Intel Mac :: How To Find The Serial Number
Apr 22, 2012iMac slowed down, PowerPoint and word wouldn't work, I tried to switch users then shut it down and now it is frozen with a white screen.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1, I think that's the OS.
iMac slowed down, PowerPoint and word wouldn't work, I tried to switch users then shut it down and now it is frozen with a white screen.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1, I think that's the OS.
I accidentally inserted an SD card into the DVD slot.Can someone tell me how to safely remove the SD card?Quest
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009)
i got a new IMac yesterday, so what i want to do is i want to transfer my pics and music from my mac to my New IMacÂ
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do you open PDF files with IMAC
iMac, iOS 5.1
Does the logic board serial number match the computer serial number?
My reason for asking is that 4 months ago my sisters G5 17" logic board supposedly got replaced with a new or refurbished logic board but it seems by the workmanship of the board something fishy is going on.
The battery is not working for some reason. Instead of giving me a percentage of how much battery it has left, there is an "X". What does that mean and how can I fix it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My macbook and ipad were stolen last week. I know their serial number and other information from the invoice, Can I find them?
Just tried to request my $10 version of iLife '09 using the online forms [URL] and it can't find my serial number.
Anybody else had this experience? In this day and age I loathe having to phone up for these things
My MacBook freezes at login screen since last update. What do I do to fix the problem?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5)
I am having trouble downloading Adobe Flash Player. Please help. The serial # on my MacBook Pro 13" is QO*****7M (or ZM) - it's hard to see.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), OS Lion
I cannot get into my Mac Book.It will not accept the password nor allow it to be reset using Apple ID.
How do I access my account under the icloud service if is not showing under my system preferences on my MacBook?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is it possible to find out the serial number of the copy of OSX (10.4) I'm using if I've lost the discs?Ie if I wanted to do a fresh install with borrowed discs, but wanted to keep my legit license, how would I go about it?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac Mini Server with OS X Server. I needed to reformat my disk and reinstall the Server OS. The disk was reformatted ok. Now when reinstalling from the original disks it asks: " enter mac os x server serial number". I do not have the server serial number (I did not know that I should have written it down from the about box before reformatting). I have kept all items that were shipped with the computer but I cannot find the serial number. It is not on the disk sleeves or any documentation that I can find. How do I find (or get a new) os x server serial number?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
I have lost my iPod touch for half a year. I want to find my serial number on my Mac. I have searched on the internet but the guides is for Windows. My iTunes version is 10.6 (40)
iPod touch
My Macbook Pro got stolen today, I was wondering if there is a way to find the serial number with my Apple ID which I used to register my MBP.I need the serial number for the police report.
MacBook Pro
Can I find out the model of my Macbook Pro by the serial number?
MacBook Pro
I am trying to locate my stolen ipod touch. I still have the case that it came in. Will I be able to locate it using the information on the box, as in serial and model number?
iPod touch, Windows XP, 32GB and model number is A1367
I bought a new warranty for the next two years and when I write my details I'm supposed to find Hardware Product Serial Number..WHERE CAN I FIND IT?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Where can I find my purchased serial number for pages? It says I would recieve an email for it but I never did.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cant seem to let another user access to safari on the same macbook pro. It uses OS 10.4, its an older mac that I haven't upgraded. is there a solution? all I see in the toolbar on the bottom is a question mark where safari should be...
Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I am trying to look at my E-Mail,with stard only with Quick time player.What do i need to open Quick time e-mails
MacBook, Mac OS 8.6 or Earlier
I was having difficulty with a piece of software and instead of force quitting and rebooting I just powered down. When I powered up all I get is a blank white screen with the Apple in the middle and the continuous circle. Computer is very warm as well.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.8),
I do not have my mac book pro with me right now? I need the serial number to contact apple customer care. Is there any way I can get that number? Can I use iTunes for searching it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to add a Airport Extreme card to my first generation (2006) Mac Pro. My serial number is G86380EKUPZ. Which Model #/Part # card would I need and where can I find them? I called my local Apple store and they told me that they could install it for me but they aren't allowed to order the part...? Weird. Also, while I'm asking, I'm interested in upgrading my graphics card. I read somewhere that the ATI Radeon HD 3870 will work. Is there anything else you guys could recommend? I'm gonna be working in Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, etc.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhy Apple Support page does not recognize my serial number even if I do an edit copy, edit paste?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I bought a refurb iMac directly from apple 2 years ago. It already came with Adobe Photoshop as well as many others. I didn't start using the photoshop until recently. Yesterday, I logged on, and asked me for a serial number. Where would I find this or how do I obtain this since it came with the iMac?Â
iMac, Photoshop
Where can I find the serial numbers of the defective Seagate 1T hard drives that were in iMacs? I tried Seagate site. Not the iMac serial #, I know about the recall program. We are looking at a refurbished (not Apple) iMac & it has a Seagate 1T HD, naturally, we want to know if it is one of the bad ones.
View 4 Replies View Relatedfinding RAM serial number?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently bought Rapidweaver and received the package today. I installed it, entered all the pertinent information including my email and the serial number, registered, and then went upstairs for lunch. Came back down and found that my cute little golden retriever had decided that the envelope, not the box, and not the little booklet... was tasty, so she ate it. I'm left with some cellophane and tiny wet pieces of white paper and no serial number! The software was installed and it is working just fine, and when I "unlocked" or activated it, it said OK, everything is done. Fortunately, the CD was in the Mac while Daisy had some fun.
I don't need to reinstall... but unlike other software (or on a PC in the registry) where you can look in the "about" section and see your serial number, the SN is not shown in the about window. I'm not about to phone the UK over this, but just for security's sake, I'd like to know how to retrieve the serial number on my mac so I can write it down inside the booklet and put it up high.