MacBook Pro :: 500GB 5400 Versus 7200rpm?
Oct 10, 2009
Can anyone provide advice on whether i should get the 7200rpm drive? Is there a noticeable difference in boot time between each?
Do they normally have MBPs already built with the 7200 drives or do you have to order them?
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Dec 26, 2008
Now, I am in the market to replace my stock 160GB HDD in my MB, as I want a bigger hard drive in my PS3 and was thinking I could put the MB one in there, and buy a larger one for the MB.
I am debating between a 320GB 7200rpm and a 500gbrpm drive. I currently have this external drive:
I HATE it. It takes a super long time to start up(close to 3-4 minutes) and then opening up videos takes a good 2-3 seconds. But, I have a 5400rpm drive inside the MacBook and was wondering if 7200rpm with 16mb cache would really make a significant difference in day-to-day use.
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Aug 28, 2009
i'd like to know which MBP is better in terms of perfomance and speed..
The 2.66 Ghz one with a 7200rpm hd or the 2.8 Ghz one with a 5400rpm hd?
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Apr 17, 2010
I've come to the conclusion that I will be opting for the 15" i7 MBP, after originally wanting to go for the 13' (due to lack of ix processor and such).
My dilemma is that I want to purchase the MBP through Bestbuy/Futureshop, mainly so I can go on a payment plan of around $100 per month, rather than dishing out $2000+ in one shot.
The issue with this is i am unable to BTO my MBP, so I will be stuck with the 5400RPM HD. Is it really that much of a difference from the 7200RPM HD? I'm used to a 7200RPM HD on my imac, so I don't want to feel any slowdowns.
Also, on my 20' early 2009 iMac, I notice that I need to turn my brightness down to about 3/16 (can't really explain it any other way. i guess this would be good with the MBP, as i'd get longer battery life, haha) or else i'll get a headache fairly easily after about 30-45 mins of use. Would the matte option help with the headaches?, as I assume the glossy screen is part of the cause for the headaches on my imac. I had originally returned the 24' imac i purchased and went for the 20' because the screen was too large.
So I am somewhat torn between going for the 15' i7 from a reseller, or just biting the bullet and ordering through the apple site.
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Jul 6, 2010
Thinking of doing an inexpensive upgrade on my mid-2009 MBP. It's got the 5400rpm 500gb drive in it. I was thinking of upgrading to a 7200rpm drive. Strictly speaking math, the rpm's are 33% higher. Will this upgrade result in a noticeable decrease in time to boot or decrease in time to load programs (bounces)?
Also, what brand/model hard drives do Apple put in MBP's?
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Jul 1, 2009
Does anyone have any thoughts on the pros/cons on a 7200 RPM drive over a 5400 drive? I'm looking to purchase a MBP 15" in the next couple of days.
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Sep 1, 2010
Upgrading my 13" MBP hard drive with OWC's kit.
Should I get a 1TB @ 5400RPM or 500GB @ 7200RPM?
I'm guessing 1TB.
Also, is it safe to do the 8GB RAM kit?
I deal with video and motion graphics.
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Jul 11, 2009
I am on a hard drive buying spree. Another thing I am looking to buy is external FW 800 2.5 enclosure (probably OWC on the go) and 500 GB hard drive. There are 2 options for that- 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. In my macbook pro there is fujitsu 5400 HD. Is it worth to buy 7200 external then? In a future I am planning to upgrade my internal HD too.
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Apr 1, 2009
I am confused in selecting a Internal HD for MB.
is 5400 rpm or 7200 rpm is best ?
i mean either its for 320 or 500gb.
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Jul 13, 2009
I've recently read numerous articles on Seagate's 500gb 7200rpm making random beeping noises. Just wondering if anyone had this problems and if it has been fixed yet. And if it hasn't been fixed, should i be safe and go for a 500gb 5400rpm drive.
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Apr 20, 2010
I ordered this drive then ended up reading something that is making me worry. can anyone tell me just straight up, if it is compatible with it or not?
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Apr 22, 2009
I used CCC to clone my Hitachi 250gb 5400 rpm macbook pro drive to a Hitachi 320gb 7200 rpm drive.
I installed it myself (it's not hard to do at all took 20 minutes) and everything went fine but it seems as though before I see the Apple logo appear, my MacBook Pro now sits at a blank gray screen right when I turn it on for 10-15 seconds longer than it ever did prior to this upgrade.
Another interesting tidbit is that even though I made an exact clone of the drive with CCC, it seems that ALL of my LittleSnitch rules were dumped as LS asked me to verify everything all over again for MobileMe, Safari, FireFox, SimplifyMedia,, etc... Not sure why that happened.
I also noticed that on my original HDD it says "Apple Firmware Version" on the HDD label, is this why the new drive takes longer to boot? Does apple have a special firmware for it's drives that it's sourcing from Hitachi?
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Feb 28, 2010
I am looking on Newegg for a faster drive and there is this one ~~> HITACHI Travelstar 7K500 HD20500 IDK/7K 500GB 7200 RPM 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive -RetailIt's $95 after mail-in rebate. Anyone have that drive and how fast/quiet is it? Also I heard they released 1gb 2.5" drives a while ago and can't seem to find any?
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Jan 17, 2010
I've seen a few of these threads but I need more information.
5400rpm HDD is a bit slower but uses less power.
Exactly how much power is lost to upgrading? I know its not much but its important. The 7200rpm upgrade is like an extra 40 GBP or if I downgrade the spec to a 320gb its cheaper than the 5200rpm 500gb.
If I get 4 hours of battery life on a 5400rpm, how long would a 7200rpm last? Is there a loss of an hour? or a mere 15 minutes?
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Jan 27, 2008
As a lot of people on these forums are, I am waiting for the next updated MacBook Pro. I want to get the fastest hard drive I can, but I want to ask the people who use the 7200 RPM HDDs if they can notice a difference, and if so how beneficial is it? Its really not a problem to pay the 250 for the 200GB 7200 option (and I do want to do that thru Apple because I want my hard drive under warranty) but I do recall hearing complaints that the 7200 RPM is louder, etc. So here is the basic question. How much faster is the 7200 and is it worth the upgrade? For background, I do Visual Effects/3D Animation. I use the Mac Pro for most of that and will sometimes use the MBP for that kind of work.
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Apr 18, 2010
Wife needs a new computer and have decided to go MBP. I was set to order a 17 inch I7 with 7200 rpm hd but found out the local store has them in stock with the 5400 rpm HD.
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm considering upgrading the stock 5400 RPM Hitachi drive in my macbook pro to the Seagate momentus XT (7200 RPM) hybrid drive. I'm curious about the experiences of those who may have done a similar upgrade:
1. Is there a noticeable difference in performance? I seem to do a lot of waiting for the HDD in my day to day usage and I suspect the increased spindle speed will be helpful.
2. Any noticeable tradeoff on battery life (>~10% or so)?
3. Should I expect an increase in heat or vibration?
Finally, for those using the momentus XT I've been reading about issues with the dreaded beachball waiting for the drive to spin up. This lag would obviously defeat the purpose of upgrading and I'd like to hear about any personal experiences in this regard with the drive.
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a Rev. E 15" MBP with the stock 250GB 5400 rpm HD. I'm getting close on running out of HD space so I'm looking to get a bigger HD. Is it a good idea to replace it with a 7200 rpm HD? Is the speed improvement significant? My MBP is my primary computer, I do a lot of general internet surfing as well as a lot of photo editing (I'm a photographer). I did some quick search and it looks like some HD's have bad vibrations? Does a 7200 HD drain out much more battery than a 5400 one?
I did a quick search at a local computer store and found the following, which one would be best to get?
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Sep 6, 2009
Just wondering what the speed difference would be if i upgraded from 5400 to 7200 RPM? Is it worth it or perhaps is an external drive the way to go?
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Aug 7, 2010
I think I have a slight issue with my 7200rpm 500gb seagate drive. Once or twice every hour it seems to stop and start up again. Kinda klicks. It causes my computer to freeze for about 3 seconds. Whats causing it? Is it faulty? I should also mention that it didn't do this when i first got it. This is the model without the SMS.
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Jun 18, 2009
The thing is I dont really need 500gb of space. But from reviews Ive read that the 500gb is faster in some cases because of its higher platter density.
Vibration /noise issues on the scorpio black 7200rpm sway me towards the scorpio blue 500gb as well.
Anyone had experience of either hard drive or both? (this will be for a 2.2Ghz MBP)
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Jun 27, 2009
I just installed a Seagate 500gb, 7200rpm hard drive in my 13" MBP that was updated to EFI Firmware Update 1.7. Clean install of OS X and iLife '09 & iWork '09 went fast. It's quite and fast compared to my old Samsung 500gb, 5400rpm hard drive. It was worth the $120 I spent on it!
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Aug 17, 2010
I have a MacBook (Mid 2009) and want to upgrade my hard drive to a 500GB (or maybe higher) 7200rpm drive. I have already upgraded the hard drive once, from the standard 160GB to a 320GB 5400rpm, so I already know how to do it.I just need more storage, rather than using external drives. Also, after I upgraded to the 320GB drive, the startup was much slower than when using the stock drive, so that is the reason for having a 7200rpm drive.
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Apr 16, 2010
I lean to the standard drive at 5400 rpm. Why? All my video editing is done with an external firewire drive, and I think the 7200 generates more heat than the 5400.
For web design I don't see how a 7200 speed is much of a benefit, considering the extra heat generated may negate the benefit of a faster drive. I think heat (and dust) is the bane of all electronics.
I'm fixing to order the 15" i7 and will use it for running Adobe CS5 web suite. Final Cut Pro for video- and will use a firewire drive.
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Feb 28, 2008
Maybe Iam confused, the 500gb 16mb are a double speed read of the 8mb of 320gb? or its the same speed read?
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Oct 24, 2010
Will I notice much difference if I upgrade to the seagate m xt 500 gb with 32cache?
Baring in mind I havnt got my 17" i7 2.8 in the post yet..
I'm thinking I can install the new drive as soon as I get the Mbp and do a fresh install as I'm assuming I'll get the iLife disks with the laptop so I can install it? Aswell as the OS cd's too?
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Oct 25, 2007
So I have a 1.8ghz dual G5 with 3gb of ram for work. I mainly work in Adobe CS and do a far amount of Photoshop work. At any given time I may have all of Adobe CS plus Office and a few other apps running -- and a gazillion fonts. Went to the store and saw the new 24" iMac. How would a new iMac compare to my late '04 1.8DP G5? On that same note, how would a new MacBook Pro compare to the above?
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Oct 13, 2010
So to avoid buying new hard drives one after another I decided to do something about it. I had this annoying vibrations in the palm rest area that spread to the left side also. Of course I did not want to part with the speed of 7200rpm HDD so I decided to take a step forward. I have Unibody MBP 2010. What you will need: Phillips screwdriver, elastic eraser, some paper napkin or something like that. Also a small hex screwdriver, however I could never find such a small hex screwdriver to twist those HDD mounting screws.
1. Unscrew the back panel of your MBP (Make sure you switch it Off and unplug power cord before you proceed)!
2. Remove the back cover.
3. Locate the HDD in the lower left corner ( i suppose you have you MBP flipped).
4. If you want you can take our ur HDD and make sure that your mounting screws are well screwed on the sides of the HDD.
5. Put ur HDD back in place make sure it is secured with that special black piece of wood with 2 screws.
6. Now look closely on the gaps between HDD and MBP Case from UP bottom and RIGHT (close to the battery) this is where you need to stuff something into those gaps to makes sure that HDD is well secured in it's position.
Note: Do not put anything from side of SATA Jack
7. I found that eraser is the most suitable material to absorb vibrations. So I had to cut it in pieces in fit it around the HDD.
8. Now you will most likely notice that the gap on the right is very narrow so here you would need something like paper napkin or a tissue, this place in particular was causing vibrations on my MBP 13 2010. I used a small screwdriver to stuff that place with soft material as it is too narrow to be done with hands. Obviously the eraser has to be slightly wider than gaps otherwise ur HDD will keep vibrating.
9. Make sure you screw everything back.
10. Put the back panel in place and screw it firmly in place.
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Apr 16, 2010
Will be using my new 500GB 5400 rpm as an external and wanted feedback on the best aftermarket 7200rpm drive. Price / Speed / Battery Impact. I would appreciate some info from all you techies.
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Apr 17, 2010
this is my first post here but i am reading you since the beginning of the "arrandale waiting!"
Since i am going to buy a new 17" Macbook pro i want to know what kind of 7200rpm drive Apple will put in my mbp. It is a seagate, a WD or a hitachi?
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