Hardware :: High Quality Photo Comparison - New Unibody MacBooks
Oct 16, 2008
While Apple didn't make mention of it at the time, the MacBook Air silently debuted the start of a new unibody MacBook line. The new 15" MacBook Pro and its 13" MacBook sibling have managed to carry out the same lines and execution, harmonizing the plastic MacBook and the now half decade old Aluminum Powerbook design carried forward by the MacBook Pro. Here's how the two models compare. See also:
High-quality unboxing photos: late 2008 13" MacBook
High-quality unboxing photos: late 2008 15" MacBook Pro
The first hint that the new MacBooks are riding the same jet stream of the Air is the slim thin boxes each ships in. Compared to the MacBook Pro boxes from just a year or two ago (below), the new MacBook and MacBook Pro come in implausibly small white boxes. Somewhat ironically, Final Cut Studio ships in a significantly larger box than the new notebooks. The middle box is the 15" MacBook Pro, while the box in front is the 13" MacBook. The new MacBooks claim a small box profile by following the packaging rules originally laid down by the iPhone: a thin plastic bed holds the notebook snug against a thin foam pad attached to the box lid (below). This removes the need for large styrofoam inserts, in addition to providing a clean and more luxurious unboxing experience. The side benefit is that there's much less waste, the carbon footprint of shipping the boxes is smaller, it's cheaper to ship, and it's easier for customers to save their box for reuse later..............
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Nov 20, 2009
Is the MBP Unibody iSight quality the same as the iMac 27" quality.
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Mar 8, 2009
is there any way to export the movie as high as my project quality everytime i export the quality goes down.
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Dec 8, 2014
In FCPX 10.1.3 I was able to set in Preferences the Playback Quality to High Quality. I just purchased FCPx 10.1.4. It has NO such High Quality Option for Playback Quality.
Now all my still clips are blurred badly. Is there an option to set a High Quality Playback Option. Or can I download 10.1.3, the level where that worked ?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Aug 4, 2010
done on windows 7, maybe somebody can contribute an OSX screenshot...
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Nov 11, 2005
Started archiving all my old photos and creating dvds. started off using iphoto which is great for compiling a quick slideshow to a couple of music tracks. i then imported these to idvd and created my first dvd project which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt. The only thing i found annoying was that i could not link all the slideshows together in idvd so that they played one after another, instead you had to come back to the menu and start the next one...so i thought i would import these slideshow movies into imovie and create a complete movie with chapters, titles etc. but when i did this i noticed that the quality of the slideshow in imovie was very noticeably worse.
being new to mac i wasnt sure what was up so i thought about importing the photos directly into imovie and working with them there. but once again the quality was really poor compared to the iphoto and idvd slideshows. after this i though maybe its just a preview problem and all will be well when i burn them to dvd and watch them on tv...so i burnt a dvd with one slideshow created in iphoto and imported into idvd and also put on a movie of the same slide show that id imported into imovie and back.
anyway long story short quality still better in slide show created in iphoto.
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Jun 10, 2009
I had returned the unibody Macbook I bought last December primarily due to the low quality screen. I'm wondering if anyone has comparison photos between the two (especially at different viewing angles), as I'm seriously considering purchasing the 13" again.
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Jul 25, 2009
Just as the question says..Is It possible?
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Sep 1, 2010
I have looked at the online material for Aperature and Lightroom and am not sure if either of these will allow me to do this. I have been using finder but that is a painful process as I need to have 11 windows open and keep jumping back and forth between windows. There has to be a more efficient way to get through this.
So, I am curious if either of the programs I mentioned would do the trick, or some other software? Programs like PSE really don't help for this. Adobe Bridge was somewhat useful but also needs multiple copies of the program running at the same time to use multiple folders.
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May 8, 2010
Currently owing the top of the line i7, and after reading a lot about the antiglare and its high resolution I went to the Apple store (twice) to check and compare both screens. I spent around 2.5 h trying to make my mind, looking at different angles, playing movies, launching applications, etc. I was almost giving up in trying to find a solution for this when an apple store rep. talked to me. His suggestion was to look at the same picture on both computers at full screen. He said that for photos and prints, the antiglare image will be closer to what you get in the prints (with out any extra monitor calibration off course). When I started looking at the pictures very closely and with detail, I could see that the clarity and quality of the same picture was better and "crispier" on the antiglare than on the stock glossy resolution. That was my turn point and made my decision on the antiglare high res. There are other reasons why I wanted the antiglare, like the reflections I am getting in my home; but really the point was made once I looked at the clarity of the pictures in the high res screen compared with the standard res.
One point I noticed in the high res screen was that the only application where I could say the fonts were really small and maybe uncomfortable for me was on iWork applications. The icons for the format bar were really small. But in Office, everything seem OK for my eyes (I need glasses for long distance sight). I can say that by looking at both machines at home, the glossy colors look more vivid, and that the viewing angles are better than the antiglare which looks a little bit like washed off to me. But still, prefer not to have reflections and the crispier pictures.................
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Feb 5, 2010
I already looked all through google but I can't find any good, level, non skewed pics of a sideshot of the thickness of a 13inch uMBP and a macbook air.Does anyone have one by chance they would like to share?
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Mar 6, 2009
We all know that you could never have enough memory in our computers, so I have a fairly simple question to ask. When OS 10.6.0 comes out a.k.a. Snow Leopard, will all the Intel Core 2 Duo machines have an increased ram capacity. It looks more and more everyday as if 4GB is becoming a standard in machines and all across the board (Dell,Hp,Apple) computer these days are handling 8GB of ram with ease. So does anybody know if when Snow Leopard comes out, will there be a potential for my MacBook to contain 8GB of ram.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a unibody MacBook with a native resolution of 1280x800. I downloaded several wallpapers from [URL] all at 1280x800 and whenever I use them as wallpapers they appear either scaled up and pixelated or severely scaled down (at "Fit to screen" and "Center" respectively). Previously I had a 17" PowerBook at 1440x900 and didn't have that issue.
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Jun 16, 2012
How can I burn a high quality dvd? I have a new imac but idvd is not an option anymore. I tried downloading 'burn' but the quality of all the different formats of dvds it produced is terrible. My grandmother needs a dvd--no computer videos for her--so it's super important!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 15, 2008
I'm after some really nice speakers for my nice new Mac Pro and don't know what to get... Seen the Eclipse TD307PA II Speaker and Amplifier on the Apple site and they look great, price is a bit expensive but the wife has said "Yes!" ;O) I want some decent sound to either listen to music, possibly playback something I've created and watch a movie or two. I wouldn't call myself an sound enthusiast or anything, just want some decent quality.
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Oct 13, 2008
I've noticed when I create a PDF of a webpage using Apple's built-in "print to PDF" the files are very small, but the quality of images is not high resolution. I have some webpages I want to save in high resolution, is there a way to do this with "print to PDF", or do I have to use Adobe Acrobat or some other software?
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Oct 28, 2008
I'm not sure how to fix this problem guys... I tried this in three different browsers (Safari 3, Firefox 3, Camino). When watching a video on Youtube, it always defaults to standard quality. When I click on high quality, it gives me an error message saying the video is no longer available. I sent my friend a link who opened it in his Safari and it shows the high quality one. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
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Jul 14, 2010
After a frustrating 2 years of video editing on a PC (crash/freeze/loss of work etc), I'm looking to switch to Mac and Final Cut. Even editing high quality SD video (720p/720i), would it be insane to buy a Mac Mini? Would it not be powerful enough? My other option is waiting for the next iMac refresh.
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Aug 7, 2010
Can anyone provide me with a some extremely high quality wallpapers for my 27" imac? This screen is so huge, almost anything I use is somewhat blurry.
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Jun 23, 2012
I want to have high quality speakers to use with my macbookpro 15" to use with Band in a Box. Just wondering if anyone uses their laptop with exteranl speakers & would recommend something. I would prefer wireless but it's not a deal breaker to have to plug everything in...
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Nov 2, 2010
I am looking to invest in my first pair of really good headphones. Now I am not a hardcore audiophile but I still like my music to be as clear and correct as possible. With that said I listen to hip hop almost exclusively and love loud booming bass. I know ill get crap for saying this but I actually like the sound of Beats by Dre and I can get the studio model but those things leak sound like crazy, but as far as I've heard their bass is the strongest.
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Sep 9, 2010
How can I tell the audio quality of the music I'm downloading. Didn't they have higher quality stuff available earlier? Do they still? How do I know?
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Nov 9, 2010
I am looking for a breathtaking high quality wallpaper for my macbook pro that is 1440 x 900 resolution. I was wondering if anyone would like to share cool Lord of the Rings backgrounds that they found from the vast reaches of the internet. I also wanted to share this awesome theme that I stumbled upon for those Mac users out there that use google chrome: [URL]
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Jul 26, 2009
Transcoding from mpeg PAL to MP4 1080p in high quality with MPEG Streamclip seems to take a lot of computing power. I observe that the Mac Pro does not use the 12 GB RAM I have and I suspect it cannot utilise the HD3870 capabilities. Does anybody have ideas how I can do this faster with my hardware?
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Sep 24, 2009
I am creating a digital album booklet for a band I manage, basically I took a high res photo and type the lyrics of each song over it, then added additional pics, the booklet is roughly 33 pics. I am using Photoshop and saving each file as a PDF, I then plan on combining them all at once. I know there has to be a better way to get this done. Right now each photo is roughly 3.3mb, that's way too big! How do I get the size down?
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Dec 1, 2014
I got roughly halfway through importing my collection of about 800 CD's into iTunes 12, before realising that the default import settings applied by iTunes is not 'the best'. In fact it's not set anywhere near 'the best', it's something like 128kbps lossy format. I wanted to import my CD's in lossless CD-quality. WAV would have been ideal. However it would appear I've missed a trick by assuming it would be full-quality unless I specified something else.
I'm not using portable devices to listen to my music, I have a Mac Mini and an endless supply of hard-drive storage space, and I'm only accessing it at home.
A large number of my discs are classical and jazz, and in many cases I've needed to amend or reorganise the metadata, so that it all complies with an overall filing and categorising system that makes sense and is useful. I also have a large number of rock and blues CD's, but their metadata is normally correct when the discs are issued, so they usually doesn't need adjusting. If you're wondering, yes my taste in music is eclectic. I'm just as big a fan of Mozart as I am of Motorhead as I am of Mo Foster. The problem is that with classical and opera it's important that the 'artist' category shows the names of the performer/soloist/conductor/orchestra, not the name of the composer! (I wish I *did* have actual recordings of JS Bach playing the Well Tempered Clavier!!).
So I'm looking at this big pile of CD's thinking, "is it worth re-importing them all again at CD-quality?", because I'd really like top-quality copies, and I only really want to have to do this once. It *is* worth doing so long as I don't have to do all the jiggery-pokery with all the artist/composer data again, because that takes an enormous amount of time.
So the question is... will iTunes 12 let me re-import my discs at maximum quality, but at the same time let me keep the data that was painstakingly edited and stored with the previous (lesser-quality) versions? Or is there a workaround? Maybe I could surreptitiously replace the old audio with new audio when iTunes isn't running and hope that it won't notice?
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Jun 7, 2008
I have several problems with my NEW Imac. First is trying to archive photos. I select the correct amount of photos from IPhoto to fill a DVD. I initiate the burn process. Near the end of the burn I get a message "error." No explanation, no advice just 'forget it.' I have wasted a few discs before abandoning this operation but my photos are mounting up and I fear losing them if they are not archived. Any ideas? Second is a major problem with creating a slideshow in IDVD. get a faultless preview. Excellent image quality from my photos. I burn a DVD. I then try to play it and it jams up on the 3rd photo. I skip forward and it jams again after one or two photos. Also the quality of the photos is terrible, the dissolves are jumpy and the 'grain' and noise of the photos makes them look like 5th generation VHS. BUT it will play on my $60 DVD player to my television. Same horrible, unacceptable quality and there is always one 'glitch' in the sound, which of course wasn't there in preview. These applications are quite useless unless something can be done to correct them. I'm hoping for a magic button somewhere that will unlock these problems. Third is unrelated to photos. My Epsom colour printer will not print with the font that I have selected for my work. It's there in the font book and my laser printer finds it and prints with it. The Epsom will print this font from my G3 but not from my Imac...?
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Feb 3, 2009
A couple of years ago when I got a tv for my room, my dad built a rack of shelves into the wall, one for my tv, one for my stereo and one for random stuff. It's always been nice, but restricting. I like to move my room around, and My desk is forced to stay right next to that rack to transmit audio to my receiver via a hard wire. Seeing as my iMac has bluetooth built in, I was wondering if it is at all possible to send stereo high quality audio over bluetooth to some sort of receiver that would feed into two RCA plugs... Now, I'm not talking audiophile quality, this is just a $400 sony rig, no crown audio here, but I dont want it to sound like those old 900mhz wireless headphones with all the interference. Is this at all possible? Or am I doomed to either staying put, or running 5' of cable under my carpet?
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Sep 10, 2009
If you connect say a 13inch macbook to a 19inch monitor using the closed clamshell mode, will the picture quality on the monitor be like a stretched out version of the 13inch screen? I.e. poor, or does the macbook just act like a desktop computer and allow high quality viewing.
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Jun 12, 2009
I run the keyboard and screen at max-brightness, airport on, and 15 things open. I get 2 hours of battery life, I'd like another hour or so.
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