MacBook Pro :: How To Update Nvidia Drivers

Dec 16, 2010

I have a macbook pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro5,5
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.53 GHz
Memory: 4 GB

NVIDIA GeForce 9400M:

Chipset Model:NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
VRAM (Total):256 MB
Vendor:NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID:0x0863
Revision ID:0x00b1
ROM Revision:3427

It is incredible slow - freezes constantly unless on very low graphics in games like World of Warcraft so i'm assuming i need to upload graphics. So i went to the Nvidia website, and tried to update driver by following steps correctly, selecting the correct options, etc and it said it couldn't update for my system..
How do i update my software so i can play without freezing?

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MacBook Pro :: Updating Nvidia Drivers / Normal Software Update Or Manual Update From Site?

Jul 13, 2005

I was wondering whether to update the nvidia drivers from time to time, is this done through and included in the normal 'software update' from the top-left apple menu bar or do I have to go to the nvidia site and manually update each time?

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MacBook Pro :: System Freezes On Low Graphic Games / Update Nvidia Drivers?

Apr 17, 2007

I have a macbook pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro5,5
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.53 GHz
Memory: 4 GB

NVIDIA GeForce 9400M:

Chipset Model:NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
VRAM (Total):256 MB
Vendor:NVIDIA (0x10de)
Device ID:0x0863
Revision ID:0x00b1
ROM Revision:3427

It is incredible slow - freezes constantly unless on very low graphics in games like World of Warcraft so i'm assuming i need to upload graphics. So i went to the Nvidia website, and tried to update driver by following steps correctly, selecting the correct options, etc and it said it couldn't update for my system..How do i update my software so i can play without freezing?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Update Nvidia Drivers / Irregular Odd Shapes Popup On Screen

Jun 4, 2007

I am having image issues when I play any of the crysis games (the only games I have). Random, irregular, odd shapes and lines start popping up on my screen. Everyone keeps telling that it is because i need to update my nvidia driver, but they never work and cant install. the driver i have now is the one from bootcamp. i just got my mbp a month ago and i hope it isnt a hardware issue. there are no screen problems when i am doing anything else. where can i find updated drivers that will work on my mbp in windows xp?

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Mac :: How To Update NVidia Drivers In Bootcamp

Oct 13, 2010

downloaded from which give you error when you try to install it. So here I compiled a short guide in how to update your drivers. 1. Driver Nvidia 259.47 ( found better performance with this one) for Windows Vista/7 64 BIT ONLy!!! Same driver but for windows Vista/ 7 32 BIt Download here2. After you have downloaded drivers you will noticed that they are packed with 7Zip archive (self extracting), unpack it (just remember the location).

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 Not Loading NVIDIA Drivers / Requires Bootcamp To Load Drivers?

Oct 19, 2009

I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added. Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games. I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.

Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install NVidia Drivers / Drivers Not Compatible With Hardware

May 27, 2009

So i am trying to change my apple boot camp drivers to nvidia's, but i think i must have downloaded the wrong ones, or done something wrong. I tried to install Geforce/Ion driver release 192.62, (from nvidia's site, i selected gefore 8 series) and when i ran the setup it said: 'nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your hardware' . My questions are:

� Which drivers should i download? a link would be great.
� Are there any pre-requisites i must do, such as install version 170 first?

I am using an iMac 24" with 4gb ram, 500gb 5400 rpm HDD, and 8800 GS 512mb.

The reason I am trying this, is because when i play some online games, i often get bad lag spikes, but that chat is still running. Someone recommended me to 'update my drivers'.

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MacBook :: Finding Windows Nvidia Drivers

Apr 11, 2009

I got my Aluminum MacBook 2.4 a few days ago and I have since then installed Windows XP SP3, I recall reading about being able to install new Nvidia graphics drivers to get even better performance. I tried to search it, but I couldnt find the process on how to install them.

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MacBook Air :: Latest NVidia 320M Drivers On MBA 11.6"?

Dec 2, 2010

Does anyone know how to install the latest NVidia drivers from their website?

The installation breaks of because the correct hardware couldn't be found (when indeed I did download the correct 320M drivers).

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MacBook :: Unable To Install Nvidia Drivers / No Instructions Found

Dec 7, 2010

I got my Aluminum MacBook 2.4 a few days ago and I have since then installed Windows XP SP3, I recall reading about being able to install new Nvidia graphics drivers to get even better performance. I tried to search it, but I couldnt find the process on how to install them. If someone could guide me how to do that and maybe even post a link to the needed files that would be great.

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Windows On Mac :: Updated Nvidia 9400m Macbook Video Drivers

Apr 4, 2009

You can get updated Nvidia Drivers for you Macbook here:

For XP:[URL]

For Vista:[URL]

It has updated 'forceware' and installs without problems. I noticed better performance in games than i was getting with the stock apple drivers. These are for the new late 2008 aluminum Macbooks with the geforce 9400m chipset.

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MacBook Pro :: Is It Advisable To Install These Nvidia Drivers On New 2010 MBPs?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a 2010 i7 MacBook Pro. I came across GeForce Mac OS X Driver Release 19.5.8 and CUDA 3.0 from the website: Mac OS X 10.6.4 Update->What we know about 10.6.4 so far...)Is it advisable to install these drivers on the new 2010 MBP? I assume that whatever included in the official Mac OS/X update have been tested. If we download and install drivers from parts manufactures such as Nvidia, we risk possible untested, compatibility problems.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Install Games / Updating Nvidia Drivers For Windows 7

Dec 11, 2009

i have the following question: i installed windows 7 on my mbp but i have problems with a lot of games that i want to install, so i think that i have to update my drivers. if i install the drivers from the nvidia site for windows 7, will they mess up my nvidia drivers on my osx part of my mbp?

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MacBook Pro :: : Windows 7 Not Realizing Or Loading NVIDIA Drivers (13 Inch Macbook Pro)?

Dec 22, 2010

I recently installed the 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate operating system onto my MacBook Pro 13 inch. I have the most basic Macbook Pro 13 inch with nothing fancy added.Whenever I load up the Windows 7 OS on my Macbook, it never utilizes or even realizes that I have the NVIDIA graphics card in my laptop. It instead believes I have some integrated graphics card that cannot even run the most basic of PC games.I know my laptop can run these games because on OSX it runs multiple games with higher requirements than these games I am trying to run on Windows.Basic question: How do I get bootcamp or whatever else to make Windows 7 realize I have a NVIDIA card and drivers. Sorry if I am coming off as stupid or confusing.

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Mac Pro :: 8800 GT: BootCamp Or Drivers?

Feb 29, 2008

Is there consesus on wether its better to use the outdated BootCamp drivers (im using Vista 32bit) or the latest from / others?

In case, is there any specific procedure for installing BootCamp drivers or i just donwload and launch the Nvidia ones?

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Laptops :: Mac Book Pro Nvidia Drivers For Virtual Box / XP?

Oct 17, 2009

I'm running Windows XP through Virtual Box on my 2.4ghz Mac Book Pro (10.5.8) - works great for my Web Designer Day Job (checking Browser issues).... anyway I borrowed a copy of Aliens Vs Predator 2 from a friend (it's an older 2001 Game) so I figured it'd run ok on a 2009 Mac even through emulation....

Anyway I'm having major Issue trying to get the game to work, Basically I think I'm missing Nvidia Drivers?

System Profiler says I have 2 Graphics cards:

NVIDIA GeForce 9400M

NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT

I've tried downloading Nividia Drivers from there site, Both that I've tried give an error message telling me "No Suitable Hardware Found" ??

has anyone tried to play a game through Virtual Box/ XP on a Mac Book Pro?

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Mac Pro :: NVidia 8800 Drivers Are Slow For Apps

May 5, 2008

From the reading I've done it's apparent that the NVidia 8800 card that ships as an option for the MacPro (jan '08) is slow for Pro App's.

I've read at some sites that this may be remedied by NVidia by rewriting / releasing updated drivers for this card.

What's the likely hood of this?

Or is there something in the architecture of the card that makes it maxed out?

I'm not annoyed at NVidia as I wanted a reliable card.

I just fried my 4th ATI (Retail) 9800 Pro 128 MB card in my Digital Audio PowerMac in the space of three years. I can't believe how many of these cards have been so unreliable. The first three were replaced under warranty.

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Mac :: NVidia Laptop Drivers For Windows 185.81 Still Beta?

Apr 30, 2009

I just increased my Windows partition and was going back through my regular Windows updates when I just came across nVidia's updated graphics drivers. Located here, nVidia previously did not offer drivers for notebooks, forcing one to download unsupported drivers from laptop2video.Apple has not updated their own bootcamp drivers for at least a year, and only recently did nVidia offer drivers for notebooks. I personally had used the previous drivers for a couple weeks, and had no problems what so ever, and even gained several FPS on the games I play in bootcamp. I did not install them first, I did it over the original bootcamp drivers (after making a restore point, of course) as others have.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp Drivers - NVidia - Performance Improvement?

Sep 6, 2010

Considering buying win 7 so i can bootcamp for 1st time. Before I do though, I want to know if/why it'll work. I've read that OSX 10.6 has driver issues witn nVidia hardware. Well, why would they be any different on Windows? Does Microsoft write its own drivers for Mac hardware? Or is it nVidia? I ask this b/c dont you have to install the drivers off the OSX disc? Doesn't make sense why apple would give you better drivers for windows than they do for OSX. Point is, I'd be doing this for gaming. I just don't see why there'd be any performance improvement with the SAME HARDWARE, just running windows instead.

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Mac Mini :: Finding Nvidia Geforce 320M Drivers?

Jan 3, 2011

How can I update my nvidia geforce 320M drivers, I downloaded the drivers from nvidia site, however, i get an error that says "this computer will not support this nvidia graphics solution" - I downloaded this file "NVIDIA Retail Mac Driver 256.01.00f03", I'm using LG 22" TV/Monitor with Res at 1680 x 1050 @ 60Hz which is causing regular text appear blurry.

the 1680x1050 seems to be the best Res setting but text is blurry ..

I tried different HDMI cables, same conclusion ...

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp 3 Removes Nvidia Drivers?

Dec 9, 2009

I inserted the SL disc to install Boot Camp 3. Everything went smooth and I restarted the computer to complete the installation. After I booted up, I noticed my NVIDIA drivers are gone. What is causing this?

I installed the new 195.62 drivers. Everything works though.

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Windows On Mac :: Updating Nvidia Drivers On Boot Camp?

Apr 13, 2010

So I want to update my graphics card driver to see if that will help but for one I cant find which drivers to download and the ones I have downloaded don't work just saying that they cant find compatible hardware for the drivers.

I don't know if its anything to do with boot camp or its just me not knowing how to update drivers properly but can someone point me in the right direction?

I'm running Windows XP SP3 32bit, on my iMac. The graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce 9400, no M or GT as far as i can tell. Boot Camp version is 2.0 or 2.1 cant remember.

I tried the nvidia website but it doesn't have that model listed so i don't know which one to download, and the ones i did download, as i say just said they couldn't find compatible hardware.

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Mac Pro :: Uninstall NVIDIA Drivers From System / Installed ATI 5770?

Dec 18, 2007

I have removed my GTX 285 for Mac from my Mac Pro and replaced it with an ATI 5770. How do I remove all things NVIDIA from my Mac now?

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Windows On Mac :: Finding Nvidia Drivers 179.48 For Boot Camp Xp32?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm in dire need of knowledgable assistance here! I've just purchased a beautiful unibody MBP and loving it. Last night I created an 80gb windows xp32 with sp2 partition using boot camp assistant and everything went perfect. Load up xp and installed the apple "install disc" and all drivers were installed.

My intention is to play games on this partition, so I obviously wanted to install the best video drivers. I haven't updated to sp3 yet, but I downloaded the latest nvidia notebook drivers off their website and specifically d/l'd version 179.48 beta, it's an autoexe file. anyways, upon installation it exits, saying it cannot find the hardware to support the drivers.. ! i then tried installing a few laptopvideo2go drives using their method with the modded inf file and was successful installing these files, but xp soon after reverts to the crappy old vga drivers with an error msg.

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Windows On Mac :: NVIDIA Setup Program Could Not Locate Any Drivers That Are Compatible?

Feb 28, 2010

I'm running the 24" dual 3.06 ghz iMac with an NVIDIA 8800gs, bootcamp partitioned with windows 7 (32bit) and snow leopard.

First off, I just want to say that it works perfectly well, no problems with the bootcamp software, windows 7 works like a dream (but is no mas os, obviously). The only problem I am having, however, is when I try and update my nvidia drivers.

The bootcamp nvidia drivers are fine, but I have recently been getting the general protection fault when playing mass effect - causing it to crash fairly often. To remedy this, I tried to install the latest nvidia 8800gs driver from their website. Every time I try, be it in safe mode after uninstalling the current drivers, manually or just running the executable, I keep getting the same message in the title.

I tried searching the forums for a remedy, and there are some similar cases, none I have found thus far have been able to get this working for me. I even uninstalled all the bootcamp files under windows 7, still didn't work. Is there currently some issue with the mac-model 8800GS?

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IMac :: Unable To Install120 NVIDIA Drivers / No Compatible Hardware Found?

Jan 25, 2009

Just downloaded the latest NVIDIA drivers - supposed to be compatible with the GT 120. Run the installation, and it says there is no compatible hardware. dxdiag and Vista both detect the card as GT 120. Has anyone had this problem or gotten around it?

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MacBook Pro :: How To UPDATE NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT

Nov 15, 2009

So I bought my macbook pro about a year ago, and ever since I have never update my graphic/video card. I need to update it because I am trying to play this game (Left4Dead) and It says that I should update it and I have tried playing the game without updating but when I get to the Main Menu it is blank. So I went to nvidia's website and I could not find an update for GeForce 8600M GT for mac.

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Windows On Mac :: Installing Boot Camp Drivers Without Installing NVidia Driver?

Jul 28, 2009

I just finished up a fresh install of Windows 7 and downloaded and installed the NVidia driver from their site directly since the one in the Boot Camp files is pretty old and technically the Vista driver anyway.

But I still need the Brightness, Sound, etc key functionality. Is there a way to selectively install Boot Camp drivers? That's the only one I need. The wireless, chipset, video and everything else works just fine (and in some cases better) than the ones included in Apple's setup.

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MacBook Pro :: NVidia 320m Versus NVidia 9400m?

Apr 14, 2010

So, I bought myself new Macbook Pro exactly 21 days ago, and was disappointed to find out that they refreshed it today.

However, I am heading to Apple Store Friday afternoon to find out what I can do to get that refreshed one. (I waited 7 month, until the last day of the presentation)So, to people with 320m graphics, are there any big difference? Does the battery lasts longer?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Update Beta Bootcamp Drivers To 3.0 On MPB SR 2007, XP 32

Jan 20, 2010

now that everythings is working again, I'm planning on upgrading my HD and buying Snow Leopard as well as Windows 7, but I'm holding off untill the release of the offical bootcamp drivers.Untill then I wonder if I can upgrade my current bootcamp drivers. I'm still running Tiger OS and the beta bootcamp on wich I installed XP, SP3. I can imagine that my drivers are hopelessly outdated, with the exception of Nvidia drivers. My Question: Can I just upgrade my currect XP drivers to bootcamp 3.0? If so, what is the correct procedure for it? I can't find any conclusive information on that through forums and google.

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