MacBook Air :: MBA RevA Out Of The Box Restored Hard Drive Space?
Apr 15, 2009
80gb system says 74.1gb, after full restore, 56gb available so the OS took 24gb when it said at restore install it was like 12.5 or lost where did all this space go?
also software update it updated tons of stuff but every time I would restart it after install and ran again it kept finding new stuff every time like 4 times around...isn't it suppose to update every software on the comp all at once?
btw how people talk about rev A refurb is any of these updates such as the firmware update and stuff put the same stuff on here that makes this the same as far as better like the rev A refurb?
My hard drive failed on my iMac (Intel), Apple Store replaced the hard drive, brought it home, hooked up the Time Machine, selected a backup date, restore. It showed the content loading for 4 hours. Once complete, the iMac still looks nothing like the old. Open the Macintosh HD and Info shows that the 230 GB transferred, but I can't find the folders anywhere. When actually opening the Macintosh HD, its only new folders and the new setup. Where do I find the restored content?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Time Machine restore
I only have like 8 gb left on my macbook's hard drive. Are there any programs I can run that will defrag/free up space? How much does Apple Store typically charge to upgrade a hard drive? How easy is it to do myself?
How do I get more hard drive space? I've already taken heaps of stuff off but I can't delete Apps in the Application folder like chess which I never use.Â
Running Snow Leopard on a Late 2007 MacBook, and I booted it up today to see that I had 15 GB left (normal). 4 hours later, I get an alert that I'm running low on Hard Disk space, so I open a new Finder window to see how much space I have. It tells me 10 MB. After 5 minutes, this dropped down to 0 KB, and all of my applications opened "paused", and I had to force quit them. I don't have 0 KB left, I have 15 GB, but Finder isn't telling me that.
I got a 2007 white MacBook, and I only have about 4GB HD space left. And that's after I did some emergency clearing out. It's obvious I need a new one, or to clear out more. I'm thinking both.I just got the free version of CleanMyMac, is that a good program to clear my HD out with?And, if I only want a drive that's 200GB-300GB, how much will a reliable one run me? I've seen 1TB drives for ?70, but I'm not sure if they're the right size for the MB.
I have a mbp and a 500 (439)gb hard drive, i used diskwave to check my hard drive and this is what it came up with: Â Â Mac.. HDÂ Â Â Â Â Capacity: 439GBUsed: 392.92GBÂ Â Users: 186.53GBApplications: 19.94GBLibrary: 7.11GBSystem: 3.89GBÂ Â
You do the math.. that should be around 210GB!! where is the rest going? THE TRASH IS EMPTY FOR CERTAIN!
I have a 500GB hardrive with 400GB being used. I can account for around 100GB for videos, movies, pojects, and applications. So basically there is about 300GB of taken up space thats unaccounted for. I don't know what could be taking up the space. If anyone can help me locate the data or know of a program to do it that would be awesome.
Im having a problem with my HD on my MacBook Air 2011 with 128Gb SSD and Lion.Â
Since about a month after I purchased my computer, I started to notice low HD space. I started managing it but couldnt keep it with more than 15 Gb of space. I transfered my biggest file, a Parallels Desktop virtual machine to an external HD. I have disabled Time Machine and have removed most of my files from the computer. My User folder barely uses 27 Gb of HD Space. The Get Info shows that I have used 90.84 Gb and have 29.63 Gb Free. But when I try to add all of the folders from the HD (Applications, Library, Syste, Users) it comes with a 42.42 Gb used number.Â
I tried lots of programs like Disk Inventory X, WhatSize, OmniDisk Sweeper, etc, and all come up with an aprox. 43.38 used Gb number, so there is no discrepancy between these programs and what Finder is telling me. Here is a screenshot I took with WhatSize.
Where is the rest of the space going? Im lost on what to do to empty space.
I am a long time PC user that just recently got a MacBook Pro. I am out of space on my hard drive and not sure exactly what is eating up all the volume? I went to About This Mac and looked at the Macintosh HD and it says I only have 28GB out of 499GB available. The piece that is using up lion's share is all yellow "Other". How do I find out what is causing this? Is there an easy way to determine what file is chewing up my hard drive?
I'm the owner of a Macbook Pro with 4 gig RAM and a 320gb harddrive. However, I have noticed that the hard drive space is decreasing slightly for seemingly no reason. Case in point, today it went from 197.66gb to 197.50 whilst I was watching TV and just before it went down further for no reason whatsoever.
Although its not a big deal it does arouse my curiosity and annoy me. Is it just virtual memory that will eventually come back or something more sinister? If it continues for a long time the space lost will eventually add up. Since I'm planning on soon buying an iMac these are the sorts of things I need to know.
I was wondering if there was a way to check what is taking up your hard drive space. I have a 500GB drive and only have about 150GB left, and I really dont no why its that low...
I have a few movies on my computer (maybe about 20), but I cant see that taking 300GB...
I tried to just highlight everything, hoping a total file size would show, but I dont see one.
I just moved a bunch of video files that were about 1GB each onto an external, and it only cleared about 10Gb...But I have a feeling that iMovie might be the reason, as most of those video files were imported into iMovie. If thats the case, how do I clear out iMovie?
I have a Macbook PRO 17" with a 160GB hard drive. When I click on the "Macintosh" icon on my desktop and "get info" it says that my capacity is 148.73GB and that I've used 134.28GB only leaving me 14.45GB of availability. For the life of me I can't figure out how the 134GB is calculated. If I click on my username and "get info" the folder size is 103GB. So where is the other 30GB used up at?
I am new to Mac and just got a MacBook Pro. In the process of transferring music to a new external hard drive, I temporarily stored it on my MBP hard drive. After I transferred it to the new external drive, I deleted the folder, and emptied the trash. Despite this, my finder window tells me I have only 1.5 GB of free space left.
My MBP has an 80 gig internal hard drive that has approx. 1 gb free. The only media I have on the computer is approx. 40 gigs of music, all of my photos are on an external drive. How can I free up space without moving my music to an external drive?
I backed up my hard drive to an external drive. I now want to free up my hard drive storage space. How do I do that. I deleted several GB of iTunes but the free file space did not increase. How can I free up disk space?
Today when I tried to use my computer, I got an error message saying that my startup disk was almost full. This was weird because just a week before when I checked it, I had almost half of my 500 GB hard drive available. I went and deleted a bunch of stuff I didn't need, and restarted the computer, and I got my hard drive space back up to 221 GB of free space. Only a few minutes later, I looked at it again and I only had 211 GB. Throughout the day, my available space has slowly been going away. The nights almost over and now I only have 186 GB left.
My HD is at 410GB used out of 500. I only have about 230GB in Music and 65GB in Movies. Can I really have 100GB's of applications? The only big app I have is LibreOffice. How to diagnose the missing space?
I have a 17 inch MBP running Lion and Windows 7 with a boot camp partition. My mac side has 500GB of space, and my windows 7 partition has 250GB. Recently I shrunk my disk space on the windows 7 partition by going to Control Panel->searching "partition" and shrinking it, so now my boot camp partition has 132GB. However, I thought that space was going to be moved to my Mac OS X partition, but it didn't. Where is that memory space? It can't be flat out lost, can it? I also tried expanding it back but I can't click that option. I really do not want to lose those 118gigs. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but I really need it.
I don't know what's taking up so much room on my startup disk, I get an error message saying i'm full up and now a couple of programs are having trouble opening. I've spent two days dragging files into the trash and dumping them, wouldn't you think that would have cleared some space?
I'm sure all of you heard about the new mac book more specifically the 13 inch. I however have the original macbook 13 unibody laptop. I want to upgrade my hard drive but I want to make sure there isn't a max space which my laptop can handle. Does any one if there is a max and what the specifications of the hard drive size is like the size?
Lately I've noticed that whenever I put my Mac to sleep, I lose a few megabytes. At first I didn't think anything about it. Until one day I let sleep for a while I was doing something, and came back to, and saw that I had lost about 300 megabytes. While it was in sleep, no applications were running and nothing was downloading. My mac is Macbook pro, 3 years old, 120 gigabyte, 2 gb of ram, 2.33 Ghz Intel Core duo, Model Identifier: 2,2, and Serial Number:W86481HGW0H Right now it's running leopard. I'm about to upgrade to Snow Leopard. So why would it lose this hard drive space when it's in sleep mode? By the way, I bought it used one year ago. So I've only had it a year. I haven't downloaded anything from any untrustworthy websites. I only download things from trusted sources(i.e. itunes.) Please help. Right now my only solution is to keep a close eye on it, and make sure that it does not go to sleep!
Been using my MBA for 3 months now and noticed that I have lost a large amount of hard drive space, I currently have 40GB free when I have hardly anything on the computer, I have a few freeware apps and about 8GB of Music, thats it, I have looked at where the space has gone but can't figure it out. Is there any such tools for removing stuff that is not used and to do a "Spring Clean" to get rid of anything I don't need?
Someone I know wants to buy a macbook air. I've replaced hard drives on Sony's, lenovos, macbooks etc. But I know some Sony's come with special "non-standard" drive sizes. Does anyone know if the Seagate Momentus laptop drive will fit in the newest macbook air? I saw on anandtech you could replace it on the previous model but I thought I'd double check as she needs much more space than 120GB that apple offers.