MacBook Pro :: Computer Running Slow And High Temps?
Jun 15, 2012
Recently my computer has started to run slowly in things like games and the only time that it runs normaly is when I restart my computer and then it gets slow again after about 5 min. My computer's cpu has been running at about 77-87 deggres celcius. Is that the normal running temps of a 2010 13-inch macbook pro? I have asked on some other places and they have said that it is dust in my comp that is heating the cpu up and therefore making it run slower.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13-inch 2010
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Dec 29, 2010
The new Macbook air 13" ultimate has just arrived. Great new laptop, but if i play two 1080p youtube-videos the temps go as high as:
Cpu: 187F / 85 C
Northbridge: 154F / 67 C
fan: 6495 RPM (loud)
With a 75% cpu using rate.
(I read this out with the istat pro widget)
EDIT: Room temp = 20 C
This is not normal. Way to hot. Do you guys have the same Temps?!!
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Jul 9, 2010
Im kinda used to back in the day with custom built pcs and i remember i was very freaked out by high temps
i just played 1 hour straight of starcraft 2, i checked temps on the end. 80 degrees celsius, fans were at 4000RPM, i believe 6200RPM or something is max. Is that normal, room was pretty hot.
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May 19, 2010
Whenever I use something cpu/graphic intensive, the temp shoots up and stays up. Normally I would idle at around 36C, but after I use youtube or play any game, the temps would stay at around 55C even after exiting all the programs and is at 99% idle. It's fine when I'm plugged in, but when I'm using my battery, I only get about 2.5 hours with the brightness on very low and wifi/bt off. Checking the stats on iStat, the battery is using 19Watts at idle.
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Jun 2, 2014
The other night, my MacBook Pro's fans started running at high speed when the computer was asleep. Loud enough to wake me up. And this just kept on going until I finally decided to turn the computer off. Is this normal? Is this anything to worry about?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Dec 28, 2009
My Mac Mini has been running slow since I upgraded to Leopard several months ago. It is not Snow Leopard. My Mac Mini is running software version 10.5.8 and my processor is a 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4 with 512 MB RAM. Am I running slow since my Mac Mini is intel? Should I switch it back to Tiger or is there any other suggestions you can make. I have run the disk utility and have run the repair permissions. The computer is especially slow on Safari where it is faster on my MacBook pro.
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Dec 26, 2010
This is my first post, and I apologize as it's a little long. I just wanted to get the whole story on the table and clarified.I've had one of the new Aluminum 13" MacBooks (2.0GHz C2D) since Christmas Eve. A few weeks ago, it accidentally fell off my desk at work (not a far drop , but far enough for my heart to stop for a few minutes) when I got tripped up in the power cord under the desk.
For all intents and purposes, the MacBok seemed to work fine. I had one of our IT staff, who happened to be a trained Apple repair tech, take a look at it; the only real damage was that the display hinge had been knocked a little out of alignment. Just ot be on the safe side, I took the machine to the Apple Store, where they told me not to worry about attempting to get the hinge fixed (because I'd be paying a lot of money for such minor work), and the Genius sold me a hardcover plastic Speck case for the MacBook.
While the Speck case certainly looked nice and madethe already sturdy laptop feel sturdier and "protected", I was a little concerned about the amount of heat the machine was giving off within the case. On Sunday, I unplugged the machine from the MagSafe charger for a few hours and left it closed in sleep mode. When I woke it back up, the fan on the left continually gave off some sort of high-pitched whine whenever the computer was in idle mode.
I Googled, searching this site and others, and read about the "CPU whine" in the previous generation MacBooks and MacBook Pros. I also saw where a few people with new Aluminum MacBooks were having this same issue or something similar:
It seems to only make the noise when the computer is running off of the battery - plugging in the MagSafe charger makes the noise quiet 85% of the time (I've found that plugging, unplugging, and replugging will not stop the whine from occurring).
I tried installing QuietMBP as was recommended in some posts, but the only setting that will stop the computer from whining is the "highest" setting (that is, allowing the processor 0 seconds of idle time), which causes QuietMBP to eat up 30% of my processor usage in Activity Monitor and to start the fans going (and, presumably, to significantly lower my battery life).
I don't know whether all of this was the result of the MacBook falling, from it overheating in the case, or something that "just happened". I set up an appointment with the Genius bar for today at 4 PM, but Idiscovered another odd occurance when I set up a new account for the Apple Store (rather than give them my password)
The noise never happened under the new account. Never. I left the machine idle until any and all initial processes were done. No noise. I checked Activity Monitor for stray processes. None. And no noise.
Now I'm bewildered. Could something have gone wrong somewhere in my account, leading to a corruption of a power management utility or process? I'm not canceling my appointment, but I am going to try a few things before I leave. I've already repaired disk permissions, and I'm about ot reinstall the 10.5.6 OS X combo update. Should I try to reset the PRAM too? What other options should I be looking at?
Or should I just wait, and let the Genius Bar folks look into it? As a note, I'm aware I may have to pay for any repairs because they may or may not blame them on the MacBook having dropped (despite two to three weeks passing between the fall and this issue arising), and I'm okay with paying for reapirs (though I will try my best to argue my case, of course).
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Apr 29, 2009
Recently I've seen my Mac Pro 8-core CPU temps rise pretty considerably, between 10-15C after a bone head move on my part. After setting up a new Vista x64 virtual machine in VMWare Fusion 2, I was trying to get a Linksys USB to Ethernet adapter (USB200M) to work inside this virtual machine, but with little success. After tracking down a driver online which I thought at the time was a match for the chip on the adapter, I tried to load the driver manually in the virtual machine. This unfortunately resulted in an immediate OS X kernel panic; my first and only on this machine. Since then, my CPU temps have been on the rise. Not sure if its even possible for a kernel panic to damage hardware, but I'm wondering if any low-level software damage resulting from the kernel panic could be causing the higher temps?
I tried a simple restart which did nothing. I have since run the extended Apple Diagnostics and everything appeared OK. Also, ran a "fsck" check and everything appeared OK there as well. Is it even possible to damage hardware from a kernel panic? Finally, my kernel_task process seems a bit on the high side 83 threads, 350MB Real Memory and almost 2.5GB Virtual Memory. Could this be related to the kernel panic and indicate that I probably need a clean install of Leopard at this point? This is an Early 08 2.8GHz 8-core Mac Pro with 10GB third-party RAM. RAM has been thoroughly tested and running in the machine for over a year now without incident.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have been trying to get certificates from our AD PKI to our Mac Laptops for some time now under 10.6 so they can authenticate WPA2-Enterprise to our Cisco ACS wireless and Juniper SSL VPN.Since then working with Apple I was told to move to trying this under 10.7 with Profile Manager.I have set up the Windows 2008 r2 NDES server to accept the SCEP requests from the payload that Profile Manager distributes to the 10.7 clients.
After a lot of troubleshooting and work over a few weeks all is working well now. The test users can auth to wireless and the VPN.However - The cert that is returned to the user's login keychain for the client is exportable, even though we mark it as non-exportable in the certificate request template.I have been told that this is expected behavior by keychain when it requests a certificate via SCEP.
So I am looking for two things:Really?? You cannot get a cert in there as non-exportable? andDoes anyone know if this is a defect in Keychain or SCEP?The only other workaround I can find is to then request the cert, and from the client (an admin as we dont want the user to have the exportable private key) exports the cert, deletes it from keychain and then re-imports it with the import -x flag so it cannot be exported. This obviously doesnt scale and requires an admin to touch every laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 26, 2012
Computer is running very slow, everything is buffering when in use, websites will not fully load.Trying to find a utility clean-up type program but am not sure which one would be best to use.Already tried repairing disk utilities, sped things up for about an hour then went right back to working slowly.Created a new user account to see if it was a start up issue, but this made no difference.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 12, 2012
my macbook pro has been running slow lately.
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Jun 11, 2012
I recently dropped my even a couple of drops of diet coke near the DVD drive of my MacBook (2009).Turned it off immediately and turned it upside down for a bit. Tune it back on and it worked fine. However, the second time I turned it on it wouldn't go past the login screen. Turned it off as then on again, and started up fine. Ran a disc diagnostic and it gave me the invalid node structure message. From there it started to run slow so I shut it off again. Haven't turned it on since. I'm thinking of taking it in to a shop since I don't want to mess with it anymore.Is there any easy fix to this? If my hard drive is messed up, can I recover my data?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Apr 2, 2012
My computer is running very slow. Beach ball all the time. I have about 35mb hard drive free space and 4 MB RAM. I monitor with Activity Monitor. Everytime I open a program, like Safari, Adobe, Activity Monitor shows they use up to 99% CPU. It goes downafter a little while to a small perecntage, until I try to do something with them. Then many times, it will jump back up to high %CPU and give me the beachball and run very slow. This is a new thing. Does anyone know what may be the problem with my computer?
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Apr 9, 2012
My computer has been running slow taking along tome doing anything
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 23, 2012
My computer is running very slow
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Dec 30, 2008
Running a 2.8 GHz Uni MBP and a 24" LED display. Temps without the display are a cool 40*C or so with a couple applications. With the display and a few applications like skype, itunes, safari, etc, i see temps in the upper fifties, or right around 50 just driving the display and a couple browsers. what temps are you seeing when running your external display?
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Apr 8, 2012
error code 4 mot /1/40000003: HDD having problem starting my imac pc takes about 20 times before i can turn it on.Getting a gray or white screen with error message turn off your computer by holding down the power button and restarting your pc computer running slow when it starts imac 2006 2 GB intel based snow leopard 10.6.8
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mackeeper
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Jun 16, 2012
I'm using an iMac and find it difficult when running SketchUp/ Layout. It takes up to 5 to 6 mins to load a Layout file or it re-calculate and halt every few minutes when I am using SketchUp. While waiting for it's re-calculation or loading up, I can still use other softwares normally.
I wonder if it is one of the following problems: -
1. The softwares use massive RAM that my computer don't have? if yes, how can I allocate more RAM for these 2 softwares?
2. My computer is not powerful enough to run rendering softwares, like SketchUp/ Layout?
The following is the spec of my computer, Intel Core i3, 3.06 GHz.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 16, 2009
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
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Aug 24, 2014
I have this MBP 13'' Mac OS X 10.7.5 running a 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAMs and 500GB storage.The problem started yesterday when I was typing on Word and I copy pasted something from the net (chrome browser) then it froze.I waited for around 5minutes and still frozen with the spinning wheel, then I decided to turn it off by pressing power for 10 seconds restarted my
MBP then now it running so slow on start-up and apps are very slow to open like around 5 minutes. Every action that I try to do like clicking on the apple in the upper left it freezes showing a spinning wheel and it will take time to show the drop down options. I checked disk utility and it said that HD is ok, done verify/permission verify and repair.
I checked the activity monitor noting the ram/CPU usage and its normal it even tells that 2GB of ram is not use.It shows not responding in the activity monitor if you open an app for around 5mins then it opens or it will crash.I already done the 2 kinds of reset and did not work.BUT it opens normally in Safe mode.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Dec 25, 2010
Both of my fans are running at the max 6200 RPM and have been for well over an hour. My CPU is over 65% idle, and none of my processes are over 20%. My HD Temp is 38 degrees and my CPU temp is 72 degrees. I don't think my fans should be running this high considering the computer is doing so little work.
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Aug 8, 2007
My macbook fan doesn't stop running on high power (6700rpm). There is no process generating high CPU load (checked with iStat), and the macbook is on a normal desk. I've also made a SMC reset, without any improvement. I thought about reinstalling Mac OS X, but the fan already starts when I switch the computer on, so not sure if it's the OS. It's really annoying to hear the fan running all the time.
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Feb 24, 2012
Last summer my MBP 2.3 GHz C2D was heating up so much, you barely could touch it. So I decided to give it a little hardware checkup. Finding the fans completely stuffed with dust
But after a while i recognized that the fans went on high rpms (around 6000) already at startup and did not lessen anymore. I do not have any high capacity processes running and the temperatures are not just not warm buth rather chilly, so no need for high fan speed. Now I want to solve this problem as well but seemingly nothing will work.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2012
My 2012 MacBook pro has a fan running on high from the moment I turn it on and my battery has an 'x' on it.
MacBook Pro
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Jun 6, 2012
I edit using Lightroom and Photoshop and I'm having an issue while editing. After editing around 8-10 photos in Photoshop the computer starts running unbelievably slow. After each 8-10 photos I have to close down everything and reboot. Even the reboot process is super slow as I have to force quit each application usually 1-2 times to get it to close. Is this normal? I have a 2011 17" with 2.2 GHZ i7 with 8GB ram. Is there any setting that I can change or be aware of.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 6, 2008
Recently my cooling fan has been running at what sounds like full speed and never resumes a quiet speed. I have not used it any differently than I have since I bought it (in January) and have not really added anything to it in the way of downloads.
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Jul 1, 2009
It's the 2008 model MacBook Pro with the 9600m gt 512 card.
So, I just noticed that when I have my MacBook Pro in High Performance mode it emits an high pitched noise when the fans are running around 6.2k RPM and the CPU and GPU is around 63c. The noise follows the speed of fans, and at idle the noise is gone.
I have uploaded a video of it on youtube here:
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Jan 19, 2010
1x Macbook 2.4Ghz, 4Gig RAM. December 08 model.
1x 24" monitor connected via DVI connector
1x USB mouse
1x mac wireless keyboard (was used on iMac 21.5" new 2010 model)
Latest version of Snow Leopard, patched to the latest on everything. Software update says that everything is up to date.
I've unregistered the keyboard with the iMac and associated it with the Macbook. I'm typing this message with the wireless keyboard no problems.
This is where the problem comes in, when I start up for example MacTheRipper, or Handbrake. Essentially any tool that kicks the CPU into overdrive the keyboard starts acting strangely.
Typing will go to a crawl, it takes longer for the letters to appear, as if in slow motion. It will popup the keyboard disconnect and reconnect image every once in a while and if I leave the keyboard for a while it will disconnect from bluetooth completely, when I then try to reconnect by tapping a key it doesn't connect for sometime. Even if I hold the key down for several seconds.
Once the program has completed processing and the CPU drops back down to nothing, the keyboard works just fine again.
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Jun 12, 2010
I bought my first Mac, a C2D MBP 13". I really love the machine. But I'm experiencing this particular issue of having high cpu load of up to 80% while on W7 Professional bootcamp even though I'm not running any graphic intensive programs.
Specs: 2.4Ghz MBP 13" (The recently refreshed model)
Windows 7 Professional 32bit (MSDNA Edition)
Upon successful installation of W7, I inserted the OS X disc inside and the bootcamp drivers installed successfully. So I'm quite sure the drivers are okay. Being a DotA lover, I installed WC3 on my bootcamp. However, I realise that whenenver I'm on windows mode, the machine is very laggy. I even have problem opening a browser when I alt tab out from WC3. Is this normal? Even when idle, the cpu load on the processor jumps from 1% to 47% randomly. Just fluctuates randomly. I'm quite sure my Windows Security Essentials is not doing any scan btw.
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Jun 26, 2012
I replaced my logic board and couldn't get my Macbook to start, but last night I replced the RAM with the original one that came with my Macbook and it started up, everything is working fine, but the Fans are running high I can hear it loud and the keyboard light are not working, but the keys works fine. I tried the reset options but nothing happens.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3), Model - A1286
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