MacBook Air :: What Is The Default Password For Mac_user Admin
Apr 21, 2012what is the default password on macbook air for mac_user admin?
View 2 Replieswhat is the default password on macbook air for mac_user admin?
View 2 RepliesI am trying to uninstall Virex 7.5. I have got the Terminal uninstall command which opens Terminal. So far, so good. However, Terminal is asking me for my admin password but it's not allowing me to enter it. The cursor is not blinking it's just a solid black oblong - just bl**dy sitting there! Absolutely no response to any key except the enter key - then terminal helpfully says, 'Sorry, try again' What's going on? I just wanna get rid of Virex!!!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a powerbook G4 running version 10.5.8. I am able to login to everything and set my username as the administrator, but I can not set a password for it, if i try to input a password or change the password I get an error message saying I have input an incorrect password. When I purchased the computer everything was blank except for the user name was set as mac user, as I said I was able to change the username but not the password.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo i was resetting the admin password for a friend on his macbook and after i have done this ive had nothin but problems. After the reset it kept asking him for keychain passwords when he would try to open programs i got that taken care of but, now everytime he restarts his cmoputer he has to type in his password to login, he wants it set up so that he just hits the on button and thats its. I cant find what to do now,
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I reset my macbook pro admin password, would it erase my files?
MacBook Pro
I have a macbook pro and I dont remember the admin password.Its running on 10.6.8. how do I reset the admin password.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
have forgotten my admin password for my macbook. i can't update itunes and get icloud. was told to reinstall mac os x disks. is this right? will it delete eveything?
This is so weird, but my brother discovered my password for my account that is the admin, he changed the password, he didn't select the login option with password, but i cant install apps. How can I restore my password?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I forgot my admin password on my macbook pro which has the lion software. Is there anyway to reset it without bringing it in to the store, and getting charge too much money for it? I tried the steps that I found online and nothing seems to work!
MacBook Pro
I cant seem to add software or to update my adobe flash player. For example, when I got to update the flash player it instead asks me to type your password to allow Install Adobe Flash Player to make changes. It lists my name but for the life of me I dont remember the password (in reality I dont recall setting it up).
Info:Mac Pro
How to reset the admin password to a new one?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Forgot admin password
I have an old Macbook and need to download some printer software. I have forgotten my admin password and no longer have the utility disk. How can I reset my password without the disk?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I recently got my computer fixed and ended up getting a new one. it is a mac book laptop. I changed the password before it got sent and i completely forgot it. They backed my new laptop up with my old hard drive so now i got my old stuff on the new one. I want to download this application so i can fix this .zip file but i need the admin password. I've tried using the install discs but they tell me to enter the admin. I've tried putting the install disc in and pushing c on start up but it just freezes on the white screen with the apple. Is there something wrong with my computer? should i contact the insurance company who i dealt with?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to change my admin password, but the password keep getting replaced with the old admin password.
I have try resetting it with the Mac CD, but it still return to the old password.
Can anyone give my step by step instruction on changing the admin password.
So I had my Macbook repaired, the hard drive wiped clean and OS X snow leoprd reinstalled. When I arrived home I downloaded and installed OS X Lion. The Mac-authorized techy had left all of the passwords blank fo me to fill in. So how do I set the new Admin login pw?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how to recover my forgotten Admin password?
MacBook Pro
Factory refurb came with Leopard already installed, didn't include disks, and never prompted me to create admin info. Really just want to install Flash... Everytime I try to install it asks me for my admin username and password. Username is always filled in as "user", but password is blank.
I forgot my iMac password. It did not come with a disc. Is there a way to reset my admin password?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
How do I change the Admin password? I am listed as administrator, but the password was on the Mac when I bought it. I have tried every possible password and none that I have ever used work.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
forgot admin password, currently using guest account. how do i reset admin password? I have not be able to restart/shutdown computer because i need permission from administrator...
MacBook Pro
I have my apple password but I lost my admin password on my macbook air. My operating system is OS X mavericks 10.9.3.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I change my password, and I can't remember which was it. Apple have me a recovery key but I lost it, but I put that it will be saved with Apple and I answer es 3 security question.
MacBook Pro
I installed windows 7 in my mbp using vmware. now i lost admin password. How to reset/recover this? i dont have password reset disk. How to bypass the password screen. how can i get out of this trouble.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have slight problem. I am making a switch from Windows to Mac, I copied some of my old files, around 30 GB, to my new mac with the help of external HD. I placed the folder on my desktop and the problem is that, now I can't delete these copied files. When i try to delete them Mac asks for a admin password, I type the password but nothing happens the files haven't moved. I have set permission to read & write for all users. What could be the problem here? Is it that files on my old PC wher NTFS, but i copied them to mac OS X.
View 11 Replies View Relatedmy admin acc and password randomly isnt working i need to install some programs and cant cuase the info isnt working weather my pass or acc name changed which would be odly weird considering i am the only person who uses my computer but any waysis there a way i can make a new admin acc or do like a hard reset or sumthing along the lines of that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Macbook Pro 6,1 Snow Leopard 10.6.8 has dropped the Admin Password. I can reboot and get it to work once in the change password window but nowhere
else. The other passwords do not seem to have been affected. IE Quicken.
MacBook Pro, G5, Imac G4, iBook G4, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
Three weeks ago I have bought and installed the new Lion Server (10.7.3) (previously Lion) on my Mac Air (via App Store), but returned it the day after through the Contact Portal of App Store. Since then my Admin Username and Password are not working anymore and the Lion Server is still existent in the system.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Cannot remember Admin Password. Won't let me use my apple id.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook air 10.9.4Â ... I want to reset it to the factory settings. I do not know the admin password though. I tried doing to holding down command and R thing, but all that happened was a grey screen came up with a picture of a lock, and a block for a password to be entered in, but I don't have a password....
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Reset/ Password
i forgot my admin password and now can't change my preferences. i have a macbook pro running maverick.Â
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