed had part started blackening due to burning. I immediately disconnected it. See the pic below.
I use the charger as it is expected. Remove it from the solid plug and not cable. Actually I use all apple products with care and respect and I love them. But this incident broke my heart. I have so many presentations to give this week, how I am going to survive without my laptop is a big question. I just saw many people have had such problems, and I am hoping Apple customer care helps me out tomorrow morning. Only 14 minutes left on charging before my MBP dies. Apple help.
Strange thing is my power charger was just replaced 6 months ago for a different problem(it just stopped charging without any reason or visible damage, no fall nothing). And now after 6 months the new charger gave up with a frayed cable. I work as a Teaching Assistant and have so many presentations every week, this is a unnecessary trouble for me.
My MacBook Air 2011 can't be charged by MagSafe 45W power adapter after I charge it with 60W adapter, It happen few time, check the the system status, shows the AC charger not connected, I tried to plug and unplug serveral times, and keep the mag connector pluged for awhile, there's no light at all
I recently bought a new charger called the 60W MagSafe Power Adapter, for some reason for the first time when I plug it into my Leopard Macbook, it works. But when I take it out and plug it back in, it doesn't seem to charge. I would have to remove my battery and place it in again for the charger to charge my macbook. I don't think the charger is the problem because it charges on my macbook Tiger fine.
My battery doesn't last much more than a few hours during continuous web streaming, 2.) That my battery stopped charging to 100% two days ago..and 3.) Last night when I went to unplug it, the power adapter was very hot to the touch. Out of curiosity, I went and used my laser thermometer to get a temp reading of 120-128 degrees F.
I have both a MacBook (personal) and MacBook Pro (work; provided by NASA). The MacBook has a 60W Magsafe Power Adapter; the MacBook Pro has a 75W power adapter. I am going on international travel for several weeks, do I need to bring both adapters with me? Would there be any problems caused by using a higher-power (75W) power adapter to charge a MacBook or vice versa?
I've got the new i5 mbp which has the right angle magsafe plug. Can I use any older magsafe adapter on the machine?I need 2 more (one for work and one for home), i'm too lazy to take it out of the bag, or I always forget to put it back when I need it.
The website says this: to be the perfect traveling companion, the adapter has a clever design which allows the DC cable to be wound neatly around itself for easy cable storage. I'm lost on the above. I just bunch it together and put it in the side pocket of my laptop case. What are they talking about in the above? What gets wrapped around what? The cord is very long and I've read reviews of how happy users are that they no longer trip over it.
I really like the new design of the Magsafe power cord connector. But both designs still put stress on the cord at the connector, if your Macbook is moved. I hope Apple gives the Magsafe a swivel, so the cord can move more freely as the laptop is moved. Am I the only one thinking this would be a good idea?
Just wondering about the differences whether using the extension cord or connecting the transformer directly to the AC. I mean, which one of this two options:
A few of you may not know, but the prongs on the power adapter are supposed to be used to wrap the cord around when you are putting it away.
I'm curious to know if any of you actually do this.
I'm afraid to do this because I fear that the cord will eventually get weak from being wrapped around and the part of the wire that connects to the actual power adapter might become loose.
I'd like to know if someone has done this very frequently and hasn't experienced any problems.
Last Thursday I down loaded software updates from apple and have been losing power very quickly ever since. It just seems like as soon as I remove the power cord I lose power with in three minutes.
It especially happens when I am watching videos. I bought a cooling pad to help with how hot the macbook gets, but the magsafe adapter is burning hot to the touch. It's making me nervous. Is this normal? Can it be replaced? My macbook was only purchased
My Magsafe adapter for my Macbook Pro all of a sudden stopped working. It's no longer charging my MBP. I've noticed usually when charging my MBP if i listen to the adapter it will give the sound like very small motor or gears are running. Now it just sounds like a long beeping sound. I was wondering if this is some known defect, because I made an appointment with the Genius bar for tomorrow and from what I have heard Apple is known for replacing defected parts even if they are out of warranty.
I had my original MBP charger replaced a while ago because the magsafe adapter light was not working. (but it charged the computer fine, weirdly enough) Then, about a month ago, the light on that one went out too. The apple store replaced it with one of the new MBA chargers style. That one worked for about a day, and now intermittently goes off. What is wrong here?
The line just get ripped or teared even when carefully wrapped around the plastic corners. Apple won't replace it for it is considered "physical" issue. Yeah, you got it right, Apple. It is a physical design flaw! No wonder so many websites selling third-party Adapters. I know Apple's products are nice and beautiful, but they should not be encased in glass container to be admired! They are supposed to be used in the REAL WORLD! Come on, Apple. Fix your badly designed products, already!
This may seem like a really simple question to someone who is familiar with Macs, but I am brand new. When I hibernated my old Vista laptop, I always unplugged the power adapter (it go too hot if I left it plugged in overnight). With the Macbook (Macbook Pro 13, mid-2009), should you leave the Magsafe Adapter plugged in, or is it OK to put the Macbook into sleep mode overnight, and leave the charger plugged in? I don't want to deplete the battery (that flashing LED makes me wonder what kind of battery draw there is in sleep) by putting my laptop into sleep mode for eight or so hours, and not have the charger plugged in.