MacBook Air :: Bootcamp Instructions For 64-bit Windows 7?
Apr 2, 2009This includes USB Ethernet driver support.
This includes USB Ethernet driver support.
I would like to install XP on my MBP (just got the disk in the mail), & according to the instructions on the screen, I need to print the instructions. It says to do the same thing in the "Missing Manual" for OS X Leopard. Here's the problem. All of the printers in the office have the old multi-pin connectors, & I don't have a printer cable that hooks up to the MBP (I'm in the middle of the desert working with the military). It takes at least 7 days for anything to get here from the states through the mail. Is it possible for someone to post those instructions here so I can cut & paste into a word document & print it that way?
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsed migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.
Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....
I have an MBA that has been completely wiped clean including the recovery partition. The system did not come with any disk or instructions to recover. What is the next step to get back to OSX.Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got my Aluminum MacBook 2.4 a few days ago and I have since then installed Windows XP SP3, I recall reading about being able to install new Nvidia graphics drivers to get even better performance. I tried to search it, but I couldnt find the process on how to install them. If someone could guide me how to do that and maybe even post a link to the needed files that would be great.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI occasionally get the BSOD sometimes on the Windows XP side of things in Boot Camp. I always use a mouse on the Windows side, as the trackpad is very glitchy and buggy. Sometimes, when I use the mouse for a prolonged period of time, I accidently touch the trackpad forgetting all of the sudden that i had the mouse (or i use it to scroll down) and the whole thing blue screens on me. It has happened 8 times already, each time blue screening after touching the mouse. I don't know why, but I find out that the mouse drivers are the one that is messing up my Windows XP SP3.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro 15" , C2D 2.33ghz. I have the 7100 version of Windows 7 and everything worked perfectly except for the sound.
No matter which bootcamp driver I try or even Realtek's own vista one nothing works.
I downloaded the bootcamp 2.1 drivers and everything installed correctly , including the realtek ones. All the hardware looks fine in device manager but I dont hear anything out.
Should the default be speakers? It seems that it keeps the driver as microsofts own and it doesnt say anything about realtek. Could that be the problem?
I did not try the microphone jack yet but will in a few minutes.
Even if there is a hack , Im willing to try it. What is the exact audio chipset on this model of macbook pro?
I have today received a copy of Windows 7 Home Premium, and am looking forward to installing it on my MacBook (early unibody version with Core 2 Duo processor, recently upgraded to Snow Leopard - version MacBook 5,1 - with 2.4GHz Processor and 4GB RAM).
The question is simple, but I am utterly confused when searching for the answer...!
Should I install the 32bit or the 64bit version of windows? (both the disks are in the box). I would like a smooth installation, and realise that 32bit should work no problem. However if all the drivers are available for 64bit windows, and it works then I see no reason not to install that version. I am confused because there is reference on the Apple website of this version of the MacBook not being supported for 64bit despite having a 64bit processor (??) Also the vast majority of the information on the Apple website seems to refer to Vista 64bit. I imagine that this will be quite confusing for many users, as it has been for me!
I will only install windows once, and would obviously like to install the potentially faster OS if it will be straightforward, and everything will work as it should (have read about problems with the iSight/backlit keyboard etc. - but these may now be fixed).
I want to try out Windows 7. During this process though I deleted my winXP partition. When I went to create a new BootCamp partition in The BootCamp SetUp Assisstant, it failed to create the partition on my harddrive.
I was greeted with the error, "BootCamp SetUp assistant failed to yada yada yada, please backup and reformat your harddrive."
So my question is do I really have to reinstall Mac OS X? (I backup with TimeMachine so it won't be a big deal but still thats a very long process.) Do you guys have any tips or anything to get Mac OS X to partition my main HDD?
Maybe I'm just over thinking this, but Apple never posted a KB article about how to upgrade an existing bootcamp partition with the new snow leopard bootcamp 3.0 drivers. I'm assuming if you already have bootcamp 2.1 you boot up in boot camp and then insert the snow leopard disc in order to upgrade the drivers to 3.0 correct? Or do I have to erase my stupid bootcamp partition and reinstall it all over again using the new leopard boot camp assistant in order to get to 3.0?
View 11 Replies View Relatedi tried the online support procedure and all i get is a message to fill in my serial number followed by "your model is no longer under waranty. contact a dealer..." although the link that brought me to that page is supposed to be for do-it-yourself-instructions. thx for a lead. my G5 is sitting in pieces til then.
Dual Core G5, 4GB, 20" Cinema Display, NV7800GT, 4GBRAM
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Does anyone know how to install Fink in Snow Leopard? I wasn't able to understand the instructions on the website.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just bought a copy of windows 7. Just wondering if i install it via bootcamp now can i update bootcamp in a few weeks when apple releases windows 7 support or will i have to reinstall windows 7 when that happens ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI notices no hard drive no optical drive no nothing. The new low entry mac. So how do you run DVD's and do bootcamp windows?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to figure out what config 11.6 I should get. I'll be mostly running Office apps in Windows 7. The apple store guy says 2gb will be sufficient. He also said the base CPU is fine for my purpose. So the only upgrade I would go with is the SSD. Is that reasonable? I've read some conflicting posts - "windows is a memory hog" to "windows 7 runs fine on 1gb netbooks".
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have an older Macbook Pro 2.2 GHz. It has the original 2GB of RAM that came with the machine. Can it handle Windows 7 HP 32 bit with ease on just 2GB of RAM?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've looked high and low. Can anyone point me to some USEFUL information regarding how to setup Lion 10.7.3 server's Software Update Service for 10.7.3 clients? Specifically, I'm tryng to figure out how to "point" 10.7.3 Lion clients to the server for their updates. Currently, the service is on and the queue is full.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how exactly is that achieved?
anyone tried it, and any benefits of bypassing bootcamp?
and doing it without bootcamp, will rEFIt still work?
Should I install Windows on my MacBook through BootCamp? Im not sure if I want it on my computer or not. Is it worth it? Should I leave my notebook how it is and not infect it with Windows?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDo i just insert the windows 7 64bit DVD and install normally? I'm worried about the drivers phase. I have the MBP that got released early 2008.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat Windows OS is best? I want something that works give me long (as possible) battery life and doesn't take too much space.
View 15 Replies View RelatedGoing to buy my first mac. Need to run Windows 7 as well.
If I want a SSD, can I get the 128GB SSD without issue or should I opt for the 256 GB SSD?
I couple of months ago I installed Windows 7 onto my Macbook Pro. All went fine. I then bought MS Office Professional 2010 but before I bought Office a tried to download a trial version from Office website. I realized it would take 6 hours to install and so cancelled it. I then tried installing Office cd that I bought from Journeyed and it won't install.
I could see MS office when I go to all programs and thought I may have messed it all up when trying to download the trial version. Anyway now I have removed Windows 7 as I want to try installing it again to see if Office 2010 will install. Removing Windows 7 was fine but Bootcamp is no longer on my Mac. It has just vanished!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Windows 7 via Bootcamp
I need to install Windows and Bootcamp on my macbook Air, due to a software tool a customer needs that only runs on windows.
The initial instructions say I cannot do this with a remote DvDplayer
i have been trying to load windows 7 through bootcamp. but after the initial partition process, the screen goes blank with a cursor on the top left corner.
it does not come to life even after 4 hours.
i did not have any problem making the partition before. this is the first time i have had this issue.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Now I get the no bootable device, and no combination of keyboard entries will change the screen. My Windows 7 DVD is real, but will not boot.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am between two laptops, the MBP 15 with retina display and i7 2.7ghz(third generation) and a dell precission m4600 with 2.7(second generation).Same other specs. 8gb ram, ssd, the difference are the gpu, geforce 650M, and the precission has a quadro2000.I will use windows almost the hole time, cause of CAD, and other win programs. But I will be only using 2d cad drawings mainly, so I believe I dont need a quadro. In addition, I want to be able to play some games, like wow or diablo3.So I will need bootcamp. The performance of windows on bootcamp, will be the same as a windows pc native? I read some issues with the wifi, is it true are there other issues? I believe i will have two partition of 512/2 gb for each OS
MacBook Pro
A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.
This is the error.
Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.
i'm using macosx 10.6.4 and bootcamp assistant 3.1
now here is the problem my windows 7 is infected with virus (thats why windows suck big time) and i need to reformat my windows 7 and reinstall a new windows 7.
how am i supposed to do it? insert the installation disk and do like how we initially installed windows 7? just format the partition and reinstall again? i just want to make sure so i ask before doing anything.
or can i do this? i use winclone to restore? any1 have any idea? i'm new to all this i dont know how to do it. i have backup using winclone but how do i do it? do i still need to format then only use winclone?
I've tried re-installing and updating every possible graphics related driver for Windows 7 i cannot for love or toffee get the bloody thing to even recognize my display. I am using a 26" tv as an external display, it works on OS X (very easily), windows XP (also very easily) and even Vista (also easily) and connecting through a DVI/HDMI connector. Why not windows 7? I've scoured the web for answers but can't find anything. Is anyone at least in the same boat as me? I really need this solved soon
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