Is there a way to specify where iTunes stores iPhone/iPad backups? I'm trying to exclude these from the home directory on my new SSD. It's 30+ GB of stuff I don't need to access on a regular basis, so it's better off kept on another disk.
Also, is it possible to share an iTunes library between my MBA and my PC so I can sync my iPad and iPhone without having to create a new library? The library file is currently on the NAS and just wanted to use the same one. Would it allow me to sync my iPhone with the PC and the iPad with the MBA using the same library on the NAS? I know this is more of an iTunes question, but figured I would post it here instead of starting another thread.
Since it's clear now that my Win 7 machine will never again run iTunes properly. I'm reduced to using my MBA for all my iTunes needs. My music collection is huge, of course (whose isn't?) but that's no problem because it exists on a networked drive and my MBA has no issues playing from it. However, both my iPhone and iPad are 64GB and I need to back them up.
I can't use the Cloud, of course, because it's not big enough (it's not just music or I'd subscribe to the music service on my iPad it's mostly other data which takes up 50GB or more). I can't back them up to my SSD because there's not enough room. So I really want them to backup to the same networked drive I'm using for my music. Except I don't see a way to do that in iTunes.
I've been searching for a note taking app that does what I want, but I couldn't really find anything. Before you start to suggest Evernote, don't. I don't like it. What I need is a simple note taking app without all the fuzz, much like Mac OS X's built in notes (Mail) that syncs to my iPad and iPhone. I should be able to create multiple notes, and I need to attach pictures to the notes (or embed them). That's really all I am asking for. The only reason I am not using Mac OS X's own notes app is that the notes have a size limit. As soon as I attach 2-3 pictures, the notes are being truncated on the iPhone and iPad (e.g. I only see part of the note, the rest is missing).
This happened once before - but I open my computer then Itunes and voila - my entire library is missing! WTF! I go to the backup library and the latest backup is from 12/07 - so I am missing over a years worth of stuff. My iphone is stocked with almost all the playlists as I had them Is there anyway to fix this or has this happened before?
I have a large music library that I have amassed over the years, but when I began ripping CDs there was no artwork on the iPod so it didn't matter, but now it would be nice to have it. I purchased a program called coverscout that finds artwork and automatically attaches it to the songs, but I have a problem. Somehow I have made every song read only. The program can't write the artwork to the tracks unless I change each one to rw. I tried to change just the directory, but that doesn't work.
Is there a terminal command to change all files in a directory to read/write? Just for your information all the songs are organized in a folder called music then subfolder of the artist and then a subfolder to that of the albums. It would be great to just change it all and then when I'm done change it back to read only.
Looks like in syncing my iPad, it tries to place the backup of my device in MobileSyncBackup on my C boot drive, which is an SSD without space, even when my iTunes install and iTunes library folder is in my 2 TB D drive.
Is there any way to permanently make iTunes place its backup elsewhere?
Basically somehow my iTunes got jacked up.. just the music part of it.. Anyway, they are all songs from my CDs or mp3's, but just as a failsafe, I would like to backup my entire iTunes library to my external hdd.
I would then like to delete all the songs from my iTunes, and from my iPhone. *edit* figure'd out how to remove all the songs from my iphone.. just unchecked all songs and sync'd.. now I just need to backup itunes and delete everything from it, then reput what I want back into itunes and resync.. sweet
After which, I would like to rebuild my iTunes library using my mp3's and CD's and basically start from scratch.. so that this time around I can properly name songs/albums/artwork/etc
Then I want to take this new iTunes library, and fill my iPhone back up with my new Library in Itunes..
so basically I just want to backup my itunes just incase for some reason I cannot find a particular CD or mp3 in my collection.
Just for the record, I am using a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard 10.6.2, and I have an iPhone 3GS 32GB running the latest 3.1.2 firmware (jailbroken using blackra1n rc3)
While trying to create a recent backup of my home directory I ran into an issue with 1 Click Backup crashing while trying to remove an older backup folder from external hard drive. The program crashed on 3 attempts. Once I restarted the program and tried to backup again for the 4th time, I noticed that my desktop icons were missing. Digging a bit deeper I found that all my personal documents, pictures and music were missing. A quick restart and found that when logging into my account it greeted me with the first time use welcome screen. Is there anyway of retaining my Home directory that appears to have been deleted by the 1-Click Backup software while trying to remove an older version of a backup on an external hard drive?
need to run a terminal command on my computer at home but it doesn't have screen sharing or remote management enabled. I do however have file sharing enabled and able to browse the drive freely. I want to run a sudo command on that drive but don't know how to run it from where I am.
I have come across a problem where my default directory in Preview 4.2 won't change when I go to Save As.. Is there a way to change this default directory?
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
I have renamed my home directory using the root then I restarted the computer. Then, I logged on with the same account that I have and I found that all the old folders have been moved to a new folder in the new directory under the old directory name.How to get back!I tried to rename it again by replacing the new name with the old name but it didn't work.. is there anyway to undo the change!! Â Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
iMac OS X 10.6.8. previously migrated account -- need to rename the account at the destination. Step 6 in the support page does not occur. I never get a chance to hit OK to this: 6. Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" appears. Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents. A red flag appears in the field that conflicts (either the short name or the full name). The name(s) cannot be changed! must cancel out.Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Previously migrated account
What is the best way to sync all my email, addresses, phones, etc?
Right now I turn off MobileMe's syncing with all devices except my MacBook Pro. Then, when I sync my devices throughout the week with iTunes everything eventually.
I've had problems with duplicate contacts and calendar items which is why I scared to experiment. Am I doing it the best way?
I find all the negative news about the death of the Mac at the hands of the iDevices to be rather entertaining but founded on a clear lack of understanding of how Apple really sells products.
One only needs to google "growth in mac sales" to see about 4 million headlines expounding the incredible growth in Mac Sales over the last few years, particularly since the introduction of the iPod, then the iPhone.
Is it not plainly obvious that the way to increase Mac sales is to attract new customers to Apple with killer iDevices with the expectation that they might strongly consider a Mac next time they upgrade their computer?
Almost everyone I know, who now owns a Mac, first purchased an iPod or an iPhone, and to a person said to me "Wow, Apple makes some incredible stuff, I need to check out a Mac". In the last couple of months, many of my colleagues have purchased their first Apple product: an iPad - and are now converted Apple faithful that will most certainly buy a Mac to sync it with in the coming months.
So everyone who loves Mac's should love iDevices and the focus that Apple puts on them. It's the iDevices that attract customers and sell Macs. And increased Mac Sales, means more better product for us.
I know it is a big business for Apple, but I am quite tired of hearing about the iPhone / iPad everyday, while we have been out of news for the desktop Mac for quite a while.
I can't seem to have my mac linked via icloud to my ios devices. When I buy a song on my ipad, it will imediately show up on my iphone and vice versa. However, nothing shows up on my mac itunes. As well, if I buy a song through itunes on my mac, nothing shows up on either of the ios devices. I have icloud turned on on my mac. I've check and triple checked all the settings and all seem to be correct.
I have had recurrent kernel panic attacks on my Macbook pro runnig 10.4.7. This seems to be OK once rebooted in safe mode but I can find the underlying software/hardware problem. The logs are not helping me with this issue.Â
Anyone have any suggestions. I am thinking of backing up all my files and erasing hard drive and starting with reloading all my applications and then files.The computer is only useable in safe mode at present.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 gHz i7 and 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
I download apps DIRECTLY to my iPhone and iPad 2 I do not download via iTunes.
When I plug in my iPad or phone (device from now on) and sync it in iTunes, it transfers and backups MY purchases fine. However the left window pane does not show the INSTALLED apps.
Theres only a list of apps, none with check marks , even if they are present on the phone or iPad. If select sync apps, it tells me it will DELETE all the apps on my device.Â
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a way to make iTunes place a check mark or recognize what IS ALREADY on my device with out having to start from scratch and delete all my apps by forcing me To manually select what apps I want installed on my device (which are already on my device!) Â Am I missing a step someplace? Shouldn't my library on my device show up on the left side of ITunes pane with apps INSTALLED already checked?Â
I have installed Lion on my Mac Book and updated to 10.7.4. / and I bought the new IPhone und the new IPad. >> The synchronization (Mails/Contacts) between IPad and IPhone via iCloud is running very well. But the synchronizsation via iCloud between my Mac and IPad and IPhone for Mails and Contacts is not running. I checked the installation of iCloud on my Mac, it's installed.
I am trying to sync my contacts and my ical from my mac to my iphone and my ipad. It gives message that there is not enough storage. Can I really be using 5 gigs to sync only contacts and ical? I only have 198 cards in contacts and the ical is what I would say as average on entries.Â
I have an App that I would like to keep in my iTunes library, but only Sync to my iPad -- not my iPhone. Right now, the App has been 'deselected' from my iPhone, but the associated file size did not decrease. My iPhone still has 1GB more than I would like. How can I remove the App and it's file from my iPhone, but preserve it on my iPad?
My ipad or iphone will not sync with my Macbook pro. This is the first "windoze" type I have ever had with an apple product. Been using them since Mac SE.Â
Itunes hangs if opened but does not hang if I connect as a guest on my macbook. I have deleted libraries, reinstalled Itune but nothing changes.