MacBook Pro :: Move Files To External Usb Drive Namely IPhoto Or ITunes
Mar 14, 2012
I have 2 gigs left on my ssd drive. I have attached an external usb drive 2tb. How do I migrate over something like itunes and or iphoto to free up some space on my internal drive?
I accidentally deleted an item on my make but it is on my external HD how to I transfer it from the Ex HD to the Mac. this was an IPhoto Library an Album also is there a way to see how many photos I had backed up on a certain day compared to what I have now-another words I did a back up on may 5th and had x number of photos and had lots of issues with adding more photos but was able to do so now I have more photos but I am not sure they all transferred without going through and counting them TIA?
My iTunes library got too big so I moved it to my external hard drive and now that I have space for it on my macbook, I want to move it back but cant. It keeps stopping saying that it cant move certain files then it stops the transferring process altogether. I've tried moving it several times but it keeps failing on me. Anyone have an idea as to why it keeps stopping the transfer on me?
I've had my Macbook for just a month now. When I first got it, I wasn't able to move any files to my Western Digital External (that works with my previous blackbook) and my other external. It says The item '(item name)' could not be moved because 'System' (or other folder name) cannot be modified. iWork 09 and Virtual Dj don't work either. I want to reformat the hdd, but I can't do that until I backup everything, which I can't do. I tried the second solution "Type this, followed by Return: sh /etc/rc" and my Mac said could not find this directory.
I have two Macs, a desktop PM G5 and a laptop Black Macbook, both running 10.5.8. Currently when using the laptop I can see and access the PMG5 and its files through my wireless connection. I'm planning on picking up an external drive, and I'd just like this confirmed, as in its access ability. If I hook up the external drive to the G5 so I can leave it there, and access its files through the G5. will my laptop also be able to access it through the G5. In other words, when I access the G5 from the laptop over wireless, will the external drive appear as just another folder and/or device on the G5 and I'll be able to move and copy files just like I already do?
I have an iMac (Mid2011). I have too many files on my hard disc and am trying to move some over to an Elements Hard drive I have connected but when I try and move them over nothing happens and it just gives a can't do sign.
My mac is starting to become slower because its almost reached it 500GB limit. How can I transfer all of the files (*Excluding Applications) from my mac onto the hardrive, but removing them off my mac in the process so Im effectivly wiping my mac, and accessing all of the files off the external hardrive.
My home folder is corrupted. I created a new user account and it seems to be fine. I'd like to transfer all my data files to my new account. This is no problem with most applications, but I'm not sure what to do with Apps that save the data themselves.
I just recieved an external hard drive for Christmas, and so far have only put my videos and some other folders on the drive. I would like to put my itunes library on there, but have NO idea how to go about doing this.
I have an ipod (8g) and want to be able to still sync and not lose any of my songs during transfer. I actually have more APPS than I do music, but I just want to move all those files to the external drive to clear up space on my mac (Powerbook G4, 10.4.11).
I need to move my iTunes library from one external disk to another, because the original disk is about to fail. So, I went into iTunes Perferences --> Advanced, and set the library to a new, empty folder on the new drive. Nothing changed. I expected all my music to vanish from iTunes, so that I would have to re-import it. However, all the music remained, still on the old disk. At this point, if I were to recreate the library on the new disk, I would have all of my music twice. Is it possible to move an iTunes library from one external drive to another, or am I stuck with my original choice until I buy a new machine? If I can move it, can one of you clever folks explain how it could be done?
I want to get a mac but one thing that concerns me is my itunes. I have a massive library and if I get a mac I will need to copy the library to my external hard drive from my pc then copy it again to the mac. How could I do this without losing my playlists, rating etc? And also if you have all your photos in iPhoto can you access them without opening iPhoto? If you can how? Because I have played around on Macs in the Apple Store and couldn't see where they would be!
I'm trying to set up our home network so that everyone can access our large music library through a hard drive attached to apple extreme, but manage all of their other iTunes media files (apps, podcasts, etc) on their own devices. Is it possible for iTunes to have this type of split personality?
Since this doesn't have much storage i recently moved my entire 40Gb iPhoto onto an external drive. This worked great and love the new storage i have on my mac.
I plug my GoPro into my mac and it imports the photos onto the iPhoto on my external drive.
However the problem occurs when i try get those new photos onto my iPhone, i plug it in and go to photos on my phone in iTunes and it only shows my old iPhoto stuff, so i can't get those new photos across to my iPhone. I've tried the choose file option and chosen external drive but i doesn't seem to work?
I've looked at some other posts that have gone over how to move files to an external drive, and they all say to use command while moving. I understand this copies the file and deletes the original, but when you make a copy and delete the original, you lose some of the original data, such as creation date, etc... This makes storage and organization more complicated than it has to be.
I need more space on my hd. A lot of space is being taken up by family photos in iPhoto. How do I move those photos to an external hd to free up space on the the Macbook?
I recently moved my music library to an external library by changing the pathway in Edit/Preferences/Advanced and then consolidating the library. Everything worked for a while but now when I open itunes it is not able to find all the files. Bizarrely for a lot of albums it can find one or two of the songs but the rest all get the "Unable to locate original music file" error message. The music is all there on the hard drive but I don't want to have to manually locate each one. Does anyone know what is causing this or have a script to locate the rest of the music automatically?
step by step directions for moving the actual media ‘files’, ie the mp3s, as well as the necessary library files, to an external drive, when ‘keep media organized’ and ‘copy files to media folder’ are NOT SELECTED?I am running OS X 10.6.8 and iTunes 10 [and prefer a solution which does not require updating software. I prefer to maintain my own customized folder and file structure for my mp3s; and have therefore deselected
1] Keep iTUnes Media folder organized and 2] Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library. All the directions in the various posts seem to require selecting these options. Is this critical for success?
From the many posts I have read, it seems there’s more to it than just drag and drop, that I need to ensure that iTunes is ‘pointed’ to somewhere? Not the mp3s themselves, but to a ‘library” [is that yet another copy of the mp3s? somewhere on my hard drive?].
Additionally, over the years I have moved about 45GB of mp3s to ‘storage’ external hard drives to create more space on my laptop. Not ideal interim solution. I am again low on space and have decided to buy new external drive for holding all of my mp3s, ie the 45 GB in ‘storage’ and the remaining 75 GB from my laptop. Ideally, I would like to also keep all my artwork, playlists and ratings and the like [which I guess are in the ‘libraries’???]
Am I correct, that I will need to also move to the new external hard drive that folder which holds the .itl and .xml files and which is named ‘iTunes’??? and then there is another step to link the ‘media’ to the ‘library’ to ‘itunes’?
Not sure what I'm doing here but I have a flash drive taht I am trying to move pictures from iphoto to. I'm still in Windows world I guess and am looking for the flash drive on the left side so i can drag and drop the photos into it but I don't see it anywhere.
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.