Hardware :: PC User - Time Capsule Or MediaSmart Server
Mar 20, 2009
I am in need of an external hard drive and since Apple recently updated their new TC, this has piqued my interest. For those of you who are Windows Vista PC users, does the new TC work well for you? I'm sure it does, but I wanted to ask the users first. Actually, for any PC TC user: how has your experience been? The other HDD I'm looking into is the HP MediaSmart Server--if anyone has any input on this too, that would be great.
I have a couple older PC's and a late 2008 MBP (my first Mac - yes, I am a Mac noob). I use boot camp to run XP on the MBP and decided to use that for the initial set-up of the server. Things were going well until it was updating the server software. It ticked up to 18% and stalled. About 45 minutes later, I (wrongly) figured that I shouldn't have tried to use my MBP and stopped the update. I switched gears and tried to run it on my HP desktop. It did the same thing - went to 18% and stopped. After another 30+ minutes, I called HP, and waited and waited on hold. I was getting impatient and decided to run the HP server recovery disk. While that was running, I got through to HP (close to an hour on hold). The guy seemed knowledgeable and told me that the updates are stalling at 18%. He told me that they are hearing waits/stalls that average around 2 hours at the 18% figure. For anyone else with a new HP mediasmart server, learn from my lesson and be patient.
The HP rep told me that it should not be a problem to run the first install with a windows OS via boot camp. This is not true for something like parallels. In the end, I did get the install done through XP via boot camp. He also told me that they are seeing problems with people dedicating a space larger than 100 GB's for Time Machine. He said it works for some people for a while, but it inevitably fails. When it fails, he said they are finding that people have to run a full server recovery (you lose all of your data) to get TM running again. They have not been successful with just creating a new slot/space for TM. Has anyone else heard this?.......................
I had a quick question about anyone's experience with the HP Mediasmart Server. It looks like it is a pretty decent storage/backup server and it is supposed to work seamlessly between Mac and PC. So, what is the real-life experience of how it actually works? Does anyone own one? Satisfied with it? They only thing I see that needs to be changed is the HDD that it comes with. It's only 640 GB of storage. My partner and I are looking in to getting one, but that would not be sufficient storage between the 640 GB HDD that is on my iMac and the 750 GB HDD he has on his PC. Or would getting and external 1 TB drive be a better solution?
I want to upgrade my current NAS (Synology 109j) to something that is expandable and redundant. Last weekend I thought a Drobo with DroboShare would be great! Then I remembered that HP makes a MediaSmart server that runs Windows HomeServer [URL]. Now I'm stuck. I'm not sure which one I should get. What are your thoughts?
I have an HP EX490 Mediasmart Server that I'm trying to get Remote Access to work with my Airport Extreme (N/Giga version). Unfortunately HP doesn't recommend the Airport Extreme for Remote Access use since it doesn't support UPnP. I followed one guy's steps to manually configure the port forwarding to get Remote Access to work, based upon comments it works for some and doesn't work for others. I've provided screenshots that match his instructions, and I was wondering if anyone has had luck and are there extra steps since I have the latest firmware on my Airport Extreme? I really don't feel like buying another wireless router if possible, but if I need to, any recommendations that has a USB port so I can print wireless with my current printer?
I got the original 1 TB Time Capsule when it first came out, and set it up with user accounts so that everyone in my house would have their own individual space as well as a shared space that everyone could use.
When I turned off accounts mode and switched back to using the Time Capsule password to access a single shared volume, I got a look at how the Time Capsule organized its files (or so I thought).
There were two folders in the root of the drive, Shared and Users. Within Shared was all the shared data on the Time Capsule that everyone could access, and within Users were a set of subfolders, one for each user account I had set up. Within each of those was the data for that user.
However I recently decided to revisit the way my Time Capsule was set up, so I switched back to Time Capsule password mode to affect changes to the layout of the drive. (In the past, I had been able to shuffle files between users this way, and even between the private and public areas of the drive, then simply switch back to accounts mode and my changes would stick.)
But it seems Apple has changed the way the Time Capsule does this, probably with a recent firmware update. I turned off accounts and switched back to Time Capsule password mode today, and saw the expected folder structure. However I then removed all the user data (including account folders) and left the Users folder empty. Then I went into AirPort Utility, removed all the accounts, and recreated them. When I checked Time Capsule password mode, there were no account folders. I figured maybe you had to connect as the user once before the folder would be created, but no dice. I even put some files in there then checked Time Capsule password mode, but there was no user folder and I have no idea where it's keeping the data. It's not under Shared nor is it anywhere that I can see under Users.
I got the original 1 TB Time Capsule when it first came out, and set it up with user accounts so that everyone in my house would have their own individual space as well as a shared space that everyone could use.
When I turned off accounts mode and switched back to using the Time Capsule password to access a single shared volume, I got a look at how the Time Capsule organized its files (or so I thought).
There were two folders in the root of the drive, Shared and Users. Within Shared was all the shared data on the Time Capsule that everyone could access, and within Users were a set of subfolders, one for each user account I had set up. Within each of those was the data for that user.
However I recently decided to revisit the way my Time Capsule was set up, so I switched back to Time Capsule password mode to affect changes to the layout of the drive. (In the past, I had been able to shuffle files between users this way, and even between the private and public areas of the drive, then simply switch back to accounts mode and my changes would stick.)
But it seems Apple has changed the way the Time Capsule does this, probably with a recent firmware update. I turned off accounts and switched back to Time Capsule password mode today, and saw the expected folder structure. However I then removed all the user data (including account folders) and left the Users folder empty. Then I went into AirPort Utility, removed all the accounts, and recreated them. When I checked Time Capsule password mode, there were no account folders. I figured maybe you had to connect as the user once before the folder would be created, but no dice. I even put some files in there then checked Time Capsule password mode, but there was no user folder and I have no idea where it's keeping the data. It's not under Shared nor is it anywhere that I can see under Users.
I have a TC set up at home and it works fine, just looking to get more out of it now, if possible. I run a small business and I want a contract employee to be able to access it for file use in a windows program. He lives in another state.
1. How can I direct him to my TC via internet? He only works in windows. Basically, I want him to have read/write access to my TC. 2. Obviously if number 1 can work, then how can I, using my MBP, connect to my TC when I am away from it (not home).
Do I do this with IP addresses and workgroups? If so, I don't know how to set that up.
I use my time capsule to transfer files between various computers, including ones that aren't on my same home network. For mac's, setting up filesharing over the internet works great, and I don't have any issues connecting to the time capsule remotely using [URL]
The issue comes if I try to connect a windows XP PC to my time capsule as a file server. I can connect one just fine if its on the local network, but I have been unable to do so for one remotely. Every indication I've seen online says that it should be possible to connect to via SMB, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Are there any specific settings that should be chosen either on the time capsule or on the PC to get it to work? Perhaps I'm not connecting to it via the PC correctly. Is connecting to it as a network drive at [URL] not correct? I've come across a few guides related to similar topics, but they all assume that the time capsule is just connected to your local network, and mine is also acting as my router.
We have a Macbook and an iMac, both on Snow Leopard. Set them up on TC for backup several months ago, and they worked for a while. Then it stopped working for no obvious reason, with the message:
The network backup disk could not be accessed because there was a problem with the network username or password. Open Time Machine preferences to select the network backup disck and re-enter the correct username and password.
Of course userame and password were correct, because, first of all, they had not been changed, and second, because I could put in the wrong pw and it immediately would reject it. As it is, it takes it, counts down for 120 seconds, and then gives the above message.
Bought a new Macbook Pro, using Lion, and it works with the TC, seemingly proving that all settings on the TC are still good. Tried resetting TC. Tried the Cmd-Alt-p-r reboot, but neither worked.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've got a lion 10.7.3 server and several Lion client boxes all attached via ethernet to an airport extreme.
I've got a bona fide certificate that seems to have installed correctly, and the client is talking to the open directory server
Without fail, I get a message "unable to log in the user at this time" on each of the clients...
UNLESS I open up all ports on my airport extreme to the server.
I've tried opening individual ports for AFP, profile manager (1640, 2195), open ldap (389, 636) and even kerberos (88). Even with all of these open, it still doesn't work. I have to open up everything to get the error to go away - then the users can log in just fine.
Note, I'm logging in from the local network to a server on the local network, so this just seems bizarre.
I don't have the logs on this computer, but I recall that the error was occurring when it tried to mount the home directory, after authentication. It was an error 64 from homedirmounter (if memory serves).
I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
i have a domain controller and active directory based policy win 2003, one xserve running mac os x server 10.6.8 and alot of macs workstations. How can i push login script on all macs without adding it in login items? The script i want to store on smb or afp share disk, and will be edited from time to time. I've tried to add it on xserve from WGM, but it threw an error that current directory schema doesn't store desktop settings.So how can i solve this?
I know this issue is kind of old, but there are so many flavors of it, that it is hard to find exact match. I've been having problems with single account, and it happens that this account has admin rights. Emails get pulled/deleted from user's mailbox within 10 secs after arrival. There are no other devices that may be pulling those emails, however, I've noticed something strange in the logs:
I don't know if this event is normal to run on server itself, but seems it runs only for this one account that I'm having problems with. There is no imap client setup on that server, and based on my time stamps observations I'm pretty much convinced that's what's deleting my emails.
Reguarding Lion Server upgrade strategies: I have a macmini running 10.6.8 client serving Filemaker files, acting as File Server, and running a development web server. It runs as a normal non-admin user (nomad) utilizing a seprate admin account with admin privilages (guardua),for security. I run multiple shell scripts, apple scripts and Filemaker scripts. Many of which which use hardcoded file locations. Some bash scripts run under the non priv user other under the admin account. I also have a thrid user account which acts as rsync destination. Considering most files and programs are under the non-privileged user, I'm wondering how this user / admin account set- up will work when transitioning to Lion Server. (?) Will ther server app and scripts work with this set up? Do I need to upgrade the non-admin user (nomad) to admin privilages? I'm user sure how users and admin users work under Lion Server.Should I upgrade to Lion then to Lion Server? --Or-- perhaps do a clean install of Lion/server then reload from timemachine? Start from scratch?
I am planning on purchasing a mac mini solely for the purpose of playing music - it will be hooked up to a hi-fi amplifier and speakers. All of the music that will be on the computer will be in lossless format, which is very large. I will need a lot (320+ GB?) of storage.
I'm wondering if I can cut costs by buying an old 80 GB mini and augmenting its hard drive with a time capsule. I was planning on buying a time capsule anyway, so I could save something like $300. My questions are: would I be able to stream music from the time capsule to the mac mini? Would I be able to import music from itunes directly onto the time capsule? If I hook the mini up to the time capsule via USB, can it serve as a hard-drive, even if my internet is down? Is it going to be much more worth my time to buck up and buy a new 320 GB mini?
I have installed Leopard 10.5 server and have created users and everything. I can remotely access it to administrate it. This may be a stupid question, but how do I login as a user on the server? I tried to connect to server through the go menu. I couldn't. The IP would not work, although in other parts the ip is recognized.
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
I will be getting my new Macbook Pro in the near future and am very interested in using Time Machine to wireless back up my data to an external hard drive. I know I can use Time Capsule to do this, but also hear a mention of just getting an Airport Extreme and my own ext. hd. My question is that I have Verizon FIOS Internet and my modem also functions as a wireless router. How would the Time Capsule/Airport Extreme work with this? Is it possible? I do not believe that the Verizon router supports wireless N, and I would like to take advantage of the faster speeds. If I were to connect a Airport Extreme to the wireless router, would I then have 2 routers to choose from and just use the Airport Extreme to use the wireless N? I'm very confused as to how I could make this work.
As my 160N series Linksys router neither has gigabit ports, usb connector or dual band networking, I am looking for a replacement.
When it comes to Apple routers I am looking at 2 options - either the base station with an external USB drive or get a 1TB capsule with the buildt in drive and worries regarding reliability.
What I like about the Time Capsule is that it is neat to have all in one, takes up less space and only has 1 plug to attach, while Iike the idea that I can just connect a bigger drive later on the base station solution.
1. Will the connected USB drive function just like the internal drive in the Time Capsule for Time Machine use?
2. Will everything be transparent to Snow Leopard?
3. In case of both units with an attached USB drive - can I control who actually can see the drive and access it?
4. Do they support this DNLA thing so that e.g . PS3 can access an attached drive??
I plan to 'clean up' my Time Machine/Time capsule completely, whereby I want to make it impossible for third parties to recover all or part of these old backups.After I have accompished this I want to start from scratch backing up my Mac.
I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.
I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.
I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.
I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?
MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5
One Time Capsule at home
One Time Capsule in vacation home
MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home.
During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home).
It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?
Ever since I updated to 10.6.1 I've had the following problems:
- Time Machine does not work at all with my Time Capsule. When it attempts to back up my data, Time Machine gets hung up with a status of "Making backup disk available..." and the icon in the menu bar just spins forever (the status appears in the menu bar icon's menu). I also cannot enter Time Machine; it gets hung trying to connect to the Time Capsule and I have to cancel it. Finder then takes up 100% CPU and I have to power down by holding in the power button (shutting down from the Apple menu doesn't work).
- I store my iTunes library in a folder called Music under the Data folder on the Time Capsule. When I open iTunes, it prompts me to choose my iTunes library. When I do, it starts to load the list of albums, then iTunes locks up and I must force quit it. This also causes my machine to not be able to shut down or restart from the Apple menu.
Oddly enough I can still access the Data folder from Finder with no issues. I just wanted to put this out there in case other people are having similar problems. It's pretty frustrating as all this worked fine before the 10.6.1 update.