I have a Mid 2010 MacBook and I just went out of warrenty and I am now seeing cracks at the hinge of my MacBook. if apple will replace this even with me being out of warrenty? I have to use it as a desktop to prevent the cracks from getting worse.
MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Cracks
My screen cracked but I can see the entire screen it looks like its scractches. I just need a new lcd screen. Can apple repair just the lcd screen and how much would it cost? Im fraking out and would a reply asap!!!
has anyone had tiny cracks in the metal of the unibodies? I have a macbook pro with an invisible shield on it and I have noticed what looks to be a tiny crack about a cm in length. When I rub back and forth on the invisible shield it goes away as is the chemical used to hold on the shield fills it in?
I have a mid 2009 macbook (nvidia 9400 version) and i have recently noticed that there is quite a lot of hairline cracks around the speakers on the bottom case, and the screen bezel has actually split at the bottom, and the last couple of weeks the screen has been creaking, i originally thought the creaking might be related to the cracks but it seems to be coming from the actual screen its self.
I know that apple repair out of warranty for cracks on the palm rest, but that area of my macbook is in perfect condition so i'm not sure where i stand here, how much would it cost to have all the casing replaced e.t.c do you think?
So I have the 2008 white Macbook and I recently got the infamous palmrest cracks repaired for free by Apple. Do you think buying one of these skins will help prevent the cracks as it would lessen the pressure when I close my laptop?
I just noticed them today. You can't feel them unless you run a bare nail across them. They're along the black plastic portion of the 15" Macbook pro (late 2008 model) at the base of the screen. The computer is less than a year old and I rarely ever actually move the notebook. It spends most of its time on a stand at a desk in my office. Other than that it goes out once ever few weeks to talk to clients.
I don't know what could've caused the cracks. I'm thinking it could be heat related. I just looked into it today and noticed that my cpu was sitting around 200F. I installed a FanControl which has help pretty significantly, but it doesn't seem to ever go away.
Since I'm sure that the cracks are not caused by misuse, it leads me to believe it might be something wrong with the computer. The smooth operation of this machine is crucial so if there's something wrong, I'd like to try and catch it early.
I was cleaning my 17" MacBook Pro today (purchased in March, 2011), and when I was cleaning near the screen, I noticed that the black plastic of the hinge made cracking noises as I ran my cleaning cloth across it (and every time I do it now with my finger). I have never had this happen before. Is this a known, harmless defect or is it something I should get looked at by someone at an Apple Store (still under AppleCare).Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
I have an iPad 32GB WiFi and a MacBook Pro as well so I was trying very hard to justify myself in getting an 11" MBA but ending up talking myself out of it. The 13" MBP is perfect for my uses. It's already lightweight and portable as it is. After playing with the 11" in the Apple store, I was impressed on how light it was. This no doubt blows away any netbook or any notebook in it's weight class in terms of size and performance. However, the MBP's battery life, hard drive space, and processing power OUTWEIGHS the reasons of dumping my 13" MBP for the Air. Also, I have it hooked up to a 21.5 Inch HP monitor at home and it's good enough to use as a main computer at home, and light enough to take on the road.
If I needed to lookup something quickly in bed or around the house, that's where the iPad comes in. If I needed to send a quick e-mail, my HTC Evo is already great at doing that. If I didn't have a 13" MBP or even the iPad, I would have most likely went ahead and purchased the MBA. Just now at this point, spending another $1000+ or getting rid of my MBP doesn't make much sense... yet.
I've heard today about a new problem on the 27-inches iMac, and would like to know more on this. Anyone have an experience/opinion/comment related to cracks appearing on the 27-inches screen ?
I was about to buy a new 27-inches i5 iMac, but I'm now reconsidering my decision because of this.
I'm pretty new to Macs, I've tried googeling and searching this forum. I didn't find anything sounding like my problem, so I hope somebody can help me with this.
I use Teamspeak and Skype on a regular basis. I already knew that you require a USB adapter to use your normal headset, so I bought one by Creative (actually, a USB soundcard) when my new iMac arrived.
At first, everything seemed to work fine. I was talking to a few guys in Teamspeak when they told me I sound like Darth Vader all of a sudden. I doublechecked that by switching channels and doing the Teamspeak self voice test. It sounded really choppy, my friends were right.
I disconnected the USB soundcard, replugged it a few times. Eventually, it worked again. Well, it didn't prove to be for ever, since the problem came back - I can't say there's any special situation and I couldn't reproduce it. It was just random.
Ok, my second guess was that I would require different hardware, since Creative didn't provide any drivers for MacOS. I went back to the shop and bought a simple adapter by Speedlink, cheap stuff, I know. I just figured "less complicated hardware equals less problems". This Speedlink adapater just transforms the signal for USB.
MacOS found it straight away, and I started using my headset again. Well, cut a long story short, the same thing happened today, at random. My voice suddenly becomes chopppy and sounds something like Vader. I switch to internal Mic, use it for a few minutes, switch back (Sound Source is great), the mic works for a while, and then it all starts over again.
So, any of you guys have an idea what the problem is?
(before you ask, it's a Sennheiser headset, upper middle class, and has never failed me before)
I've been lurking MacRumors ever since 'the wait for Arrandale' began and finally decided to sign up now so I could post this thread. I've been a Windows user for a long time now and I have a Win7 rig at home. However, I'll be going to uni later this year so I need a good portable notebook that's suitable for the common mailing 'n surfing, but also for doing some programming in Eclipse (Java) and PHP work etc. I still have my Win7 box at home for gaming and things that require larger screensize, but for the notebook... I feel really attracted to OSX with a MBP.
It will be my first Mac, but my desktop dualboots with OSX and I love it. So that's why I have decided that my school notebook will be a Mac. This is why I have been closely watching the rumors for the new MBPs and ofcourse I was pretty disappointed when I saw that the 13" model still had a C2D cpu... It's not that I need a beefed up CPU in my notebook (... I have a 3.6 GHz quad at home ), but it feels 'wrong' to buy a MBP 13": even the 2009 MacBook has a C2D, so what will the MB 2010 update bring? Is it really worth the extra money? Anyone with a similar situation?
I have broken my Macbook screen it was either glasses cleaner (I use this to clean the screen) or I accidently flipped my Macbook over for no reason and I guess the force of when it flipped over back onto my bed might of caused it to. I'm really annoyed about this and it's not even my Macbook it's my friends. I am fine to pay $$$ to get this fixed as that is not really a problem for me tbh (When I get paid) but I was post up some photos and if you give me some advise on what it could be and how it could be fixed then I will be very pleased. (From the photos you will be able to see that the damage only appears when the laptop is switched on and when I touch the screen it does not feel cracked but if you look directly down on it then it looks like their is a separate layer, like from where the broken bit of the screen is and the working bit is.)
Im brand new to Apple. I only own an iphone and ipad but love it and want to bail on windows and get a macbook pro. Ive read they run too hot. Is it true? I want the 17 inch i7 but if its too hot Ill get the i5 2.53 17 inch.
I was just sitting doing some homework, when my MacBook Pro suddenly froze. I was using the following programs:
Adobe Photoshop Messenger for Mac 2011 Beta 6 Skype Safari with like 3-4 tabs opened iTunes playing a song
So suddenly the song stopped playing, and I couldn't move the cursor or anything. Everything was frozed, so I had to hold down the power button. Why does this happen, and is there anything I can do to prevent it?
I'm playing a game on my new base model 13" (2.4 GHz C2D, 320M) and it runs fine enough (smooth framerate, etc) only iStat Pro tells me that my CPU is hanging around 84 deg C. The temperature stays the same regardless of the settings I try.
Maybe I dont know much about CPU/GPU's, but this seems very hot to me! I mean, 100 C is boiling temperature! Am I at risk of melting/damaging anything in there? If not, how is it possible that the components can operate so hot?
Im looking to get a macbook unibody 2010 or a 13" macbook pro
My question is what is the maximum size hard drive that can go into these computers? 500gb? 1tb? If so could you provide a link to a solid prices hard drive..
I am trying to decide whether I should Install a 120/128GB SSD or add a Larger hybrid HDD with an extra 2 gig RAM upgrade. I currently have a 2010 MBP with 4 gigs of Ram and a stock 5400 rpm HDD. I am thinking of replacing the HDD with either the Crucial RealSSD C300 128GB or the OCZ Vertex 2 120GB. I could also use that money to purchase a Seagate XT Hybrid 500GB drive and then use the extra money to purchase a 4GB stick to replace one of the stock 2GB sticks. What's are your thoughts? What is the speed difference between the hybrid and the SSD's? If you chose the SSD, which one?
Under Lion my 2010 (HDD) Macbook Air has been intolerably slow. It could take 10 minutes to start a program. When connecting to a projector, it could likewise take 10 minutes for it to resize windows during which it was unresponsive. I have been about to hurl it in the trashcan because this computer was just such an impediment to my work. But now I found the solution: don't run Safari. I had long suspected 2G ram combined with a slow HDD was the culprit. I tried to minimize the number of programs open, but let Safari run permanently. But it turns out Safari uses enormeous amounts of memory, and it has a tendency to just grow and grow its memory grab. Now, I quit Safari when I want to run other programs, and after this the computer is merely slow, not intollerably so.
My brother gave me his 2010 11' MacBook Air. Its a great laptop, but it could definitely use more memory. It is my understanding that the memory is soldered to the logic board at the factory and is not user replaceable. Would it be possible for me to still bring the laptop to a retail store and pay to have them professionally upgrade the RAM?
I have a 2010 mbp which doesnt charge its a new magsafe and battery are fine.when the magsafe is connected all i get is the green light no orange anymore, im down to 45% battery and dare not let it get to zero just in case it wont charge.tried resetting pram,smc but still nothing.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHz Intel core 2 Duo
Macbook Pro always thinks that it is plugged in, even when it is not. When actually plugged in it says charging, and when I unplug it then it shows the plug symbol and says Power Source: Power Adapter.Â
I tired reseting the PRAM, and doing the thing where you turn it off, unplug for 10 seconds, plug in for 5 seconds then power on, not sure what else I can do, and if it is an internal issue with the Magsafe if it is covered by AppleCare.Â