I go to preview a larger thumbnail of artwork in iTunes, it does one of two things. It either shows up extremely large only allowing me to view a small portion of the actual album, or a indescribable pixelated position tracker that reflects whats normally shown in the iTunes window at the top. Hopefully that made sense but I'm curious if I have some virus or something. I've got the latest version of iTunes and all.
I recently used LiteIcon to change how my folder icons look (because the oversaturated blue folders in Yosemite are ugly, in my opinion) and in the process, it messed up my sidebar icons.I did this one time before I updated LiteIcon and it did the exact same thing but I thought they would've fixed this since the update.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I keep my large music collection on an external drive connected to an Airport Extreme in my home. I've embedded all my album artwork in the music files, and previously all the album artwork was displaying perfectly in iTunes. After upgrading to iTunes 10.5, however, most of my albums are missing the album art in the album list and Cover Flow. I know that the art is still in the file because it shows up in the "Now Playing" box in the lower left corner of the screen. The only way I have found to get the album art to show up again in the album list and Cover Flow is to go through the following steps: Control-click the first track of an album for which the cover art is not displaying correctly. From the context menu that appears, select Get Info.Click on the Artwork tab, then click Cancel.
Now the artwork shows up in iTunes in all views. I called Apple Support and asked if there's a faster way to fix the issue with the database. Manually fixing each album for hundreds of albums is no fun. Telling iTunes to Get Album Artwork doesn't work because most of my music was not purchased from iTunes but was ripped from CDs I already own. It's very frustrating because I already spent hours finding and embedding the hi-res album art in my files. I paid extra for Apple products because I expect them to at least avoid corrupting my databases.
I'm constantly trying to update the artwork in iTunes with my own artwork, but I've noticed that with some songs, about a minute or two after I've updated the artwork, the old artwork pops back in its place.
Some of my cds don't have any artwork with them (choir recordings, friends' recitals, etc) so I just want to add my own pictures or artwork in itunes. The images are all under 200x200, all jpeg (though I've tried other formats as well), and when I go into the "get info" part and add it to the artwork pane, it shows up. But when I click "ok", it doesn't show up with the rest of the albums (as Cover Flow or as Grid). I've tried "clear downloaded artwork" and then adding it, but that doesn't help either.
I can't add artwork to anything in iTunes (Right click > Get Info > Artwork > Add), I can find the file and add it, the picture appears in the Get Info window but when I press ok nothing happens. I go back to it in Get Info and it's gone again. It used to work fine up until a few days ago. How to get it working again?
How do you remove iTunes artwork? I have tried to drag it out or replace with a new cover but I still cant remove the original. I used one of those software apps that import all cover artwork and now some of U2 collection has a Prince album cover on! Worse still, 'Dont get me wrong' by The Pretenders has 30 Classic Country Hits!
I've been trying to figure out how to add album cover to .flac and .aiff files for a while. When I try to add it to .flac, it just shows "Album cover not modifiable" and when I try to add it to .aiff files, it does it, but then when I quit iTunes and restart it, it's gone again.
Is this a bug or it just not possible to add album cover to them?
Btw: Audiophile, would prefer .flac or .aiff over .mp3
So I got a bit surprised after I installed iTunes 10 that I can't adjust the artwork in list view bigger! Anyone else noticed this? In iTunes 9 you could just drag the bar besides the artwork and it would increase as much as you liked. Now if you click on Album by artist you can choose artwork small - medium - large, but it's not big enough!
Just purchased the new Springsteen CD/DVD. iTunes won't find artwork for it after I ripped it to iTunes (loaded it into optical media player and automatically went to iTunes) I have tried to have it search for artwork etc., but nothing.
So I've been re-importing my CD collection (now using AIFF) after iTunes deleted most of my tracks.
Once I have imported a CD, I then open the album information tab and locate the artwork. I then go to my iTunes music folder in Finder, but the artwork is not showing in the thumbnail tracks for the albums I have re-imported; the artwork shows in iTunes, but not Finder.
For uncompressed music on my iPod, I drag the AIFF files from the CD to my desktop, then from my desktop to my iPod in iTunes.
From there I am able to use Get Info to edit the artist, album, genre, track info, etc., and that all works fine. But I am unable to associate album art with the uncompressed files.
I copy and past the artwork into the Artwork box and click okay, then nothing happens, it's as simple as that.
I tried selecting a couple uncompressed tracks AND MP3 tracks at the same time and "mass editing" the artwork, and only the MP3 files are changed, not the uncompressed files.
Lately I've found that when I add artwork to a song (or even change the name of the song), the volume decreases quite noticeably. About halfway through the bar when it is adding the artwork, the volume will permanently go down about 25-30% for the song(s).
iTunes 9 in Snow Leopard breaks the built in iTunes art screensaver, pops up with a message saying your iTunes library doesn't have any artwork (which is bollocks). You would think apple would test these sorts of things.
One of the drawbacks of Automatically get Artwork function is that even if the proper artwork is in the iTunes database, the program does not download the correct artwork. I've noticed this is a real problem for a number of my Grateful Dead recordings (especially Dick's Picks, and the Download Series). I like the iTunes artwork because it's good quality and properly formatted, in terms of size and how the image displays, for the iPod. Is there anyway to manually go into the iTunes store, and copy and paste the correct album artwork?
Also, I know that I can just go somewhere else to get artwork, and I do when needs be, so please don't just tell me to grab it from Amazon or the like.
I've searched and found others with similar issues, but none of those threads provided a solution.This is happening on just a few TV episodes. I have hundreds that work fine, but on just a few iTunes will not save the artwork. I can add it just like with any other file, either drag and drop, or using the "add" button. It appears in the window, but after hitting "ok" it doesn't apply. Hit Get Info again and there is nothing there.All of these are encoded using Handbrake with the same settings used for everything else
When I view music files from my iTunes library in the finder, the artwork is no longer previewed in the icon and in quickview. This morning with the last version of iTunes everything was OK. Has anyone else got the same problem? OS X 10.6.4.
I cannot get the artwork for some of my shows in iTunes to change.At one point they were all the same (this is my Top Gear collection). I found a different photo I wanted to use and tried to get all seasons to update. However, some episodes will not "take" the artwork and have reverted to the random screen cap that is shows when you convert it. Does anyone know how to force the artwork to change to what I want it to?I've already checked file ownership and permissions, and everything looks fine. Right now I am going to repair permissions and see if I can get it to work. I'll report back, but I'm not very hopeful.
Why is it that sometimes when I go to finder that all my music will have artwork but it will not embed in the preview pane. Or sometimes it won't show up in the little icon next to the file. I use column view in finder. There are times when album cover art doesn't show next to the song but I do in fact have album art for those files. Does it only work in the preview pane if it was actually added by itunes? I add some from iTunes and some of it manually. I would really like the cover art to be encoded and embedded as part of the file.
I have been spending a lot of time going over my music collection trying to get things in order. It will happen in windows also. I have been managing all my music on the mac (because it's much easier than doing it on the windows machine) and finding correct artwork and making all the id3 tags correct. When I transfer those files to the windows machine there will still be some songs that don't show the cover art on the icons when I do in fact have cover art for those files. Most of them show up correctly, but maybe 10-20% don't show the associated artwork.
I'm wondering if there's any way to get the artwork iTunes uses for TV shows for programs that I manually convert and ad to my library. Does anyone know of a method?
Get artwork the movie industry deems you unworthy to have. You've bought your content - enjoy it on your HDTV properly UPDATES TO THIS THREAD: 04/25: After a long time of doing this thread, I was talked into putting all the posters onto a site rather than relying on this thread and imageshack (which kept removing the posters). I will still take personal requests on this thread, but I will not be updating the artwork on it. The links to the art will remain, but I will *NOT* be updating them. The new website is: [URL] We are talking to the MetaX developer in hopes of integrating into MetaX's system and we're trying to initiate talks with the TagChimp developer to try to help him out as well. We'll see where it goes. Anyhow, enjoy the site and feel free to add and request over there. Welcome to the Unofficial iTunes Artwork Thread. Obviously you're a movie fan, either with a movie collection or you just like the artwork. Either way, we're in the same boat. The problem is that the movie industry doesn't like you to determine how best to view your purchased (and legal) content. They want to dictate it to you. As such, they don't support you watching a new DVD encode through your AppleTV or Mac Mini - much less offer the artwork to make it look clean.....................
I can click on the album artwork in iTunes (8.0.2) and it will display the larger version of an album cover, but I can't right click and copy it, or display the actual file in the finder. Sometimes I want to copy the artwork for an email, forum, etc. and don't want to always use Grab to make a screenshot. Where are the album files stored on my Mac?
I have an external drive that has all of my music stored on it. I already have been using iTunes with the external drive and have all my artwork and play lists setup. I want to move the music files to my internal drive on my 24" iMac. What do I need to do in order to move the files and not lose my artwork and playlists?
I looked in my library and saw that some of the artwork for my songs was gone. I tried to play them, but they wouldn't play. I've looked at other posts and I can't seem to find a way to fix this. All the songs are MP3 and none of them are read only.