Yesterday the connection to the Internet stopped on a July 2011 Mac mini. Running Network Diagnostics gets as far as ISP (green light) and that's it. Red light for ISP and Server. All the other devices connect no problem. Have tried resetting and restarting everything. The odd thing is that ocassionally a page will load in Safari when going from choosing a network connection step to the selecting a wi-fi network step and when quiting Network Diagnostics.
I'm having trouble connecting to the internet with my medio 2011 mac mini.I'm connected to my Time Capsule which also serves as a router with an ethernet cable.The time capsule shows up in my network and I can access it without any problem, but I can't access the internet through it. (While all the other devices in my network can)When I reboot the time capsule the connecting to the internet works for a minute but disappears after that.I've tried everything I know, but I still can't make a stable connecting.9The wi-fi connecting works sometimes, but very slow.
I recently got wireless internet. Before, the Mini worked fine connected by cable. It has never been connected to a wireless before. The wireless router works correctly, my $250 PC connected to it instantly. There is a yellow light on Airport and it automatically populates an IP address, whatever that means. I haven't installed any new software since it worked with a cable, no funky setup or third party anything- it's just a mac mini plugged into a TV I watch Netflix on and that's all.
My ISP said it's a problem with the computer, the Mac free support could not fix it. I really don't want to pay for an extended warranty or phone support on something basic that this computer should just automatically do. I haven't tried typing in a manual IP address- I don't know what that address would be. If all else fails, I will just run a cable to it again.
I have a macbook a little over a year old. It's my first mac and I love it. Yesterday though it started acting really weird. I first noticed that it was really, really hot and the fan was running. I turned it off and back on and here's what I found out:
Applications are being deleted from macbook. ITunes, IPhoto, iChat have clear question marks over icon. There are 8-10 blank spaces in the Applications folder where applications have been deleted. However, data is still there (ex. pictures still there, but no iPhoto).
Internet= Says I have internet but wont connect.
Cannot open " System Preferences" or "Internet Preferences".
If connected to home computer will connect to internet and allowed to open internet preferences but still no system preferences.
If shut down....takes a while to come back on and starts up 2-3 times.
Also "Preview" is gone. Now " ColorSync Utility" opens.
Is this my hard drive dying? I'm tech challenged, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running OSX 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro, and today I've been unable to connect to the internet via ethernet or wi-fi, unless I'm in safe mode. Then everything seems to work as it should, which makes me believe that this is a software issue rather than a hardware problem. I've tried making a new account with administrator priveleges, but that doesn't solve my issue. Does anyone have any advice on how I can connect to the internet under my normal user account, rather than in safe mode? I should note that I won't be able to get my hands on my repair CD or perform a clean install of OSX because that stuff is at home, and I'm in college. Also, I'm at a university and don't have a router. I just use the campus-wide wi-fi. Finally, my roommate has no problem accessing the internet in our room via ethernet or wi-fi, but I do. Thanks for the help everyone.
currently I connect to the internet by doing this: Go to System Preferences / Network. Then I select my internet provider name on the left pane and finally click on the Connect button. That's all. This internet profile has a PPoE service name, an account name and a password. My internet connection uses a cable DLink router (it's not wireless).
1) Does the password I mentioned above mean that my neighbors can't access my internet, or are they able to do that and, in this case, I need to set another password somewhere else?
2) If I need another password, how and where do I set it,
I have a blackbook (intel core 2 duo) and I can connect to my landlord's wireless network (they have a netgear wgt624) but I can't actually use the web (Safari or Firefox will just "think"). I've tested the diagnostics and it confirms that my mac can connect to the network, but it cannot connect to the internet. The network uses WPA personal and it has a 19-aphanumeric passphrase.
*Also - would it be possible for me to extend the wireless range (and make it possible to browse the web) if I used my own 2wire wireless modem to connect to the netgear wgt624?
So our church just purchased a nice refurb iMac to use for media presentations during weekly worship services. We have a projector with a VGA cable, so I bought a mini display port to VGA adapter from apple so that we can connect our shiny new iMac to our big screen.
However, when we attempt to connect our VGA to our adapter, they don't fit together properly. It's like the screws on the VGA cable aren't long enough to screw into the adapter...thus, the cable won't stay connected to the adapter (it just falls out).
Someone suggested getting an S cable to replace the VGA cable, but Apple tells me there's no adapter to link the S cable to the iMac. I'm absolutely clueless...surely there is a way to connect my wonderful new iMac to the big screen.
I have a cheap hdtv. when i connect my macbook to it it doesn't get a signal (via mini dvi to hdmi) until i click "detect displays" on my laptop, then "gather windows," then when i set the display to the proper resolution (720) the image appears on my tv without a problem.
I just got a mac mini, and since i don't have two monitors I cannot use this trick. I get no image on my tv.
What I'm trying to do is set up the apple tvs to be connected to a router that is not connected to the internet, which we'll call Router B.The Mac Mini has all the movies and TV Shows on the iTunes account is hardlined into another router that is connected to the internet, which we'll call Router A.Is it possible to have the Mac Mini hardlined into Router A (to have an internet connection) and simultaneously connected wirelessly to Router B (so the AppleTVs can pull from the Mac Mini iTunes.)?Or vice versa, hardlined into Router B (non internet connection) and Wireless to Router A (internet connection).
I have a 46" Mitsubishi projector tv that has only typical red/yellow/white and component, How do you connect a mac mini through the receiver to the TV? I don't have any type of s video or vga/dvi links on the TV, or the receiver it is too old.
it was working earlier in the day. i didn't make any major system changes nor installed any programs and my windows machine can still see the mac and connect to it via router.
I am a Mac novice and just got an old Mac G4 w/ 10.2 on it. It has no wi-fi hardware. I want to connect it to my US Robotics 8054 wi-fi router, to which my XBOX360 and Windows XP PC are already successfully connected (all with wires... not using the wi-fi feature of the router).
I've connected it and Safari can't get to the WWW. On the Network control panel it says "Location = Automatic, Show = Built-in Ethernet, Configure = Using DHCP."
What else should I be looking for to get this bad boy up and running?
I am running MAC OS X version 10.5.6, on an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac.Last week I installed Parallels 3 (and updated online to build 5608), and Windows XP SP3 Everything was working fine, however, over the last few days the network connection on Parallels has stopped working. It is still working fine on OS X.The message I get under network conections is:Local area or no connectivity....Parallels network adapter.I tried to repair the connection, but the IP address could not be renewed.
I don't understand this. We have three profiles. On two of them, we can connect to the Internet with Safari. However, we cannot on the third. We've tried both Safari and Firefox. It says I cannot connect to the server. What do I need to do to fix this?
My Dad is currently unable to connect to the Internet with his Mac.
He's using Mac OS X Version 10.4.11. It connected fine this morning but he's been unable to connect this afternoon or this evening. A message keeps popping up saying: "Could not find a PPPoE server". I've tried running through the wizard for setting up the connection but it doesn't seem to work.
I've been using my PC online all day with no problems.
I've got a couple of week old imac and I'm having huge internet issues. Pages don't load fully and sometimes don't load at all. No problems on my macbook.
Yesterday, I attempted to wirelessly connect to the internet and I am getting "your computer is being managed by The Gaines Family6 (that's my host computer)". I thought it was my router so I unhooked everything and started over and still the same thing.
I've been using Safari for awhile and it's been working fine. However, the Macheist chat stopped loading the past few days, and I know it's just me, because other people can connect. So I thought I would download Firefox to see if that would work, but when I type in a webpage in Firefox, it would just give me a blank white page. So I thought it was just a bad preference file, so I deleted it, but Firefox did the same thing. So I downloaded Firefox 2, and the same thing happened. Now I was a little freaked out, as you can imagine. Then I downloaded Camino, and the same the happened-a blank white screen! Only Safari can connect to the web.
Randomly my nice old G4 PowerMac, running 10.4 stopped connecting to the internet. Checking the Ethernet settings, it isn't seeing any information.
My cable modem and router are both fine. The router is wireless, and computers receiving the wireless signal work fine. I hooked the modem up directly to the Mac, and it still wouldn't see it.
I just moved into a new apartment, set up new internet and router, but I have trouble accessing a lot of websites, like [URL]. All my friends are using PCs, and I'm the only one on Mac. None of their computers have trouble going to the same sites, but I'm stuck watching a blank screen.
I researched around, but I cannot find a solution to this. I've tried pinging websites, running the command line to flush the DNS cache, but nothing has worked. Is there some sort of system preference I have to set on my Mac, such as lowering security features, to access the sites I use the most?
Today I happened to come across an old blue and white Power Mac G3 at a local thrift store, and I'm wondering how to connect it to the Internet. It has what looks like an Ethernet port on the back, but the cable won't fit. What do I need to connect it?
Anyways, I have a MBP 13" (new model) and I have a PS3.
Previously, I used a Windows7 laptop and I used to connect my PS3 to internet using an ethernet cable, while my laptop was connected to internet through a 3G USB modem. Now I need to connect my PS3 to net using the 3G USB modem, except I'm using a MBP. It doesn't matter if it's using an ethernet cable or making a WiFi connection between my MBP and PS3.
All my browsers(Safari, Camino, Opera, iCab) with the exception of Firefox are dead in the water.....can't connect to the internet. Firefox is working just fine.
THE app WeatherDock is also connection. Everthing was fine 'till a day ago. Nothing special/unusual occurred yesterday to account for this issue.
System Preferences/Network confirms that I'm connected(via ethernet).
I did repair permissions and run DiskWarrior but nothing's changed.
Every time I turn on my MacBook or after sleep, I cannot connect to the Internet right away. I have to unplug & plug the network cable a couple of times before I can connect.