MacBook Pro :: Can't Restore From Backup
May 25, 2012
My macbookpro was recently serviced by apple care and they updated the operating system and now I am being asked to start over from scratch but it says there isn't enough space to backup from my time machine
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 9, 2014
I'd like to change my HD with a 250 SSD but, before I buy it, I want to be sure that I can restore my backup, which actually is on a NAS (Network Attached Storage), to the brand new SSD.Â
I read that I shouldn't have any problems but I want to be more than 100% sure since I don't want to waste money  Do I need to have already installed on the new hard drive the same OS version of the backup, or I could simply restore to the raw ssd?Â
MacBook, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 11, 2010
I used to have a mac mini on snow leopard and did a Time machine backup. Now I just picked up a macbook pro on leopard and would like to know whether the snow leopard back up will work on this.
I have not got the snow leopard disk anymore, but im sure I can get it, was just wondering if I even needed to.
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Feb 1, 2009
About 2 weeks ago I discovered that for some reason neither my Iphone or Ipod Touch would show up on iTunes when I connected it. Initially I thought it was an iTunes error but then quickly realized that neither a USB drive nor my 500GB HDD would recognize as well. Well, I thought that it might have been a software error so I proceeded to do a reinstall, everything was backed up on my Time Capsule so I had nothing to worry about. But guess what? My MBA wouldn't even recognize the SuperDrive. I tried to do a network reinstall but for some reason it would always just HANG upon trying to wirelessly connect to a remote PC for reinstallation.
So basically right now I don't know what to do. All my files are backed up on Time Capsule which is good. Although I can't wipe the MBA or do a reinstall because I can't access the reinstallation CD. I have sensitive sources files on my macbook air related to work that I'm uncomfortable just handing over to the genius bar. Any suggestions on what I should do? Any alternatives on how I might do a reinstall and then be able to bring it in to the genius bar to get this USB fixed. This single USB Hub is the Achilles heel of the MBA, I am now 100% assured of that. Also SPECS: MBA 128SSD RevB.
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Aug 30, 2014
My girlfriend had her iPhone 5 sent in to repair the sleep/wake button and have the battery replaced, and before we left I made a full back up to her MacBook Pro. A few days later the MacBook won't boot up and only displays a blank grey screen. I took the MacBook into the Apple store since this is the only way to restore her photos and music and the Genius diagnosed it as a Logic Board failure and as it is out of warranty, would be quite expensive to fix. If I mounted the hard drive to an external enclosure, is it possible to pull the backup files and restore her phone with a laptop running windows?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2
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Nov 26, 2009
Just thought I would share with you some of my recent findings on doing a time machine restore to a MBA. Cut a long story short had to restore a macbook air from a time machine backup. When I hooked up the 'Powered' DVD drive and a non power SATA caddie up to the machine and pressed options key at startup, it told me it was going to take 8+ hours to restore 17gb's of data. I searched and searched on the internet, but found no way of speeding it up, except for some mentioning that if USB is detected at 'Startup' it defaults to USB 1.1. This cant be it I thought. I had both devices connected via a Non-Powered 4 way USB hub, due to the fact the MBA has only 1 USB connector. The thought struck me about the 5v being shared over both items and the idea was born. Off to the shops i ran and purchased a Powered USB hub hooked it up and it went from 8+ hours to 40 mins. Here are the steps I took incase anyone was wondering:
Leave all USB disconnected from MBA.
Hold options key and power up.
When disk options appear, connect the USB DVD (with Snow Leopard inside) to the hub and connect to MBA.
Let it boot into leopard installer.
Click all the option up to the install stage and STOP.
Using utilities select restore from time machine backup, then Stop
Connect USB 2.0 SATA caddie (with time machine backup)
Then continue and select disk to restore from, the backup to restore from and finally where to put it.
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Mar 28, 2012
I want to verify if Migration Assistant will restore a backup from NAS drive to a new computer. I just got a WD My Book Live Duo NAS drive which supports Time Machine backups for Lion (and Snow Leopard). Unlike backups in Snow Leopard and the WD My Book World Edition (white light), the new NAS drive creates a sparsebundle the first time a backup is initiated. When I open Time Machine, a single volume for my backup appears. I have 3 Macbooks backing up to this drive but when I open Time Machine on any computer, only the backup created for that computer is shown. This raised a question for me that if my computer dies, how do I restore the backup from the NAS drive to the new computer? Is this what Migration Assistant will do? What are the limitations? Does the new computer have to have the same IP address as the old computer? Can I select what gets restored? Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 17, 2014
How do I restore iPhoto from backup without having used time machine?
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Jun 4, 2012
I had my macbook fixed and when I restored from my time machine there were two options and I accidentally clicked the wrong one which restored it to my settings from a year ago. I know I have the backup from a few days ago on my external hard drive but when I go into time machine and click restore it says there is not enough free space available. I think that is because it is trying to restore the new backup on top of the old settings. Is there a way to erase my computer and restore the new backup? I know you can do that with the CD but I don't have it and I'd prefer not to have to go back all the way to the apple store to get them to do it there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 26, 2012
I upgraded to Lion and cannot access my Quicken files. I understand that I have to go back to Snow Leopard to export the Quicken files, but I don't see how to restore Snow Leopard from Time Machine. Or, how to boot up directly to the external drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 18, 2009
I backed up my system on an external drive. I need to restore from that because I can no longer partition my HDD for Boot camp. How do I do this?
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Jun 5, 2012
My start-up disk crashed on my Mac Pro. They installed a new start up disk and now I want to restore my old one using a recent Backup file from an external hard drive but it won't work. It won't load the Backup file so I can select "Restore Selection."
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Oct 9, 2009
My friend told me the above happened to her. She has all old pictures, but nothing from this month. This occurred after she got a message asking if she wanted to update the library -- this message came from out of the blue and she answered yes. I am trying to restore the library from a backup, but every time it tries to restore it says there is no permission to access the iphoto library. When I click on get info I see that she has read and write permission, but still she gets the message. Can I change the permissions on a time machine file? She is using Iphoto 9 and Snow Leopard.
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Jul 18, 2009
So one thing lead to another and now I am stuck without any of my song/movies/apps. I have a backup of my itunes folder and i'm wondering how i can just restore my itunes to how it was before this crisis.
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Nov 6, 2009
i just updated, JB'd,and unlocked my 3g. my question is should i restore my backup?
this time around i had access to a att sim and have push notification working, will a backup restore mess that up?
are there any cons i may not be aware of associated with a backup/restore?
will it mess with any cydia apps installed BEFORE the backup/restore?
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Mar 13, 2012
I have two macbooks.I back up one on an external disk using Time Machine and restore it to another. I have done this a few times in the past. When I tried to do it last night, I get the following error:
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), With 10.7.3 Supplemental update
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Jul 4, 2012
I had a small problem on my iphone4 these days, often when I was going to unlock it by sliding the bar, it froze. I've seen that it was quiet a common problem so I've read some tutorials and I basically restore my phone. Before that I obviously did a backup on Itunes. Following the tutorial, when after restoring Itunes asked me if I wanted to restore it as a new iphone or I wanted to backup the old settings, I chose the first option. My phone was like a new one, empty with just the basic apps. I wasn't worried, I could see my backup still there, so I double clicked on the name on my iphone and he selected restore from the backup choosing the one I did before the restoring. At that point I had a bad surprise; a message came out saying: "itunes could not restore the iphone... because the backup was corrupt or not compatible with the iphone that is being restored"... I've tried so many things, I even recovered from a time machine a backup file from April but didn't get any better. I had two years of pictures, videos and other stuff in that backup
iPhone 4
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Mar 27, 2009
I am a pc guru but not so technical with the Macs. I have a Mini with really only iPhoto and iDVD data on it. I want to replace the 160g drive with a 320g drive and of course keep the data. There are 2 options I'd entertain for this backup/restore situation: 1)Figuring out how to export/save the iPhoto and iDVD stuff onto an external hard drive, install the the new drive, re-install all the software, and import the iPhoto and iDVD stuff. I would imagine this option, if possible, would be the easiest and likely fastest solution. Clone the 160g drive somewhere, install the 320g, and restore the clone to the new 320g. This option I am quite familiar with in the pc world by using Norton Ghost. The Mini was purchased in Aug 2007 (right after the refresh) so it's not the latest Mac OS. any tips or weblinks?
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Jul 18, 2009
the other week my internal hard drive crashed after lasting for 5 years, and now its at the point of no return unless I spend hundreds of dollars on data recovery. So instead I went to [URL] and got a brand spankin new 5400 rpm 320 gb western digital ultra ata drive and after hours of painstaking formatting problems I finally am able to get on the internet and reach you guys. Here are my specs
Powerbook G4 Aluminnum 17"
1.5 Ghz
2 Gb Ram
10.3.3 (As of now)
Now, I had an external drive that I kept my back ups on daily through use of Time Machine on 10.5.6. My problem now is, I have no idea how to restore my computer and utilize those back ups! Needless to say I lost my tiger AND leopard disc so I'm left with this crappy 10.3.3 version. If I finally end up restoring my computer using my latest backup, will it install leopard along with all of my information? Or do I need to go and acquire leopard before I can restore my files.
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Sep 12, 2009
I recently bought a new hard drive for my 2006 MacBook but have run into nothing but problems while trying to restore my time machine backup onto it. Using my Leopard Family Pack disc, I was unable to format my drive successfully so I scheduled an appointment with the Genius Bar. When I went, the Genius used his USB hard drive to format the drive and install Leopard. While using that, he ran into no problems that I had run into while using my Leopard disc. So Leopard is installed and I go home to restore my backup and the backup fails (Migration Assistant and booting from Leopard Disc). So I schedule a second appointment and the Genius tells me there's no way he can attempt to restore my backup due to time restraints (which is understandable) and runs diagnostics on my hard drive and the time capsule's hard drive, finding no issues. He installs Leopard again on my new drive and I go home to run into the exact same problems I did last time. I don't know what to do, the Geniuses won't help me, and I can't find the answer on the internet. Here's a list of the things I have done and the errors I run into: Migration Assistant - after getting Leopard installed by the Geniuses at the Apple Store, I come home and run Migration Assistant with my Time Capsule attached via ethernet cable. Everything runs smoothly until one of the last steps (which says under a minute remaining) "Transferring support for applications". It just sits at that stage forever and I have read online about similar issues. I read online that somebody quit out of migration assistant at that point and everything was transferred over anyways. This isn't the case with mine, as over half of my dock was filled with question marks.
Restore backup from Leopard Family Pack disc - This is the disc I used to originally install Leopard on my Mac. When i boot from the disc, I choose English as the language and immediately following that I get the message "This software cannot be installed on this computer". This happened when I had a brand new unformatted hard drive so I used disk utility and when I tried to partition it, it failed. After the Apple Store guys formatted my drive and installed Leopard, and after Migration Assistant failed on me, I booted from my Leopard Family Pack again and got the same message so I know for a fact that it is not related to the hard drive. Restore backup from Snow Leopard UTD disc - a friend of mine got an UTD disc so I borrowed it to use on my brand new hard drive. It tells me that it requires Leopard to install but gives me the option to restore from a Time Machine backup. I choose my Time Capsule and then choose my backup that it finds. It continues to tell me that it is erasing the hard drive and at the point an error message pops up saying there was an error and to restart my computer. After doing so, my hard drive is no longer formatted correctly and I have to go to the Apple Store to get them to use their USB hard drive to format my hard drive and install Leopard (starting this whole process over again)
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Feb 23, 2010
I don't know what to do. I just bought a WD Scorpio 320GB 7200 to be installed in my 07 macbook. The operating system is to date with snow leopard on it. But I don't have the snow leopard disc. I have the regular (luckily). Everything was going well. Using disk utility >> I formatted the drive the MAC extended (journaled). I did a restore from Time machine >>> It saw my drive. I picked the restore I wanted. The restore looked good (1 hour process, actually faster). When it said to restart...thats when there's problems. After restart all I see is the "please restart your computer. You can do this by holding down the power button". When I restart, it just keeps coming back to this message like the HD is corrupt. But its not corrupt. I don't know what could of caused it. Could it be something to do with me using 10.5 installation disc to restore a 10.6 backed up system?
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Mar 20, 2012
Following Apples instructions on backing up the mail data and restoring as well as what I have so far found on the various forums has allowed me to move 99% of my mail to my new computer pretty much spot on except for one thing - the outgoing SMTP server list. Is there somewhere else I need to be looking for that information?Â
I have quite a few email accounts and with that comes quite a few outbound SMTP servers, much to my dismay I discovered that all of that information did not restore when I put the mail data all back into place. Now I assumed that perhaps it was in my keychain, but that would just be the passwords for the servers and not the list itself and the attachment of the various mail accounts to their respective SMTP servers, right?Â
So, my question is two-fold: one, is there a way to get that list back and have it attached to my 20+ email accounts and if I can do that then two, where in the keychain do I look in order to also get all those passwords back as well? It's not the end of the world, but just a big pain the butt.Â
On a side note, but related, I've also noticed that about 1/3rd of the email accounts I restored just won't log in and get mail, they just "spin" and bomb out, generally saying the password is bad even though I've put it in correctly numerous times (my mobile me account is one that comes to mind). Is this a known side effect of restoring? My only solution so far has been to delete those accounts and re-create them.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 21, 2012
I want to return to Snow Leopard from Lion (love it) for personal reasons (family). Can I use the Lion backup to restore the Leopard preferences, etc? Or will I have to reconfigue the machine with mail, bookmarks, etc.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 3, 2012
I've had a mac volume die on me so I ordered the 10.5.8 cds from Apple. I installed the OS on a new hard drive and trying to migrate from time machine backup and the backup failed to move both my user and application settings. I've tried using the migration assistant, this also fails and doesn't show me the correct volumes in TM.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 2, 2012
I inadvertantly reformated an external hard drive with my iPhoto library. I have it backed up with time machine but am having trouble getting to the backup from time machine while iphoto is open. Never shows any backups.Â
There is device called Time Machine Backups in Finder.From there I follow a path backups.backupdb/<computer name>/2012-06-02-222911/Pictures/Pictures/iPhoto Library which from the size and date modified looks like my iPhoto Library. Can I simply copy this file to my newly formatted drive to restore? what the meaning of the device "Time Machine Backups" and the contents are?
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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Jun 11, 2012
I wish to restore a folder from icloud backup to my mac, but can find no way to do this.Â
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Sep 5, 2014
My MacBook Air (running Mavericks) was acting up a tad so I ran Disk Utilities. Basically I got told that repairs were needed but that they couldn't be fixed. DU told me to backup what I could and reformat the HD.Â
What's the best way to do this? Will restoring from a Time Machine back up bring back whatever issue was there to begin with? Same question for a SuperDuper clone. If I copy across the Music, Photos etc folders to an external disk and just copy them back over once the reformat and OSS X install is done will this mess up any of the music or photo libraries or indexing (I know iPhoto and iTunes have their own special waif managing individual photos etc).Â
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Jun 5, 2014
tried to factory unlock my iphone 5s through ATT. recvd approval, followed instructions re: backup, restore, then restore from backup. everything went well up until restoring from back up. it says "cannot restore from back up because not compatible or corrup backup". what do i do??? ITunes should specify that the back up is not successful or is corrupted before letting consumers restore!!
iPhone 5s, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Oct 8, 2009
Trying to restore newly replaced harddrive from external Time Machine backup to iMac. Computer was reset as new machine at repair shop. Should be simple (famous last words), but get caught in a loop while File transfer appears to be calculating size of items selected for transfer. Screen fades out and retiurns to welcome screen.
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Nov 15, 2009
Installed a new hard drive for a 13" MacBook. While preparing to restore from the time machine backup on an external drive, I accidentally erased the external drive using disk utility (doh!). I used DataRescue 3 to recover all of the files from the erased drive, including the time machine backup folder. DataRescue had me copy these recovered files onto a separate drive. I'm now trying to use the recovered time machine backup to restore to the new hard drive. Unfortunately, even with the drive plugged in with the recovered time machine files, Migration Assistant doesn't recognize it. Is there any way to get Migration Assistant to use these files to restore? I'm hoping I don't have to move everything over manually.
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