I spend more time looking at that spinning color wheel than I do using my iMac. what I can do to clean things up so it's not lagging. I've run my disk utility, and it came out fine.
i keep getting the spinning ball on my mac for as i have 16gb of ram 1tb of hard drive on the i mac to play with.plus i have an 1tb ex harddrive its a 7500 speed one. that i have just for itunes which i have used 500 of it so far.it may be lag from that hard drive but not sure. but i only seem to get the spinning ball when i use itunes.am i right here thinking that the ex drive i have for itunes is doing this as it can not keep up ?
Today my emails can not get through. The ball keeps spinning on Mac Mail. There is a triangle next to it, which says when clicked: " Unable to receive Mail: There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account XXXXX or try again. The server returned the error: The connection to the server "mail.optonline.net" on port 110 failed (error 51: Network is unreachable" I verified disk permissions, reset my modem, rebooted, but nothing. I can obviously go online but can not access my mail in any of my accounts. All software is up to date. I am able to send and receive email on my iPad 2 (wifi) but not on my iMac.
I like to play games such as Castleville by zynga but it constantly freezes, i have adobe flash player, but still it does the same then the colured ball keeps spinning round and round. I have tried uninstalling and installing flash player as it told me to do but to no avail, I am starting to think that there is something wrong with the computer, but it is not that old. I am using Mac OS X version 10.6.8 intel core 2 duo
I get the spinning beach ball (SBBOD) after a few minutes of operation. The hard drive is indexing as well. I tried booting the computer in Safe Mode and I get NO beach ball and the computer seems to be perfectly fine. I recently upgraded my hard drive about 6 months ago. I am not sure if this is a hardware or software problem. I also tried running the hardware test, but I downloaded lion via the App Store and pressing "D" at boot up doesn't do anything. I am about ready to erase my hard drive and try to re-install my info from time machine. Unfortunately, I haven't done a back up in quite a while.
spinning ball with movement and clicking cursor. spins forever. temporary fix running disc utilities, clean my mac and roboot. Same error found in safari preferences but recurs frequently and requires repeating fix for brief correction.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.66 Ghz processor
I installed a Momentus XT 750 (ST750LX003-1AC154 firmware SM12) into my MacBook Pro (late 2009). I then did a full clean install of OSX 10.7 and updated to 10.7.3. Lately I have been getting odd hangs of applications and eventually the OS, finally I have to hard-power it down and reboot.
No SMART errors reported, PRAM and SMC have been reset. I am on the latest firmware and EFI for this particular MacBook Pro. I do not think that this drive is spinning down if idle.
As far as I know there is not a firmware update for the XT 750 drive and I am on SM12.
What else can I try to get this machine stable? This is a 750GB hybrid SSD drive and I read about lots of issues with SSD and hybrid-SSD drives in previous generation MacBook Pros, particularly with Lion.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), seagate momentus XT 750GB
For a few days now, my 13" MBP (purchased in August; painfully clean-install upgraded to Snow Leopard in October) has been freezing into spinning wheel mode randomly every few minutes. It would seem that this happens particularly often in web browsers (but also when no browsers are operating and I'm typing away in Text Edit or chatting in Adium and Skype). When the browsers are on, the FlashPlayer would occasionally crash. No matter what app froze first, whatever else I click on also freezes.
The freezes happen most frequently after the computer has been to sleep and woken up by opening the lid. The wheels go spinning for up to two minutes, and then everything goes back to normal (for up to 3 mins before freezing again). The longer the comp operates after that, the rarer they become, and after a few hours they rarely happen at all (then again, some times they do anyway). On some occasions, everything freezes so badly I need to hard-reset, and then it takes the comp upwards of 15 minutes to reboot - and then everything keeps freezing, of course. Contrary to other reports of similar problems here, no CPU jumps appear to be happening during the freeze. I tried:
- Running Disk Utility after booting from Snow Leopard . Some permissions (which in forums here were referred to as inconsequential / not related to freezes) were repaired; HD in general "seems to be ok."
- Running RAM tests (with Rember, supposedly updated to Snow Leopard). Everything seemed fine
- Getting rid of the ARD agent (which was related to some of the permissions mentioned earlier)
- Stopping Bluetooth (as someone here with a similar problem thought it helped)
- Installing the Beta Adobe Flash Reader (same as above)
Nothing helped. I really don't want to take it to the lab; I live in Israel and the comp was purchased in the States, which means that the only licensed lab here reserves the right to keep the comp for up to 26 working days
My 2008 2.8 - V 10.5.7 iMac has started to show the spinning beach ball on screen when I open most things , its only there for a few seconds things just seem to be slower opening than usual , once some thing has opened it runs normally , If I open finder, or an application the beach ball appears , Ive gone through the Verify Disk Permissions, Repair Disk Permissions Etc and all appears to be Ok . I have a 297.77GB Capacity internal HDD with 124 . 93GB Available . I have 4GB RAM installed , and the iMac is left running over night to perform any maintenance .
Sometimes I will go for a while without using my computer. For example, if I step out for a meeting or lunch. Other times I will just be using an application that does not need to access the data drive which is a WD. When I come back to my computer or try to access the data drive I get the spinning BeachBall. For example, I just came back from being out for a couple hours. I came back to my computer which was not sleeping, only the monitor was. I launched Safari and after going to a few web sites everything was fine. Then I went to [URL] and the spinning BeachBall came up and then I heard the WD drive kick in (like a jet firing up if you will). Then the website loaded and the spinning BeachBall was gone. Here is what I have in System Preferences:
EnergyComputer Sleep: Never Display Sleep: 1 hr Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible: CHECKED Wake for network access: UNCHECKED
Does this have anything to do with having Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible: CHECKED? If so, does this mean if I UNCHECK it, the drive will continue to spin until I either a) shut the computer down or b) put the computer to sleep? And, this will remedy the spinning BeachBall? I am using WD RE3 drives so if the above is true, do I need to worry about the drive spinning 24x7 if unattended and the computer never sleeps?
Friend has 13" MBP mid 2010. We upgraded to Mavericks about six weeks ago. Then, about a month ago, any operation involving the Finder hangs, and I get a beach ball that lasts at least several minutes. Other applications, like MS Office and browsers, are unaffected unless we try to open, save, or close a document. Attempting to open any folder causes the same problem.
I replaced his old hard drive with a new SSD and did a restore from TM, and the problem came back after a few days. Otherwise the machine works fine. Disk Utility reads fine.
I created a new account as a test, and did not have the same problem. So, I'm convinced it is something to do with his account, or with some app that affects his account. It doesnt' seem to be a system problem because no one else in his SOHO is experiencing it. And, because the second account works, I don't think it is a hardware problem like a bad cable (I've read lots about this).
I'm going to try to strip down the machine and delete a bunch of stuff like Dropbox, and I'll recreate his NAS access to see if that works.
His keychain won't remember one of two NAS passwords (I mount a TM volume and a production share on boot). TM mounts automatically but the production mount asks for his password every time. I've tried Keychain first aid.
When moving check boxes in Acrobat Pro 9, the spinning beach ball comes up and stays up for 10 minutes. Not sure if this is a snow leopard issue or cs4. Computer is new. Running x.6, unibody macbook pro.
When I try to open Pages, I get the spinning ball, then quits. Pages will open if I click on an existing Pages file, but will quit if I try to make a new file. I repaired permissions and reinstalled iWorks '09.
i am pretty new at the mac-ness so i might just be dumb about everything....anyways i have a macBook thats just about 3 weeks old and something happened whenever i click the mail app it will load up like it wants to work but then no messages will show and when the curser is over the window there is a spinning ball, then i am have to force quit to close it...i tried running the 2 grey install disks (Mac OS X) thinking that might fix it but no...it didnt..
ps....my iphoto wont load either it just bounces once and nothing will happen, tried running iLife '08 a few times but nothing....mail app is more important but i wish to fix both
I have a 700 MHz iMac flat panel with 1 GB SDRAM and running OS 10.4.11. Almost every time I go to do something, I get the spinning ball and have to wait before it performs the action. I even get the ball briefly when I click OK on a dialogue box. I have run the disk utility to repair disk permissions several times, but that doesn't seem to help. What can I do to get the Mac to run faster as it used to do?
Came back from a weekend away to find that my MacBook pro, which I'd left running on top of my bed, with a grey screen and the spinning beach ball icon. Tried powering it off to no avail.
I have been experiencing the spinning beach ball. Eventualy my screen turns to dark blue/indigo (not black), then I get Front Row on my screen (V.2.1.7). The only thing that will get rid of it is pounding on keys, usually command or option or escape or some combo of them gets my desktop screen back.It's becomming annoying. I have run disc repair, and repair permissions. This probably happens several times a week (2.3,4) I don't know if there is a way of disabling Front Row ( it may just select something else to appear). I have been thinking about things as drastic as reinstalling system or replacing my Mac.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
My dad has a black macbook with an intel processor, 2.0 Gigahertz processor and 2 GB of RAM. When he tries to shutdown he gets the spinning beach of doom. What should we try to fix it?
I clicked on my email and I got the spinning beach ball. Couldn't do anything. Couldn't click on anything. Let it sit there for about 5 minutes and tried to quit using the keyboard. Didn't work. I had to use the power button and restart with a force quit.
When I open a document, it opens but without text and the title is grayed out. After 5-7 seconds, the text and title appear but the beach ball starts going and I can't do anything except force quit.This started after an odd incident yesterday. I was working on a document I'll call A. I've been editing this document for a long time. So the file is named A.cwk. I'm not sure how I closed or saved it, but it did not appear on my desktop as usual.
I was updating my bookmarks in Safari and decided to get rid of the included News RSS-feeds that originally came with the browser because i use my own RSS-feeds. Shortly after our so beloved spinning beach ball of death appeared. I let it spin a bit but then decided to force-quit Safari. I restarted with knowing i could use my most favorite browser on the mac again but not so. Right after starting it the damn beach ball appeared again and didn't stop spinning. I force-quit again, restarted the app, force-quit again, same ****. I then let it do for like 10min's in hope it's doing some unknown calculations for whatever reasons after i deleted those RSS-feeds, it didn't stop. SO I restarted and thought ok this must be it, this must finally work! NO IT DIDN'T. I then did an Onyx maintenance cleaning to get rid of the web cache, etc, didn't work either. I went to download Webkit in hope that would work but no, it doesn't I can't believe this, WTF?!? All I did was getting rid of those RSS-bookmarks. What am I supposed to do now? Will a re-install of Safari work? I'm not even sure if the latest version for Snow Leopard is available for download?