I love AirPlay. I use it on my iPod Touch the moment I get home to play music to my speakers connected via AirPort Express. I use it on my iPad too when i'm watching a movie..
Even on my MBP when listening to music from iTunes. But Movies in iTunes don't work. The AirPlay icon in a movie playing in iTunes only shows "computer" and doesn't show any other options.
Was browsing the iTunes store and noticed that there's now the option to purchase some movies in HD (like Punisher: War Zone and Transporter 3). Has anyone tried to purchase HD movies in iTunes?
Now I know how this looks... but trust me, I'm not here to commit piracy. I just wish to see my TV shows/Movies on my big screen. My FreeSat box has a USB port which reads many many file formats, but not iTunes protected .m4v's.
Is there any way at all to remove the DRM and convert the files into something like .mp4 or .avi or .mpg? I know it isn't strictly legal, but I'm not forking out �99 for a TV and having another household running appliance when my FreeSat box can do just a good a job.
I down loaded a movie from itunes on to :apple my ipad and it took 3 hours. So i downed the same movie to my iPod touch and it only took 1 1/2 hr. What up with that?
Sorry if its been covered but I went through 4 pages and didn't see this asked. This morning I looked at the new movie section and saw most come in around 1.3gb or so, which seems too small to burn to dvd with any amount of quality.
So are these movie downloads strictly for ipods? If so, I just can't see spending $10-13 to do this.
I just wanted to pass along info on a new web app that might be of some use to iTunes Movie watchers, it's called Cinemira, which provides web previews for the entire iTunes Movie Store.
You can search the entire iTunes movie catalog with emphasis on finding iTunes HD content. Cinemira also provides a daily list of all new movies added to the iTunes Movie Store including rental, purchase, and pre-order titles.
You can do all of this from your favorite "modern" web browser. Cinemira is currently in open beta so anyone can register and use it. Check it out at [URL]
i've downloaded a movie from iTunes as .m4v and i'd like to run it on Submerge to add the subtitle cuz my english isn't great .. but it won't run and submerge is the app I trust for subtitles. any idea or advice how can i run it there or how can i add the subtitle to the movie?
With the new iTunes 9.2.1(5), I seem to have trouble sorting some of my video files. Every video file (converted from .avi to .mp4 with Handbrake, using the "Universal Apple" preset) I throw at iTunes seem to be added to the Movies section. I tried updating the metadata from Get Info, filling out the Video tab with appropriate names, season number, episode number and episode ID. That didn't get anywhere. I tried putting "TV Shows" as a genre but that doesn't do anything either. I even tried making a new folder in the iTunes folder, naming it "TV Shows" and throwing videos in there.
I would like to download some HD movies and stuff from iTunes. Thing is, I got not much space left. Can I store these movies on my external 2.0 USB hard disk?
I had an impulse to buy Avatar on iTunes because I fancied watching an action movie in HD on my Mac, but I'm in the iTunes store an it doesn't specify what resolution the movie actually is - only that it's 'widescreen'.
I've searched on Google and not found any results, so can anyone tell me what resolution iTunes movies normally are and how I can find out?
Is it easy to move itunes movies from one computer to another? If I get alot onto my imac and in a few years buy a macbook will i be able to transfer all my movies?
I've never bought iTunes music/movies before so I never bothered to know this stuff. I only buy iPhone games, and as you know it's no problem to just re-download them after a erase-and-install or whatever. But with movies+music, you can't do this. I know they are riddled with DRM (the movies, anyway), so I'm wondering how I'd preserve them between reinstalls. I know I can burn a DVD or CD and do it that way. But to be environmentally friendly (and more hassle-free ) can I just, say, transfer the movies to a folder on my iDisk, then after the reinstall, transfer it back into iTunes? Will it retain all the information, play back fine, and everything despite the DRM?
So does this mean Blu-Ray not making sales numbers like they want? This is definitely the reason why the 40GB AppleTV was discontinued it can't hold a lot of HD content.
Just wondering what were the steps to move my movies and music from PC to MAC. I have Itunes 9 on both systems.I have read the guide and threads and done some research but there seems to be different types of methods from just copying the folder to more complex. Alot of the instructions aren't for Itunes 9 specifically so I don't want to screw this up.
Is there a way to back up individual movies/tv series in iTunes? I've ripped a lot of my dvds to itunes to watch on my iphone. My macbook HD is really starting to get full. Can I just do a TM backup, and then just delete whole tv series? And then, can I individually restore them from the TM backup? If so, how? Does this make sense?
i have the harry potter movies 1-6 in my itunes library and they are not in order according to how they were made....like it goes the second one, then the fourth is next to it, etc..... so its organizing alphabetically which is fine....but is there anyway to organize them according to movie 1, movie2, etc.
Get artwork the movie industry deems you unworthy to have. You've bought your content - enjoy it on your HDTV properly UPDATES TO THIS THREAD: 04/25: After a long time of doing this thread, I was talked into putting all the posters onto a site rather than relying on this thread and imageshack (which kept removing the posters). I will still take personal requests on this thread, but I will not be updating the artwork on it. The links to the art will remain, but I will *NOT* be updating them. The new website is: [URL] We are talking to the MetaX developer in hopes of integrating into MetaX's system and we're trying to initiate talks with the TagChimp developer to try to help him out as well. We'll see where it goes. Anyhow, enjoy the site and feel free to add and request over there. Welcome to the Unofficial iTunes Artwork Thread. Obviously you're a movie fan, either with a movie collection or you just like the artwork. Either way, we're in the same boat. The problem is that the movie industry doesn't like you to determine how best to view your purchased (and legal) content. They want to dictate it to you. As such, they don't support you watching a new DVD encode through your AppleTV or Mac Mini - much less offer the artwork to make it look clean.....................
I've been trying for over a week to find someone with a 20" ACD that has downloaded HD TV shows or movies from iTunes.
Just want to know if it renders well on a 20" ACD. I ask this because the 23 and 30 inch have HD in their name and I'd like some feedback before I purchase anything
I've setup an iTunes server on a machine running OS X 10.5.5 but for some reason some of the movies play across the network and some don't. Playing the content locally off that machine works fine but as soon as the network is involved some don't work. And the same is true from all my networked machines and it's the same movies that don't work. About 1/3 to 1/2 don't work.
What happens when I double click the movies that don't work is that the "loading" window comes up and then nothing happens. This doesn't make any sense to me...
I've used Handbrake to encode several movies. Because I wanted them as "lossless" as possible they were encoded used H.264 (and are m4v files) and are in the 7-8GB range.
I'm not actually importing the movies but just pointing iTunes to the drive they sit on. For some reason it won't add them to the iTunes library. What gives? Is there a file size limit?
I haven't noticed this before, but when I went to sync a movie to my iPod, the "syncable" movie are bold and the "unsyncable" ones are greyed out. This saves me some confusion with all the movies I have encoded for AppleTV vs iPod. Running 3.0 beta 2 on iTouch 2G, iTunes 8.1.1
All my media works well (songs, podcasts, new films), but my collection of old films which I ripped, don't seem to produce any sound. I ripped 2 new films, which produce sound so I am confused why the older films will not. Just installed the new iTunes update this morning.
I'm in the process of converting my DVDs to MPEG for my AppleTV, so I've ripped and converted with handbrake, now I have an MPEG file on my desktop, when I drag that into itunes, it says "copying file" when it is finished, is it safe to delete the MPEG file on my desktop? i. e. does itunes actually create a copy so I have two of the same file? So is it safe to erase the one on my desktop?